February 15, 1983 7:30 P.M.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved following the opening of
the meeting by Chairman Faye Hunter.
Nancy Sallee gave the Treasurer's Report as follows: a balance of $302.55 is
now on hand.
John Moorman brought the slide presentation about the Brazoria County Library
System Foundation that Dow has made recently. The board viewed the presentation
which is now available for group meetings. Mr. Moorman commented on the circula-
tion statistics that circulation is again up over this month of last year.
Dede Williams had no special report.
Dennis Frauenberger reported on the new library building that the bid did come
in at a low figure and the contract was let at the council meeting. Equipment
for the projection room is not included in the price, but since the bid was well
under budget, council will investigate getting projection equipment. The bid
was good in that the economy favors a lower price now. Dennis discussed one
or two alternates which the council considered on the plan.
The groundbreaking for the new library will be held Saturday, February 19th
at 11:00 A.M. Barry S mink is in charge of the program which the board should
plan to attend. Faye will contact Mr. S mink to see if anything needs to be
Faye re -affirmed that one does need to appear to be sworn in again when re -appoint-
ment to the board is made.
Nancy Sallee asked whether there is anything we can do to encourage memorialsor
gifts to the library at this time. Dennis said there are about four active
civic clubs in the area which might be interested in the slide presentation and
John encouraged this. Nancy asked i.1 we would want to send letters to various
groups announcing the slide show. Guy Roberts and Dennis will inquire about
presenting the program at the Chamber of Commerce. Faye will contact some area
P.T.A. officers to see about showing the slides.
The plan of having a mailer made up to be placed in public places was discussed,
the purpose of the mailer being to encourage donations or memorials. John gave
an example of what forms of reminders have been used in the county. Nancy made
a motion that the board spent up to $100.00 to have mailers made up for donations
or memorials. Dede will get a sample from elsewhere in the county and board
members can make up how our form should read.
Nancy Sallee will send a card from the board to the family of Paula Maxwell,
recently deceased, who was formerly a president of the Friends of the Library.
Motion made and carried that meeting be adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Demecs, Secretary