1984-09-25 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPearland Library Board �__autes Sept. 25, 1984 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Fay Hunter. Present were Bettye Alexander, Dede Williams, County Assistant Director Steve Brown, and Judy Demecs. Some updating of old business opened the meeting. The copy machine is now in use, and movies for videocassettes are being circulated. Steve reported that the new county administrative offices have been occupied. Bettye will be bringing pie savers to sell at the Founders' Day celebration. Dede reported that August circulation was up over the 1983 month of August. She invited board members to view the history exhibit in the lobby display case. Bettye has aided in seeking items for the display, and Mrs. Heflin and others have donated articles which they could not keep. A 160 slide presentation has been borrowed about Pearland's history which Dede will duplicate to keep. One item Dede got is the booklet Early Days in Pearland, which was assembled for the bi-centennial. Bettye suggested it could be copied and offered to the public for sale. The micro/fiche reader/printer has been deliwmd'butis not in use yet. Dede has not heard anything recently about the status of directional signs for the library. The board discussed the request by a Keith Turner group to use the meeting room. The group felt it is not in the best interest of keeping the room in good condition to have it used by such a money -making group. Southwestern Bell has donated twelve microfiche readers to the city and the library has kept two. These will ba useful in use of the microfiche abstracts that the Rotary Club and the county will purchase. Dede has received samples of the Walker system, a method of putting pictures, etc., up for display without damaging the walls. A meeting will be held tomorrow to work out problems with regard to the rear projection room. Dede has received a check from the Friends of the Library for $9,500. with which to buy books. Our library employees will have a fire dafety demonstration soon because there has been arson at the Clute Library. Steve and Dede explained that an extra custodian was not included in the new budget, but that provision for a night supervisor in the Parks and Recreation Dept. may free some custodial time for the library. Steve commented he is pleased that reference figures are up from one year ago, as well as circulation. 734 new books came into the Pearland Library this month, with more help at the county level. 3,000 books have been processed county -wide. Steve circulated sheets describing the McNaughton Book Plan. Also, he showed brochures describing workshops to be offered at the U. of H. about operating a small business and the bibliography of books providing information the the subject, put out by the BCLS. Fay asked Steve to described the new administrative offices. He said they are now in a remodeled old house which will provide needed space to work in and space for reproduction of graphics. He thinks some space formerly used for offices in the library may be used for study areas. Pearland Library Board ,utes Cont. Sept., 25, 1984 Bettye commented that the County System has done well in providing more funds for library facilities and that John has aided this process by providing good communi- cation between Commissioners' Court and the library. Bettye discussed the book sale and sAid set-up will be on Thurs, Oct. 11, with the sale hours of 5 to 9 on Friday 12th, and 10 to 5 on Sat. 13th. Nancy Sallee has arranged for Boy Scouts to be here for clean-up from 5 to 7 on Saturday. Fay and Bettye will inquire whether the banks would run announcements of the sale. Bettye will check on putting up a portable sign. Bede demonstrated the rear projection room equipment and showed samples of the his- torical slide presentation about Pearland. Bettye said John plans to place emphasis on the Endowment Fund for the BUS Foundation next year and she asked the group to consider what we might have for a kick-off, such as a dinner. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 41 Judy emec�, Secretary Fay H nter, Chairman Pearland Library Board Mi^utes January 15, 1985 7:30 P, . Meeting was called to order by Fay Hunter, and the minutes were read by Rosalie Olah. There was a correction to the November minutes in that the $.88 interest was added to the savings account, not checking account. Dede thanked Nancy Sallee and her husband for the Christmas tree donated to the library. The treasurer's report was given by Nancy as follows: #136.60 opening checking account balance 75.31 deposit, 11-30-84 25.00 Texas Library Association 22.70 deposit, 12-21-84 $209.61 new balance Savings account $64.12 .90 interest added $65.02 Dede reported she is removing the Pearland history exhibit this month. February will feature Walter Vaughn's models of early forts, and March a painted egg exhibit. Dede asked if anyone had ideas for the displays. Typewriters have arrived and are in use. Steve Brown, a security system analyst, has reviewed the library's method of book loans and advised we have more books in the library than are listed. A new brochure is being planned for the library, as well as a new map of Pearland, to be given to new families. Dede commented that the video tapes are in big demand. John Moorman noted that Pearland's increase in size has been so rapid and it will be close to second largest in the county for number of books in the library. Revised statistical sheets are forthcoming. It John's hope that the growth of the community and the library will show more interaction in the future. Pearland is to receive a new public copy machine. A new offset duplicating machine is now installed in the county system offices. John has begun work on 1986 budget planning. Tom Reid reported that the library vacancy on the board expires in February. A new prospect will be required to have disclosure forms stating whether the party has conducted or will be conducting business with the city, because of possible conflict of interest. Tom said he has a good candidate for the board and will bring this up with the council on the 28th of January. Tom said according to the city ordinance the board is required to meet every month, but he will help to change that with the new City Attorney, Luke Daniel. Tom suggested that the libary board would like to choose their own leadership; the board concurred. John said he would look at the ordinance and advise Tom if any other changes need to Pearland Library Board Mi `es (Continued) January 15, 1985 be made. Possible changes now would be concerning 1) yearly terms 2) March the month elections would be due 3) February would be month of expired term. Bettye asserted that the number of meetings a year should not be left to the board's discretion and that there should be at least four or five meetings per year. Tom suggested that there should bie attendance requirements and that note should be taken of attendance and absenteeism. In cases of an absentee problem, the president of council should be notified and the board member replaced or not reappointed. Tom will introduce such procedures at the January 28th meeting. John will put together the by-laws for mom's reference and .ohn will also attend the council meeting. Nancy will bring bank balance sheets annually to meetings. She reported she has many of these at home. Fay inquired about the new library signs and Tom informed the board that the new signs will be combined signs for the chamber and library. Dede asked if a site for the new police station has been selected, and Tom said it will be on the west side as close to FM 518 as possible. The land will have to be purchased. The city hall will be built near the library at the city center and will be a three-story building. FM 518 is to be a five -lane highway, with construction to begin in summer or fall of 1986. Dede questioned what should be done with funds from the rental typewriter donated by Dennis. She will call Dennis and verify that funds are to be used for repair. The use of the funds will be voted on at next meeting. A new rental typewriter, an I.B.M. Selectric II or III preferred, is being saved for and should cost about $634.00. Dede commented on the need for volunteers for dusting and for typing names in donor cards of new books. Bettye suggested senior citizens might like to do this and that there should be a training day for volunteers. Fay showed a front page picture and story featuring the library and its activities. Dede will send a reminder of library plans to the newspapers each month. Lynn will have a general meeting January 30th at 7:00 P.M. for a spring membership drive. She plans an annual meeting and membership drive, with Founders' Day also a membership drive day. Dede announced ideas for the library's first anniversary, such as a no fines day. John mentioned an open house to which the community would be invited, and Nancy suggested a clown. Dede said Joe Hicks wants to donate pictures as a permanent gift, and others have mentioned donations of art. John said the policy should be that any art used should be purchased by the board or an appointed committee. Pearland Library Board M? -tes (Continued) January 15, 1985 Bettye inquired how the janitorial service has been doing for the library. Dede reported that the cleaning service has suffered in the absence of a Parks Director since one has resigned and a new one has not yet been appointed. Dede reported that the projector does not work properly and that she informed Gary Jackson of this. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Rosalie Olah, Acting Secretary Fay Hunter, Chairman i