R79-08 2-12-79RESOLUTION NO. R79- 8 L OF THE ITY A PEARLAND, TEXAS,D ORDERING THE HOLDING OFER OF THE CITY IA REGULAR CCITY F CES, OFFICERS' ELECTION ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1979, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING TWO OACO COUNCILMEN G PROCEDURESINAND FOR THE CITY ID OF PEARLAND, TEXAS; AND REGULAR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, provide that on the first Saturday in April, a Regular and/or General Election shall be held within Pearland and theand of WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City the State of Texas provide that the Election Code of the Statewith Texas ed Code, applicable to said regular election, and in order to comply de, an Order and/or Resolution should be passed ordering the call of the regular election, establishing the procedures to be followed in said election and to designate the voting places of said election: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: That the Regular City Officers' Election of the City of Pearland, Texas, Texas, shall be held in said City on the seventh day of April, 1979, or the purpose of electing the following officials for said City, to -wit: Member of the Council Position No. 2 for a three year term Member of the Council Position No. 4 for a three year term That said Regular City Officers' Election shall be held at the following place in the City of Pearland, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said Election, to -wit: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harris County Election Precinct Numbers417, 475, said '.election _shall..be held at the Pearland High School Building, 2337 North Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. Jack Farmer is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as alternate Presiding Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed five (5) clerks. Dorothy L. Cook is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Dorothy S. Thompson, Mabel Salyer, and Barbara Lenamon are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at the following place, to -wit: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, P. 0. Box 1157 (Zip Code 77581) The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a. m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. e designated, shall remain The poll or place of absentee voting, open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State Holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8.O0 0 o'clock 'cle ock described place for o'clock p.m. on each day for said absentee voting. absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Absentee voting by sick or disabled voters after close of regular absentee voting period shall be in accordance with Subdivision 3 (e) of Article 5.05 of the Texas Election Code. In accordance with the Texas Election Code and a previous resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, it is hereby determined that electronic voting systems shall be used in the above mentioned election for all voting, including absentee voting by personal appearance and by mail, and in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Jack Farmer,, as Presiding Judge, Jo 0; Hazelwood and Blanche Massey, as clerks_, are hereby appointed as a Special Canvassing Board for said election. The above called election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the StateofTexas and only resident qualified voters of the City of Pearland shall be eligible to vote at said election. Notice of the above ordered election shall be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Election Code and Article 29 (e) of the Texas Civil Statutes, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to have said notice posted and/or published in accordance with said Article 4.05 and 29 (e). That immediately after said election is held, the officer holding the same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code of this State. That all independent candidates at the Regular Election to be held on the seventh day of April, 1979, for City Council Position 2 and City Council Position 4, shall file their applications to become candidates for said positions with the Mayor of this City at the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on or before 30 days before the date of said election. That all candidates for the Regular Election shall file with said applications the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6.02 of the Texas Election Code. That the City Secretary of the City shall, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 13.32 of the Texas Election Code, post in her office the names of all independent candidates who have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Resolution and Order, and said names shall be posted at a conspicuous place in said office for at least 10 days before said Secretary orders the same to be printed on the Official Ballot for said election. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary as provided by Article 6.05 (c), Subdivision 3 of the Texas Election Code. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct said election. A copy of this Resolution and Order shall serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge for said election. PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED this the /ca.— day of ATTEST: , A. D., 1979. Mayor a"cJ RESOLUCION NUMERO R79-8 UNA RESOLUCION Y UN MANDATO DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDENANDO QUE UNA ELECCION REGULAR DE LA CIUDAD SE LLEV, CON EL PROPOSITO DEEEELEGIR DOSA CABOLCONSEJALEDTA 7 DES PAARA�LA CIDEUUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, Y ESTABLECIENDO LOS PROCESOS PARA DIG -IAA ELECCION. SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, y las leyes del estado de Texas, proveen que el primer sabado de abril, una eleccion regular o especial se llevara a cabo adentro de la ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y las leyes del estado de Texas proveen que el Codigo Electoral de Texas se aplica a la eleccion regular y de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions del dicho Codigo, es necesario hacer un mandato o una resolucion ordenando que una eleccion regular se llevara a cabo, estableciendo el proceso para sequir en la eleccion y para designar los lugares de votacion de la dicha eleccion. POR LO TANTO, YA ESTA RESUELTO Y ORDENADO POR EL ALCALDE Y EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Que la Eleccion Regular de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, se llevara a cabo el dia 7 de abril, de 1979, con el proposito de elegir los siguientes funcionarios de la ciudad dicha: Consejal de Posicion Niunero dos (2) por el plazo de tres anos Consejal de Posicion Nfmiero cuatro (4) por el plazo de tres anos Que la Eleccion Regular se llevara cabo al mismo tiempo en el siguiente lugar en la Ciudad de Pearland, y que las personas despues mencionadas ya son oficiales de la eleccion dicha: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, nCimeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, y 43, y el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, niuneros-A17 y.475, la eleccion se llevara a cabo en el edificio de Pearland High School, 2237 N. Galveston Ave., Pearland, Texas. El Senor Jack Farmer ya esti nombrado el Juez Directive y la Senora Ruby Bozka esti nombrado la Juez alternativa. El Juez Directive tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mas que cinco (5) ayudantes. La Senora Dorothy L. Cook ya esti nombrada la Secretaria para dirigir la votacion de los ausentados, y las Senoras Dorothy