R2001-0114 08-27-01 RESOLUTION NO. R2001-1t4
Section 1. That certain change order by and between the City of Pearland and
Triple B Services, Inc., copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part
hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved.
Section2. ThattheCityManagerorhisdesigneeisherebyauthorizedto execute
and the City Secretary to attest a change order with Triple B Services, Inc. for construction
services associated with the Fite/Harkey Sewer Improvement Project.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 27 day of
Auqust , A.D., 2001.
AUG. 20. 2001 4:32PM 817-735-6148 --NO. 1599- 'P. 2
Date of Issuance: Au,qust 20~ 2001 Change Order Number: 2
Owner: City of Pearland Owner's Project Number: B00-074
Contractor: Triple B Services, Inc. Contractor's Project Number: 00-1005
Engineer: Carter & Bur,qess, Inc, Engineer's Project Number:993064,020.1.0020
Explanation of thio Chanqe Order:
This change order is being issued to authorize the following items: 1) Relocate 1" water line.
2) Extend the 42" Steel Casing at FM 1128.
3) Addition of manhole at Station 14+68.
4) Relocate 1" water service.
5) Safety End Treatment (SET) on PE Pipe.
6) Approval of additional manhole at Station 19+55
7) Payment for File Road repairs at the William's Pipeline.
8) Replacement of existing 4" force main.
9) Approval of early completion bonus.
10) Final quantity adjustments.
.1.) Relocate 1"waterline:
The City approved the relocation of the 1" water line near the intersection of File and Harkey
Roads. The additional cost is $2,300.00.
2) Extend the 42"Steel Casing at FM 1128:
The City has approved the extension of the casing crossing FM 1128 due to [ield conditions.
The 42" steel casing shall be extended an additional 20' east from Station 64+31 to Station
64+51. The required quantity adjustment shall be incorporated into the final quantity adjustment
section of this change order.
3) Addition of manhole at Station 14+68:
The City approved the addition of one manhole at Station 14+68, Bid item 18 (5' Diameter
Sanitary Sewer Manhole (standard 8' Depth) (Corrosion Resistant) (Precast)). The additional
cost for the manhole will be at the base bid cost of $3,925.00 and will also require a quantity
adjustment for additional vertical height of manhole, which will be incorporated into the final
quantity adjustment section of this change order,
4) Relocate 1" water service:
The Inspector authorized the relocation of the 1" water service to Parcel 18 when the existing
water service was discovered under the existing concrete paving. The additional cost will be
$600,00 lump sum.
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AUG, 20.20C? 4:32PM 817-735-6148 NO, 1599--'P. 3-
5) Safety End Treatment (SET) on PE Pipe:
The City will accept the PE culvert pipes installed along Harkey Road instead of the specified
RCP culverts.
The City will authorize payment of $10,994,00 for the installation of (22) 24"x6:1 SET's and (1)
24"x3:1 instated along Harkey Road.
.6) Addition of manhole at Station 19+55:
The City has approved the addition of a manhole at Station 19+55 on File Road and revised
manhole base at Station 20~-10 to correct the horizontal misalignment of the steel casing
between Stations 17+41 and 19+55. There is no additional cost for this manhole or revised
manhole base.
7. F/te Road repairs at the William's Pipe/inn
Claim submitted by the Contractor stating that the ceasing of the boring operations at Station
103+45 resulted in the failure of Fite Road and caused the Contractor to perform additional work
that was not included in the original Contract.
Williams Pipeline Company requested the ceasing of the boring operations under Fito Road at
Station 103+45 so that the clearance between the sewer line being installed and the existing
pipeline could be verified. The pipeline company required that the Contractor suspend
operations until verification of the clearance could be determined. This required that the augurs
being used to conduct the boring operations be removed so that access could be obtained within
the casing. The augurs were removed over a weekend and during this lime water and sand
were able to vent into the casing causing a void that brought about the failure of File Rd.
Time & Materials costs submitted by the Contractor for obtaining a stable roadway after the
failure are $7,279.00. Additional costs for the resurfaeing of File Road are $8,325.00. The total
cost for Fite Road repairs at the Williams pipeline crossing are $15,604.00
.8..Replacement of oxistinq 4"force main
Nine hundred feet of existing 4" force main located along Fite Road between West Oaks
Boulevard and Harkey Road was replaced by the Contractor with authorization from the City's
Inspector. The existing force main was deteriorated and broke in several locations during the
installation of the gravity sewer line requiring several repairs, The alignment of the force main
also shifted location and was interfering with the installation of the gravity sewer. Based on these
items the inspector authorized the replacement of the force main. The additional cost for the 4"
force main is $37,125 based on the bid price of $41.25 per LF.
