1961-05-04 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES107 MINUTES OF THE PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD MAY 4, 1961, IN THE CITY HALL The regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order by Mayor Gibbons at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall with the following officials and guests in attendance: Mayor E. T. Gibbons Aldermen W. E. Parker T. P. Alexander David L. Smith Victor A; Nolen City Attorney Jack Harrison Chief of Police M. W. Robertson Fire Marshal Buddy Ellis Guests E. E. Baker George R. Collier R. N. Jarl R. R. Johnson R. D. Folks A. N. Wade L. B. McCurre A motion was made by Mr. Nolen and seconded by Mr. Smith that the following bills be paid: Check # 262 Josie Heflin $ 6.00 263 Rena Scott 5.00 264 Lesikar Insurance Co. 5.00 265 void -- 266 Bell. Telephone Co. 13.60 267 Houston Natural Gas 1.60_ 268 Jack Harrison 50.00--, = 269 M. W. Robertson 262.00' 270 Marvin Ellis 10.001', ALL Aldermen voted "AYE" with no "NOES." A motion was made by Alderman Nolen and seconded by Alderman Parker that the City purchase a 1-1/2 ton Frederick Air Conditioner to be installed in the City Hall for $150.00. WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motion carried with all present voting "AYE". Alderman Nolen discussed the budget items for installation of 13 mercury vapor Lights along State Highway #35 and 518 and made the motion that these lights be installed immediately. The motion was seconded by Alderman Parker. WHEREUP ON the question was asked and the motion carried with all Aldermen voting "AYE" Mayor Gibbons discussed the meeting with theRailroad officials and suggested that Mr. Baker discuss the railroad policy on new crossings, signal arms andunder passes. Mr. Baker discussed the possibility of moving the crossing from, Pear Street to Walnut Street and adding a crossing at Orange Street. The Railroad Company will take the new crossings under consideration and advise the Mayor. Industrial sites and the accompanying sidings were next discussed. Also inducing new business to settle in Pearland and the advantages to both the City and the Railroad were elaborated upon by the group. A motion was made -by Alderman Nolen and seconded by Alderman Smith that the minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1960 be amended to provide for adoption and passage of Ordinance No, a providing a reward of $100.00 for the offense of arson within the corporate city Limits of the City of PearLand. And WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motion carried with aLL Aldermen voting "AYE." Mayor Gibbons then discussed a proposal by Mr. Herridge to install an antenna on the City water tower. It was agreed that Mr. U Herridge should have a letter prepared setting out liability and obligations of the installation and presenting same to the City. Mr. Smith next discussed the motor scooter problem and the legal aspects thereof. The Chief of Police was requested to discuss this matter with the school children. A motion was made by Alderman Alexander and seconded by Alderman Smiththat a first aid kit and a Brownie Bulls Eye 2-1/4 x 3-1/4 camera; with flash attachments be purchased for the City Police Department. WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motion carried with all Aldermen voting "AYE," With no further business to attend the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P. M. CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS By: ✓�1�1 ryz . E. TGibbons, Mayor (COrp.. Seal)- A TTE Victor A. Nolen,Setetary APPROVED this the 18th day of May, A. D. 1961.