S. Thompson, Mabel Salyer, y Barbara Lenamon ya estan nombradas ayudantes para asistir con la votacion-de los ausentados La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya mendionada se llevara a cabo al siguiente lugar: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave., Pearland, Texas, P. 0. Box 1157, Pearland, Texas 77581 El lugar de votacion para los ausentados ya mencionado se mantendra abierto por no mens que ocho horas para la votacion de los ausentados cada dia menos los sabado, domingos o dias festivos oficiales del estado, empezando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuatro (4) dias antes de la fecha de la eleccion. El dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto entre las horas de las 8:00 de la manana hasta las cinco de la tarde cada dia para la votacion ( ) de los ausentados. El lugar ya mencionado para la votacion de los ausentados tambien es la direccion postal de .la::sectetaria de votacion para los ausentados a...la cual 'se podran enviar por corrio solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos. La votacion para los ausentados para votantes enfermos or incapacitados despues de terminar la votacion para los ausentados regulares seran en conformida con subdivision 3 (e) del articulo 5.05 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas. Segim el C5digo Electoral del estado de Texas y una resoluciOn ya hecha del Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, en cual file determinado que los sistemas electronicos de votar se usan el la eleccion ya mencionada por todas las balotas incluyendo las boletas de los ausentados, y segim el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas, EL Senor Jack Farmer como el Juez Directive de la eleccion, y Las Senoras J. 0. .Hazelwaod=:y,Blanche Massey, Y, como ayudantes de 61, ya estgn nombrados una Junta de Solicitudes Especiales para la eleccion ya mencionada. La eleccion ya mencionada se llevara a cabo seg15i el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas, y nadie mas que los votantes cualificados de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, tienen el derecho de votar en dicha elecciOn. Un aviso de la eleccion ya ordenada se dara segun los provisiones del articulo 4.05 del Codigo Electoral de Texas y el articulo 29 (e) de las leyes civiles de Texas, y la Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta notificado a publicar el aviso segim los dichos articulos 4.05 y 29 (e) . Que imediatamente despues de la elecion, el oficial dirigiendo la eleccion, tiene que hacer un reporte del resultado al Alcalde de la Ciudad co o requiere el Codigo Electoral del estado. Que todos los candidatos independientes de la Eleccion Regular que se llevara a cabo el dfa 7 de abril, de 1979, por Consejal de Posici6n NGmero do (2) , y Consejal de Posicion Nwnero cuatro (4) , tienen que registrar las aplicaciones para ser candidato para las dichas posiciones con el Alcalde_.de la Ciudad en el City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas, en o antes de los treinta dias antes de la fecha de la dicha eleccion. Que todos los candidatos de la Eleccion Regular tienen que registrar con dichas aplicaciones la Declaracion de Fidelidad, que se requiere por el articulo 6.02 del Codigo Electoral de Texas. Que la Secretaria de la Ciudad, segim las provisiones del articulo 13.32 del COdigo Electoral de Texas, de aviso publico en su ofician los nombres de todos los candidatos independientes, quienes han registrado las aplicaciones en acuerdo con las provisiones de esta ResoluciOn y Mandato, y los dichos nombres se exiban en un lugar aparente en la oficina por no menos que diez dias antes de que el dicha Secretaria ordene que los nombres se escriban en la Balota Oficial de la_eleccion. El Orden numerico en cual los nombres de los candidatos aparecen en la balota se determina por un sorteo dirigido por la Secretaria de la Ciudad, segim el articulo 6.05 (c) , Parte 3 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas. La Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta autorizada y dirigida a proveer todas las materias necesarias para arreglar la dicha elecciOn. Una copia de esta resolucion y mandato se servira como un acto juridico de eleccion, que se debe enviar al Juez Directive para la elecci6n. PASADO, APROVADO, ADOPTADO, Y ORDENADO el dia de de 1979. 4 Alcalde DANDO FE: Secretaria de la, iudad 1 qF-•G ` LEAF ! THEJOURNAL 5, THE d IOURNAL „ - Q� P. O. S . X 81 FRI NDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482-2222 c . O ry THE STATE OF TEXAS - COUNTY OF Brazoria Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said State and County, on this day personally appeared . Marie Moore , being known to me, and being by me I first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says that he is the editor/ publisher of The Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published in Brazoria County, Texas; and that a copy of the attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates: March 15 , 1979 19 . , 19 , 19 , 19 , 19 A copy of such notice is attached hereto and expressly made a part of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. By SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said Marie Moore editor/publisher of The Journal,. on this the 16th day of March " y ,___--- --- .19 79 , =to-c-rtify Which witness my hand and seal of office. .- Myz ssion a fires 4-10-80 March 15,1979 The Journal Page 13 1 Legal Notices Legal Notices day of April, 1979, in the above named City, for the purpose of electing the following of- ficials, to wit: City Council Position No. 2 for a three year term City Council Position No. 4 for a three year term Said Regular City Officers' Election will be held at the following polling place in said City: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 and 43, and Harris County Election Precinct Numbers 417 and 475, said election shall be held at the Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. The polls of the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7 00 p.m. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at the following placer Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, (P.O. Box 1157, Zip Code 77581). Said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or on an Official State Holiday, begin- ning on the twentieth day and continuing through the fourth day preceding the date of said election Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m and 5:00 o'clock p.m. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail shall be sent. Dated this 12 day of February, A.D. 1979. Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas RESOLUTION NO. R79.8 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDERING THE HOLDING OF A REGULAR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1979, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING TWO COUNCIL- MEN IN AND FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS,AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SAID REGULAR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, provide that on the first Saturday in April, a Regular and/or General Elec- tion shall be held within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and the laws of the State of Texas provide that the Election Code of the State of Texas is applicable to said regular election, and in order to comply with said Code, an Order and/or Resolution should be passed or- dering the call of the regular election, establishing the procedures to be followed in said election and to designate the voting places of said election. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: That the Regular City Officers' Election of the City of Pearland, Texas, shall be held in said City on the seventh day of April, 1979, for the purpose of electing the following of- ficials for said city, to wit. Member of the Council Position No. 2 for a three year term Member of the Council Position No. 4 for a three year term That said Regular City Officers' Election shall be held at the following place in the City of Pearland, and the folowing named persons are hereby appointed officers for said Election, to wit: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harris Cointy Election Precinct Numbers 417, 475, said election shall be held at the Pearland High School Building, 2337 North Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. Jack Farmer is hereby appointed_as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as alternate 'residing Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him 'which shall not exceed five (5) clerks Dorothy L. Cook is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Dorothy S. Thom- pson, Mabel Salyer, and Barbara Lenamon are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absen- tee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at the following place, to wit: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, P.O. Box 1157 (Zip Code 77581). The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 7 00 o'clock p.m. The poll or place of absentee voting, above designated, shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an of- ficial State Holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 5:00 o'clock p.m. on each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Absentee voting by sick or disabled voters after close of regular absentee voting period shall be in accordance with Subdivision 3(e) of Article 5.05 of the Texas Election Code. In accordance with the Texas Election Code and a previous resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, it is hereby determined that electronic voting systems shall be used in the above mentioned election for all voting, including absentee voting by personal appearance and by mail, and in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Jack Farmer, as Presiding Judge, J.O. Hazelwood and Blanche Massey, as clerks, are hereby appointed as a Special Canvassing Board for said election. The above called election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the State of Texas and only resident qualified voters of the City of Pearland shall be eligible to vote at said election. Notice of the above ordered election shall be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Election Code and Article 29 (e) of the Texas Civil Statutes, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to have said notice posted and/or published in accordance with said Article 4.05 and 29(e). That immediately after said election is held, the officer holding the same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code of this State. That all independent candidates at the Regular Election to be held on the seventh day of April, 1979, for City Council Position 2 and City Council Position 4, shall file their ap- plications to become candidates for said positions with the Mayor of this City at the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on or before 30 days before the date of said election. That all candidates for the Regular Election shall file with said applications the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6 02 of the Texas Election Code That the City Secretary of the City shall, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 13.32 of the Texas Election Code, post in her office the names of all independent candidates who have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Resolution and Order, and said names shall be posted at a conspicuous place in said office for at least 10 days before said Secretary orders the same to be printed on the Official Ballot for said election. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary as provided by Article 6.05 (c), Subdivision 3 of the Texas Election Code. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct said election. A copy of this Resolution and Order shall serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge for said election. PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED this the 12 day of February, A.D. 1979. Tom Reid listen, Rapist given 20-year term A Houston man was sentenced to 20 years in jail Monday in 183rd District Court following his convic- tion in a Webster rape case. Marsa Hall, 21, was charged by Webster police after an incident at the Gulf Terrace Apartments Aug. 18, 1978. Police responding to a burglary call at the complex learned there had been a robbery and 'a rape. The 21-year-old victim told police her assailant entered her apartment, threatened her, ran- sacked her purse, raped her and stole her car. Hall was arrested Aug. 20 by Houston police following a high speed chase. He had given police addresses. in Houston's Third Ward and LaPorte. Webster police had charged h i m with aggravated rape, aggravated robbery and burglary with intent to commit a rape. Police chief Reyes Sonora ex- plained the jury changed the aggravated rape charge to a rape charge which is a second degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in jail and an optional fine. The other two charges were dis- missed, Sonora said. 1 Big c ub leads to drug charge i A Houston man faces charges of possessing a controlled drug following an incident Saturday in Webster. Mark W. Beaird, 25, was initially arrested and charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon after officer R.D. Moon spotted Beaird with a three -foot - long wooden club. Moon had stopped the car in which Beaird was a passenger at 3:15 AM for suspicious actions. Police searched Beaird at the Webster jail where he was being held on the first charge. They found over 50 tablets of methquaalude, a hypnotic drug, police Sonora explained the first count was dropped because, under the speedy trials law, if Beaird wasn't tried before a specified time on the first count, then all charges against him would have to be dropped. Police also arrested a juvenile Saturday on charges of stealing an auto from the Mobil Sta- tion at Nasa Road 1 and Highway 3. He was re- ferred to juvenile proba- tion authorities. Gary Greene, an at- tendant at the station, chased the vehicle down Highway 3 to Fondren Street. IAII-tsar. IMF1:IN r, . 