Jan 22, 1991 7:30 p.m.
Rosalie Olah called the meeting to order with Dede Williams, Steve Brown, Nancy
Sallee, Bettye Alexander, Ed Fondren and Dave Beckman in attendance.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer's report showed the same balance as reported previously ... $392.73.
Dede Williams gave the librarian's report which included these facts;
Dr. Galen from TSO is working with the Rotary Club board to finalize a
donation to the library for purchase of materials for the visually impaired.She will
report back in February.
Several adult programs have been scheduled for the spring. Also,
once again, income tax assistance will be available through AARP. The volunteers
will be at the library every Tues from 10 - 2 starting Feb 5. A special exhibit,
"Literary East Texas" is ordered from the Texas Humanities Resource Center for the
month of April. During National Library Week, April 14 - 20, authors Bill Crider and
Jim Everhart are scheduled to speak.
Pearland has hired the 20 hour clerk. She is Anne Kocian, a former page.
All grant money for the large print book order has been spent. The books must
be received before the rest of the grant plan can be implemented.
Dede also passed out flyers for programs and current statistical sheets.
Steve Brown's report included the following:
Mary Alford, formerly with Bellaire Library, has been hired as BCLS Assistant
Director. She started in her new position Jan 2, 1991.
The County Library Board has formed a committee to develop long range
plans to respond to change in county population patterns. Bettye Alexander will
keep us advised of their progress.
The county book sale will probably be set for the first weekend in May. It
may be at the Brazos Mall again. There are an enormous number of books to sell.
Brazoria County Library was formed June 18, 1941. Therefore, a planning
session for the 50th Anniversary celebration is underway. Any suggestions for the
celebration are welcome.
Steve brought 2 sample 'post occupancy' surveys used by another library. We
will consider using these to evaluate the present library building and in planning for
any renovation. These forms will have to be adapted for our own use.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a wide ranging discussion of future
plans for making the city council aware of the need for library expansion—through
projections of circulation, population and collection figures. We hope to have a
working meeting with council to address this matter in the Fall.
Bettye Alexander suggested that a steering committee from the area including
Country Place, Southwyck and Southdown should be formed to plan for future library
service in that area.
The next library board meeting will be the third Tues. in March.
Res ectfully submitted,
Dede Wi iams, su sti ute Secretary) C