1987-03-17 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Pear land Library Board Mini s
March 17, 1987
Rosalie Olah gave the invocation to open the meeting. Those in attendance were Dave
Beckman, Fay Hunter, Bettye Alexander, Nancy Sallee, Dede Williams, and Steve Brown.
Dede read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved.after a correction
in the treasurer's report to make the account balance $399.67. In the treasurer's report,
Nancy stated the amended amount of $399.67 is correct and remains the same.
Dede reported an increase in Pearland Library use. She has reserved Rosalyn Cogburn
for a book review and needed $150.00 for the fee in advance. Bettye made a motion that the
board spend the money; Fay seconded the motion. It was decided that punch and cookies
would be served in the mall area following the book review. Bettye will bring cookies
and punch and Fay and Nancy offered help. On Saturday the llth}Tom Townsend, whose cook was
nominated for the Texas Bluebonnet Award, will entertain at the library. Dede further
reported that winners of a drug awareness art contest would have their work displayed in
the library.
The theme for the summer reading club is "Animal Antics." Dede reported the Teas
Gardening program w.as successful with between 20 and 30 in attendance. Bettye said
since the city is in the process of developing a new sign ordinance, we will not get
one for the library now.
A sidewalk is being finished in the rear of the building. Dede asked about a wheelchair
ramp and it was decided that Ron Wicker should be consulted on this. The restrooms have
been vandalized and new toilet seats must be bought.
Steve Brown reported the site is ready for the county booksale at Brazos Mall in Lake
Jackson on Friday, April 3, and Saturday, April 4th. A work sheet was available for
both days.
Bettye reported that Steve was appointed by Commissioners' Court to be Director of Brazoria
County Library System, and he was congratulated by everyone.
Steve and Bettye went with county library board members to Austin to visit with
Senator Buster Brown and Tom Uher, Chairman of Ways and Means Committee, asking that
budget funding not be cut. The board explained to the senator and commissioners
some of the problems of libraries, and reported feeling very good about the meeting.
Respectfulh�tted, ,i / , /
ud� y mecs Rosalie Olah
Secretary (from notes taken by Rosalie) Chairman