R2001-0065 05-14-01RESOLUTION NO. R2001-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY'S EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK FOR THE CREATION OF A 9/80 WORK WEEK. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to extend City Hall customer service hours while simultaneously improving staff morale; and WHEREAS, the City Council at its 2001 Goals Retreat directed staff to develop a proposed 9/80 work schedule; and WHEREAS, the proposed 9/80 work schedule will have a positive impact on the recruitment and retention of quality personnel; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the appropriate sections of the City of Pearland Employee Handbook, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, are hereby amended to create a 9/80 work schedule. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 14 day of May A.D., 2001. TOM REID MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY 9/80 Revisions to the Employee Handbook SECTION 3.02 WORK HOURS The normal workweek for all regular full-time employees is forty (40) hours, and begins 12:01 p.m. on Friday and ends the following Friday at 12:00 noon. The normal pay period is two (2) weeks long, and consists of eighty (80) hours per pay period. Employees work a regular eight (8) hour day, forty (40) hour work week, or a 9/80 schedule. Employees working the 9/80 schedule shall work eight (8) nine -hour days and one (1) eight- hour day over the two—week period. 9/80 employees will have one weekday off (the "10`h day") every other week due to the eighty (80) hours being. performed over a nine (9) day period. Each employee must schedule his/her 10` day with his/her supervisor in advance of the applicable pay period. Schedules vary from location to location, however, NORMAL work hours for regular full-time employees are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with a one-hour unpaid meal period, normally taken between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The time of a meal period will be designated by the supervisor. The working hours for part-time employees and temporary employees will be determined by the supervisor. Daily and weekly work schedules may vary between and within departments. Supervisors must ensure that employees alternate "10`h days" so that there is adequate staff every day of the week. From time to time the City of Pearland may vary work schedules to meet the changing needs and conditions of business. Changes in work schedules should be announced to the employee and the Human Resources Department as far in advance as practicable. Schedules for Classified employees shall be determined by the Police Chief. SECTION 4.01 VACATIONS All regular, full time employees shall be entitled to a vacation period based on the length of service with the City of Pearland. An employee is entitled to vacation time only after the first year of continuous employment has been completed. Vacation time shall be paid at the employee's regular rate of pay. Regular full-time employees shall accrue vacations as follows: Anniversary 15` year 16` year 20`h year to Anniversary 15th year 19`h year to separation Vacation 120 hours 160 hours 200 hours Employees are required to take their earned vacation. Payment in lieu of vacation will only be made for accrued unused vacation at the time of termination and in exceptional cases as determined by the City Manager. Employees who are unable to use their vacation time due to departmental scheduling problems, may, with the City Manager's approval, carry over fifty (50) percent of the unused vacation, or, receive compensation for a maximum of forty (40) hours. In the event that a holiday observed by the City of Pearland falls within a scheduled vacation period, the hours for that holiday will not count as vacation hours Vacations may be taken in hourly increments as long as the periods chosen meet with departmental approval, and shall be recorded as hours. SECTION 4.02 HOLIDAYS To each full-time, regular employee on the 8 hour per day work schedule, the City will pay eight (8) hours of holiday pay for each holiday, including two designated holidays. To full-time, regular employees on the 9/80 work schedule, the City will pay nine (9) hours of holiday pay for each holiday, including two designated holidays. The City of Pearland recognizes the following holidays: *New Year's Day *Good Friday *Memorial Day *Independence Day *Labor Day *Thanksgiving Day *Christmas Eve *Christmas Day *Designated Holidays (2) January 1 Friday before Easter Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Fourth Thursday in November and the following Friday December 24 December 25 Two days, to be determined individually with approval of the supervisor and the Department Head. Holidays falling on a Saturday are observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays falling on Sunday are observed on the following Monday. In order to be eligible to receive holiday pay, you are required to work your scheduled hours the workday preceding and the workday following the holiday. An approved vacation day or any other excused and paid day off is considered a day worked for the purposes of holiday