1984-02-21PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPearlend Library Board Mir. _es February 21, 1984 The meeting was called to ,order in the new library by Fay Hunter. Present were Dennis Frauenberger, John Moorman, Bob Chagrin, Nancy Sallee, Guy Roberts, Judy Demecs, Bettye Alexander, Dede W:�lli'ams;Iand Mayor Tom Reid. Faye directed us to refer to information on the library meeting ifoom policy. A new policy represents thoughts from both the library board and the parks and recreation department. Dede commented that the rear projection room has not been used yet because the equipment is not yet installed and is due this week. Dede and Dennis pointed out that there are several "outs" to prevent useof the room by undesirable parties, and Dennis urged Dede to plan her library schedule three to four weeks ahead of time so that all library -related activities could have space reserved on the calendar. Dede reported that everything belonging to the library that needs to be kept is out of the old building. Remaining shelves and furniture will be taken care of by the city, she understands. Faye asked board members present to comment on their reactions now that the library has been completed. Mr. Moorman commented that Pearland has the best -built facility in the county system and the second-largest facility. Tom Reid said he remembered that the first revenue-sharing check that came in when he was on the council was spent on the library, and named Bettye as one of the first to be greatly interested in the project. All present highly commended Dede and her staff for the good job they did of planning and transacting the move. Dennis said the city signs pointing to the new library are on order,, and Tom asked Dennis to check into the possibility of adding a light from the turning -in point from Liberty Drive into the parking lot. Also, clocks are needed to hang in the auditorium and in two or three.:places. Faye asked whether it would be agreeable to board members to consider the third Tuesday of each month as regular library board meeting day. All concurred in this. Tom Reid said that in agreement with the city's open -meeting policy we must post an agenda on Friday evenings before the Tuesday meetings, We may wish to review the standard agenda format with Dorothy Cook, Tom suggested, Special meetings will also need a format posted. Faye asked Dede to read, just for our review, the function of the library board from the ordinance. Faye commented the board is making an effort to comply with standard proceedings of city meetings. It was discussed whether library board or the Friends of the Library will have an entry in the April 7th Chili Cook -off sponsored by Parks and Recreation Dept. Nancy Sallee will see if the Friends can participate as a publicity gimmick. If they do not wish to, we will drop the plan for this year. The secretdrY reminded the board we voted to pay Dede's membership to Texas Library Ass'n, and Nancy will take care of that. In John Moorman's report he commented that Steven Brown will come to the county system from Houston Public System as Asst. Director for the county, and a new reference librarian will also be beginning. The annual book sale is in West Columbia on April 13 and 14, and we will be contacted for help. The county plans call for recommending two bookmobile stops in Pearland, one to be in the south part of Corrigan and one in North Corrigan. Judy requested a sign for her school, since it is in the area affected, and John will see that one is provided. Library Board Minutes (Cor February 21, 1984 Dede asked whether the board still desired to have an open house for the new library, and all agreed to do so. It was decided a Saturday would be best because the staff would be available for help guests find books and show them around. Mr. Moorman said he's heard expressions from library -interested people in other towns who would like to see ours. Dennis said the city would provide postage necessary for invitations. Bettye suggested something special for children would help attract a crowd, and it was suggested that Lynn Ashby be invited since he mentioned the Pearland Library once at TLA convention. The Friends would want to help in the plans, and it was decided those who could stay after this meeting would plan further for food, etc. Dede reported the library is presently on the city switchboard and problems are being worked on. Dede asked Dennis and the Mayor whether any money is left in the library fund from the bond issue. Dennis said he would inquire about the purchase of such items as a micro -fiche reader -printer, which would be among a list Dede might make if there should be about $5,000.00 remaining. Dede is to give Dennis a request list to be'shown to council. One item suggested is an electric typewriter for public use. Mr. Moorman said one is heavily used in Lake Jackson and sometimes typewriters are handled by Friends groups. Dennis said he has one typewriter he will allow the library to use for the present, and John suggested revenue from its rental should go to the library for maintenance. Nancy made the motion and it carried, that we offer the typewriter rental service and support it. The fee is to be 50� per hour to be paid to Dede for upkeep. Dede announced that on Thursday, May 3rd at the Houston Public Library, a day -long seminar will be offered on library boards and their activities. Fay read a section from the ordinance about election of officers and then opened the election. Tom Reid and the board unanimously concurred in the re -appointment of Faye as Chairman. Guy Roberts was nominated by Betty Alexander, seconded by Bob Chagrin, and carried..for vice chairman. Judy Demecs was nominated by Nancy Sallee and was elected for secretary. A motion was made to adjourn, seconded, and carried. Respectfully submitted, Judy'Demecs Secretary Minutes approved, ' A'L_� v G� U Fay Hunter Chairman