1988-05-17 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF PEARLAND LIBRARI ADARD May 17, 1985 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rosalie Olah asked Steve Brown to give the invocation. Present ware Billie Garrison, Fay Hunter, Ed Fondren, and Judy Demecs. No Treasurer's report was given in Nancy's absence. Billie Garrison reported for Dede. A program called "Food for Fines" was done during National Library Week, and food brought to the library was given to Christian Helping Hands organization. Billie -said the Rosalyn Cogburn book review was well attended. As regards literacy volunteers, Billie reported that tutors have been spasmodic in the past in using the library for tutoring, and that no tutors have used the library for tutoring recently. She said the tutors are discouraged because pupils do not show up and do not send word. Billie commented on personnel in the library, in that two new employees reported in the minutes of the last meeting have since resigned. New pages are Menh Doan and Beth Bloodworth, but they will not be here in the summer. Linda Freeman, a clerk, is leaving the library due to her husband's transfer. Billie is now interviewing CETA workers, a prospective page, and a clerk. CETA employees must meet certain requirements. Pages usually wark 20 hours per week, according to Billie. Plans are made for the summer reading program. Steve Brown reported that the county book sale was very successful- .in April, making over $1,800.00. Books have gone to the bindery in Waco as a result of these funds, and volunteers from all over the county participated in the effort. Steve updated the status of the union catalog project with two school districts, called the Braznet Project. All schools have completed their part of the conversion and the county is now working on their part. Billie asked if county patrons would be allowed to request book titles from titles shown on the school lists. Steve said that although clients would not be allowed to go into the school libraries because of insurance and other reasons, they could request a book titleifrom a school, and the school could allow its use if they did not need it. Steve reported that a second -year grant proposal has been submitted which would include Alvin and Alvin Comminity College during the next year. Steve reported that Texas Library Association Convention in Corpus was a good experience this year, and that people from other areas asked him about the union project. Billie told the board that some students in library school masters' programs reviewed several check-out policies, and a California school liked Brazoria County's policy the best. She said she thinks the BC LS circulation policy is liked for its humane approach and lack of flowery language. Ed asked how our check-out policy differs with those from other areas, and Billie said our policy is one of offering services and is people - oriented. Steve reported that our fine policy differs from most in that fines are kept very low. Also, anyone 15 or over can get a card free if can show proof of address, M i_AU'TES OF PEARL&ND LIBRAY 9OARD (Coat o) Page 2 May 17, 1988 7:30 P.M. Bettye spoke to a Friend's group in the spring in Freeport to aid them in getting a bond issued passed which would have been for a city hall, convention center, and library. The bond election failed but not because of the library. Steve said Bettye was helpful to the cause. Steve reported that the umbrella literacy group met to work on taxsafree status and on funding. The group's goal is to secure and provide funding for literacy groups. Corporations are often interested in the literacy program because of the need for a trained work force. Wal4Mart and Pizza Hut have expressed such an interest. The group plans to seek governmental funding and is working with Revion IV Educational Service Center on this. There are a number of other vacancies in the county system, Steve reported. The head of the business office is leaving and the Alvin librarian position will be open. He brought statistics for April, and pointed out that it is the second month in . a ;:ow for Pearland's circulation increase. Steve considered the report a positive one for the county overall, and the summer reading program is yet to come. The library card contest brought many children to the library with their parents. Judy reported that many teachers from her school brought their classes as a whole to the library to visit and get cards. Steve asked Bettye and Rosalie about their visit to city council. Rosalie said she gave an outline of future library plans and expressed thanks for council's support. Billie stated that Mr. Wicker, Janet Eastman, and other city personnel have been very helpful in Dede's absence due to illness. There is now no laiason person from library board and council, since Dennis Frauenberger is not on council. Billie said the proFq cedure is that we have to appeal to council to ask for them to appoint a replacement. Richard Tetens was suggested as a good candidate since his family uses this library. Ed Fondren agreed to ask Mr. Tetens if he would be agreeable to being the laiason. Billie discussed Dede's concern about getting our Friends group going. She said Dede would appreciate suggestions in this area. There presently are officers but the group is inactive. Steve said there are about seven active Friends groups in the county, and suggested that P.T.A. is a group that might yield interested members. Steve said he would be glad to assist in any way in establishing an active group, and said as soon as Dede is well, the present president should be asked if she is no longer interested in working in this capacity. He asked us to begin thinking about potential members. Dede has gotten donations from some Pearland area businesses as she mentioned she planned to do in the January meeting. S teve has done some preliminary checking on parsons involved in area d eve lopment in regards to getting a site for future library development in the Highway 288 area. Judy asked for information on the Bookmobile schedule for the .sulnter for her school patrons. Rosalie expressed hope for Dede's health to improve steadily and announced the next meeting will be third Tuesday in June. Respectfully submitted, 244.-// Jt "dy Dernar Secretary' Lt� Rosalie Olah Chairman