pay eligibility, however, sick time taken before and/or after a holiday must be verified with a doctor's excuse upon the employee's return to work. In addition to providing paid time off for the City observed holidays, the City of Pearland permits regular full-time employees to take up to two paid personal days annually (Designated Holidays) for personal business, for religious observances, ethnic holidays, and/or other events of personal significance. Designated holidays may be taken after an employee has successfully completed a ninety (90) day evaluation period, and must be taken in increments of no less than (8) hours for employees working eight-hour days, and 9 hours for employees who work the 9/80 schedule. Any regular full-time employee who is required to work on a City observed holiday shall be paid at their regular base rate of pay for the actual time worked, and in addition, the holiday pay. The employee may, with the approval of the department head, elect to receive compensatory time for the actual time worked. An employee who schedules a Designated Holiday with a supervisor and is later required to work on that day, will be paid at their regular base pay for the actual day worked, and will be allowed to select a different Designated Holiday. When a City observed holiday and a full time employee's regular scheduled day off occurs on the same day, the employee will be entitled to an alternate day off within the same pay period for 9/80 employees, and within a reasonable time, for all others. (Revised 12-29-92) For employees working the 9/80 work schedule, in the event a City holiday falls on the employee's 10`h day, the employee shall choose the previous or next normal workday as their day off, with approval from the employee's supervisor. SECTION 4.05 MEDICAL LEAVE The City of Pearland recognizes that inability to work because of illness or non- occupational injury may cause economic hardship. For this reason, the City provides paid sick days to regular full-time employees who have successfully completed a ninety (90) day evaluation period. Eligible employees accrue sick days at the rate of 10 hours per month to a maximum of 120 hours per calendar year. A new employee is not allowed to use sick leave until they have worked three continuous months. Accumulated sick leave is the difference between sick leave earned and sick leave taken. Once an employee's scheduled vacation period has started, the employee will be allowed no sick leave for the duration of the scheduled vacation period. The City Manager may grant exceptions in unusual cases, such as injury, however, in these cases a physicians report shall be necessary. In addition, once an employee's scheduled designated holiday has started, the employee will not be allowed to substitute sick leave. When an employee has exhausted all of his earned sick leave, the employee may elect to have earned vacation time used as sick leave. When absence due to illness exceeds the amount of sick leave and vacation time, pay shall be discontinued until the employee returns to work. An illness that exceeds three (3) calendar days may qualify as Family Medical Leave and different procedures may apply. For information, contact the Human Resource Office. To receive paid sick leave, an employee shall communicate with his/ her immediate Supervisor or Department Head within the half (1/2) hour of your regular work day on each day of your absence unless you are granted an authorized medical leave, in which case different notification procedures apply. Upon returning to work after a period of sick leave, the employee shall sign a certificate confirming the number of hours he/she was sick. Verification of illness by a doctor shall be required for all illnesses exceeding two (2) consecutive work days. Verification shall be provided to the Human Resource Office the day the employee returns to work. Failure to provide verification will result in a payroll deduction for the time missed. Employee absences due to illness in the immediate family, doctor's appointment, out-patient treatment and other similar absences will be charged as sick leave. Leaves exceeding two (2) consecutive work days shall be subject to verification by a doctor, as stated in the above paragraph. Sick leave may accrue to an indefinite amount, so as to protect you from catastrophic illness or non -occupational injury. However, accrued sick leave, not exceeding ninety (90) days, is the maximum that will be paid at the time of termination of employment. In cases of surgery, rehabilitation, pregnancy leave and other long term illnesses, it will be necessary to submit a Request for Family or Medical Leave of Absence form to your supervisor. This form will assist the Supervisor in knowing how to schedule work, how to plan for a "return to work", whether to hire temporary help and to make other necessary decisions to keep the department running smoothly. Employees are required to submit the Request for Family or Medical Leave of Absence form as soon as medical leave is requested, and will be expected to follow up with reports to the Supervisor as instructed. Failure to comply with the reporting schedule is grounds for disciplinary action, including termination. (Forms are available through the Human Resource Office) The procedure to follow when you are absent and other important guidelines, are set forth in the discussion of absenteeism and tardiness in this handbook. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines. EXHIBIT 9/80 Revisions to the Employee Handbook DRAFT 4/20/01 SECTION 3.02 WORK HOURS The normal workweek for all regular full-time employees is forty (40) hours, and begins 12:01 p.m. on Friday and ends the following Friday at 12:00 noon. 0gul,,rly, schcduled t„ . ork o ght (8) hou. d..y The normal pay period is two (2) weeks long, and consists of eighty (80) hours per pay period. Employees work a regular eight (8) hour day, forty (40) hour work week, or a 9/80 schedule. Employees working the 9/80 schedule shall work eight (8) nine -hour days and one (1) eight- hour day over the two -week period. 9/80 employees will have one weekday off (the "10th day") every other week due to the eighty (80) hours being. performed over a nine (9) day period. Each employee must schedule his/her 10 th day with his/her supervisor in advance of the applicable pay period. Schedules vary from location to location, however, NORMAL work hours for regular full-time employees are 7:30 8-89 a.m. to 5:30 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with a one -hour unpaid meal periods, normally taken between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. The time of a meal period will be designated by the supervisor. The working hours for part-time employees and temporary employees will be determined by the supervisor. Wher-e4hece-ar-e-twe-or-mere-empleyees-wer-king #' al ods will bo ched„ led ao_ as_�o L the offic o .,t al rrr'u'rr'vrri v, iivua Yviivu.� •�.�. .... v�==�......�.. .... .... ... .�:: Y �..� ..«.�... ter...... ... ..... Daily and weekly work schedules may vary between and within departments. Supervisors must ensure that employees alternate "10th days" so that there is adequate staff every day of the week. From time to time the City of Pearland may vary work schedules to meet the changing needs and conditions of business. Changes in work schedules should be announced to the employee and the Personnel Department as far in advance as practicable. Schedules for Classified employees will be determined by the Police Chief. SECTION 4.01 VACATIONS All regular, full time employees shall be entitled to a vacation period based on the length of service with the City of Pearland. An employee is entitled to vacation time only after the first year of continuous employment has been completed. Vacation time shall be paid at the employee's regular rate of pay_, and "hall not be taken : ods oRess than a half (1 /2) of a full day Regular full-time employees shall accrue vacations as follows: Anniversary to Anniversary Vacation 1 St year 15th year 120 hours 16th year 19th year 160 hours 20th year to separation 200 hours Employees are required to take their earned vacation. Payment in lieu of vacation will only be made for accrued unused vacation at the time of termination and in exceptional cases as determined by the City Manager. Employees who are unable to use their vacation time due to departmental scheduling problems, may, with the City Manager's approval, carry over fifty (50) percent of the unused vacation, or, receive compensation for a maximum of forty (40) hours. In the event that a holiday observed by the City of Pearland falls within a scheduled vacation period, the hours for that holiday will not count as a vacation hours da.f Vacations may be taken in hourly increments as long as the periods chosen meet with departmental approval, and shall be recorded as hours. SECTION 4.02 HOLIDAYS To each full-time, regular employee on the 8 hour per day work schedule, the City pays eight (8) hours of holiday pay for each holiday, including two designated holidays. To full-time, regular employees on the 9/80 work schedule, the City pays nine (9) hours of holiday pay for each holiday, including two designated holidays. The City of Pearland pays holiday pay on each of the following holidays: *New Year's Day *Good Friday *Memorial Day *Independence Day *Labor Day January 1 Friday before Easter Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September *Thanksgiving Day *Christmas Eve *Christmas Day *Designated Holidays (2) Fourth Thursday in November and the following Friday December 24 December 25 Two days, to be determined individually with approval of the supervisor and the Department Head. Holidays falling on a Saturday are observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays falling on Sunday are observed on the following Monday. In order to be eligible to receive holiday pay, you are required to work your scheduled hours the workday preceding and the workday following the holiday. An approved vacation day or any other excused and paid day off is considered a day worked for the purposes of holiday pay eligibility, however, sick time taken before and/or after a holiday must be verified with a doctor's excuse upon the employee's return to work. In addition to providing paid time off for the City observed holidays, the City of Pearland permits regular full-time employees to take up to two paid personal days annually (Designated Holidays) for personal business that can not be taken care of during regular business hours and for religious observances, ethnic holidays, and other events of personal significance. Designated holidays may be taken after an employee has successfully completed a ninety (90) day evaluation period, and must be taken in increments of no less than (8) hours for employees working eight -hour days, and 9 hours for employees who work the 9/80 schedule. Any regular full-time employee who is required to work on a City observed holiday shall be paid at their regular base rate of pay for the actual time worked, and in addition, the holiday pay. The employee may, with the approval of the department head, elect to receive compensatory time for the actual time worked. An employee who schedules a Designated Holiday with a supervisor and is later required to work on that day, will be paid at their regular base pay for the actual day worked, and will be allowed to select a different Designated Holiday. When a City observed holiday and a full time employee's regular scheduled day off occurs on the same day, the employee will be entitles to an alternate day off within a reasonable period of time. (Revised 12-29-92) For employees working the 9/80 work schedule, in the event a City holiday falls on the employee's 10th day, the employee will not work the previous or the next normal workday, as approved by the employee's supervisor. SECTION 4.05 MEDICAL LEAVE The City of Pearland recognizes that inability to work because of illness or non - occupational injury may cause economic hardship. For this reason, the City provides paid sick days to regular full-time employees who have successfully completed a ninety (90) day evaluation period. Eligible employees accrue sick days at the rate of 10 hours 1/4) days per month to a maximum of 120 hours 15 days per calendar year. A new employee is not allowed to use sick leave until they have worked three continuous months. Accumulated sick leave is the difference between sick leave earned and sick leave taken. Once an employee's scheduled vacation period has started, the employee will be allowed no sick leave for the duration of the scheduled vacation period. The City Manager may grant exceptions in unusual cases, such as injury, however, in these cases a physicians report shall be necessary. In addition, once an employee's scheduled designated holiday has started, the employee will not be allowed to substitute sick leave. When an employee has exhausted all for his earned sick leave, the employee may elect to have earned vacation time used as sick leave. When absence due to illness exceeds the amount of sick leave and vacation time, pay shall be discontinued until the employee returns to work. To receive paid sick leave, an employee shall communicate with his/ her immediate Supervisor or Department Head within the half (1/2) hour of your regular work day on each day of your absence unless you are granted an authorized medical leave, in which case different notification procedures apply. Upon returning to work after a period of sick leave, the employee shall sign a certificate confirming the number of hours he/she was sick. Verification of illness by a doctor shall be required for all illnesses exceeding two (2) consecutive work days. Verification shall be provided to the Personnel Department the day the employee returns to work. Failure to provide verification will result in a payroll deduction for the time missed. Employee absences due to illness in the immediate family, doctor's appointment, out -patient treatment and other similar absences will be charged as sick leave. Leaves exceeding two (2) consecutive work days shall be subject to verification by a doctor, as state din the above paragraph. Sick leave may accrue to an indefinite amount, so as to protect you from catastrophic illness or non -occupational injury. However, accrued sick leave, not exceeding ninety (90) days, is the maximum that will be paid at the time of termination of employment. In cases of surgery, rehabilitation, pregnancy leave and other long term illnesses, it will be necessary to submit a "Communication of Extended Medical Leave" form to your supervisor. This form will assist the Supervisor in knowing how to schedule work, how to plan for a "return to work", whether to hire temporary help and to make other necessary decisions to keep the department running smoothly. Employees are required to submit the "Communication of Extended Medical Leave" form as soon as medical leave is requested, and will be expected to follow up with reports to the Supervisor as instructed. Failure to comply with the reporting schedule is grounds for disciplinary action, including termination. (Forms are available through the Personnel Office and can be found in the City's Policy and Procedures Manual.) The procedure to follow when you are absent and other important guidelines, are set forth in the discussion of absenteeism and tardiness in this handbook. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines.