R81-38 11-28-81 RESOLUTION NO. R81-38
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, has
heretofore determined that it would be in the public's interest that
certain territory presently lying within Pearland's extra-territorial
jurisdiction and subject to annexation by the City be included within
the City Limits of Pearland, Texas, and subject to the ordinances and
jurisdiction of the City in all respects; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, has
further determined that the territory subject to this proposed annexa-
tion is adjacent and contiguous to Pearland's existing City Limits;
that said territory is not within the City Limits of any other City
and that said territory lies solely within Pearland's extra-territorial
jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, prior to the publication of the notices hereinafter pro-
vided, the City Council has heretofore directed the City's planning
department to prepare a service plan that provides for the extention
of municipal services to the area to be annexed in keeping with the
service requirements of Section 10 B(1) of Article 970a, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes; which service plan shall be made available for
inspection by all interested inhabitants of the area to be annexed at
the public hearings hereinafter provided; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, desires
and deems it necessary to institute annexation proceedings relating to
said territory.
That the facts and recitations contained in the preamble of
this Resolution are hereby found and declared to be true and correct.
That the City Secretary is hereby directed to publish the following
notice in The Journal, the same being the official newspaper in and
for the City of Pearland and a newspaper having general circulation in
the City and in the tercitory proposed to be annexed. Said notice to
read and be given as follows:
Notice is hereby given that the City of Pearland, Texas,
intends to annex the following des6ribed property adjacent
to the present City Limits of the City of Pearland, Texas,
said tract of land to be annexed being described by metes
and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the north line of F.M. 518 which bears N 89 deg.
57' 30" E a distance of 415.16 feet from a concrete mon%mmnt at the
intersection of the north line of F.M. 518 and the east line of County
Road 555 (Hatfield Road);
TheNCE S 00 deg. 00' 50" E along the existing city limits line and the
west line of County Road 387 (Hatfield Road), a distance of 1765.00 feet
to a point, said point also being in the south line of Lot 18 of Figland
Orchard Subdivision;
THENCE S 89 deg. 49' 51" W along the south line of said Lot 18 a distance
of 630.74 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe at the southwest corner of said Lot
THENCE N 00 deg. 06' 47" W along the west line of Lots 18, 15, and 14 of
Figland Orchard Subdivision, a distance of 1029.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod at the northeast corner of Buena Vida Subdivision;
THENCE S 89 deg. 48' 39" W along the D~rth line of said Buena Vida Sub-
division, a distance of 690.24 feet to a point in the west line of County
Road 555 (Wagon ~¥ail Rd.);
THENCE N 00 deg. 09' 35" W along the west line of County Road 555 (Wagon
Trail Rd.), a distance of 282.52 feet to a point, said point also being
the southeast corner of the Johnston Subdivision;
THENCE- ~9 ~eg. 22 , J~6 '_' W along the south line of said Johnston Subdivi-
sion, a distance of 1317~ll~feet to a point in the west line of County
Road 103 (Harkey Rd.); '
THENCE S 00 deg. 00' 55" W along the west line of County Road 103
(Harkey Rd.), a distance of 218%i0~feet to an iron rod at the inter-
section of the west line of County Road 103 (Harkey Rd.) and the
north line of County Road 91;
THENCE S 89 deg. 58' 30" W along the north line of County Road 91, a
distance of 1290.00 feet to point in the centerline of a drainage ditch;
THENCE N 00 deg. 00' 55" E along the centerline of said ditch, also
being the west line of the east one-half of the northeast one-fourth of
Section 15, H.T.& B.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 241, a distance of 2656.58
feet to a point in the north line of F.M. 518;
THENCE N 89 deg. 57' 30" E along the north line of F.M. 518, a distance of
1370.56 feet to a 1 inch ~ron pipe at the intersection of the north line
of F.M. 518 and the west line of County Road 103 (O'Day Rd.);
THENCE N~ 00 deg. 22' 30" W along the w?st line of County Road 103 (O'Day
Rd.) a distance of 384.43 feet to a point;
THENCE N 89 degl 36' 04" E along the north line of Lots 52 and 53 of the
Allison Richey Gulf Coast Hc~e Co. Subdivision of Section 6, R. B. Lyle
Survey, Abstract 544, a distance of 2144.23 feet to a point in the east
line of County Road 555 (Hatfield Rd.);
THF~NCE S 00 deg. 24' 05" E along the east line of County Road 555 (Hatfield
Rd.), a distance of 397.71 feet to a concrete monument at the intersection
of the east line of County Road 555 (Hatfield Rd.) and the north line of
F.M. 518;
THENCE N 89 deg. 57' 30" E along the north line of F.M. 518, a distance of
415.16 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
This tract contains 148. 786 acres of land, more or less.
A Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall in the City of Pearland at 2335 North Texas Avenue,
Pearland, Texas at 7:30 P.M. on the llth day of January, 1982,
at which time opportunity will be provided for all interested
persons to be heard concerning the proposed annexation, and
opportunity to review and inspect the municipal service plan
proposed for the area to be annexed.
A Public Hearing will be held in the Cafetorium
of the Carleston Elementary School at 15030~Harkey Road,
Brazoria County, Texas, (a facility within the~area~ to be annexed)
at 7:30 P.M. on the 18th day of January, 1982, at which time
opportunity will be provided for all interested persons to be
heard concerning the proposed annexation, and opportunity to
review and inspect the municipal service plan proposed for the
area to be annexed.
I, Dorothy Cook, the City Secretary of the City of Pearland,
Texas, do hereby publish this notice in accordance with the
directions of the Pearland City Council.
WITNESS MY HAND officially this day of December, 1981.
~0ROTHY COOK, City Secretary
That the City Secretary shall publish said notices at least once
in said newspaper not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten
(10) days prior to the hearing as set out in said notice. In addition
to the published notice, the City Secretary shall give notice by
Certified Mail to any Railroad Company or Companies serving the City
and on the City's Tax Roll when their right-of-way is included in the
territory to be annexed.
That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its Reading,
Passage and Approval.
PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of December, 1981. CITY OF PEARLAND,~
P. O. BOX ~,~,8 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482-2222
State of Texas .............................. '
County of Harris
Personally appeared before me the undersigned, a notary
public within and for said county and state, Armie Alexander,
Editor of the Jour~al, a newspaper published in Houston,
County of Harris, State of Texas, W~no, being duly sworn,
states on oath that the report of C i;ty of Pearland
a t~ue copy of which is hereto atta6~ed, was published
said newspaper in its issue of December 198i
day of 12-31 . ' ....
Swo~n~o and subscribed before me
day this
Notary Public in Harrls Counly, Tex~s
My Commission Exit-res November 2, 191~
Bonded by L Alexander Lovett, Li~wyer, Sureh/ Cc,-t~.
f� 2�, L B�..Mf)tICf:S -- �- ENCE H 00 deg. Ofi' 47" W THENCE N 00 deg.00'55"E
;X ` �J� i; along the west-line of tots 18, 15, - the centerline of said ditch,also
! s +.--44>' -- -and 14 of Figland Orchard Subdivi- ing the west line of the east ant
AD NOTICE OF HEARINGS sion,a distance of 1029.00 feet to a of the northeast one-fourth of
,,,,., = 1 ON INTENTION TO ANNEX 'h inch iron rod at the northeast car- tion 15, H.T.6 B.R.R. Co. Su
a'Y�� CLASS: TAKER I CERTAIN TERRITORY ner of Buena Vida Subdivision; Abstract 241,a distance of 265
j feet to a point in the north lir
I TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: THENCE S 89 deg.48'39"W along F.M.518;
NAME: '•- _ Notice is hereby given that the City the north line of said Buena Vida
of Pearland,Texas,intends to annex Subdivision, a distance of 690.24 THENCE N 89 deg.57'30"E a
the following described property ad- feet to a point in the west line of the north line of F.M. 51t
ADD: --- • jacent to the present City Limits of -County Road 555(Wagon Trail Rd.); distance of 1370,56 feet to a 1
' ; the City of Pearland, Texas, said iron pipe at the intersection of
PHONE: tract of land to be annexed being THENCE N 00 deg. 09' 35" W north line of F.M.518 and the
