R-2012-022-2012-02-20 RESOLUTION NO. R2012 -22
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it in the best interest of the citizens of the City
of Pearland that the Pearland Police Department Victim Assistance Program continue to
be operated for portions of Fiscal Years 2012 — 2013 from September 1, 2012 to August
31, 2013; and
WHEREAS, City Council agrees to provide the in -kind contributions of local
volunteer service from civic volunteers and interns based on prevailing wage rate
calculations for the said project as required by the Office of the Governor — Criminal
Justice Division; and
WHEREAS, the City Council designates the City Manager as the grantee's
authorized official and is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate
the grant on behalf of the applicant agency; and
WHEREAS, the City Council agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of the
Criminal Justice Division funds, the City Council assures that the funds will be returned
to the Criminal Justice Division in full.
Section 1. That the City Council approves submission of the grant application
for the Pearland Police Department Victim Assistance Program to the Office of the
Governor, Criminal Justice Division. Grant Number: 23623 -03
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this, the 20 day of February, AD., 2012.
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eGrants-Project Summary(MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE !!!0 Page 1 of 2
Agency,Name: Pearland,City of
Grant/App:2362303 Start Date: 9/1/2012 End Date: 8/31/2013
Project Title: Crime Victim Assistance Project
Status: Application Pending Submission
Applicant Agency Name: Pearland,City of
Project Title:Crime Victim Assistance Project
Division or Unit to Administer the Project: City of Pearland Police Department
Address Line 1: 3519 Liberty Drive
Address Line 2:
City/State/Zip: Peariand Texas 77581-5416
Start Date: 9/1/2012
End Date:8/31/2013
Regional Council of Goverments(COG)within the Project's Impact Area: Houston-Galveston Area Council
Headquarter County: Brazoria
Counties within Project's ImpactArea: Brazoria,Fort Bend,Harris
Grant Officials:
Authorized Official
User Name: Bill Eisen:
Address 1: 3519 Liberty Drive
Address 1:
City:Pearland,Texas 77581
Phone:281-652-1663 Other Phone: 281-652-1662
Title: Mr.
Project Director
User Name:Joel Hardy
Address 1:City of Pearland- Finance Department
Address 1:3519 Liberty Drive
City: Pearland,Texas 77581
Phone:281-652-1795 Other:Phone:
Title: Mr.
Salutation: Mr.
Financial Official
User Name:Claire Bogard
Address 1:3519 Liberty Drive
Address 1:
City:Pearland,Texas 77581
Phone:281-652-1671 other Phone:281-652-1755
Fax: 281-652-1707
Title: Ms.
Salutation: Ms.
Grant Writer
User Name: Bill Eisen
Email: beisen@ci.pearland.tx.us
Address 1:3519 Liberty.Drive
Address 1:
City: Pearland;Texas 77581
Phone:281-652-1663 Other Phone: 281-652-1662
Fax: 281-412 8120
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Agency Name:Pearland,City of
Giant/App:2362303 Start Date:9/1/2012 End Date:8/31/201.3
Project Title:Crime Victim Assistance Project
Status:Application Pending'Submission
Narrative Information
Primary Mission and Purpose
Thepurpose of this program is to provide services and assistance directly to victims of crime to speed their recovery and aid them through
the criminal justice process.Services may include the following:
• responding to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims;
• assisting victims in stabilizing their lives after a victimization;
• assisting victims to`understand and participate in the criminal justice system;and
a providing victims with safety and security.
Funding Levels
The anticipated funding levels for these programs areas follows:.
• Minimum Award-$5,000
• Maximum Award=None
• Grantees,other than Native American Tribes,must provide matching funds of at least twenty percent(20%)of total project
expenditures.Native American Tribes may be required to provide a five percent(5%)match.This,requirement.may be met through either
cash or In kind contributions or a combination of both;
For more Information regarding grantee match,please click on the Budget tab,and then click on the Source.of Match tab in eGrants.
Note:If you voluntarily include matching funds that exceed the minimum match requirement, you will be held to that amount throughout
the grant period.
Program Requirements
Preferences Preference will be given to applicants that promote comprehensive victim restoration while incorporating an emphasis on
cultural competency In underserved populations.Applicants are also strongly encouraged to streamline administrative'and reporting
processes by consolidating grant requests whenever possible in lieu of submitting multiple:applications.
Program Emphasis-Applicant agrees to implement comprehensive strategies that are sensitive to the concerns and safety of the
victims and hold offenders accountable for their crimes.Applicants must indicate the percentage of their project that benefits Victim
Services,Law Enforcement,Prosecution,Courts or other areas. Program emphasis decisions should be made based on the beneficiary of
the funded activities.For example,a victim services coalition who provides training to police throughout the state would fall under the"law.
enforcement"category because the training is to benefit law enforcement.
Indicate the percentage(%)of your project that benefits:
Victim Services-any nonprofits nongovernmental organization that assists victims.
Law Enforcement-any public agency charged With policing functions.
Prosecution-any public agency charged with direct responsibility for prosecuting criminal `offenders.
Court-any civil or criminal court system:
Other-any Initiative that indirectly affects victims(ex.,developing protocols and procedures),
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Culturally Competent Victim Restoration-Provide information in this section regarding how your organization is culturally competent
when providing services to victims.Here are some guidelines to follow:Victim service providers must have the ability to blend cultural
knowledge and sensitivity with victim restoration skills for a more effective and culturally appropriate recovery process.Cultural
competency occurs when; (1)'cultural knowledge,awareness and sensitivity are Integrated into action and policy;(2),the service is
relevant to the needs of the community and provided by trained staff,board members,and management;and(3)an advocate or
organization recognizes each client<is different with different needs,feelings,ideas and barriers.
Victims are provided information and referral services based on culturally competent characteristics of community-based service offerings
available in the region.Crime Victim Liaison staff and Police Officers participate in annual cultural diversity and racial profiling courses and
workshops that reinforce the'impo-tance of maintaining and utilizing best-practices approaches to responding to the community's.law
enforcement needs when race,culture,nationality,:age,gender and religious backgrounds are matters at hand for police.The City of
Pearland's diverse workforce Is comprised Of Individuals that enable it to respond to the diverse cultures and nationalities its'population
represents.The City of Peariand's diversity Is evolving as its population dynamics grow each year.According to the U.S.Census and its
American Community Survey,the percentage of White persons in Pearland,Texas has declined.approximately 15 percent.since 2000,when
it was more than 11 percent higher than the State of Texas average. Blacks;in'2000, represented approximately five percent of Pearland
residents,with Hispanics at 16 percent and Asian persons making up a little over 3 percent of the population in Pearland,Today,the
population of Blacks in Peariand has tripled,Asians make up almost 10 percent of the population,and Hispanic numbers have only
increased by close to two percent.Commensurate with the growing diversity that our population represents,the City of Pearland boasts
employment demographics that represent a substantive variety of workers from many spectrums of the globe.With a total of 514
employees at the time of this proposal,the City of Pearland employs 38 percent imino-Itles(141 Hispanic-27%,60 African-American-
12%, 10 Asian/Pacific Islander-2%,and 1 Native American/Indian),an age-range of employees that encompasses those from ages 19 to
72,with 30 percent of the workforce comprised of women.Thirty percent of-the City of Peariand police force is made up of minorities,and,
women operate in a variety of roles,including but not limited to: police officers,records clerks;victim liaison,jailers;telecommunications
operators and supervisors. Cultural competency and diversity are pillars of our approach to delivering effective government services,and
our employees,citizens,victims of crimes,as well as alleged criminal perpetrators are all treated with the Ideal levels of accord regarding
race,age,gender and religiosity.
Services to Victims of Crime-Applicant agrees to provide services to victims of crime which Include: responding to the emotional and
physical needs of crime victims; assisting victims in stabilizing their lives after victimization; assisting victims to understand and
participate in the criminal justice system; and providing victims with safety and security.
Effective Services.-Applicant must demonstrate a record of providing effective services to crime victims,If the applicant cannot yet
demonstrate a record of providing effective services,the applicant must demonstrate that at least 25 percent of its financial.support
comes from non-federal sources.
Volunteers-Applicant agrees to use volunteers to support either the projector agercy-wide services,unless CID determines that a
compelling reason exists to waive this requirement.
Community Efforts-.Applicant agrees to promote community efforts to aid crime victims.Applicants should promote,within the
community,coordinated public and private efforts to aid crime victims.Coordination efforts qualify an organization to receive these funds,..
but are not activities that can be supported with these funds.
Crime-Victims'Compensation-Applicant agrees to assist crime victims in applying for crime victims'compensation benefits.
Records-Applicant agrees to maintain daily time and attendance records specifying the time devoted to allowable victim services:
Civil Rights Information-Applicant agrees to maintain statutorily required civil rights statistics on victiriis served by race,national
origin,sex,age,and disability of victims served,within the tirneframe established by C]D.This requirement is waived when providing
services,such as telephone counseling,where soliciting the information may be inappropriate or offensive to the crime victim.
Victims of Federal'Crime-Applicant agrees to provide.equal services to victims of federal crime. (Note:Victim of federal crime is a
victim of an offense that violates a federal criminal statute or regulation; federal crimes also include crimes that occur in an area where
the federal-government hes jurisdiction,such as Indian reservations,some national parks,some federal buildings,and military
No Charge-Applicant agrees to provide grant-funded services at no charge to victims of crime..
Confidentiality:-.Applicant:agrees to maintain the confidentiality.of client-counselor information and research data,as requlred.by state
and federal law. •
Discrimination-Applicant agrees not to discriminate against victims because they:disagree with the State's prosecution of the criminal
Forensic Medical Examination Payments Health care facilities shall conduct a forensic medical examination of a victim of an alleged.
sexual assault If the victim arrived at the facility within 96 hours after the assault occurred and the victim consents to.the examination:
The victim is not required to participate in the investigation or prosecution of an offense as a condition of receiving a forensic medical
examination,nor pay for the forensic examination orthe.evidence collection kit.The evidence collection portion of the exam is to be paid
by law•enforcement per.state law.Crime Victim Compensation funds may be-used to pay for the medical portion of the exam unless the
victim of sexual assault Is required to seek reimbursement for the examination from their insurance carrier.If a health care facility does
not provide diagnosis or treatment services for sexual assault victims,the facility is required to refer the victim to a facility that provides
those services.
Protection Orders-Victims applying for a protective order or their attorney may riot bear the costs associated with;the filing of an order
of protections.
Nondisclosure of Confidential or Private Information-Personally identifying information or individual information collected In
connection with services requested, utilized,or denied may not be,disclosed;or,reveal Individual client information without informed,
written,reasonably time-limited consent of the person about whom Information Is sought.If release of information is compelled by
statutory or court mandate,reasonable attempts to provide notice to victims affected by the disclosure of information wiil:be.made and
steps necessary will be taken to protect the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of information.
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Civil Rights Liaison
A civil rights liaison who will serve as the grantee's civil rights point of contact and who will be responsible for ensuring that the grantee
meets all applicable civil rights requirements must be designated.The designee will act as the grantee's liaison in civil rights matters with
CID and with the federal Office of Justice Programs. •
Enter the Name-of the Civil Rights Liaison: •
Bonita Hall
Enter the Address for the Cavil Rights Liaison:
3519 Liberty Drive Pearland,TX 77581 •
Enter the Phone Number for the Civil Rights Liaison[(999)999-9999 x99991:
Certification •
Each applicant agency must certify to the specific criteria detailed above under Program Requirements to be eligible for General Victim
Assistance-Direct Services Program Solicitations. •
I certify to all of the above eligibility requirements. •
Problem Statement:
Please provide a detailed account in the Problem Statement section of the existing issues your project will target.
Enter your problem statement:
Crime victims regularly lack the proper support to recover from the traumatic and burdensome experiences resulting from the acts of
violence and/or theft perpetrated against them.In addition, many victims fail to participate in prosecutorial efforts designed to hold
criminals accountable for their illegal and harmful conduct,resulting in lack of evidence and/or testimony needed to find guilt.A challenging
economy and growing population are resulting In a greater need for this type of assistance and support.
Supporting Data:
Provide as much supporting data,to Include baseline statistics and the sources of your data,which are pertinent to where the grant project
Is located and/or targeted.Do not use statewide data for a local problem or national data for a statewide problem.
Enter your supporting data:
In 2002 there were a total of 215 actual burglary offenses in Pearland,Texas,with 349 occurring in 2008.The number of actual assaults
totaled 600 in 2002 and in 2008 there were 867.In total,according to Pearland Police Department,there were 1952 actual offenses In
2002 and 2718 in 2008,for an overall increase of 39 percent,In 2002, Peariand crime represented 28 percent of Brazoria County crime
and In 2008 it made up 36 percent.The percentage of Brazoria County population comprised Of those that live in the City of Pearland went
from 18 percent to 30 percent from 2000 to 2008. Because of this tremendous growth in population and crime in the City of Pearland,a
growth in demand has emerged to augment the law enforcement response to crimes with resources that provide additional types of
assistance for victims of crimes.Recently, Peariand has become the host of two crimes that represent non-traditional-occurrences for a
community such•as ours-homicide and bank robbery.In the latter part of November 2010,the body of 18 year-old Josh Wilkerson was
found in a Pearland field in the Fort Bend County portion of the City.In a crime of lesser tragedy,bank robbers held several hostages at.a
local bank for hours in Pearland's first official major crime of the calendar year 2011. Both Incidents were crimes involving several victims
and/or victims'family members affected by the Impact of the crime.As.well,both matters required the support and involvement of our
Crime Victim Liaison.Few events in a person's life are more traumatic than being the victim of a crime.The immediate hardships victims
often face injury,loss of money and property,and fear for one's safety are,often followed by feelings of despair and hopelessness:The
painful experience of having a perpetrator of a crime take away one's"right and ability to be safe tends to.follow a pattern.This pattern
involves stages of shock,recoil,reconstruction,and finally recovery. Fear,anger,confusion,frustration,.sadness;panic and guilt are some,
or all, of the feelings that a victim can experience as a reaction to what criminals rip away from them.In the City of Pearland,Texas,the
Victim Assistance Program provides a variety of support services for sufferers of crimes and the health,safety,financial and social impact
of their experiences as victims. Peariand Police Department's past eight years of offering its Victim Assistance Program have been filled with
tremendous success.Over 12,000 victims of crimes in the City of Pearland have been supported with efforts to reduce the stress,.
vulnerability,repetitive victimization and other consequences of crime they experience when they have become the targets of perpetrators.
The program has supported victims in a variety of ways.A total of 70 to 100 victims are accompanied to court and hospitals;and about
900 victirns-are provided with information and referrals to assist them through the process of recovery,each year:A total of 4,238 victims
were provided with assistance from 2002-to 2004. With the exception of 2005,when the Victim Assistance Program assisted 1,821 victims,
the program has provided assistance to an average of 1,560 victims since 2006.In all, 13 percent of Pearland's population have been
assisted with services from the Victim Assistance Program and a strong disaggregated makeup of the totals have been women,children,
men,minorities and the elderly.In 2002 and 2003,21 percent of all victims served were minorities.While only one percent has required
translation services, 15 percent require victim advocacy and crime victims compensation support.
Community Plan:
For projects that have a local or regional Impact target area,provide information regarding the community plan need(s)that your project
Enter your community planning needs:
According to the 2011-2012 Brazoria County Community Plan,the City of Pearland Crime Victim Liaison Is a critical resource for meeting
the priorities outlined In the current year's plan:Page 31 Priority#1 states that there Is a growing population and fewer jobs equate to
more victims and greater need for assistance to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault:Page-32 Priority#2 states that there are
insufficient services for crime victims and lack of full-time victim programs at many of the law enforcement agencies.
Goal Statement:
Provide a brief description of the overall goals and objectives for this project.
Enter a description for the overall goals and objectives:
It is the goal of the Pearland Police Department's Victim Assistance Program to provide a comprehensive continuum of services to.victims of
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all violent crimes against persons,from immediate crisis intervention to all related follow-up services, including those that provide criminal
justice support,advocacy for victims,emergency financial assistance through local and state agencies,and appropriate referrals to
community-based social services.
Cooperative Working Agreement(CWA):
When a grantee intends to carry out a grant project through cooperating or participating with one or more outside organizations,the
grantee must obtain authorized approval signatures on the cooperative working agreement(CWA)from each participating organization.
Grantees must maintain on file a signed copy of all cooperative working agreements,and they must submit to CID a list of each
participating organization and a description of the purpose of each CWA.Cooperative working agreements do not involve an exchange of
For this project,provide the name of the participating organization(s)and a brief description of the purpose(s)for the CWA(s).You should
only provide information here that this projects successful operation is contingent on for the named service or participation from the
outside organization.
Note:A Sample CWA is available here for your convenience.
Enter your cooperating working agreement(s):
The City of Peariand's Police Department Victim Assistance Program works cooperatively with a number of organizations and agencies
throughout the region.These bodies:•receive and serve victims of crimes with shelter and crisis.counseling; •provide victims with
advocacy support and financial assistance;•accompaniment to court,hospitals and/or other agencies that provide assistance and services
needed in times of victimization; and•provide victims with identification of resources in and around the community that support victims of
crimes.The various efforts being developed and implemented have resulted in working relationships being officiated for a number of
different initiatives that continually support the Victim Assistance Program,and the City of Pearland Police Department has several
cooperative working agreements in place; including those with: •Brazoria County Community Supervision and Corrections Department
Victim Services Program—General Services•Eagles Lift Ministries-Shelter for homeless teenage victims of abuse•Bay Area Turning Point
-Advocacy,intervention,sexual assault/domestic violence training for police,accompaniment•:Innovative Alternatives,Inc. victim's
referral services•City of Pearland Municipal Court-prosecution and adjudication of cases,as well as participation in training•Texas.
