Called Meeting, Nov. 9, 1983 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by chairman Fay Hunter. Minutes were read and
approved as corrected.
In regard to the furnishings from the old library, Ron Wicker has suggested that
they be advertised in a publication Texas Town and Clty so that a town could be
found which needed our furnishings. John Moorman said the county historical museum
might be interested in purchasing our card catalog and also suggested we advertise
in the Houston paper. The Mayor reminded us that city property must be disposed
of in a certain manner to meet legal requirements, and Dennis said that Gary Jackson
could ' he;1F.us advertise in the proper way. Dennis will find out what we need to
do in this regard. Mayor Tom Reid said he felt sure resulting funds could be used
by the library.
Library dedication - Dennis is to be a coordinator with Ron Wicker for the dedication
of the library on December 10, 1983. Three hundred invitations have been ordered,
175 of which are for the library board. The Mayor requests 50 and we need to check
to see there are no duplications of his list and the board's. Ron Wicker is planning
to call a meeting with the board and other interested parties to plan the dedication.
Furniture will not be moved into the library in time for the dedication, so people
may tour the vacant building, and a more formal open house may be planned for a
later date. Friends of the Library could have a booth at dedication if they wished
to solicit funds at that time.
Fay, asked the mayor to talk, about the communication system for the city. The
system now in use, which the city has had for about a year, can handle 400 phones,
and the computer -operated system will not permit any unauthorized long distance calls.
This system is the same as the one used by Brazoria County. Mr. Moorman described
problems that the Angleton Library had had with the system. Tom Reid suggested that
the system be tried and if complaints are received, these will be handled individually.
Dede emphasized that telephone calls going through the city system might deter calls
going to the library because callers to the library often like anonymity. Dennis
will find out what would-be necessary to have a direct line to the library through
the present system.
Tom said there will be concrete curbs and gutters from FM. 518 past the library.
According to Bill Miller, there will be a sign from the corner on Liberty Drive
saying "Library," then as one enters the building there will be two signs to the
left directing one to the library. John recommends there be signs directing one
down FM. 518 to Liberty Drive, and listed specific locations where signs should be
The policy for the meeting room in the library was discussed. Dede showed copies
of the Lake Jackson Library policy and John recommended that the city formally
adopt this policy. The mayor reminded the group that library usage must come first,
and extra scheduling to be allowed after that. The mayor said Barry Schmenk of the
Parks Dept. is the city scheduler, but Barry would check with Dede before committing
the library meeting room.
After discussion, John and Dede said early in January would probably be the moving
Called Meeting, Nov. 9, 183 (Cont.)
Dennis told John Moorman that Rotary Club did not seem enthusiastic about what he
told them about the index system service the club might purchase for the library.
Dennis requested that John demonstrate or explain the service further to the Rotary
board, and John said he would be pleased to.
Friends of the Library have raised about $8,000.00 to date in their drive. K -Mart
donated $500.00.
The group agreed there is no need to have a regular meeting in December. Should some
need arise, a meeting can be called.
Respectfully wsubmitted,
Judy Demecs, Secretary
Minutes approved,
Fay Hunter, Chairman