described by metes and bounds•as along the west line of County Road line of County Road 103(O'Day A
MONTH: i follows: 555(Wagon Trail Rd.).a distance of
282.52 feet to a point, said point THENCE N 00 deg. 22' 30'
BEGINNING at a point in the north also being the southeast corner of along the west line of County I
I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 line of F.M. 518 which bears N 89 the Johnston Subdivision; 103(O'Day Rd.)a distance of 38,
deg.57'30"E a distance of 415.16 feet to a point;
feet from a concrete monument at THENCE N 89 deg. I5' 21" W
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 the intersection of the north line of along the south line of said Johnston THENCE N 89 deg.36'04"E al
- F.M.518 and the east line of County Subdivision, a distance of 1317.06 the north line of Lots 52 and 5:
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Road 555(Hatfield Road); feet to a point in the west line of the Allison Richey Gulf Coast Hi
County Road 103(Harkey Rd.); . Co. Subdivision of Section 6, I
THENCE S 00 deg.00'50"E along Lyle Survey,Abstract 544,a dista
25 26 27 28 29 30 . 31 ' ;the existing city limits line and the THENCE S 00 deg.00'55"W along of 2144.23 feet to a point in the
west line of County Road 387(Hat- the west line of County Road 103 line of County Road 555 (Hatf
field'Road), a distance of 1765.00 (Harkey Rd.), a distance of 2218.45 Rd.);
feet to a point,said point also being feet to an iron road at the in-
in the south line of Lot 18 of Figland tersedtian et the west line of County THENCE S 00 deg.24'05"E of
Orchard Subdivision; Road 103(Harkey Rd.)and the north the east line of County Road !
WORDS: i line of County Road 91; (Hatfield Rd.),a distance of 397
RATE: ' • TIMES: THENCE S 89 deg.49'51"W along feet to a concrete monument at
LINES: TOTAL the south line of said Lot 18 a THENCE S 89 deg.58'30"W along intersEction of the east line of CG
distance of 630.74 feet to a Y'i inch the north line of County Road 91,a ty Road 555 (Hatfield Rd.)and
-• - +iron pipe at the southwest corner of distance of 1290.00 feet to a point north line of F.M.518;
TH A N K YOU said •Lot 18; in the centerline of a drainage ditch;
FOR YOUR ORDER Fig Leaf Publishing Co., 317 S. Fri ______---. T�
,' ' f=i1 - —IC} =sue 1 1
THENCE N 89 deg.57'30"E along ( `'he proposed annexation 1 ,' 1
the north line of F.M. 518, a `,. .wnity to. review and inspt..e( y
distance of 415.16 feet to the PLACE the municipal service plan proposed '.=
OF BEGINNING. for the area to be annexed.
I,Dorothy Cook,the City Secretary `'
This tract contains 148.786 acres of the City of Pearland, Texas;do
of land,more or I . hereby publish this notice in acegr-J
dance with the directions of the : 1 I,
GENERAL PUBLIC Pearland City Council. '
HEARING WITNESS MY HAND officially-this ' '
28th day of December,1981.
A Public Hearing will be held in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall DOROTHY COOK
in the City of Peatland at 2335 North CITY SECRETARY 1
Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas at - - -
7:30 P.M. on the llth day of
January,1982,at which time oppor-
tunity will be provided for all in- '
terested persons to be heard concet- -_
ning the proposed annexation, and
opportunity to review and inspect
the municipal service plan proposed
for the area to be annexed.
A Public Hearing will be held in •
the Cafetorium of the Carleston 11
Elementary School at 15030 Harkey
Road, Brazorie County, Texas, (a •facility within the area to be annex- .';
ed)at 7:30 P.M.on the I8th day of 1
January,1982,at which'time oppor- J
tunity will be provided for all in-
terested persons to be heard cancer- I;