1961-06-01 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES113 MINUTES OF THE PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL HELD JUNE 1, 1961 The Regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order lune 1, 1961, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall by Mayor Gibbons with the following City officials and guests in atoendance:- Mayo r E. T. Gibbons Alderman W. E. Parker Tom Alexander L. C. Hawkins Dave Smith Victor A. Nolen Attorney Jack Harrison Chief of Police M. W. Robertson Guests P: E. SegeLquist i D. E. Shannon O. L. Radar D. D. Marvel Mr. Segelquist discussed his view of the telephone company Ordinance regarding use of City alleys and easements and suggested possible ways of resolving the problem to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned. The minutes of the special meeting of May 17, 1961, were read, corrected and approved. Mayor Gibbons next opened discussion on extending curbing and guttering East and West on Highway 518 and South on Highway 35. Mr. Marvel discussed his telephone conversation with Alderman Nolen on the subject and suggested Mr. Rader present highway Department pro- blems regarding the curbing and indicated they were recqjUive to the program. Mr. Shannon expressed readiness to the proposal and agreed to budget funds this fiscal year for the project. It was agreed to proceed with preliminary work and budgeting of funds. A motion was made by Alderman Nolen and seconded by Alderman Parker that the following bills be paid: Ck. # 282 Void 283 Carter Comm Corp $240.00 `. 284 Vernon Law Book Company $136.30 285 Houston Natural Gas $ 1.60 286 M. W. Robertson $240.50 287 Jack Harrison $ 50.00 288 Marvin Ellis $ 10.00 WHEREUPON the questim wad asked and the motion carried with all F' esent voting "AYE". Mayor Gibbons discussed the street sign problem and the replacement of signs that have been torn down. The Street and Bridge Department indicated they would meet and decide on the sign program. Mayor Gibbons appointed Alderman Hawkins, Mr. Lloyd Yost and Mr. Fredrich on the preLiminary committee to investigate the Road bond initial work. 116 Alderman Hawkins made a motion that Regency Park Development Cbmpany be granted permission to Lay a sewerage Line from Plum Street to Orange on old Alvin, PearLand Road No. 538 with Regency Park responsible for moving fences and grading the street in dedicated right of way. The motion was seconded by Alderman Alexander. Alderman Nolen, Alexander and Hawkins voted AYE, Alderman Parker and Smith abstained. The Ayes being in the majority, the motion carried. With no further business to attend the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P. M. APPROVED this the 15th day of June, A. D. 19151. CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS U By: E. T. Gibbons, Mayor (COrp. Seal) ATTEST: Victor A. No en, ity Secretary U