R91-03 01-14-91 I~SOLUTION NO. R91-3 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND APPROVING A PLAN OF ORGANIZATION AND REORGANIZATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF CITY GOVERNMENT, CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, Section 4.13 of the Home Rule Charter of City of Pearland provides that [t]he City Council may abolish or consolidate such offices and departments as it may deem to be to the best inter- ests of the City and may divide the administration of any such offices or departments as it may deem advisable, may create new offices or departments, and may discontinue any offices or departments at its discretion, except those specifically established by this Charter; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND: ~_~ That certain plan of organization and reorganization of the various departments, according to that annexed summary is authorized and approved. ~ The City Council finds and determines that the annexed plan is in the best interest of the City and there are hereby created and recreated departments, offices, and divisions within the City Government in accordance with the annexed plan of organization. ~2~9~..~ Departments, offices, and divisions as may have heretofore existed and are in conflict herewith are hereby abolished and/or consolidated to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution. ~ All rights and remedies which have accrued in the favor of the City under the Charter, prior ordinances or resolutions, and amendments thereto, shall be and are preserved for the benefit of the City. ~ If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision or application of this Resolution which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. 1 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on first and only reading this MAYOR ATTEST: ORM: LESTER G. RORICK CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY FIRE CHIEF / MARSHAL PEARLAND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PEARLAND E.M.S. CHIEF OF POUCE CAPTAIN COM MUNICAII ONS HEALTH k SANITATION WARRANT OFFICER COURT MUFF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION UEUTENANT PATROL LIEUTENANT ANIMAL CONTROL 1 CITIZENS MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES MUNICIPAL COURT CITY SECRETARY FINANCE DIRECTOR TAX COLLECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES H 1 PARKS k RECREATION CUSTODIAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZEN AC11 VITY HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR OF PUHUC WORKS ENGINEERING It PLANNING 1 INSPECTION F 5, 5 i S WATE DISTI WATT PROF WAT1 CON! i '