R81-34 11-9-81 .~,~.%'-~FYZ'~SOLUTION NO. R81-34 DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1982 BE IT RESOLVED, By the Mayor and City Council of Pearland , Texas, that Tom Reid be, and is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1982. FURTHER, that the Official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinabove named delegate become ineligible, or should he resign, is Charles R. Mack THAT, the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the hereinaboYe named delegate and alternate. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this the ~ day of ~;~~,_~ ~ 1981. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: OUSTON,GALVESh )N AREA COUNCIL Office of the Execu~ve Director P. O. 8ox 1157 Pearland, Iexa$ 77~81 Bear ~ayor Ro~d: I am ~r~n~ re§ard~n~ tho appo~ntmong of your city's ropros~ntag~¥~ H-¢~'s ~la~$ prov~do thag each membee homo rulo c~ty ~Sgh less than ~5,000 ~opulag~on ~s eng~tled to deM§nage one eepeosengag~¥o and ona I am en¢loMn§ ghe appropr~age form ~Mch your ¢~ should use ~n offi- cially dos~§nag~n§ your represontag~ve and alterna~o, lhe das~noes musg be elected o~f~cia] members of your ¢~gy's §oYern~n§ bo~. ^ d~anor meet~n§ of home rule c~gy represen~ag~ves ~s tenta~vo]y sched- uled tho f~rsg part of Becember. ~eta~]s of th~s meeg~n§ ~ill be sen~ to you ~hen the arran§emeng$ ha¥o been completed. ^g thag meet~n§ youe 1981 Board represengat~¥es ~ll.report on th~s year's act~¥~g~es, and look ahoad ~$sues and pro§tess of 1982. Your attendance and participation ~n th~s ~s par~icu]a~ Yaluablo, Mnce ~t §ivos your repres~nta~¥os and gho staff ~ns~§hg on your ~shos and needs, lhe ma~n buMnoss ~tem for tho ~11 bo selecg~on o~ t~o ropresongat~¥os go ser¥o as 1982 m,mbo~s of ~ho Board of D~recgors. ^n a~onda for gho d~nnee meegSn§ ~1] be for~aeded go youe reprosongag~¥~$ as soon as u~ have ro¢e~¥od your official In order thag arran~om~n~$ for our Do¢emb~e m88gin~ can bo comp]ogod, ~ould appre¢~ago ro¢ei¥~n§ your 198~ ~eneral ^$sembly des~§nag~ons ~ ~o¥~mb~ 13. If you ha¥o any quo$~ons or problems ~n gh~$ selecg~on process, call Charlene ~¢¢arg~ at 627-3~00, exg. 335. Jack Steele Executive Director JS:ss Enclosure