1985-05-13 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPearland Library Bt d Minutes May 13, 1985 Dinner was served to City Council members at 6:00 P.M., which was the Board's way of thanking city officials for their support of library concerns. Approxi- mately 10 guests were present. Rosalie Olah called the business meeting to order, with all board members present except Bob Shagrin. The minutes were read and a correction made in reference to the location of a new mall, so that the minutes would reflect the mall to be at Highway 288 and Highway 6, not FM 518. The minutes were approved as corrected. The treasurer reported that $100 was taken from the checking account to pay for Jerri Berens, the dietitian who spoke at the adult program, leaving $148.36 in checking. Savings account balance remained $65.02. Dorothy Thompson has given Nancy a book with details for handling city funds but told Nancy she has been doing the job correctly. =he librarian's report by Dede included her description of plans for summer activities and she showed items they will use to encourage children's attendance. Swimming pool passes will be included in prizes. Dede thanked everyong who attended the dietitian's two -session workshop on weight control and diet, and also the wild flower slide presentation. The next program offered will be a child abuse prevention program on Wed., May 22nd, called Strong Kids, Safe Kids. Dede asked if future funds from the copy machine could be used to invite Jerri Berens back again. John Moorman stated he hoped the Friends would provide assistance in the future on funding programs. Dede reported many children's books from the order provided by Friends funds have arrived, and that Nancy could use help in processing them. New circulation clerk in the library is Linda Freeman, and Dedehas requested two from the work -experience program for summer, but may receive only one. John reported that approximately $1100 was made on the book sale, making a total of $2500 including the fall sale. He reminded us it is county budget time and commented how Pearland will be affected by changes. A reference librarian has been requested for 1986, but county funds may be tight. Revenue sharing may be ending. John commended Billy Joe Plaster for his interest in libraries. Also he said he wished to express thanks to Jack Harris for his legislative work for libraries. John suggested a letter from the board would be helpful to thank Mr. Harris for the bill he sponsored, so the secretary will write this. John may get to invite guests to our library in June when he hosts the nominating committee for TLA, but the meeting could be held in another town. Suggestions for future adult programs the library could offer were discussed. Recommendations have been given to Rosalie about some persons who might be willing to address medical problems in a meeting. Dede has contacted the Arthritis Foundation but they are booked presently. Pearland Library Board Minutes (Continued) May 13, 1985 New dates for the fall book sale will be October 24, 25, and 26th. John reported results on the vote on Bill 270. The bill has passed the Senate, will be out on the floor of the House, and should pass. Rosalie asked if there is any new information on future library sites. Bettye asked if she might have permission to inquire of a developer she knows who has land in the vicinity of the new mall development, whether the developer might meet with library representatives. Fay made the motion that Bettye write a letter to the developer; motion carried. John reported that Southdown is now one of the county's best -used bookmobile stops and he requested that he be informed if anyone knows of a good prospective bookmobile site. The next regularly -scheduled meeting will be in September. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved, Judy Demecs, Secretary Rosalie Olah, Chairman