9. Approval of early completion bonus.
The project was declared substantially complete on 6/24/2001, This was 13 days prior to the
contract substantial completion date of 7/8/2001, Based on an early completion bonus of $500
per day, the total early completion bonus is $6,500.00.
_1.0. Final quantity ad/ustment,~
This line item is being issued to authorize the adjustment of the bid quantities to the final As-Built
quantities and to incorporate quantity adjustments approved in previous change orders and as
stated above:
Line Item 02: The Allowance for Pr/vale Utility Relocations and Bracing costs were
$57,020.73 less than allowed in the contract. ($57,020.73)
File / Harkey Sanita~, Sewer Change Order No. 2 page 2 of 6
AUG. 20, 20C1 4:32PM 817-7 5- 148 "--NO. 1599"-P, 4
Line item 03: The Trench Safetywas 274 LF more than estimated for a total
quantity of 12,764 LF. At a unit price of $0.10 per LF, this results in
the following change in contract price: $27.40
Line Item 05: The Flagman hours were 2,793 hours more than estimated for a total
quantity of 2,993 hours, At a unit price of $25.00 per hour, this results
in the following change in contract price: $89,825,00
Line item 06: The Control of Ground Water by Dewatering & Depressurization was
1901 LF less than estimated for a total quantity of 6722 LF, At a unit
pr[ce of $13,00 per LF, this results in the following change in contract
price: ($24,713.00)
Line Item 07: The Fi~tar Fabric Fence was 2590 LF less than estimated for a total
quantity of 2450 LF. At a unit price of $1.65 per LF, this results in the
following change in contract price: ($4,273,50)
Line Item 11: The Restoration of Grave/Pavements was 521,6 SY more than
estimated for a total quantity of 1102.6 SY, At a unit price of $9.25 per
SY, this results in the following change in contract price: $4,824.80
Line Item 12: The Restoration of Asphaltic Pavements was 763.66 SY more than
estimated for a total quantity of 1,667,66 SY. At a unit price of $17.50
per SY, this results in the following change in contract price: $13,364.05
Line Item 13: The Restoration of Concrete Pavement was 95,83 SY more than
estimated for a total quantity of 364.83 SY, At a unit price of $29.00
per SY, this results in the following change in contract price: $2,779,07
Line item 14: The Remove Existing Cu/vert and Rep/ace with 18" Culvert was 14 LF
less than estimated for a total quantity of 304 LF. At a unit price of
$23.25 per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: ($325.50)
Line Item 15: The Remove E~isting Culvert and Replace with 24"Culvert was 557
LF more than estimated for a total quantity of 1698 LF. At a unit price
of $30.50 per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: $16,988.50
Line Item 16: The Plugs for the Abandonment of Force Mains was 2 more than
estimated for a total quantity of 9. At a unit price of $40 per EA, this
results in the following change in contract price: $80.00
Line Item 19 The 5' Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth, Precast,
Corrosion Resistant) was 3.66 VF more than estimated for a total
quantity of 111.66. ,At a unit price of $120.00 per VF, this results in the
following change in contract price: $439.20
Line Item 21 The 6' Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth, Precast,
Corrosion Resistant) was 2.22 VF more than estimated for a total
quantity ot 79.22. At a unit price of $120;00 per VF, this results in the
following change in contract pr[ce: $266,40
Rte ! Hark~,y Sanita,,/Sewer Change Order No. 2 Page 3 of $
AU~.20.200' 4:33PM 817-735-6148 -NO. 1599-'P. 5
Line Item 23 The 8' Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth, Precast,
Corrosion Resistant) was 0,37 VF than estimated for a total quantity of
18,$7. At a unit price of $120 per VF, this results in the following
change in contract price: . $44.40
Line Item 27 The 12" Standard External Drop Connection was 1 ~ess than
estimated for a total quantity of 0, At a unit price of $425 per EA, this
results in the following change in contract price: ($425,00)
Line item 35: The Extra Excavation was 100 C¥ less than estimated for a total
quantity of Zero (0) CY. At a unit price of $6.00 per CY, this results in
the following change in contract price: ($600.00)
Line Item 36: The Extra Crushed Rocl~ to Obtain a Stable Trench was 521.55 CY
more than estimated for a total quantity of 621.55 CY. At a unit price
of $20,00 per CY, this results in the following change in contract price: $10,431,00
Line Item 37: The Extra Cement StabilizedSandwas 141.12 TN more than
estimated for a total quantity of 241.12 TN. At a unit price of $10.00
per TN, this results in the following change in contract price: $1,411.20
Line Item 39: The Trenchless 24" Gravity Sanitary Sewer with 36'~ Steel Casing (All
Depths) was 76 LF [ess than estimated for a final quantity of 296 LF.
