1983-06-21 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF PEARLAND BRARY BOARD June 21, 1983 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Faye Hunter. Nancy Sallee was absent so there was no treasurer's report, but it is known that we had expenditures of $120.00 for the memorial envelopes, which will now be available in the library. Dede Williams reported that the city hearing on the new budget will be held in July. Mr. Moorman reported that the county book sale was successful, with $958.07 having been made to be used for rebinding and materials for the county. John continued that the rear projection room materials will be going out for bids. In his comments on statistical report he pointed out that Pearland showed an increase in circulation. There are over 77,000 borrowers in the county now. The budget request for the county libraries for 1984 has been presented to Commissioner's Court. A 16.5% increase has been requested. For Pearland, because of the new library, $20,000 for library materials has been requested. There will be an increase in the county request because of the maintenance budget. Mr. Moorman further reported that applicants have been interviewed for the Assistant Director's position. There will be available for use for the county library system a camera that will use Polaroid black and white film,for publicity purposes. Mr. Moorman has been elected vice president and president-elect of the small and medium-sized libraries section of the Public Library Association, a division of American Library Association. Dolores Fenwich was invited to tell the board how newspapers can best publicize library activities. She said pictures of kids participating in activities are a drawing card for readers. Photos which dramatize what people are doing are best. Deadlines for information are Monday at 3:00 for the Wednesday paper and Thursday at 3:00 for the Saturday paper. One problem with organizational reports is that they are often small stories, and she urged reporters to embellish the article if possible. This information might be helpful also for the Friends of the Library. Dede reported the total budget request is $29,000.00, but part is approximate because the utility costs are estimated as well as custodial costs for the new building; however, she said a large increase has been allowed for utilities. $12,000.00 has been requested for books, including the McNaughton lease plan. On the summer reading club, she reported about 1400 books were checked out the first day. She exhibited Polaroid pictures of rope tricks and told about Mark Storm drawing for the children. She does have extra help this summer and was able to purchase an opaque projector from this year's city budget. Dede reported the Friends of the Library are doing well. They have elected officers and have a fund-raising committee and plan to make October their fund- raising month. There will be a booth at Founder's Day to encourage new members. Jime Bratton, Nancy Sallee, and Dede Williams have visited the Grandmothers, Club and explained the Friends of the Library. PEARLAND LIBRARY BOI. MINUTES (Cont.) June 21, 1983 Faye said different groups in the community have asked about making donations to the new library. Faye asked for discussion of whether we should do anything in addition to what the Friends are doing to solicit funds from groups. Dede said she felt what the Friends does is sufficient, and Mr. Moorman concurred in that it is best to let one group handle the job so as not to duplicate efforts. The Lioness group is one organization which wants to view the county's film presentation, and Faye has contacted the PTA Council president and the film will be shown in September to her group. The brochure from the Grand Opening of the Sweeny Library was shown and discussed. Motion made and seconded and carried that meeting be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Judy Demecs