The April 6, 1961 meeting of the Peartand City Council was
caned to order by Mayor Gibbons at 7:30 P. M. in the City Halt with the
following City Officials and Guests in attendance:
E. T. Gibbons
W. E. Parker
Tom Alexander
L. C. Hawkins
David L. Smith
Victor A. Nolen
Jack Harrison
Chief of Police
M. W. Robertson
Fire Marshal
Buddy Ellis
M. L. Fernandez
E. S. Enriquez
Henry Jordan
F. W. Lukens
The minutes of the March 16, 1961 meeting were read and
approved as read. •A motion was made by Mr. Parker and seconded by
Alderman Nolen that the pending unpaid bills be authoHzed for payment by
the City Treasurer: WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motion
carried with all Aldermen voting "AYE",
County Commissioner Henry Jordan discussed the Peartand
street repairs and his County budget for Precinct Three. He indicated
that this budget was some $200,000.00 Less than budgets of recent years.
Therefore, he expressed doubt that any new streets would be bLacktopped
in this Precinct during current fiscal year and repair work will be held to
a minimum in order that operations- can be continued within the budgeted
funds-, Mr. Jordan did give a commitment -to work with the City to patch
existing btacktopped streets, grade shell streets and enter an item on next
year's budget allocating funds for the maintenance of streets in Pearland,
` The next matter to come before the meeting was that of
officially canvassing the election returns of the annual City election held
n April 4, 1961, and the following votes were tabuLtated for the respective
L. C. Hawkins 138 )
Tom Alexander 134) City Alderman........
V. A. Nolen 127 )
Ray Curry 80 )
The Mayor then declared that the three candidaEes receiving -
the highest votes -were Hawkins, Alexander and Nolen and were declared_
to be elected the ensuing two year term. The oath of office was adminii- '
tered on April 6, 1961, by the City Attorney, Jack Harrison .at.h¢00T.A
A motion was made by Alderman Smith and seconded by
Alderman Parker that the election officials Mrs. Josie Heflin and Mrs.
Rena Scott be paid and the City pay $80.54 as one-third of the Christmas
Street Lights installed on Pearland City Streets. WHEREUPON the
question was asked and the motim carried with all Alderman voting _
"AYE. "
A motionwas made by ALderman Smith and seconded by
Alderman Parker that the police car be paid for in cash out of theCity
Treasury. WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motiam carried
with all Alderman voting "AYE."
A motion was made by Tom Alexander and seconded by
Alderman Smith that a Peddler's Ordinance be adopted as described by
City Ordinance #37, WHEREUPON the question was asked and the
motion carried with all Aldermen present voting "AYE".
A motion was made by Alderman Hawkins and seconded by
Alderman Nolen that the Chief of Police have authority to issue peddlers
permits in the absence of the City Secretary.X
WHEREUION the question was asked and the Motion carried with all
pre sent'vgting'!AYE ", with no "NOES."
Alderman Smith made a motion that uniforms be purchased
for the Chief of Police as follows:
3 shirts @ $.4.95
3 pants @ $17.05
1 cap frame @ 3.75
2 cap covers @ 3.00
ljacket @ 28.50
2 brown ties @ 1.50
the above prices and uniforms to be furnished by Art Simon of Redman
Uniform Company, Houston, Texas. WHEREUPON the question was
asked and the motion carried with all aldermen present voting "AYE."
Chief Robertson discussed the need for a second policeman
and recommended that Mr. M. T. Fernandez be placed on a monthLy salary
of $50.00 per month for part time police duty. After due discussion, Mr.
Robertson was advised that the City was financially unable to support more
than one policeman at this time and, therefore, rejected his proposal.
The Mayor and Council expressed appreciation to Mr. Fernandez on behalf
of the City for his assistance as an auxiliary policeman in the past.
With no further business to attend, the meeting was adjourned
at 11:00 P.M.
APPROVED this the 20th day of April, A. D. 1961.
E. T. Gibbons, Mayor
(Sea L)
ictor A. Note 7Ciyecretary