R83-21 09-12-83 RESOLUTION NO. R83-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, DESIGNATING AN AGENT FOR ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: THAT Gary Jackson, Assistant City Manager, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Pearland, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Texas, this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund. THAT the City of Pearland, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Texas, hereby authorizes its agent to pro- vide to the State and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assis- tance the assurances and agreements as per the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED and APPROVED this 12th day of September, A. D., 1983. Mayo r ATTEST: C~ty Secret~yy . Z_H . •1o;aet!Q Isuo!Hay aq; jo aorta/jinn aq; o; pae(osn ;au sahurnauap Atm •svopoptSou poapa3 algeandds pus - › 10;paaaru1aeoII !tJapa3 eq; a; A;!f!4!suodgaa amntss 0; Jo ;usa!!dds 'papuams vw 88Z•E8 'I'd'ZOI•y lvinar!O EINIO 411m aauapaoaas alp Aq quawaa1J!a pus saausanrsg essay; uptm aautgdwoa aaunbar a; yr paeoadde quamannbar aer;eapip.t uipe Jay;o put's;vauaannbaa san!pgsdsa a;n9 u!gn!m uopas.Arnrraaau Lot aster;o;gnaw a;qg au uatuSoad'min jo quatuatlnbaa raped,8unuaauoa LauaBe ao;usa8 ltlaPa3 aq; Ag Patodwl gwmaa[rtbaa IN 4p[r Aldmoa tux 3I 'fit S33NY f1SSV 31V.LS •swt18o1d pans!sst-L1Isaapa3 pus h:apa3 jo ;Inca: t m paaslds!p wound jo ;uam;eaa; a[quq!nba • - pug 41J aoJ ap!eoad 40140 (9b9-18 'I'd) OLBT Jo pay suto!pts -ruboy Apadoad hag pus aaus;nesy uo!;sao!aj uuoj!un aq; •aapaudao!porua;moo pus awn Jo III°pt Pus n of l.L Jo gaawaa!nba:aq; Epp; A[dwoa npa;I •£I Pus! apse Su!pnput •spaszsq gam a;'S!;!w o; uo!;as a;sudord dv ashy Pun Pam aq o; an viol Jo ;usa8 alp jo spaaaoad aq;. *sap Jetllo Jo • 4a!4ra uf man an s)a*as4 !tni;rn a4; mulatto [pm. 'pus .spree 's tu!snq'AI!tar;aeaq Sag;wogs germ asoq;Alnlnapaed'atatpo -trips pus gaol;nupads 'spas argwnddt 1p!m Ap!tauojuoa trI Jo sae[astualp aoj urr a;send aoj ansap s S4 pa;ae!;ov: 8v!aq pun ao!;times pus Aauaaap 'Alain Jo epaspum;s algeagdda 4;!r jo aatnacaddt aq;ae!S ao q �tts atodand t aoj mop!sod safe A1dwoa'q;!raJaq paouasau aoportz v0oa Jo anima Lae 10;'lama 1I '96 Su!m moaj satLo!dwa ;!gl4oui g tPnnSaJ1 4t!lgnsa t11 1A 1I .Z.1 ap:adoad ions uodn 'guaueq ao mown ts!!m a jo uo!sµold nwJJa octave aptSpma Jo ;toes o; Sauets 10;u1JII Iaaapa3 aq; a4; IItrµloeaf asodmd aaq;oc+ aoj ao pap¢a;za sr aaue;msae . A4 Paga!lgnsa gaawannbar ire yp!r SulAldwoa(q) Ag put ,at h!aaeag In1aPa3 a4; trargr ao;aeodand m an; pas s!unparugt -.inlaid act;Jo Laue l to;uvt3 puapa3 asp ao A;aadaad hoes ay; ya!gr IIaunp povad egp aoj 'aaaa;eflgJ; d yang Sus jo aau 8ua!Aj!;A4 pus Spµ!;as aye A4 (B'008 11ad 1J3O 9S oat) goaJJa Sam•Lp:adoad trans jo Jammu'LOU jo nos a4; Ill 20 ';tna!Iddy aeraeps o;hafting arc ;rqI saaa[d ougtr; Jo as;s!Sag lmopvfq aye e1v3ggo!lags aaaalnsn icy;yasa!Iddy aq;o;Papua;za earn sous flf no!snpu! aoj a!q!