1983-09-20 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD M1._,TES 7:30 P. M., Sept. 20, 1983. After a pre -meeting tour of the new library building, the library board meeting was called to order by Chairman Faye Hunter. Present were Nancy Sallee, Bettye Alexander, Guy Roberts, Dennis Frauenberger, John Moorman, Dede Williams, and Judy Demecs. Nancy Sallee gave the treasurer's report that the board has $182.55 left in the regular account and $56.85 in the savings account. Jolxn Moorman, BCLS Director, reported that the Brazoria County budget has not yet been finally approved, but it had passed the first hurdle. The $20,000.00 in .special funds allotted for the Pearland library was still in the budget. Mr. Moorman also proposed an arrangement for a coin-operated copy machine for the public in the new library. He suggested that the Friends of the Library sign the necessary contract with the co-operating company. The company which places said machine in the library would bear all expenses, and the Friends of the Library would realize 10% of the profit. Nancy Sallee offered to speak to the Friends organization for their approval. Faye Hunter volunteered to ask city manager Ron Wicker for his approval, since the Zerox copier now in use would stay in the city budget for library staff use only. Dennis Frauenberger, city council liaison, reported that the city budget had not officially been adopted but it has been approved by council. The library portion was reduced by $2,150.00 from the amount requested, leaving a total budget for 83-84 of $27,175.00. Capital outlay represents $10,000.00 of this total. Last year's budget was a total of $21,000.00. Dennis also suggested that the Rotary Club of Pearland may want to donate between $2,000.00 and $5,000.00 to the library for something of lasting value. Guy Roberts concurred and they were given several ideas to consider with no decision having been reached at this time. Dede Williams, Pearland Librarian, reported on the success of the local Summer Reading Club and the general upward trend of all statistics. She indicated that the library is considering extension of open hours of service from the present 46 -hour week to 50 or 52 when in the new library. The actual move to the new library and various methods of moving were discussed at some length. Several helpful suggestions were made. Pancamo will be contacted by Bettye Alexander about the loan of a moving truck. Expected moving date will be about early December. John Moorman plans to talk to the architect about lowering certain cabinets and storage shelves so they can be easily reached and raising some desk top areas to typewriter level. John recommended we continue to have monthly meetings to plan for events such as open house and dedication. Nancy Sallee reported that the Friends group is doing great things with much enthusiasm. She emphasized that they would really welcome some support from the Library Board members. Their "Buy a Book Month" for October will kick off at Founders' Day. During this drive they hope to raise $20,000.00 for books for the new library. Lyn Ogle is the new president of the organization. Dede and John recently showed the BCLS film to the Lionesses and the group contributed $100.00 to the library. Dede circulated the thank -you note she will send. John also reported that he showed the film to the PTA Council and they were enthusiastic. Minutes of September Meeting (Cont.) John recently attended the national annual meeting of American Library Association, as he is an officer in the Public Libraries Division of this group. One aim of the group is to see that small and medium-sized libraries are represented in the larger organization. John feels that smaller libraries are doing more practical things in recent years as a result of their meetings. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Judy Demecs