1975-06-02 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEARLATdD COIvNZI`I'Y LIBRARY BOARD - June 2, 19�5 The board of the Pearland Community Library met on June 2, 1975, at the library building. Members present were Betty Alexander, Art Jones, Joe ;Veber, Herb Carleston, and Nina Heflin. Also present were Dee Dee Williams, librarian; Doris hiacek, president of the Friends of the Library; Diane Croft, and Paula Maxwell. The minutes were read and approved as corrected. Treasurer's Report - Art Jones reported a balance of $1119.26. He also reported that the bill for the electrical work done in the library by the C & M Electric Company has been or will be paid by the City from Revenue Sharing Funds. Art further reported that the najor amount of the carpet cost should be paid from the current balance in the Library's share of Revenue Sharing for 1974, with the balance being paid from the new Revenue Sharing Funds (1975) when they become available in mid July. Librarian's Report - Dee Dee Reported that circulation was up in I -Say, from 3169 in April to 3359. A party will be held for those completing the reading program. She reported that a 16 mm projector is now available through Angleton. She expressed the need for an adequate book drop, and for the parking lot spaces to be marked to help control the parking situation. Friends of the_Library Report - Doris Macek reported the membership drive was over and was a big success, with four new life memberships. The membership brought in 11,027 compared with 3638 for 1974. There Utas_ a program May 15, with 44 in attendence. Flyers have been sent home from school about the summer film festival. Under unfinished business - it is the feeling of the board that the lawn needs attention, and Betty Alexander will check with Mr. Davis regarding this. PEARLRND COt11WITY LIBR.XRY BO'',RD - June 2, 1975 Art will work up the budget request for the City. It was the boards feeling that the county is in desparate need of a new library building. A motion was made by Art Jones, seconded by Herb Carles- ton, and passed by the board that a letter expressing our feelings be written to the County Commissioners and Judge. Betty volunteered to write the letter. New Business - A motion made by Art Jones, seconded by Tina Heflin, wad, approved by the board tnat we. purchase a magazine rack at a cost not to exceed $500 to be paid from new Revenue Sharing Funds as soon as available. Discussion was made on the lighting and carpeting. The lenses on some of the lighting fixtures need cleaning, The shelves need cleaning and/or waxing. The possibility of work day, with young -peoples groups from churches etc., working with adult supervision was also discussed. Dee Dee volunteered to look into the need for an ashtray for the library. Art volunteered to try to remove the coat rack. Secretary will write letter to Mr. Paul Hamm, regarding striping of park- ing lot and expressing our appreciation of the fine painting job. Next meeting will be August 25th, at 7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Nina Heflin, Secretary Anproved Betty Alexander, President