1962-02-15 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. r, ,,,!� 157 MINUTES OF THE PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 15, 1962. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Gibbons in the City Hall with the following City officials and guests in attendance: I Mayor E. T. Gibbons Aldermen Victor A. Nolen, W. E. Parker, Tom Alexander and David L. Smith Judge P. E. SegeLquist PdLice D. C. Sanders Guests Henry Jordan, Frank A. McKinney, Gene Sanders The Minutes of the meeting of February 1, 1962 were_reacV and approved. A motion was made by Alderman Parker and seconded by _ Alderman Alexander that the 10 foot right-of-way offered by Mr. Little as street right-of-way for widening and extending Orange Street East=of._the sewage disposal plant be accepted into the City street right- of Aldermen voted "AYE" with no "NOES." Mr. Henry Jordan, County Commissioner of Precinct 3, discussed the Streets and available funds for repairing and maintaining city streets. Mr. -Jordan offered the City of Pearland the County Garbage Dump site West of Pearland and North of Manvet as City property to be used and maintained by the City d Pearland. He offered County support and co- operation in maintaining the dump site in question. Alderman Alexander made a motion and which was seconded by Alderman Nolen that the City of PearLand accept the dump site as City property from the County. Whereupon the question was asked and all Aldermen voted "AYE" with no "NOES". Alderman Alexander questioned Mr. Jordan on the County supporting fire equipment and the limited funds for purchasing new equipment. Mr. Jordan indicatdd three trucks have been promised but Pearland was not one of the towns receiving truck. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $34.67 as of February 1, 1962. The balance on hand February 15, 1962 was $1,408.06. r� A motion was made by Alderman Smith and seconded by Alderman Alexander that the bill covering stars for police uniforms be returned with stars as these are unauthorized police equipment. Whereupon the question was asked and the motion carried with all Aldermen voting "AYE" and there were no "NOES". The attached copy of bills were authorized for payment. A motion was made by Alderman Parker and seconded by Alderman Smith that the Grande Boulevard be striped for parking in the esplanade between Highway 518 and Jasmine Street ( In front of the Elementary School.) Whereupon the question was asked and the motion carried with all Aldermen voting "AYE" with no "NOES", 158 Chief Sanders requested that no passing on the right signs be posted along the State Highway where the highway has a hard top shoulder, Mr, B. E. Griffin proposed that the City Lease the garbage site to the Griffin Brothers for their supervision of dumping and maintenance of this facility. He was advised that the City would consider the proposaL and try to reach a solution to handling the dump site. With no further business to attend the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. CITY OF PEARLAND By:�—"& E. T. Gibbons, Mayor APPROVED THIS THE 1st day of March, A. D. 1962. u Name Pearland Texaco Station 0. V. Robinson County Treasurer City Hardware Kliesing Motor Co. Houston Lighting & Power Co. H.R. Stevens, County Clerk Brazoria Co. W.C.&I.D.#3 Edwin T. Feigle Kliesing Motor Co. P. E. Segelquist H. C. Holman Henry Whitt P. E. Segelquist D. C. Sanders Jack Harrison Marvin Ellis .Ait Amt of Check Ch# Deposits Balance 34.67 126.01 457 1,007.00 15.00 458 5.31 459 19.91 46o 97.68 461 2.20 462 4.50 463 50.00 464 3.20 465 244.00 466 11212.20 10.00 468 2.40 469 173.10 470 17.50 10.00 4000 72 —Sb3.3�- Total 2,2 .37 Disbursements 863.31 Balance 2-15-62