1960-10-06 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES6T • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD OCTOBER 6, 1960 The regular meeting.of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, was called to order by Mayor Gibbons at.8:00 P. M. on October 6, 196Q, in the City Jail office, with -the following City Officials present: Mayor E. T. Gibbons Aldermen D. L. Smith, Jr., Tom AXexander",,- W.E..Parker, L. Q. Hawkins;, and.-' Victor A. Nolen City Attorney Jack Harrison Judge P. E. Segelquist Fire Marshal Buddy Ellis Guests present at the meeting were Mr. J. M. Young .and Mr. M. M. Morris. The Minutes of the previous meeting of September 15, 1960, were read and approved.as read. Mr. M. M. Morris, with the Houston Natural Gas Company presented his map of Pearland showing part of the roads and streets in Pearland: Mayor Gibbons complimented Mr. Morris on his fine work. Mr. Marvin Young discussed the need for a franchise to operate and expand their gas system in the City of Pearland. A motion was.made by Alderman Hawkins and seconded by Alderman.Smith that Houston Natural Gas Company be granted a franchise to operate in the City of Pearland under terms.as pre- scribed in Ordinance No. 32. The motion was amended by Alderman Nolen and seconded by Alderman Parker that the term be fixed at twenty-five years. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE", with no "NOES". City Attorney Jack Harrison next presented to the council a Fire Zone Ordinance as requested by the Council. After due discussion a revised zone was selected and City Attorney Harrison was instructed to prepare an Ordinance for the next meeting. Attorney Harrison was also instructed to revise the Fire Works Ordinance to provide for sale .permits. A motion was next made by Alderman Alexander and seconded by Alderman Smith that a permit be given to the Pearland Lions Club to hold a Turkey Shoot within the City Limits of the City of Pearland, Texas. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE", with no "NOES". City Attorney Harrison next presented a Peddlers Ordinance to the Council for their consideration. After due discussion of the ordinance by the Council it was decided that an ordinance of this effect would not be of benefit to the City of Pearland, and the same was tabled. There being "no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned at 12:00 P. M., subject to call. L E. T. Gibbons, Mayor of the City of Pearland, Texas. .ATTEST: Victor,A, 14bien, City Secretary APPROVED this the 20th day of October, A. D. 1960. U a u M4 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND HELD OCTOBER 6, 1960 "The matter of granting a Franchise to the Houston Natural Gas Corporation to operate in the City of Pearland. " Mr. J. M. Young agreed to guarantee a minimum gross receipt tax of $1,000.00 per year effective from date of incorporation to December 31, 1959 and a minimum gross receipt tax of $1,000.00 per year for each calendar year thereafter. To run a gas line over the most practicable route to connect to the City Hall -Jail and if the City loses any revenue from previous franchises to gas companies that Houston Natural Gas Corporation would reimburse any such losses, subject to company approval. " Motion by councilman Hawkins which was seconded by Mr. Smith that a Franchise be granted to the Houston Natural Gas Corporation to operate in the City of Pearland whereupon an amendment was offered by Councilman Nolen, which amendment was seconded by Councilman Parker that the term of the, franchise be for a term of twenty-five (25) years, which amendment was acceptable by those making the original motion. The question was asked and the motion was carried with all Councilmen voting "AYE". The Mayor declared the motion carried at 10:05 P. M. Mr. Young agreed to submit the proposal to his management and report back with their answer by October 20, 1960."