01trb .a.hsd Services Services Legal Notices Legal Notices FOR: MAJOR APPLIANCE REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS ALSO: Factory Authorized Service Wizard Appliances Thank You For Calling • Alvin Frlendswood League City Pearland 331-5719 482-2305 332-3426 485-1345 CANNONS AIR 3902 Third, Pearland Wayne Cannon Home 675-3826 RIDGE ELECTRIC, INC. •WIRING •RE -WIRING •REPAIRING Residential & Commercial Small Jobs Welcome 482.4616 (bus.) CALL ANYTIME 482-7533 (res.) LARRY K. RIDGE a MIMS i� CUSTOM PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS --= By Cliff Whipple Excellent References 25 Years Experience 331-6338 or 585-8302 7 PREPARATION OF ALL TYPES OF TAX RETURNS Enjoy The Convenience Of A Local CPA PATSY A. ENGERT Certified Public Accountant Call For Free Conference Hours 7:30.10:30 AM 3:30.9:30 PM 1 554.2269 MICKLER CONSTRUCTION REMODELING SPECIALISTS El_ LOCAL *garages *additions *cabinet work *roofing •kitchens *siding REPUTABLE 482-7133 evenings • ff A 1 1 it n"1y/ el-71-Ernir NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: An election will be held within legal hours on April 7, 1979, at 5006 Penny - stone Way, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of electing three directors for Clear Woods Improvement District. The following persons have been appointed as election officials: David Drake, Presiding Judge; Estelle Bergeron, Assistant Judge; Ouida Moore, Clerk; Sally Parker, Clerk; Ray Crain, Absentee Clerk Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on March 28, 29, and 30, and April 2 and 3, 1979, at 15415 Wandering Trail, Friends- wood, Harris County, Texas. Only qualified resident voters of the district will be entitled to vote. (SEAL) E.A. Klessling, President Peter S. Cunningham, Secretary AVISO DE ELECCION A LOS CALIFICADOS VOTANTES DE CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: Una eleccion sera Ilevada a cabo dentro de las horas legales el dia 7 de abril de 1979, en 5006 Pennystone Way, Frlendswood, Harris Condado, Texas, para el fin de elegir tres directores para Clear Woods Improvement District. Las siguientes personas han sido nombradas como oficiales de eleccion: David Drake, Juez que Preside; Estelle Bergeron, Juez Ayudante; Ouida Moore, Em- pleado; Sally Parker, Empleado; Ray Crain, Empleado en Ausencia. El voto en ausencia apareciendo en persona, sera Ilevado a cabo entre las 9:00 A.M. y las 5:00 P.M. los dias 28, 29 y 30 de marzo y 2 y 3 de abril de 1979, en 15415 Wandering Trail, Friendswood, Harris Condado, Texas. Solamente los debidamente calificados votantes del distrito tendran derecho a votar. (SELLO) E.A. Klessling, Presidents Peter S. Cunningham, Secretarlo NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS, CITY OF MANVEL TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MANVEL, TEXAS: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held on the 7th day of April, 1979, in the City of Manvel, Texas, at the place, in the manner, and for the offices set forth in the attached copy of RESOLUTION NO. 79-1, duly authorized by the City Council of the City of Manvel on the 8th day of February, 1979. Said attached Resolution is made a part of this notice for all intents and purposes. Deloris McKenzie Mandel City Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 79R-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANVEL, TEXAS,ORDERING THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1979, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE MAYOR AND TWO ALDERMEN FOR SAID CITY OF MANVEL, TEXAS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A "STRAW BALLOT" CON- CERNING CERTAIN ISSUES HERIN DESCRIBED. BE IT RESOVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANVEL, TEXAS: That the Regular City Election of the City of Manvel, Texas, shall be held on the 7th day of April, 1979, for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two Aldermen. Said election shall be held on April 7, 1979, between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. Said election shall be held at one polling place for all qualified voters of the City of Manvel, and the polling place shall be located at the Manvel City Hall, 6615 FM 1128, Manvel, Texas. The presiding officers for said election shall consist of a presiding judge and an alter- nating presiding judge. Janet Pollard is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge. Martha Phillips is hereby appointed as alternate Presiding Judge. The Presiding Judge at such election shall appoint not less than two nor more than four clerks. Said election shall be held in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and all duly qualified resident electors of the City of Manvel, Texas, shall be qualified to vote. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at the Manvel City Hall, 6615 FM 1128, Manvel, Texas within said city and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight (8) hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or an official State Holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said absentee voting shall be conducted by the City Secretary in accordance with Article 5.05 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Voting in said election shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the State of Texas and the proclamation of the results of the election shall be in accor- dance with law. A "Straw Ballot" will be conducted to determine whether the citizens of Manvel would be willing to pay ad valorem taxes to secure the services described in the following question: Would you be willing to pay ad valorem taxes to receive the following services: Check Yes or No: YES YES YES YES NO 1. Additional road and drainage improvements NO 2. Police Department NO 3. Sewer and water service NO 4. Garbage pick up The "Straw Ballot' will have no binding legal effect. Notice of the election hereby ordered and called shall be given: (a) By publication on one (1) day in a newspaper of general circulation published within said City, the date of said publication to be at least ten (10) days prior to the date set herein for such election and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date set herein for such elections: and (b) By posting of such notice at three public places within the corporate limits of the City not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date set herein for such election. It is hereby found and determined that the Journal is a newspaper of general cir- culation within the City of Manvel. The Journal is the official newspaper of the City of Manvel. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause said notice to be given as hereinabove directed. Further orders are reserved until the returns of said election are made by the duly authorized election officials and received by this Body PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED the 8th day of February, 1979. City of Manvel, Texas By: J.A. Bailey, Mayor 1 e. Harris County Court No. 2. m i nal juvenile suspect had fled into a nearby field. AVISO DE ELECCION A LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS DEL CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Se da aviso por la presente que se Ilevara a cabo una elecion regular de funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 7 de abril, de 1979, en la Ciudad ya mencionada. La Eleccion Regular se Ilevara a cabo el 7 de abril, de 1979, con el proposito de elegir a los siguiente funcionarios para dicha ciudad Consejal de Posicion Numero dos por el plazo tres anos Consejal de Posicion Numero cuatro por el plazo tres anos. La election ya mencionada se Ilevara a cabo al mismo tiempo e los siguentes lugares de votacion en dicha ciudad: En los distritos electorates del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 y 43, y en el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, numeros 417 y 475, la dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Ave., Pearland, Texas El lugar de votacion para dicha eleccion se mantendra abierto el dia ya mencionado de eleccion de las 7:00 de la manana a las 7:00 de la tarde. La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya designada se Ilevara a cabo en el City Hall de Pearland, 2335 N. Texas Ave., en dicha ciudad, P.O. Box 1157, Pearland, Texas, 77581. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados se mantendra abierto no menos que ocho horas de cada dia menos los sabados, domingos, y dias festivos oficiales del estado,prin- cipando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasty el cuatro dia antes de la fecha de dicha elec- cion. Dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto de las 8:00 de la manana hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. El lugar ya mencionado pare Ia votacion de los ausentados tambien es la direccion postal de la secretaria de votacion para los ausentados a la cual se podran en- viar por corrio solictudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos. Fechado el dia 12 de febrero, de 1979. Tom Reid Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas RESOLUCION NUMERO R79.8 UNA RESOLUCION Y UN MANDATO DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDENANDO QUE UNA ELECCION REGULAR DE LA CIUDAD SE LLEVARA A CABO EL DIA 7 DE ABRIL, DE 1979, CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR DOS CONSEJALES PARA LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, Y ESTABLECIENDO LOS PROCESOS PARA DICHA ELECCION. SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, y las leyes del estado de Texas, proveen que el primer sabado de abril, una eleccion regular o especial se Ilevara a cabo adentro de Ia ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de lncorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y las leyes del estado de Texas proveen que el Codigo Electoral de Texas se aplica a la eleccion regular y de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones del dicho Codigo, es necesario hacer un man- dato o una resolucion ordenando que una eleccion regular se Ilevara a cabo, establecien- do el proceso para sequir en la eleccion y para designar los lugares de votacion de la dicha eleccion. POR LO TANTO, YA ESTA RESUELTO Y ORDENADO POR EL ALCALDE Y EL CON- CILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Que la Eleccion Regular de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, se Ilevara a cabo el dia 7 de abril, de 1979, con el proposito de elegir los siguientes funcionarios de la' ciudad dicha: Consejal de Posicion Numero dos (2) por el plazo de tres anos Consejal de Posicion Numero cuatro (4) por el plazo de tres anos Que la Eleccion Regular se Ilevara cabo al mismo tiempo en el siguiente lugar en la Ciudad de Pearland, y que las persons despues mencionadas ya son oficiales de la elec- cion dicha: En los distritos electorates del condadc de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 y 43, y el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, numeros 417 y 475, la eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en el edificio de Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Ave., Pearland, Texas. El Senor Jack Farmer ya esta nombrado e Juea Directivo y la Senora Ruby Bozka esta nombrado la Juez alternative. El Juez Directivo tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mas que cinco (5) ayudantes. La Senora Dorothy L. Cook ya esta no'ibrada la Secretaria para dirigir la votacion de los ausentados, y las Senoras Dorothy S. Thompson, Mabel Salyer, y Barbara Lenamon ya estan nombradas ayudantes para asistir con la votacion de los ausentados. La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya mencionada se Ilevara a cabo al siguiente lugar: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave., Pearland, Texas, P.O. Box 1157, Pearland, Texas 77581. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados ya mencionado se mantendra abierto por no menos que ocho horas para la votacion de los ausentados cada dia menos los sabado, domingos o dias festivos oficiales del estado, empezando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuatro (4) dias antes de la fecha de la eleccion. El dicho lugar de votacion se man- tendra abierto entre las horas de las 8:00 de la manana hasta las cinco de la tarde cada dia para la votacion de los ausentados. El lugar ya mencionado para la votacion de los ausentados tambien es la direccion postal de la secretaria de votacion para los ausen- tados a la cual se podran enviar por corrio solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos. La votacion para los ausentados para votantes enfermos or incapacitados despues de terminar la votacion para los ausentados regulares seran en conformida con sub- division 3 (e) del articulo 5.05 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas. Segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas y una resolution ya hecha deg Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, en cue, fue determinado que los sistemas electronicos de voter se usan en la eleccion ya mencionada por todas las balotas incluyendo las boletas de los ausentados, y segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas, El Senor Jack Farmer, como el Juez Directivo de la eleccion, y Las Senoras J.O. Hazelwood y Blanche Massey, como ayudantes de el, ya estan nombrados una Junta de Solicitudes Especiales para la eleccion ya mencionada. La eleccion ya mencionada se Ilevara a cabo segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas, y nadie mas que los votantes cualificados de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, tienen el derecho de voter en dicha eleccion. Un aviso de la eleccion ya ordenada se dara segun los provisiones del articulo 4.05 del Codigo Electoral de Texas y el articulo 29 (e) de las leyes civiles de Texas, y la Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta notificado a publicar el aviso segun los dichos articulos 4.05 y 29 (e). Que imediatamente despues de la elecion, el oficial dirigiendo la eleccion, tiene que hacer un reporte del resultado al Alcalde de Ia Ciudad come requirer el Codigo Electoral del estado. Que todos los candidatos independientes de la Eleccion Regular que se Ilevara a cabo el dia 7 de abril, de 1979, por Consejal de Posicion Numero dos (2), y Consejal de Posicion Numero cuatro (4), tienen que registrar las aplicaciones para ser candidato para las dichas posiciones con el Alcalde de la Ciudad en el City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave., Pearland, Texas, en o antes de los treinta dias antes de la fecha de la dicha eleccion. Que todos los candidatos de la Eleccion Regular tienen que registrar con dichas aplicaciones la Declaration de Fidelidad, que se requirer por el articulo 6.02 del Codigo Electoral de Texas. Que la Secretaria de Ia Ciudad, segun las provisiones del articulo 13.32 del Codigo Electgoral de Texas, de aviso publico en su oiician los nombres de todos los candidatos independientes, quienes han registrado las aplicaciones en acuerdo con las provisiones de esta Resolution y Mandato, y los dichos nombres se exiban en un lugar aparente en la oficina por no menos que diez dias antes de que el dicha Secretaria ordene que los nom- bres se escriban en la Balota Oficial de la eleccion. El orden numerico en cual los nom- bres de los candidatos aparecen el la balota se determina por un sorteo dirigido por la Legal Notices Legal Notices Secretaria de Ia Ciudad, segun el articulo 6.05 (c), Parte 3 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas. La Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta autorizada y dirigida a proveer todas las materias necesarias para arreglar la dicha eleccion. Una copia de esta resolucion y mandato se servira como un acto juridico de eleccion, que se debe enviar al Juez Directive para la eleccion. PASADO, APROVADO, ADOPTADO, Y ORDENADO el dia 12 de February, de 1979. Tom Reid Alcalde DANDO FE: Dorothy L. Cook Secretaria de le Ciudad PUBLIC NOTICE Candidates for Brookside Village city council positions will present their platforms at a political rally on Wednesday, April 4, at 7.30 PM in the community meeting room at the Brookside Village Fire Station. All Brookside Village residents are urged to at- tend. BID NOTICE Friendswood I.S.D. is requesting bids for two portable classrooms to be located on the Westwood Elementary campus, Friendswood, TX. Bids will be received until 3:30 p.m., April 2, 