R82-05 02-08-82 RESOLUTION NO. R82-5 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDERING THE HOLDING OF A REGULAR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION ON THE THIRD DAY OF APRIL, 1982, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING TWO MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN AND FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS; AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SAID REGULAR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, provide that on the first Saturday in April, a Regular and/or General Election shall be held within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and the laws of the State of Texas provide that the Election Code of the State of Texas is applicable to said regular election, and in order to comply with said Code, an Order and/or Resolution should be passed ordering the call of the regular election, establishing the procedures to be followed in said election and to designate the voting places of said election: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: That the Regular City officers' Election of the City of Pear- land, Texas, shall be held in said City on the third day of April, 1982, for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City, to- wit: Member of the Council Position Number 2 for a three year term Member of the Council Position Number 4 for a three year term That said Regular City Officers' Election shall be held at the following place in the City of Pearland, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said Election, to-wit: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 26, 28, 29 4~o 4~ ~7~ ~n~ 49 and Harris County Election Precinct Numbers 475 and 4]7 ~n T~) , said election shall be held at the Pearland High School Building, 2337 North Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. Jack Farmer is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as alternate Presiding Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed five (5) clerks. Dorothy L~ ~ is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Kay Krouse , Barbara Lenamo~ , Dorothy Thompson are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at the following place, to-wit: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave., Pearland, Texas, P. O. Box 1157, (Zip Code 77581) The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock A. M. to 7:00 o'clock P. M. The poll or place of absentee voting, above designated, shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State Holiday, begin- ning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 5:00 o'clock P. M. on each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applica- tions and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Absentee voting by sick or disabled voters after close of regular absentee voting period shall be in accordance with Subdivision 3 (e) of Article 5.05 of the Texas Election Code. In accordance with the Texas Election Code and a previous Resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, it is hereby determined that electronic voting systems shall be used in the above mentioned election for all voting, including absentee voting by personal appearance and by mail, and in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Jack Farmer , as Presiding Judge, Larry I{iLlis , and Delia Keele , as Clerks, are hereby appointed as a Special Canvassing Board for said election. The above called election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the State of Texas and only resident qualified voters of the City of Pearland shall be eligible to vote at said election. Notice of the above ordered election shall be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Elec- tion Code and Article 29 (e) of the Texas Civil Statutes, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to have said notice posted and/or pub- lished in accordance with said Article 4.05 and 29 (e) . That immediately after said election is held, the officer holding the same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code of this State. That all independent candidates at the Regular Election to be held on the third day of April, 1982, for Member of the Council Position Number 2 and Member of the Council Position Number 4, shall file their applications to become candidates for said positions with -2- the Mayor of this City at the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pear- land, Texas, on or before 30 days before the date of said election. The earliest day for filing applications shall be 30 days before the deadline for filing. That all candidates for the Regular Election shall file with said applications the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6.02 of the Texas Election Code. That the City Secretary of the City shall, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 13.32 of the Texas Election Code, post in her office the names of all independent candidates who have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and pro- visions of this Resolution and Order, and said names shall be posted at a conspicuous place in said office for at least 10 days before said Secretary orders the same to be printed on the Official Ballot for said election. