R82-42 12-27-82 RESOLUTION NO. R82-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PEARLAND AND THE CITY OF BROOKSIDE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, that the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City, an Agreement by and between the City of Pearland and the City of Brookside regarding Emergency Medical Service. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of , A. D., 1982. Tom Reid, Mayor City of Pearland, Texas ATTE ST: ~orothy L. COOf~ ] City Secretar)F .:...::.c;_.......,.. .. . ..,t:i\ollC"'""'''''''--1 .~. .~ . "~;,.,,~~,,,,~..,;,:.,,;"'" ,:,;l&t J.- '''-''''~'-'~-'''''''''''~''''-'''--'Fi - ~-'-'''', -- .. -''''''.~,;..~~..' '..i-..",.~,........,.,.",",""""""" T -~~'^-~ COUNTY OF BRAZORIA I I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THE STATE OF TEXAS AGREHIENT This Contract and Agreement, made and entered into on this 20th day of December, 1982, by and between the CITY OF PEARLAND, a Home Rule Municipal Corporation of Brazoria County, Texas, by and through its duly authorized officials, hereinafter referred to as "City of Pearland", and the CITY OF BROOKSIDE, a General Law Munici- pal Corporation of Brazoria County, Texas, by and through its duly authorized officials, hereinafter referred to as "City of Brookside". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Pearland and the City of Brookside are authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 (32c)V.C.S. and Article 4434 V.C.S. to enter into joint contracts and agreements for the performance of governmental functions and services including health and sanitation functions normally a~sociated with the operation of government such as the maintaining and operation of an emergency medical ambulance service; and WHEREAS, the City of Pearland is presently maintaining and operating an Emergency Medical Ambulance Service and is providing said service to its citizens within its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the City of Brookside has heretofore expressed a de- sire to enter into a Contract with the City of Pearland whereby the City of Pearland will provide emergency medical ambulance service within the corporate limits of the City of Brookside; and WHEREAS, the City of Pearland is desirous of cooperating with the City of Brookside, and feels that it has the capability of ex- panding its present emergency medical ambulance service so as to serve the City of Pearland and the City of Brookside together. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual convenants here- inafter set forth, the City of Pearland, the City of Brookside agree as follows: 1. ,Whenever used in this Agreement: The term "Emergency Medical Ambulance Service" shall mean only such emergency medical care and transportation services necessary for the care of those persons who become critically injured or ill due to any combination of circumstances which result ln injury or illness requiring imme- ap1Ao~d Ol ~l1I1q1suodsa~ sl1 }O l~Bd SB l~B~lUOJ s1ql JapUa a~1A~as a~uBInqillV IB~1paw A~ua3~aill3 aql 3ullB~ado ~O} AllIlqlsuods -a~ aql 3U1lda~~B sl pUBIxBad }O AllJ aql lBql l~B} aq1 '6 'UOll~B aAllBIs13aI alB1xdoxddB xaqlo AUB ~o 'l~V silllBIJ slx01 IBdl~lunw sBxa1 aqlJo UOSBax Aq apls~ooxg JO AlIJ aql )0 sl1m1I aql ulqllM xapunaxaq a~UBillXO}xad sll illOXJ 3U1SlxB pUBlxBad )0 AlIJ aql lSUIB3B palxassB aq ABill lBql qlBap XO/pUB 'AxnrUl IBUOsxad 'Sa3BillBp XO} silllBI~ lIB pUB AUB XOJ pUBlxBad JO AlIJ aql AJ1UWapUl pUB aABS 'SsaIillxBq Ploq Ol SaaX3B apls~ooxg }O AllJ aq1 'S 'apls~ooxg }O Allj aql }O SlUa3B xo SaaAOldwa paxaplsuo~ aq Ol aXB ABM OU Ul pUBlxBad }O ~llJ aql }O slua3B XO/pUB saaAoldilla lBql pUB ~xapunaxaq a~UBillXOj -xad }O IOXlUO~ aAlsnI~xa aq+ aABq IIBqs pUB 'XOl~BXlUOJ luapuadapu! 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