1979. Specifica- tions may be obtained from Mr. Walter Wilson, Assistant Superintendent, tele- phone 482-1267. FISD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids, in duplicate, addressed to the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, will be received at the Pearland City Hall until 12:00 Noon April 9, 1979, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor, machinery, equipment, tools and superin- tendence for Mykawa Road Construction Project for said City, to -wit: STREET CONSTRUCTION Mykawa Road from F.M. 518 to Orange St. Plans, specifications and bidding doc- uments may be secured from the office of COENCO, Inc., Consulting Engineers, P.O. Box 1388, 1614 N. Gordon St., Alvin, Texas, on deposit of forty ($40.00) dollars. No refund will be made unless a bid is submitted by the individual or organiza- tion making the deposit. Bid Bond, Cashier's or Certified check upon some responsible bank of the State of Texas in the amount of five (5) percent of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the City of Pearland, Texas must accompany each proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids as the best interests of the City dictate and to award the Contract to the lowest qualified responsible bidder submit- ting the best bid in the interest of the public. Plans, specifications and bidding documents are available for inspection during regular business hours at the following locations: 1. COENCO, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 1614 N. Gordon St., Alvin, Texas 77511, 713/331-4407. 2. City Hall, 2337 N. Texas Ave., Pearland, Texas 77581, 713/485-2411. 3. Dodge Reports (F.W. Dodge Com- pany), 3333 Eastside, Suite 180, Houston, Texas 77098, 713/529-4895. 4. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., 2404 Crawford, Houston, Texas 77004, 713/659-4845. 5. Houston Contractors Association, 4189 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite 228, Houston, Texas 77025, 713/666-4105. Additional single sets of the documents may be obtained by prospective bidders making an initial deposit for the additional sum of $40.00, which is not subject to refund. The documents will be supplied to sub- contractors and suppliers of equipment and materials upon payment of $40.00 per set which is not refundable. Tom Reid, Mayor City of Pearland, Texas Dated: March 12,1979 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST BY ENTEX, INC. FOR RATE INCREASE Notice is hereby given to all interested citizens in the City of Pearland, Texas, that a public hearing will be held on Monday, March 19, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. on a request by Entex, Inc. for an increase in rates for Residential and Commercial Service. The Hearing will be held in the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas. At this time the City Council will hear testimony for or against the request by Entex,Inc. for this requested rate increase. Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary City of Pearland NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of April, 1979, at 7:30 P.M., the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission of the City of Pearland, Brazoria and Harris Counties, Texas, will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Room, City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, on the request of Green Tee Cor- poration for an amendment to the Land Use and Urban Development Ordinance of said City, from classification Planned Unit to General Business on the following described property to -wit: Being a tract of land containing 1.378 acres out of and a part of a 2.560 Acre Tract described in a Deed .from James W. Fair, Trustee, to David K. Smith, Samuel H. Vester, Jr., and Thomas P. Alexander, dated July 12, 1968 as recorded in Volume 1006, Page 699 of the Brazoria County Deed Records. At such time and place as above stated, the Planning and Zoning Commission will hear all evidence concerning the advis- ability of amending said Ordinance, and also will hear all evidence in protest to the amendment of said Ordinance. Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS BID NO. B79.3 Sealed bids addressed to the City Secretary, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas, will be received in the of- fice of the City Secretary at City Hall until 12:00 Noon, April 6, 1979. for the fur- nishing of all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to perform street sweeping tasks in the City of Pearland on an as needed basis. The bid would an- ticipate sweeping the City four times per year. After the above fixed time, bids will be publicly opened and read. Any bids received after the above fixed time will be returned unopened. The right is reserved, as the interest of the Owner may require, to accept or reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in the bids received. Specifications are available at the City Secretary's office at City Hall or at the City Service Center, 3501 E. Orange Street, Pearland, Texas. Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary ir t URNERS DAY ARE CHILD CARE IN MY F.JME • State Licensed • Friendswood Bus Line • Hot Meals • Planned Activities CALL FOR DROP -INS CAPACITY-18 Off FM 518 between Sunmeadow & Hwy. 35 331-1386 • Playground • Swimming • Field Trips �os�ossotIC:=:=D100 Patio Covers & Carports Commercial & Residential SEAMLESS ALUMINUM GUTTERING Free Estimates WELLS HOME IMPROVEMENT 534.4600 11 Legal Notices Legal Notices PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of Friendswood, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, 77546 and the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, 910 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, Texas, 77058 have applied to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Texas Water Quality Board for a grant for construction of a regional tertiary sewage treatment plant which will have a proposed discharge not to exceed 4,000,000 gallons per day. The proposed plant will be located on the Harris County side of Clear Creek adjacent to Horseshoe Bend approximately one mile south of Farm -to -Market Road 528. The treated sewage effluent will be discharged into Clear Creek, thence into Clear Lake. As part of the Federal Grant Program a Public Hearing will be held in the Friends - wood City Hall, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas at 8:00 P.M., March 19, 1979 to obtain public input concerning the facilities plan revisions and to afford concerned interests adequate opportunity to express their views. A description of the water quality problems and the principal alternatives considered in the planning process will be on display at the Friendswood City Hall for inspection. Further information, if available, can be obtained by writing the City of Friends - wood, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, 77546 or the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, 910 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, Texas, 77058. is/ James C. Morgan City Manager NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 108: An election will be held within legal hours on April 7, 1979, at 4302 Laura Leigh, Forest Bend Fire Station, Forest Bend Subdivision, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of electing three directors for Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 108. The following persons have been appointed as election officials: Dolores Mathis, Presiding Judge; Pat Aubry, Assistant Judge; Elsa L. James, Clerk; Connie Seeley, Clerk; Connie Seeley, Absentee Clerk. Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on March 28, 29 and 30, and April 2 and 3, 1979, at the residence of Connie Seeley, 16910 Tibet Road, Forest Bend Subdivision, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas. Only qualified resident voters of the district will be entitled to vote. (SEAL) John Chloma, President Margaret K. George, Secretary AVISO DE ELECCION A LOS CALIFICADOS VOTANTES DE HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 108 Una eleccion sera Ilevada a cabo dentro de las horas legales el dia 7 de abril de 1979, en 4302 Laura Leigh, Forest Bend Fire Station, Forest Bend Subdivision, Friendswood, Harris Condado, Texas, para el fin de elegir tres directores para Harris County Water Con- trol and Improvement District No. 108. Las siguientes personas han sido nombradas como oficiales de eleccion: Dolores Mathis, Juez que preside; Pat Aubry, Juez Ayudante; Elsa L. James, Empleado; Connie Seeley, Empleado; Connie Seeley, Empleado en Ausencia. El voto en ausencia apareciendo en persona, sera Ilevado a cabo entre las 9:00 A.M. y las 5:00 P.M. los dias 28, 29 y 30 de marzo y 2 y 3 de abril de 1979, en las residencia de Connie Seeley, 16910 Tibet Road, Forest Bend Subdivision, Friendswood, Harris Con- dado, Texas. Solamente los debidamente calificados votantes del distrito tendran derecho a votar. John Chloma, Presidente (Seal) Margaret K. George, Secretario NOTICE OF ELECTION To the registered voters of the City of Brookside Village, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. April 7, 1979, for voting in the city election for the purpose of electing three (3) City Council members. Belle Lloyd, City Secretary City of Brookside village Location of polling places: Brookside Village Elementary School Cafetorium. AVISO DE ELECCION A los votantes registrados del Ciudad de Brookside Village, Texas: Notifiquese por Ia presente que los sitios de votacion indicados abajo se abriran desde las 7.00 de la manana hasta las 7:00 de la tarde para votar en la eleccion de la ciudad con el proposito de elegir tres (3) consejales para la ciudad. Belle Lloyd, Sec=nnarlo de la Ciudad Ciudad de Sato okside Village Direcciones de los sitios de votacion: Brookside Village Elementary School Cafetorium. SI SI SI AVISO DE f :ION MUNICIPAL ESTADO DE TEXAS, CIUDAD DE MAN, AVISOA LOS RESIDENTES VOTANTES DL LACIUDAD DE MANVEL, TEXAS: SEAN AVISADOS que una eleccion se Ilevara a cabo el siete de Abril, 19791 en la Ciludad de Manvel, en el lugar, en la manera, y para los oficiales mencionados en la copia adjunta de Resolucion No. 79R-1, debidamente autorizado por el Cabildo Municipal de la Ciudad de Manvel el dia 8 de febrero, 1979 Dicha resolucion adjuntada se hace parte de este aviso para todos intenciones y propositos. Deloris McKenzie Secretaria de la Ciudad Ciudad De Manvel, Texas RESOLUCION NO. 79R•1 UNA RESOLUCION DELCABILDO MUNICIPAL DE LACIUDAD DE 'MANVEL, TEXAS, ORDENANDO LA CONVOCACION DE LA ELECCION REGULAR DE LACIUDAD PARA EL DE ABRIL, 1979, SIETE CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELIZIR EL ALCADLE Y DOS CONSEJEROS PARA DICHACIUDED DE MANVEL, TEXAS, Y PARACONDUCIR UNA VOTACION INFORMAL TRATANDO DE CIERTOS ASUNTOS AQUI DELI NEADOS. RESUELVSE POR EL CABILDO MUNICIPAL DE MANVEL, TEXAS: Que la elecion regular de la Ciudad de Manvel, Texas se Ilevara a cabo el siete de Abril, 1979, con el proposito de elijir el alcalde y dos consejales. Dicha elecion se Ilevara a cabo el siete de Abril, 1979, entre las horas de siete (7:00) A.M. y las siete (7:00) P.M. Dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en una casilla electoral para todos los votantes calificados de la Ciudad de Manvel, y la casilla electoral estara localizado en el Municipio de Manvel, 6615 FM 1128, Manvel, Texas. Los oficiales Electorales para dicha eleccion consistiran de un juez presidente y un juez supiente. La senora Janet Pollard queda aqui nombarada como juez presidente. La senora Martha Phillips queda aqui nombarada como juez supliente. La Juez Presidente nombara a no menos de dos ni mas de cuatro oficiales. Dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo de acuerdo con Ia Constitucion y las Leyes Del Estado, de Texas, y todos los electores debidamente calificados residentes en la Ciudad de Man- vel, Texas estaran calificaos para voter. La votacion en ausencia que se hara en dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en el Municipio de Manvel, 6615 FM 1128, Manvel, Texas, dentro de dicha ciudad y lugar de votacion en ausencia se quedara abierto por lo menus ocho (8) horas cada dia de la votacion que no sea sabado, domingo, o dia festivo estatal, empezando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuatro (4) dia antes de la fecha de dicha eleccion. Dicha votacion en aucencia sera conducida por el Secretario Municipal de acuerda con el articulo 5.05 del codigo Elecoral del Estado de Texas. La votacion en dicha eleccion estara de acuerdo con las proviciones del Codigo Elec- toral del Estado de Texas y la proclamacion de los resultados de Ia eleccion estara de acuerdo con la ley. Una votacion de encuesta estara conducida para determinar si los ciudanos de Manvel estarias dispuestos a pagar impuestos ad valorem para recibir los servicios delincados en la siguiente pregunta: Estaria ud. dispuesto pagar impuestos ad valorem para recibir los servicios siguientes: Marque Si o No (x) SI NO 1. Mejora mientos adicionales de caminos y drenaje NO 2. Departamento de Policias NO 3. Servicio de alcantarillaje y aqua NO 4. Servicio de recoger basura Este votaclon de encuesta no tendra ningun efecto obligatorio ni legal. Se dara un aviso de Ia eleccion aqui ordenada y convocada como sique: (a) Por publicacion en un (1) dia en un periodico de circulcion general y publicado den- tro de dicha ciudad, la fecha de dicha publicacion sera no menos de 10 dias antes de la fecha de la eleccion y ho mas que 30 dia antes de dichas elecciones, y (b) Por medio de fijar tal aviso en por lo menos tres lugares publicos dentro de los limites de la Ciudad no menos de veinte (20) dias antes de las fecha aqui mencionada de tal elecion. Por el presente se encuenta y se determina que the Journal es un periodico de cir- culacion general dentro de la Ciudad de Manvel. El Secretario Municipal queda autorizado por el presente y dirizido para dar aviso segun expuesta arriba. Ordenes adicionales estan reservados hasta que los resultados de dicha elecion sean anunciados por los oficiales electorales debidamente autorizados y hayan sido recibidos por este Cuerpo PASADA, APROBADA y ADOPTADA este dia 8th de febrero, 1979. J. A. Batley, Alcalde Deloris McKenzie Secretaria de la Ciudad NOTICE OF ELECTION To the REGISTERED Voters of the Pearland Independent School District, County of Brazoria, Texas. Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 7, 1979, for voting in theSchool Trustee Election for the purpose of electing 3 members to the Board of Trustees of Pearland Independent School District: Unexpired term of Position 1, three year term of Position 3, and three year term of Position 4. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES Absentee Voting: Pearland I.S.D. Administration Building. Precincts 12, 16 & 28: Pearland High School Precincts 26 & 29: Brookside Elementary School. AVISO DE ELECCION A los Votantes registrados del Pearland Independent School District, Condado de Brazoria, Texas: Notifiquese por la presente que los sitios de votacion indicados abajo se abriran desde las 7 de la manana haste las 7 de la tarde el 7 de abril, 1979, para votar en la eleccion de School Trustees con el proposito de elegir tres (3) miembres al Board of Trustees de Pearland Independent School District: Terma inexpirada de Posicion 1, terma de tres anos de Posicion 3, y terma de tres anos de Posicion 4. DIRECCIONES DE LOS SITIOS DE VOTACION Votantes en ausencia: Pearland I S.D. edificio de administracion. Distritos electorales 12, 16 & 28: Pearland High School Distritos electorales 26 & 29: Brookside Elementary School. Peariend Ind. School District Board of Trustees By Theta Cessac, President NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that a Regular City Officers' Election will be held on the seventh AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION CAME TO HAND on the jp day .of 1979, at D o'clock 4 M. copies of Notice o" f CityOfficers' O P Election, City of Pearland, Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed on the a day of � � , 1979, by posting true and . correct copies of said Notice at public places where notices are customarily posted, and said date of posting being at least 20 days before the date of election described in said Notice, and said notices were posted at the following places, to-wit: In Election Precinct No. 12 at City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on the inside bulletin board and the outside bulletin board; In Election Precinct No. 16 at Pearland Sites Road on pole next to driveway of house' located near the City limits line; In Election Precinct No. 28 at Kroger's grocery store on bulletin board; In Election Precinct No. 29 at East side of 1128 F.M. on pole between 'County Road 101 and County Road 100 East side; In Election Precinct No. 26 at Woody Road at Comal.Street on a utility pole;- In Election Precinct No. 43 at intersection of County Road 48 and County Road 58 on a pole; In Election Precinct No. -417 (Harris County) at.Golfcrest Country Club's bulletin board; and In Election Precinct No. 475 (Harris County) PEARLAND, TEXAS City Secretary � ) • CAME TO HAND on the ,'3 day of f,_ , 1979, at .J': !.S o'clock /4 M. two copies of the Notice-of City Officers' Election, City of Pearland, Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed by filing one copy in :City:?H411 on said date and the other copy was posted on. the bulletin board inCity=Hall on said date, said filing and posting being at least 20 days before the date of the election described.in said notice. PEARLAND, TEXAS 'City Secretary NOTICE OF ELECTION TO: THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that a Regular City Officers' Election will be held on the seventh day of April, 1979, in the above named City, for the purpose of electing the following officials, to wit: City Council Position No. 2 for a three year term City Council Position No. _4 for a three year term Said Regular City Officers' Election will be held at the following poling. place in said City: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 and 43., and Harris County Election_Precinct Numbers 417 and. 475,. said election shall. be held at the Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland,. Texas. The polls of the above designed polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a. In. to 7:00 o'clock p. m. The absentee voting for the above designed election shall be held at the following place: Pearland City Hall . 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pea.rlan.d, Texas (P. 0. Box 1157 (Zip ,Code 77581) Said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or on an Official State Holiday, beginning on the twentieth day and continuing through the fourth day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting-shall=remai n==open=between-the hours of -8:00 o'clock a.. m. and 5:00 o'clock p. m. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk`s mailing address to which ballot applications, and ballots voted by mail shall be sent. Dated this /\ day of c,e -,��-E`� , A 1979. Mayor,. City of Pearland, Texas AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION CAME TO HAND on the day of .�4—, 1979, at J;oo o'clock ,4 M. copies of Notice of City Officers' Election, City of Pearland, Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed on the /./ day of , 1979, by posting true and correct copies of said Notice at public places where notices are customarily posted, and said date of posting being at least 20 days before the date of election described in said Notice, and said notices were posted at the following places, to-wit: In Election Precinct No. 12 at City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on the inside bulletin board and the outside bulletin board; In Election Precinct No. 16 at Pearland Sites Road on pole next to driveway of house located near the City limits line; In Election Precinct No. 28 at Kroger's grocery store on bulletin board; In Election Precinct No. 29 at East side of 1128 F.M. on pole between County Road 101 and County Road 100 East side; In Election Precinct No. 26 at Woody Road at Corral Street on a utility pole;. In Election Precinct No. 43 at intersection of County Road 48 and County Road 58 on a pole; In Election Precinct No. 417 (Harris County) at.Golfcrest Country Club's bulletin board; and In Election Precinct No. 475 (Harris County) PEARLAND, TEXAS ge/L. City Secretary/ CAME TO HAND on the /4' day of , 1979, at f /c o'clock ff M. two copies of the Notice of City Officers' Election, City of Pearland, Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed by filing one copy in City Hall on said date and the other copy was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall on said date, said filing and posting being at least 20 days before the date of the election described in said notice. PEARLAND, TEXAS City Secretary S AVISO DE ELECCION • A LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS DEL CIUDAD DE 'PEAPLAND TEXAS: Se da aviso por la presente que se llevara a. cabo una elecio`n regular de funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 7 de abril, de 1979, en la Ciudad ya mencionada. La ElecciOn Regular se llevara a cabo el 7 de abril, de 1979, con el prop6sito de elegir a los siguiente funcionarios para dicha ciudad: Consejal de Posici6n Nwnero dos por el plazo tres anos Consejal de Posici6n Nailero cuatro por el plaza tres anos La elecci6n ya mencionada se llevara a cabo al mismo tiempo e los siguientes lugares de votaci6n en dicha ciudad: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, nfxmeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, y 43, y en el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, numeros 417 y 475, 1a dicha elecci6n se llevara a cabo en Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Ave. , Pearland, Texas. El lugar de votaci6n pares dicha elecci6n se mantendra abierto el dia ya mencionado de elecci6n de las 7:00 de la manana a las 7:00 de la tarde. La votaci6n para los ausentados para la eleccion ya designada se llevara a cabo en el City Hall de Pearland, 2335 N. Texas Ave., en dicha ciudad., P. 0. Box 1157, Pearland, Texas, 77581. El lugar de votaciOn para los ausentados se mantendra abierto no menos que ocho horas de cada dia menos los sabados, domingos, y dias festivos oficiales ' del estado, principando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuatro dia antes de la fecha de dicha elecci6n. Dicho lugar de votaciOn de mantendra abierto de las 8:00 de la manana hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. El lugar ya mencionado para la. votaciOn de los ausentados tambien es la direction postal de la secretaria de votac15n para los ausentados a la cual se podran enviar por corrio solicitudes de boletas y tambien less boletas con votoso Fechado el dia /a de febrero, de 1979. =3e7.2')-C1/ Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas