1961-09-21 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES131 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 The.regular meeting of the PearLand City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City HaLL by Mayor E, T. Gibbons with the following City Officials and guests in attendance:. E. T. Gibbons W. E. Parker Tom Alexander L. C.. Hawkins David L. Smith Victor A. Nolen Jack Harrison M. W. Robertson _John M. McLaven J. R. Herridge . D. C. Sanders Mayo r Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Attorney Chief of Police Guest Guest Assistant Policeman The minutes of the meeting of September 7, 1961 were read, corrected and approved. The Treasurer reported $2,215.49 in the treasury. The Street and Bridge Committee reported that 30 stop signs, 6 yield signs and 2 city Limit signs were ordered. Also 19 joints of 2" galvanized pipe and bolts and washers to install the signs were ordered. . Mayor Gibbons next invited Mr. Herridge to discuss his problem regarding subdivision planning. Mr. Herridge explained that Regency Park was ready to start planning on opeoning the next section of Regency Park Subdivision. After a Lengthy discussion on various ways of sub- dividing the section it was decided that the proposal be tabled until October 5, 1961, and all parties concerned be informed that this matter would be discussed at the October 5 meeting and invite them to attend. Mayor Gibbons next offered for consideration a proposed sani- tation ordinance which will require closed sewage systems within the City limit s of Pearland. Alderman Nolen made a motion that Ordinance No. 43 regarding sanitation be adopted. Alderman Hawkins seconded the motion. ALL Aldermen voted "aye"' with no "Noes". Mayor Gibbons presented sample fire zone ordinances for con- sideration. It was decided to meet in special session September 28, 1961 to resolve the problem. I The Secretary was advised to write Mr. Jordan and request that Mykawa Road be scarified and prepared for re -surfacing. A motion was made by Alderman Smith and seconded by Alderman Hawkins that policeman Sanders be placed on permanent employment and his salary be increased $25.00 per month to be ;350.00 per month effective October 1, 1961. ALL Aldermen voted "AYE" with no "NOES." Mayor Gibbons discussed the possibilities of city taxation and the advantages to the City. A motion was made by Alderman Hawkins and seconded by Alder- man Parker that the following bills be paid. ALL Aldermen voted "AYE" with no "NOES. 132 354 P. E, Segelquist $384,95 355 H. C. Holman 90.00 356 O. V. Robinson 60.00 357 PearLand Lumber Company 32.33 358 M, W. Robertson 175.00 359 D. C. Sanders 143,00 360 Lee Roy Moore 12.75 361 Southwestern Bell TeLephone 17,23 With no further business the meeting adjourned. CITY OF PEAR.LAND, TEXAS By: E. T. Gibbons, Mayor (COrp. Seal) :, Aolen, Secretary. APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1961.