1995-08-18 PEARLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PEARLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("PEDC") BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 18, 1995 AT 12:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of August 3, 1995, Regular Meeting III. CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - A Proposed Project of the PEDC to Promote or Develop New or Expanded Tourist Business Enterprises by Providing Economic Incentives to Attract a Motel to the Bartlett Plaza Subdivision (Located in the 1800 Block of North Main Street Adjacent to the KMart Super Center). B. DISCUSSION - Economic Development Priorities. C. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion and Approval of Agreement for Professional Services Between the City of Pearland Economic Development Corporation and the Pearland/Hobby Area Chamber of Commerce. D. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - PEDC Staffing. E. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Possible Hiring of Financial Consultant for Economic Development Project. V. OTHER BUSINESS 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 551.072-LAND ACQUISITION-Consider Possible Economic Development Project Sites. VI. ADJOURNMENT This site is accessible to disabled individuals. For special assistance, such as the need for interpreters for the deaf or braille materials, please call Wendy Standorf at 485-2411 prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Posted: , � day of; t t ��.. H , A.D., 1995 _(A.M./P.M. Removed: day of , A.D., 1995