1960-09-01 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES63 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD SEPTEMBER 1, 1960 --`------------------------------------------------------- ----- The regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. in the Pear land Junior High School Board Room with the following City Officials present: Mayo r E. T. Gibbons Aldermen W. E. Parker, Tom Alexander L. C. Hawkins and Victor A. Nolen. T ' Attorney Mr. Jack Harrison.- Chief of Police R. V. Johnson Judge Mr. Segelquist The Guest present at the meeting.was Max Morris -,9f Houston, Natural Gas, The minutes of the previous meeting held August 18, 1960 were read and approved as read. Judge Segelquist's books were checked and audited to September 1, 1960. Mr. Morris with Houston Natural Gas presented a map to the City for inspection. Mayor Gibbons expressed appreciation for Houston Natural Gas efforts and requested that they review the possibilities of de- tailing the part of the map included within the annexation area proper. A motion was made by Mr. Nolen and seconded by Mr. Alex- ander that Mr. Dunbar be paid for engineering services involved in the preparation of the field notes for the annexation land. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Next a motion was made by Mr. Parker and seconded by Mr. Nolen that Mr. Jack Harrison's secretarys be paid for stenographic services. Checks were made payable to Estelle Harrison and Ruby Richey for $25.00 each. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE" with no "NOES". Mayor Gibbons next discussed the street situation and requested the Street and Bridge Committee to get in touch with Commissioner Isaacs either by letter or in person and get something firm as to the County working on the City of Pearland's streets. Mayor Gibbons instructed Mr. Nolen to call Mr. Marvel with the Highway Department and request that they meet with us to discuss speeds and school zones. A motion was made by Mr. Nolen and seconded by Mr. Hawkins that the present policy of the City with reference to alleyways be established that business areas shall have first priority because of fire zones and fire lanes, unloading facilities for heavy trucks, and that after all business alleyways have been completed and shelled, residential alleys will be given next consideration. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE", with no "NOES", There being no further business to come before the meeting the same was adjourned at 11:00 P. M. , subject to call. E. ibbons, Mayor ATT,�ST: 7 ictnrA,'Nolen, City Secretary APPROVED this the 15th day of September, A, D. 1960,