1986-01-21 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPearland Library Board Minutes
Tuesday, January 21, 1986, 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Rosalie Olah with the following present:
Nancy Sallee, Bettye Alexander, Dede Williams, and Judy Demecs. John Moorman
was attending the ALA meeting in Chicago. The minutes were read and approved as
rear' from the November 19th meeting.
Nancy gave the treasurer's report as follows: $111.31 Old balance
60.33 Deposit from vending Co.
The savings account remains the same.
Dede presented the statistical report and announced that January and early spring
plans for programs include a speaker on IRA's, handwriting analysis, landscape
gardening, and a speaker on Texas history. Dede said First National Bank has been
very cooperative about posting announcements of programs and there was discussion
of what other means we can use to announce programs besides rental signs. She
said Tom Reid wants to wait until later in the spring before putting artifacts
into the display case in the library foyer.
Dede reported that the grouting needing repair on the outside of the library
building has not been attended to as yet. In the Mayor's absence, there was not
a report on the custodian needed for the library.
Since attendance for this meeting was low, Rosalie said she will check with the
person who sends out meeting notices,and find out whether Rev. Travis and Dennis
Frauenberger will be able to attend in the future. If Rev. Travis will not be
able to attend, the board would need two persons to replace Bob Shagrin and him.
Nancy was asked to consider whether she will wish to be re -appointed since this
year is her year for such. Dede said she may have some suggestions for persons
to serve on the board, as may Mayor Reid.
The next board meeting will be held in March. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Demecs,
Rosalie Olah Chairman