At a unit price of $313.00 per LF, this results in the following change in
contract price: ($23,788.00)
Line ltem 40: The Trenchless 30" Gravity Sanitary Sewer wlth 36" Steel Casing (Aii
Depths) was 39 LF more than estimated for a final quantity of 390 LF.
At a unit price of $445.00 per LF, this results in the following change
in contract price: $17,355.00
Line Item 42: The 6" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (AII Depths) Open Cutwas 11 LF more
than estimated for a tinal quantity of 16 LF. At a unit price of $25.50
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: $280.50
Line Item 43: The 8" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (All Depths) Open Cut was g LF more
than estimated for a final quantity of 42 LF, At a unit price of $26.50
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: $238.50
Line Item 44: The 12" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (A/I Depths) Open Cutwas 12 LF less
than estimated for a final quantity of 74 LF. At a unit price of $23.50
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: ($282.00)
Line Item 45: The 18" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (AII Depths) Open Cutwas 3 LF less
than estimated for a final quantity of 7 LF. At a unit price of $39.25 per
LF, this results in the following change in contract price: ($117.75)
Line Item 46: The 24" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (8'- 12') Open Cut was 53 LF more
than estimated for a final quantity of 5111 LF. At a unit price of $44.50
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: $2,358,50
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AUG. 20.20CI 4:33PM 817-7~5-6148 -N0,1599-' P. 6
Line Item 47: The 30" Gravity Sanitary Sewer (12:16') Open Cutwas 213 LF less
than estimated for a final quantity of 3686 LF. At a unit price of $66.50
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: ($14,164.50)
Line Item 48: The 30 Grav/tySanJta/ySewer(16.20') Open Cutwas 163 LF more
than estimated for a final quantity of 1460 LF. At a unit price of 867,75
per LF, this results in the following change in contract price: $11,043.25
Line Item 51: The Sanitary Sewer Stacks (Extra Depth)was 17.75 VF more than
estimated for a total quantity of 61,75 VF. At a unit price of $29.00 per
VF, this results in the following change in contract price: $514.75
Line Item 52: The 4"Force Main, Open Cutwas 16 LF more than estimated for a
final quantity of 49 LF. At a unit price of $41.25 per LF, this results in
the following change in contract price: $660.00
Line Item 53: The 4"Force Main, Trenchless w/o Caeingwas 32 LF less than
estimated for a final quantity of 0 LF. At a unit price of $67.75 per LF,
this results in the following change in contract price: ($2,168,00)
Line Item 54: The 6"Force Main, Open Cutwas 86 LF less than estimated for a final
quantity of 50 LF. At a unit price of $24 per LF, this results in the
following change in contract price: ($2,064.00)
Line Item 55: The 8"Force Main, Open Cutwas 4 LF less than estimated for a final
quantity of 69 LF, At a unit price of $52.00 per LF~ this results in the
following change in contract price: ($208.00)
Total of quantity adjustments: $22,781.54
Contract Amount;
Origina~ Contract Price:
Previous change order(s): $1,809,170.25
· Change order No. 1 $13,230.00
Contract price prior to this change order $1,822,400.25
Summary of this chanqe order
1 .) Relocate 1" water line [$2,300.00 Jump sum] $2,300.00
2.) Extend 42" Steel Casing (Included in Quantity Adjustment Line Item)
3.) Addition of 5' diameter manhole $3,925.00
4.) Relocate 1" water serVice [$600.00 lump sum] $600.00
5.) Add 23 EA of SET [$10,994 lump sum] $10,994.00
6.) Addition of Manhole @ Station 19+55 on File Road $0.00
7.) Fite Road Repairs at Williams Pipeline crossing $15,604.00
8.) Replacement of existing 4" force main $37,125.00
9.) Early Completion Bonus
10.) Final quantity adjustments $6,500.00
· Net increase (decrease) in contract amount from this change order $99,829.54
Contract price with all change orders to date (including this change order): $1,922,229.79
File / Herkey SanJ~a~, Sewer Cl~ange Order No. 2 P~ge 5 of 6
~ ~R ~RR1 17:~1 ~1177356148 PRGE,06
AUG. 20.200~ 4:33PM 817-735-6148 NO. 1599
Contract Time:
Original Contract Time (substantial completion/final completion): 180/210 days
Previous change in time:
Net increase (decrease) from this change order 0/0 days
Contract time with all change orders to date (including this change order): 181/211days
By: By:, By:.
Engineer Contractor Owner
Date: Date: Date:
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