1991-05-02 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPearland Library Board Minutes May 2, 1991 7:30 P.M. Present for the meeting were Rosalie, Dede, Steve, Ed, Dave, Bettye, and Judy. Nancy was absent but the treasurer's balance was thought to be the same as last meeting of $354.73. Dede gave the librarian's report and showed programs for the summer reading club, "Camp Wanna Read." Mr. Vaughn is bringing miniature dinosaurs for a showcase display. Dede said the major request for the library in the new budget is for shelving and for a better typewriter for public use. June 10th will be the date of the next council meeting and the library board plans to request to be on that agenda and will suggest future expansion needs. Joy Colson will be the new council laiason. The large -print project is going well, Dede informed us. There are 150-200 titles at the senior citizens' center, and they enjoy the books. Dede will try to solicit 'Local funding to add to their collections next year. The library now has two regular volunteers. Dede has completed a new library profile describing hours, services, listing personnel, and including a brief history of Pearland Library. Steve reported that the budget, for the county libraries was submitted May 3 and included his request for a reference librarian and an additional 20 hours of clerical time for Pearland. The budget request included a substantial expenditure for an automation system. The cost of automating ten libraries as far apart as ours are located is a major consideration, and could run to about $250,000 for ten libraries. Joining the Houston area automated network would be one option, Steve said. He reported the book sale is presently set for July 10. April was a very good month for the County libraries and especially for Pearland. Processing new books will be a faster process now that the card catalog is closed for Pearland. Steve said the anniversary celebration for 50 years for the county library system is focused on Angleton for June 22nd. A whole day of events will begin with a fun run. Steve has begun assembling a summary of library needs and growth to present to city council, which he showed. He thinks a random sample of library registration file might be helpful to establish what per cent of library users reside in Pearland. Steve intends to show that Pearland will be one of the busiest libraries in the state in the future and it will be a regional library. Bettye suggested that a letter from the board to city council outlining why expansion plans need to be included in future library budgeting would be beneficial, and she agreed to write the letter. She thought Bill Miller would be willing to appear at the library board meeting to discuss building expansion plans. Tina Bonnen asked Bettye to see if Pearland could assist with a volunteer for the June 22nd fun run, and Ed Fondren volunteered. Bettye said more celebration plans will be announced in a few days. Respectfully submitted, 9dcy D e�V,K�Sec'-re/tar Rosalie Olah Chairperson