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary as provided by Article 6.05 (c), Subdivision 3 of the Texas Election Code. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct said election. Notice of appointment of Presiding Judge of election shall be in accordance with Section 3.09 of the Election Code. PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED this the day of <~L~ ~,~ .~ ~?~ , A. D., 1982. Mayor ATTEST: City Se cretar~~'' -3- RESOLUCION NUMERO R82-5 UNA RESOLUCION Y UN MANDATO DEL CONCILI.O DE ,LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS , ORD, NADO QUE UNA ELECCION REGULAR DE LA CIUDAD SE. LLEVARA A CABO EL DfA 3 DE ABRIL, DE 1982, CON .EL PROPdSITO DE .ELEGIR DOS MIEMBROS DEL CON- CILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND,, TEXAS , Y ESTABLECIENDO LOS PROCESOS PARA DICHA ELECCION. SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , y las leyes del estado de Texas., proveen que el primer sabado de abril, una eleccion regular o especial se llevara a cabo adentro de la ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad d Pearland, y las leyes del estado de Texas proveen que el Codigo Electoral de Texas se aplica a la eleccion regular y de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones del dicho Codigo , es necesario. .hacer un mandato o una resolucion ordenado que una eleccion regular se llevara a cabo , estableciendo el proceso para sequir en la eleccion y para designar los lugares de votacion de la dicha eleccion. POR LO TANTO, YA ESTA RESUELTO Y ORDENADO POR EL ALCALDE Y EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS : Que la Election Regular de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , se llevara a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1982, con el proposito de elegir los siguientes funcionarios de la ciudad dicha: Concejal de Posicion Numero Dos (2) por el plazo de tres anos Concejal de Posicion Numero Quatro (4) por el plaza de tres anos Que la Eleccion Regular se llevara cabo al mismo tiempo en el siguiente lugar en la Ciudad de Pearland, y que las personas despues mencionadas ya on oficiales de la eleccion. dicha: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 26, 28, 29, 43 , 46, 47 y 49 , y el distritos •electorales del condado de Harris , numeros 475 y 417 (Green Tee) , la eleccion se llevara al cabo en el edificio de Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pear- land, Texas . El Senor Jack Farmer ya ester nombrado el Juez Directivo y la Senora Ruby Bozka ester nombrado la Juez alternativa. Elj Juez Directivo tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mas que cinco (5) ayudantes . La Senora Dorothy L. Cook ya esta. nombrada la Secretarialpara dirigir la votacion de los ausentados , y las Senoras Kay Krouse , Barbara Lenamon, y Dorothy Thompson ya estan nombradas ayudantes para asistir con la votacion de los ausentados . La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya mencionada se llevara a cabo al siguiente lugar: I . 1 Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave. (P. 0. Box 1157) Pearland, Texas 77581 I El lugar de votacion para dicha eleccion .se manten dra abierto el dia ya mencionado de eleccion de las 7 :00 de la Mariana a lag 7 :00 de la tarde. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados- ya mencionado se mantendrd abierto por ho menos que ocho horas para la votacion de ilos ausentados cada dia menos los. sabado, domingos .o dias festivos ofi:ciales del estado, empezando veinte (20) dias y .continuando hasta. el cuatiro (4) dias antes de la fecha de la eleccion. El .dicho lugar de votacion se mantendrd abierto entre las horas de las 8 : 00 de la manana hasta l,as cinco de la tarde cada dia para la votacion de los ausentados . Ell lugar ya mencionado para la votacion de los ausentados tambien es la direction postal de la secretaria de votacion para los ausentados a la cual se podran envi_rar por corrio solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos . La votacion para los ausentados para votantes enfermos o incapacitados despues de terminar la votacion para los ausentados regulares seran en conformida con subdivision 3 (e) del . articulo 5 . 05 del Codigo. Electoral del estado de Texas . Segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , en cual file determinado que : los sistemas electronicos de votar se usan 'en la . eleccion ya mencionada por todas las balotas incluyendo las boletas de los ausentados , 'y Begun el Codigo Electoral .del estado de Texai Farmer , el Senor Jack , como el Juez Directivo de la eleccion, y el Senor Larry Hillis Y la S en nr g nelia_Ke.ele-- , como ayudantes de el, ya estan nombrados una Junta de Solicitudes Especiales para la eleccion ya mencionada. La eleccionya mencionada se llevara a cabo segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , y nadie mess que los votantes cualifi- cados de la Ciudad de; Pearland, Texas , tienen el 'derecho de votar en dicha eleccion. Un aviso de' la eleccion ya ordenada se dares segun los pro- visiones del art(culo' 4 . 05 del Codigo Electoral de Texas y el arts culo 29 (e) de las leyes civiles de Texas , y la Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta notificado a publicar el aviso segun los dichos articulos 4.05 y �9 (e) . 1 Que imediat;amente despues de la eleccion, el oficial dirigiendo la eleccion, tiene que hacer un reporte del resultado al Alcalde de la Ciudad como requiere el Codigo Electoral del estado. Que todos los candidatos independientes de la Election Regular 'que se llevara a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1982 , por Concej,al de Posicion ;Numero Dos (2) y Concejal de Posicion Numero Quatro (4) , tienen que registrar las aplicaciones para ser candidato para las dichas posiciones con el Alcalde de la Ciudad en el City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue , Pearland, Texas , en o antes de los treinta dias antes de la fecha de la dicha election. La fecha mas temprana para dicho registro sera/ de treinta dias antes de la ultima fecha permitida. Que todos lo's candidatos de la Eleccion Regular tienen glue registrar con dichas aplicaciones de Declaration de Fidelidad, que se requiere por el articulo 6 . 02 del Codigo Electoral de Texas . Que la Secretaria de la Ciudad, segun las provisiones del articulo 13. 32 del Codigo Electoral de Texas , de aviso publico en su ofician los nombres de todos los candidatos independientes , quienes han registrado las aplicaciones en acuerdo con las provisiones de esta Resolution y Mandato , y los dichos nombres se exiban en un lugar aparente en la oficina por no menos que diez dias antes de que el dicha Secretaria ordene que los nombres se escriban en la Balota Oficial de la election. El Orden numerico en cual los nombres de los candidatos aparecen en la balotaise determina por un sorteo dirigido por la Secretaria de la Ciudad, segue el articulo 6 . 05 (c) , Parte 3 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas . La Secretaria de la Ciudad ya esta autorizada y dirigida a proveer todas las materias necesarias para arreglar la dicha elect ion. Un aviso del nombramiento del Juez Directivo. de estas election segun del articulo 3 . 09 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas . PASADO, APROVADO, ADOPTADO, Y ORDENADO el dia d de de . 1982. I \•q4-1 Alcalde DANDO FE : QL_ ecr taria de a Ciu d. / I t I �j AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF NOTICES OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION, CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION, AND POLICEMEN'S CIVIL SERVICE ACT ELECTION CAME TO HAND on the A3 day of , 1982, at roe ,4 ,,4 1. o'clock cj copies of Notice of City .Officers Election, Charter Amendment Election, and Policemen's Civil Service Act Election, City of Pearland, Texas, shown below, and executed on the dates shown in margin, 1982, by posting true and correct copies of said Notices at public places where notices are custom- arily posted, and said date of posting being at least 20 days before the date of election described in said Notices, and said Notices were posted at the following places, to=wit: 2/23/82 In Election Precinct No. 12, City Hall , 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas; 3/8/82 In Election Precinct No. 475 (Harris County) on pole on bridge over Clear Creek; 3/8/82 In Election Precinct No. 46, Chamber of Commerce (Depot Building) on bulletin board; 3/8/82 In Election Precinct No. 28, Kroger Grocery Store on bulletin board; 3/8/82 In Election Precinct No. 26, Woody Road at Corral Street on a utility pole; 3/8/82 In Election Precinct No. 47, Tunney's Lawn Mower Repair Shop; 3/11/82 In Election Precinct No. 537 (Harris County) , Golfcrest Country Club's bulletin board; 3/11/82 In Election Precinct No. 29, East side..of 1128 F.M. on pole between County Road 101 and County Road 100 East side; 3/11/82 In Election Precinct No. 43, Intersection of County Road 48 and County Road 58 on a pole. Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary City of Pearlan , Texas / ' l i I4 4O—BILIt GOAL—NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' EL. .N (1276) Hart Graphics,Austin Texas NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION DE FUNCIONARIOS DE LA CIUDAD) CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Name of City (Nombre de la Ciudad) TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS : , Notice is hereby given that a City Officers' Election will be held on the 3RD day of APRIL 19_2, in the-above named city for the purpose of electing the following officers for said city: Member of the Council, Position No. 2, and Member of the Council,_ Position No. 4. Said election will be held at the following polling place in said City: (ONE POLLING PLACE) . In Brazoria County Election Precinct Nos. 12, 26, 28, 29, 43, 46, 47, and 49, and— In Harris County Precinct Nos. 417 and 475, at PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL; 2337 N. GALVESTON AVE. Thepolls at each of the above design7 ated polling TEE) - 7:00 . place •.shall on said election day be open from o'clock a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at 2235 N TFYA4 wF_ ,. CTTY HALL Building, in said city, and said place of.absentee voting shall remain open for at least 8 hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Saturday, Sunday or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20t1i day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m, and 5:00 o'clock p.m. Dated this the 8TH •day of FEBRUARY , 19 82 A LOS VOTANTES RESIDENTES CUALIFICADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS : (Se da aviso por la presente que se llevard a cabo una Eleccidn de Funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 3RD de ABRIL de 19 R2, en la ciudad arriba mencionada para el proposito de elegir a los siguientes funcionarios para dicha ciudad: de el Consejo de la Ciudad .Posicion Numero -Dos, -y Aiembro- de el Consejo -de -la Ciudad Posicion Numero Quatro. Dicha eleccion use llevara` a cabo en los siguientes lugares de votacion en dicha ciudad: (UN LUGAR PARA VOTAR) En el condado de Brazoria, el Precinto Electoral Ni,m. 12, 26, 28, 29, 43, 46, 47,. y 49, y En el condado de Harris, el Precinto Electoral Norm. 417 y 475, en PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL, Los sitios de votacion arriba designados para dicha eleccion se mantendran atnertos en et m ncwnaao dia de elecciones de las 7:00. a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. La votacion ausente para la eleccion arriba designada se llevard a cabo en el Edificio 2 335 N.i TFXASAVE CITY HAT,T, , en dicha ciudad, y dicho lugar de votacion ausente se mantendra. abierto par to menos ocho horas en cada dia de votacion ausente no siendo sabado, domingo o dia festivo oficial, deg Estado, principiando 20 dias y continuando hasta el cuarto dia anteriores a la f echa; de dicha eleccidn. Dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto de las 8:00 a.m. a las 5:00 p.m. Fechado esta dia 8TH de FEBRERO de 19 82 .) Mayor AWalde) (1) Strike one not applicable. ti AFFIDAVIT OF PL ICATION OF NOTICE OF CITY 1, "10ER'S ELECTION - BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Title of the , a newspaper Name of Newspaper of general circulation,published in , Texas, and that he published a true copy of the Notice of City Officers' Election, City of , Texas, in said paper one time in its issue of , 19, the date of said publication being not more than 25 days nor less than 10 days before the date of the election mentioned in said Notice and a copy of said Notice as published is attached hereto. WITNESS MY HAND this the day of 19 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME by this the day of , 19 Notary Public, County, Texas OFFICER'S RETURN CAME TO HAND on the day of , 19, at o'clock—.m, copies of Notice of City Officers' Election, City of , Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed on the day of , 19, by posting true and correct copies of said Notice at public places where notices are customarily posted, and said date of posting being at least 20 days before the date of election described in said Notice, and said notices were posted at the following places, to-wit: In Election Precinct No. at • In Election Precinct No. at • In Election Precinct No. at In Election Precinct No. _ at , Texas By: Deputy CLERK'S RETURN CAME TO HAND on the 23rd day of February , 19 82 , at 8:00 o'clock a•.m. two copies of the Notice of City Officers' Election, City of Pearl and , Texas, shown on the reverse side hereof, and executed by filing one copy in my office on said date and the other copy was posted on the bulletin board in my office on said date, said filing and posting being at least 20 days before the date of the election described in said notice. Sec./Clerk orothy L. Cook Ci y Sec etary By: Deputy . . . . _ . ._ . , ::, L_Eqp- 'Ox ';':".X • 73 ft'.i U 6 A;r•. '''''''. ?_ THE JOURNAL . 1, 4„..,..„..,:v1, ..._...: P. O. BOX 1018 FRIENDSWOOO, TEXAS 77546 482-2222 00 . c9 . .. . . . . ... , , PUBLISHER AFFIDAVIT . State of Texas County of Harris ' . Personally appeared before me the undersigned, a notary public within and for said county and state , Annie Alexander, Editor of the Journal, a newsoaper published in Houston, County of Harris , State of Texas , who, being duly sworn, states on oath that the report of City of Pearland a true copy of which is hereto attached., was published in said newsreper' in it t issue of March, 1982 day of 3-11 , - Edi7t or . . Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2I'-th day of March, 1982 . . • .. . . . . . __.. z:-----. --.---- • Notary . c. _ . ..,__ -...„ _-_- _ - — . . ,._ MARY WAGNERTexas ..------,,,'' .. NotaryPu J.blic State of My Commission Expires /7—.3—S" '''.