1975-03-17 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEA A1., D CON11RNI ITY LI3RA: ?Y 30 �1D - March 17, 1975 The Pearlind Community Library Board held a meeting at the libr:3ry on March 17, 1975. Members present: Betty Alexander, Nancy Sallee, Art Jones, Joe Weber, Nina Heflin, Herb Carleston, and Carolyn Gilmore. Also present, librarian, Dee Dee Willietms. Betty Alexander introduced new board member, Piancy Sallee, who is replacing outgoing member Nina Sanders. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer, Art Jones, reported a beginning balance of :11,519.49, with disbursements of 483.23, leaving a balance of $1,236.26. Dee Dee reported/101irculation figure of 5,076 for February, and reminded the board of Nfational Library Week, April 15-19. Needs for the library at this time include a 5 -drawer shelf card file, and film strips, records, etc. for story time. The library is now receiving Atlantic Monthly and other periodicals Bids were received on electrical work; C & W Electric bid 3695, and Wilson Electric $795. Joe Weber will take care of informing both companies of the boards decision, to accept C R W's bid. Carpeting bids from Baker were discussed. Herb Carleston will get opinion from the school architect on carpet samples. Betty Alexander had a bid from Paul Ham for cleaning and applying 2 coats of paint on all exterior surfaces of the library -$435.00 including paint and Labor. Art Jones moved, and Carolyn Gilmore seconded a motion to sub- mit the bid to Billy Wolfe for the City's consideration. Motion carried. Art Jones will talk with ,,Ir. Wolfe regarding the boards decision. Motion made by tart Jones and seconded by Joe Weber that Herb ^Carleston be voted Vice-Preeident, ar.d Nina Heflin, Secretary. The motion carried. Pearland Library Board — ;March 17, 1975 text meeting date for the board will be April 28, 1975 and 7:30. Motion made by Art Jones and seconded by Herb Carleston to recommend to Mrs. Van Horn th_it the library be closed March 29, 1975. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Respectully submitted, Nina Heflin, Secretary Accepted and Approved Betty Alexander, President