The regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Pearland, Texas, was called to order by Mayor Gibbons at
7:30 P. M. in the Pearland Jun or -High School Board Room.on
Februa-ry 18, 1960, with the following City officials -present:
E. T. Gibbons
Tom Alexander
Li C: Hawkins
David L. Smith, Jr.
victor A. Nolen
The Minutes .of the meeting.of February.11, 1960,
were read and approved.
Mr. Alfred Farrell, candidate for County Commissioner,
was first introduced to the Council. Mr. Farrell indicated if
elected that his plans .included assisting.the City of Pearland
in every way possible with their road problems.
City Attorney Harrison next reported.legal records
showed that intermittent parking of trucks carrying liquified
petroleum gases does not consitute storage and regulation of
trucking business in this regard is governed�by Docket No.,1-
of the -State Regulation concerning liquified petroleum gas,."'
A motion was next made by'Alderman Hawkins and
seconded by Alderman Smith that Ordinance No. _9 creating the
office of Fire Marshal, be adopted, said Ordinance prescribing
the duties thereof, providing for its maintenance and pre-
scribing penalties for violation_ -WHEREUPON, the,qudlation-was
asked and the motion was carried, all present voting "AYE",
A motion was -next made by AldermanSmith and seconded
by Alderman Alexander that Mr. Marvin Ellis be appointed City
Fire Marshal and that the fire marshal's salary be set at
$10.00 per month. After discussion of the matter, the question
was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE", with
no "NOES".
The next matter to come before the meeting was that
of the term of .office of City Officials. A motion was made .by
Alderman Hawkins and seconded by Alderman Parker that the
offices of Mayor and Alderman be staggered so that three Alder-
men shall serve for an initial term of one year, then the Mayor
and two Aldermen shall serve for two years, and that thereafter
all officers elected shall serve for two year terms. The
Aldermen determined to serve one and two year terms respectively
shall be selected by lot as soon after the election as possible
and before being sworn in. Filing fee for all offices shall
be $5.00 Dollars for each candidate. WHEREUPON, the question
was asked and the motion carried, all present voting "AYE",
with no "NOES".
Mayor Gibbons next appointed Alderman Smith, Alderman
Hawkins and Alderman Nolen as a committee to prepare an estimate
of cost to repair the City jail.
The next matter to come before the meeting was
that of adopting an Ordinance granting a franchise to Gas
Utility Service Company to operate within the City of Pearland.
After a general discussion was had on the matter, a motion was
made by Alderman Alexander and seconded by Alderman Parker that
such ordinance be adopted providing the City with gas as
outlined by Ordinance No. 12 -and attached letters. WHEREUPON,
the question was asked and th'e motion carried, with three
voting "AYE", and two "NOES".
A motion was next made by Alderman Smith and
seconded by Alderman Parker that Ordinance No. 13 be adopted
setting forth the policies for the operation of the street
and bridge department of the City of Pearland. After a
general discussion of the motion, the question was asked and
all present voted "AYE", with no "NOES".
There being no further business to come before
the meeting, the same was adjourned at 11:15 P. M., subject
to call.
ICTOR A. INE -N, City Secretary
of the City of Pearland, Texas.
E. T. GIBBONS, Mayor of the
City of Pearland, Texas.
APPROVED the 25th day of February , A. D. 1960.