-: '-L ':'1111';/: ' ' • Bonded by Carey'C. Shaw . . . , . . • . . . . . • ,c.' \LEAF Legal Notices z co sz s CLASS:_. c• �o NAME: JOURI.AL AD TAKER ADD: PHONE: MONTH: 1 i 2 3 4 6 8 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SIZE/ WORDS: RATE: TIMES: LINES: TOTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Fig Leaf Publishing Co., 317 S. Friendswood Dr., Frinnr CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS (Nombre de Ia Ciudad) TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that a City Officers' Election will be held on the 3RD day of April, 1982, in the above named city for the purpose of elec- ting the following officers for said ci- ty: Member of the Council, Position No. 2, and Member of the Council, Position No. 4. Said election will be held at the following polling place in said City: (ONE POLLING PLACE) In Brazoria County Election Precinct Nos. 12, 26, 28, 29, 43, 46, 47, and 49, and In Harris County Precinct Nos 417 and 475, at PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL; 2337 N. GALVESTON AVE. The polls at each of the above designated polling place shall on said election shall be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 7 00 o'clock p.m. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at 2335 N. TEXAS AVE., CITY HALL Building, in said city, and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least 8 hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Satur- day, Sunday or an official State holi- day, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o clock a.m. and 5.00 o'clock p.m. Dated this the 8TH day of FEBRUARY, 1982. A LOS VONTATES RESIDENTES CUALIFICADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Se da aviso por la presente que set Ilevara a cabo una Election de Fun- cionarios de la Ciudad el dia 3RD de ABRIL de 1982, en Ia ciudad arriba mencionada para el proposito de elgir Dos, y Miembro de el Consejo de la Ciudad Posicion . Numero Quatro. Dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en los siguientes lugares de cotacion en dicha ciudad: (UN LUGAR PARA VOTAR) En el condado de Brazoria, el Precinto Electoral Num. 12, 26, 28, 29, 43, 46, 47, y 49, y En el condado de Harris, el Precin- to Electoral Num. 417 y 475, en PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL, 2337 N. GALVESTON AVENUE. Los sitios de votacion arriba designados para dicha eleccion se mantendran abiertos en el men- cionado dia de elecciones de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. La votacion ausente para la elec- cion arriba designada se Ilevara a cabo en el Edificio 2335 N. TEXAS AVE., CITY HALL, en dicha ciudad, y dicho lugar de votacion ausente se mantendra abierto por to menos ocho horas en cada dia de votacion ausente no siendo sabado, domingo o dia festivo oficial de Estado, princi- piando 20 dias y continuando hasta el cuarto dia anteriores a Ia fecha de dicha eleccion. Dicho lugar de vota- cion se mantendra abierto de las 8:00 a.m. a las 5:00 p m. Fechado esta dia 8TH de FEBRERO de 1982.) Tom Reid Mayor (Alcalde) 11/ T.1G LEAF t VA t z i f1 Q7 P. O. BOX 448 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482-2222 PUBLISHER AFFIDAVIT State of Texas County of Harris Personally appeared before me the undersigned, a notary public within and for said county and state, Annie Alexander, Editor of the Journal, a newspaper published in Houston, County of Harris, State of Texas, who, being duly sworn, states on oath that the report of City of Pearland a true copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper in its issue of March, 1982 day of 3425 Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April, 1982 am _ Notary tab c• � - MARY J. WAGNER _Notary Public State of Texas = `= '<- �_ My Commission Expires 4-3- Bonded by Carey C. Shaw .r _._ O .J Ind `7 b� - -' 27.Legal Notices -- 27 I Notices y>< ,. AD �c" CLASS: TAKER I 11 �NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - AVISO PUBLICO ,, l?,�ccordance with Article.1;15, .De acuerdo con el ARticulo 7.15, NAME: — l Subdivision 20,Subsection(I),of the Subdivision 20, Subsection (I) del Texas Election Code,this is to advise Codigo Electoral de Texas, se da , that the automatic tabulating equip- aviso que se va a examiner el equipo ' ADD: -- � � meat to be used in the Pearland City automatico pare canter los vote's de ', Officers' Election, Charter Amend- Ia Ekccion de Oficiales de Ia Ciudad PHONE: I meet Election,and Policemen's Civil de Pearland, Ia Election pare In- Service Act Election to be held on miendar de la Carta Constitutional,y MONTH: April 3,1982,will be tested at 2:00 la Eleccion del Acto del_Servicio ii P.M.,April 2, 1982, in the District I it Courtroom,4th.Floor of the Brazoria Civil de Ia Policia que se Hamra a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l I County Courthouse in Angleton. cabo el 3 de Abril de 1982,y se va a Do thy L Coot poner a prueba este equipo el 2:00 City Secretary P.M.,Abril 2, 1982,en Ia Corte,del 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 City of Psarfand,Tex districto,en el cuatro piso de la Casa — • de Corte del Condado de Brazoria en 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 124 y Angleton. 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 l i - SIZE/ i WORDS: ll il RATE: • TIMES: LINES: TOTAL _Ili —Y THANK YOU Fig Leaf Publishing Co., 317 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, TX 77546, 482-2777 FOR YOUR ORDER