1989-06-20 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES June 20, 1989 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Rosalie. Present were Richard Tetems. Ed Fondren, Dave Beckman, Fay Hunter, Nancy Sallee, Bettye Alexander, Mayor Tom Reid, Dede Williams, and Judy_ Demecs. The invo- cation was given by Tom. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Tom asked some questions about Braznet and how it works. This was discussed. Bettye said she heard the Alvin High School librarian comment on how useful the system has been to her students The treasurer's report was given by Nancy as follows: $ 270.73 balance - 150.00 disbursement for Roslyn Cogburn, speaker $ 120.73 Balance Dede reported that she Has spoken to the vendor in charge of paying for the copy machine use, as he is far behind. Then she showed some Summer Reading Club materials and said about 1,000 children are signed up. Already in June 16,000 books have been circulated. The library has two CETA workers. The system being used for extra programs for the reading club is that 125 tickets have been handed out to keep the number from becoming too large; parents are allowed to go in after that number have been circulated if there is room remaining. Dede circulated information showing the library's requests from the upcoming budget to the city, including additional shelving to cost $2,000.00. The city will pay for the shelving from last year's budget and this will be installed in the fall. The main change requested in the upcoming budget is to raise the McNaughton Plan books to 55 per month, as most larger libraries have. (This is in addition to the McNaughton core collection.) Some budget questions were discussed, such as one about long distance telephone bills, raised by Dave. The Mayor commented that he thinks the county -city partnership is getting a good value per dollar investment from the library. The statistical report shows our library has more card holders than any other library in the county. The Mayor said he thought it would be beneficial for all to have a library representative appear at Council and give a status report. Dede said she would speak briefly about library activities at Monday's meeting. Dede showed a letter that has been composed to explain to the public the need for a magazine indexing system. The microfiche system which has been in use recently has been paid for from the regular library budget. Bettye said some local businesses might be interested in helping with the cost of the indexing system and she will ask for suggestions from the Chamber of Commerce. Bettye reported on attending a budget hearing for the county earlier in June. She said the first priority for libraries was for raises for some library personnel who have not had raises in some time. Billy Joe Plaster told Bettye he felt a tax raise is imminent but that more PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES (Cont.) money should be provided, he felt, for libraries. A large amount will be expended for the Freeport Library because it is new. Bettye said she felt a letter to Commissioner's Court commenting on Dede's leader- ship was in order including a recommendation that she should be making more money since librarians in surrounding libraries are paid more than in our county. This was discussed among the board and it was decided that Bettye would write such a letter and discuss it with Steve Brown, who is absent tonight due to vacation. Nancy said she saw in the paper that Steve Brown had appealed for volunteers for libraries countywide. Dede then commented on this and showed the new handbook for volunteers. Respectfully submitted, i ru�ytemecs, Secretary osalie Olah, Chairman