Department of Public Safety
Continuation Projects:
For continuation projects only,if your current or previous year's project is NOT on schedule in accomplishing the stated objectives,briefly •
describe the major obstacles preventing your organization from successfully reaching the project objectives as stated within your previcu
grant application.(Data may be calculated on a pro-rated basis depending on how long the current or previous year's project has been
Enter your current grant's progress:
Our program is currently on schedule,if not exceeding performance in certain'areas,as to its accomplishment of the stated objectives in its
existing project.Volunteer contributions of time are exceeding expectations and the support from these unpaid assistance resources is
greatly valued by the Police Department,victims,and the general citizenry of Pearland,
Project Summary:
Briefly summarize the entire application,Including the project's problem statement supporting data,goal,target group,activities;and
objectives:Be sure that the summary is easy to understand by a person not familiar with your project and that you are confident and
comfortable with the information if it were to be released under a public information request.
Enter your summary statement for this project:
In 2002,Pearland crime represented 28 percent of Brazoria County crime and in 2008 it made up 36 percent, In total,according to
Pearland Police DePartment,.there were 1,952 actual offenses in 2002 and 2,718 in 2008,for an overall increase of 39 percent.The
Brazoria County Community Plan identifies several relevant priorities that point to the need for a substantive array of victim assistance
resources be in place throughout the County.According to the Plan„a series of general issues are facing the County and its
municipalities,particularly the more populous north region of the jurisdiction.The Plan illuminates the fact that rapid growth in the
northern part of the county has contributed to Inner-cities challenges.In the.City of Pearland,Texas,the Victim Assistance Program
provides a variety of support services for sufferers of crimes and the health,safety,financial and social impact of their experiences as
victims. Pearland Police Department's past eight years of offering its Victim Asistance Program have been filled with tremendous success.
Over 12,000 victims of crimes in the City of Peariand have been supported with efforts to reduce the stress,vulnerability,repetitive
victimization and other consequences of crime they experience when they have become the targets of perpetrators.848 victims were
provided with assistance in FY2009-10.and the City anticipates serving a similar number in FY2010-11.While population growth:and
economic factors may increase crime,our ongoing improvements to general law enforcement strategies and grant funding support for
interoperabitity and other equipment is giving our police functions the edge over criminals.Response time is strong and police presence is
heightened.It is the goal of the Pearland-Police Departments Victim Assistance Program to provide a comprehensive continuum of services
to victims of all violent crimes against persons,from immediate crisis intervention to all related follow-up services,including those that
provide criminal justice,support,advocacy for victims,emergency financial assistance through local and state agencies,as well as
appropriate referrals to community-based social services.Several objectives will provide the project with the ability to meet the
output/outcome performance components of our Victim Assistance.Program:These include:Increasing the concentration of supported
activities within the City of Pearland to incorporate those outlined by the Office of the Governor-Criminal Justice Divisions Victim
Assistance Grant program;establishing case management support through volunteers to improve victims'access to information and
educational resources,referrals to shelters and community-based services,as well as tracking and surveillance of crime victim assistance
activities;and,creating and maintaining effective partnerships and collaborative agreements between the Victim Assistance efforts of the
City of Pearland Police Department and community-based stakeholders in the fight to provide victims of crimes with a comprehensive
continuurn'of resources that successfully restore their physical,mental and emotional health.
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[.giant i i*L1
Agency Name:Pearland,City:of
Grant/App:2362303 Start.Date: 9/4/2012 End Date: 8/31/2013
Project Title: Crime Victim Assistance Project
Status:Application Pending Submission
Project Activities Information
Type of Crime Victim
Select the type(s)of crime victim this project targets and provide the percentage of time dedicated•to serving each category of crime
victim.You may select-more than one type;however,the sum of the.percentages may not exceed 100%.
Sexual Assault Percentage(°/0):
Domestic Abuse Percentage(%):
Child Abuse Percentage(%):
DUI/DWI Crashes Percentage(%):
Survivors of Homicide Percentage(%o):
Assault Percentage(%)
Adults Molested as.Children Percentage(%).:
Elder.Abuse Percentage(%):
Stalking Percentage(%):
Dating/Acquaintance Violence Percentage(%):
Human Tra€ficking Percentage(%):
Selected Project Activities:
Emergency services provided to help victims during the crisis phase.Crisis counseling via telephone and
face-to-face,including referrals,'are included in these activities.Providing accompaniment to hospitals and
Crisis to court,as well as advocacy and legal support are Included in this area.The program,in this area,also
Services 93,00 assists with providing the victim and/or their family members and loved ones,with transportation,
information about other programs that may offer emergency financial assistance to crime victims and/or
low-moderate income families in need,access to medical services and/or shelter..
The program provides victims with information about their rights and provided with comprehensive foiiow-
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up support often needed to maintain their involvement and engagement in any ensuing investigations.
Legal Education and awareness of options involved in the process of prosecuting an alleged offender may be
Advocac 7 00 necessary to help the victim make a warranted decision about a particular case they are Involved in.The
y program may assist In providing education about filing temporary restraining orders,injunctions and other
protective orders.
Geographic Area;
The City of Pearland and its incorporated areas of Brazoria County,Harris County and Fort Send County:.
Victims of crimes such as sexual assault,domestic violence,theft;burgulary, robbery,assault,and others,as well as those crimes that
affect the families of crime victims.
The City of.Pearland's Victim Assistance Program provides services to male and female victims.
The City of Peariand's Victim Assistance Program assists victims of all ages.
Special Characteristics:
The Victim Assistance Program for the City of Pearland Police Department will place special emphasis on developing and enhancing
resources that impact victims of domestic violence and assault,which collectively make up 40 percent of offenses addressed by the Victimi
Assistance Program:
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�Fnnt 7tts<page;
Agency Name: Pearland, City of
Grant/App: 2362303 Start Date: 9/1/2012 End Date: 8/31/2013
Project Title: Crime Victim Assistance Project
Status: Application Pending Submission
Budget Details Information
Budget Information by Budget Line Item:
Mentor, Two (2)volunteers will
Service provide:834 hours:of
Provider, volunteer time @ 20.25
Personnel Student per hour.based.on $0.00 $0.00"$16,875.00 $0.00 $16,875.00 100
Worker, national wage standard
and/or calculation per hour for
:Support volunteer time.
The Program Manager
role is actually entitled
Crime Victim Liaison
and fills the role
designated as required
by the State of Texas
Article 56.04.The CVL
provides support for
victims in attempts to
alleviate the emotional
trauma incurred as the
result of a crime.This
person will provide
crime victims with
written notification of
their rights, referrals to
resources that can help
them deal with the
aftermath of a crime,
helping them to
experience the
restoration and stability
needed to return to
normal. The Liaison
contacts victims by
mail, telephone or in
person,generally within
48 hours of receiving a
police report unless the
victim contacts the
office directly,and
initiates the process of
providing appropriate
types of assistance.The
CVL typically works a
40 hour work week,
Monday through Friday
from Elam to 5pm.
However,as the
administration and
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eGrants=Project Summary(MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE I I!) Page 2 of 3
organization of duties,
call-out services,
accompaniment duties
and emergency matters
demand, evenings and
weekend duties may
occur.The CVL
maintains grant
guideline compliance
and completion of all
progress reports,
promotes the
availability of resources
to the community
through education and
awareness activities,
trains other officers and
para-professionals in
the various areas
needed to coordinate
effectively,and also
manages program
volunteers and interns.
Volunteers and interns
are recruited, trained,
supervised and
evaluated by the CVL
and various Incentives
for the promotion of
Volunteerism are
coordinated by the
Liaison'as well.The CVL
also conducts
networking and
Personnel Manager Interaction with other $67,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .$67;500.00 100
local,county and state
level service-providers,
assisting other agencies,
as much as practically
Accompaniments to
court, hospitals,
organizations and
investigative meetings
is often required.The
CVL must quickly obtain
police reports filed by
victims in order to
make proper contact
with them to provide
the erriotional support,
information, referrals,
and criminal justice
information designed to
make them whole
again. In addition,the
Liaison advises the
eligible victims of the
Texas Crime Victims
Compensation Act and
assists them with the
application for financial
assistance from the
compensation fund.
• Attending meetings with
various local networks
and associations that
allow fellow
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eGrants-Project Summary(MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE !!!) Page 3 of
professionals to share
and tactics used as best
practices approaches to
restoring victims is a
regular task of the CVL.
The CVL maintains an
On-Call status and shall
be available,once
again, after hours and
on weekends for
emergencies and
circumstances required
the Liaisons presence
and skills.
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