1999-01-18 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1999 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. with the following present: Chairperson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Engineer Director of Planning and Community Development Planning and Zoning Secretary Mary Starr Emil A. Beltz Pat Lopez Jack D.Mathis John W. Hargrove Dennis Smith Jennifer Mattingly II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Beltz made a motion to approve the January 4, 1999 minutes and Commissioner Mathis seconded the motion with one correction. He stated that on the second page, under item B, the word "formal" needs to read "former". Motion passed 4 to 0. III. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Oakbridge Apartments, a subdivision of 15.8291 acres out of Lot 42, Zychlinski's in the H.T.&B. R.R. Survey and Abstract No. 233, and Lot 5 Walcott's Peadand Subdivision in the D.H.M. Hunter Survey. Commissioner Lopez asked if these were the apartments that were zoned a long time ago, and Al Lentz, of Lentz Engneering, stated that they were zoned a few years ago but they were never platted. City Engineer recommended staff approval with the comment that there are concerns with drainage and detention that would need to be resolved before the final plat submittal. Mr. Lentz stated that he was fully aware of this and explained that he was unaware of the city putting together new regulations, and he then stated that he is currently working on it and it would not be a problem. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve the preliminary plat of Oakbridge Apartments with the comment made by the City Engineer to correct the drainage and detention plans before final plat submittal, and Commissioner Mathis seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 to 0. B. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Villages of Edgewater Estates Section 4, 15.0082 acres out of the H.T.&B. R.R. Co. Survey, A-309. Variance Request: 1. Use of a 20 foot front building line on cul-de-sac and thumbnail lots. City Engineer stated that he recommends staff approval with the following comments: 1. H.L.&P. has asked that we change the designations of the street lighting easements to electrical easements. 2. There are concerns with drainage and detention plans that need to be worked out before final submittal. Commissioner Beltz made a motion to approve the preliminary plat of Villages of Edgewater Estates Section 4 with the staffs recommendations to change the street light easements to electrical easements and to correct the drainage and detention plans, and Commissioner Mathis seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 to 0. C. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Villages of Edgewater Estates Section 5, 63.7106 acres out of the H.T.&B. R.R. Co. Survey, A-309. Variance Request: 1. Use of a 20 foot front building line on cul-de-sac and thumnail lots. City Engineer recommended staff approval with the following comments: 1. County Road 911 needs to be changed to (AKA CR 911). 2. Street light easements need to be changed to electrical easements. 3. Make sure the text reads from the bottom right. 2