1960-01-28 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF THE MEETING OTHE CITY OF PEARLAND HELD JANUARY Wth, 1960 The regular meeting.of the City Council: of the City of Pearland, Texas, was called :to order by Mayor Gibbons at 7:30 o'clock P. M. the Pearland Junior High School Board Room on January with, 1960, with the _following City officials present: E. T. Gibbons Mayor W. E. Parker Alderman r L. C. Hawkins Alderman L. Smith, Jr.Alderman Tom Alexander Alderman Victor A. Nolen Alderman Guests "in,attendance were Mr. Oscar Nipper, Mr. Clint Cunningham,' Mr. Woodrow Lesikar, Mr. Berry Miller, Sr.; and Mrs. Marie J.. Jones.of the Pearland News. The first matter to come before the meeting was, -that of discussing the Southwestern Bell Telephone�Cgtpahy's proposed franchise for serving the City of,Pearlazid. `Mr.' Charlie Ege and Mr. Johnny Fry, representing the-''.Sotithwsstern Bell Telephone -;Company, were introduced .to the Coiifi0,Y".= Mr. Ege discussed with the Council the telephone company's pro- posed franchise for serving the City of Pearland and read the Franchise Agreement in its entirety. A lengthy discussion was had"on rates, services, and the possibility of Pearland being connected with the City of Houston for direct`dia.ling without toll, or long distance. Mr. Ege was requested to re -read Section 8 of the Franchise regarding the city's right to levy tax on utility companies. After further dis- cussion of the matter, a motion .was made by Alderman Alexander and seconded by Alderman Parker that the Franchise proposal of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company be shelved until the telephone company had had additional time to study and consider the City of Pearland's telephone problems. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion was carried, all present voting "AYE°, with no "NOES". Alderman Alexander next .made a motion that the motion made and approved in the minutes of the January 7th, 1960 meeting concerning a $5,000.00 bond for city officials be recinded. The motion "was seconded by Alderman Smith, WHEREUPON the question was asked .and the motion was carried, all present voting "AYE", with no "NOES". Alderman Parker next made a motion that public officials bond be received in the amount of $1,000.00 for each Alderman and the Mayor. AlAerman Nolen seconded the motion, WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion was carried, all present voting "AYE", with no "NOES". Alderman Alexander next reported to the Council that the Fire Department was discussing the Fire Marshall appoint7, ment and that a candidate should be available by the next meeting date. The next matter to come before the meeting was that of retaining a City Attorney for the City of Pearland. Mr. Oscar 14 Nipper was asked to discuss his legal background and qualifications as a prospect for City Attorney for the City of Pearland. After a lengthy discussion as to the various lawyers considered, their past experience and the fee each indicated would be required, a motion was made by Alderman Hawkins and seconded by Alderman Nolen that Mr. Jack Harrison be retained as -City Attorney on the basis of $15.00 per meeting or the total sum of $50.00 per month, whichever is the lesser sum. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion was carried, with four voting "AYE", and one "NO". There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned at 12:00 o'clock P. M., subject to call. E. T. GIBBONS Mayor of the City of Pearland, Texas. WATT T:' *CTORA': , City Secretary of-tbe- City of Pearland, Texas. APPROVED the/-./,% day of 1960.