$!la Jo tit pr;ru sapaadoad SJpuapl g -wen InausmJ lmaapag Jo P1t a4; 4;!r paeoadtan Jo pantoad 'AJeeataa n 4ao!;vS!psaem jo panpaoa aq; ao -harm rt employs J° Alaadoad [saes Aar ix ;0emaa.3w 'pp aparyaajja -aaazd alO1t!H a;n8 alp4i!r Svp;ttmoa(s)A4('best;a I•n69f 01 �9ffia°a sarnraw Aar ash; Alapgtpamun [llm Pus aauanep ga 'OSYl 9i) 998I Jo pay ao!;eatasaad 311o;t1H pus ltal30loagaav h!autU33 Il.11P auaaa: pawa!lddo aqp rgr aoj emu!;aa• sots Pug 'S6911 rapa0 aepnaazg (OLP OS'(1 9i) 'Vanuatu', n ao u na8oad Sus japan aot;auniugo ns o; paasafgns asphaq;o auger; huo!;et1 tip J0 90I uoc;oeg °q JO';o SWOON en pamap eq'a! aopsdp!Ned wog papnpza' '996I Jo;ay aaopvaaasaad au q;!n aatm!dmw n! at Saaa=s to;us:1 Iruapa3 aq; ;s!*as rum ;I •SZ eq'u!8po hvo!;au to'MOO'wiz jo panoae aq; ao 'lln4s It;n9 Pap!un a4; at uouad oa tray aq;JO IA auk/ 4;!r aauept000s 'Paa!nbap q u! Put(Z96•E8 "I'd) 498L Jo;ay 0149III I4e1O 04;Jo IA tI;SL sps j! 'aotrunaja pr;uawuoa!eue a!gsaoasj s saran ypial sun 44e Pug 98Z-88 'I'd 'Ii8 aopaa8 WA Aldwoa o;'raaa3t ;I 'II Sa!pary alq!za(j Suµloetn gaatoad Atn Jo Su!punj Jajap rum 4/ 'SZ •Jaana! ay; sf anagap(r 'tpu°q splo4 ;aamaaawoO alp an . 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L!lsan&4d a4; A4 amnia put 'al amnia-nay want/peg sr aousa rum! thus aaagr sammnmwoa tat aausanmt poo[j Jo pus tgmppng SOnhpi aoj suoryntrfpoadS PrsPw;S usouaury angaand a4;'9L6i'Z 43.T.IYJa;Ja pus no'at!nbaa(s)ZOI uo!;3tS al; 4410 L(dmoa o; pauSwP eq op.L;!I!3TJ a4; annbar !!!r ;I 18 "EL6i'IC aagwaoaQ paaoadds'8L6 ycn9 L8 1,£6-£6 my/a!l4nd 'EL6i Jo pay uotpaapald aa;rmQ pool. in Jo (s)60I vopaeg 'mad Jo nuawaalnbaa arachnid aaraurumf POOIJ a4;gip&Aldmoo mai;I 'I; tip o;paptlal gaatanaop ao'aaadsd'st[ooq `gtaoaaa fp amtuaza o;;48u aft;pus o;wait'ae!inveaadaz pazuolpne Ant gSnozq; yaaouddt cup jo jhgag¢o aausrrtsn ow;a3!s 01 pazuogp 'haava° aapogdwo3 tip pus AouaSs JO:ma8 aqp ae18 Min pI 'L -•ne vs esaaeaa aq;ao naddv sani;r08n asogm suoaad 10 floated awn pug'1Taa02uns paw 4raatajra1 1'uonaaans q!'yuw!ldds al;uo •raq!lmj Rani Jo uoplaado pus Sutpulq in aarr1anses situ•aataucun true Jo lotwaaaojua Isw!pn( aov1Uga!rw alp ao;a!aua3t!soot put tins 'tuape3 algsa!!dds t[aas g;48u alp aesq gimp siring Pa;lun a4;ptq; PUT a;0uuul cop Lq paquosaad ao,pannbal eq Aim n spatpanv wntu!u!w on ins ut aptm guamaal2t pun mognuaaadar aq; ao aausnar tip 4110 aouasp1oaag u►Annan aq; tm;0!tm Pug a;t:ado I[!m;I '9 a!pepua;za eq film aoannns!naarui3 IsaaPa3 Pits;t4;41Wild • Ag;urogddy alp o;Joara4 aplp a4; nut pepva;n aaanrpes Arm Sonaas rgasa!hopesd a4;w noptmaoJtq aagpo ions t*lacrutrJ(napes.lots°Jo gvnoanp •AKadoad'r;asgaao beaus= pun s1odaa aszSoad gqunnj III;if;sip• oops:ghada pus amid -per'gaawaszngw!aa'mot•qugo2 Iuapa3 fjs pas Sat Samrngo paeoaddm alp q;ua ammo;aoa tfaoai papa/diem aq; ;s4;arum!op Jo aaodand a4;aoJ pas Jo aot;saap!moa ac ase!S if aarraanes qtJ •06 a;n n0;13=1;11°3 alp;s nonvadsag pus clop/audits Sapaan!Saa Is A •Su!panj Napa.;Jo i1°r paeoaddt alp g soup atoms; �tgaa;!gan nsnbaps punyaapadmoa ain¢rim pas apµoad ills 7I '4 wort ai1J ropta9 Paplan aq;nets put P104(Z)9110r paeoaddr - yam uaaq aerq(s)tuas8 asp jo;vawis!ldwoaas Jo;Amnon:Amr-Jo.n48u put summons -old lama agp;o mop!paoo aqp /pun°apups aagpo at[nlapun 'TPml Ih sa;nS Pas!ufl 404;01;too;noq;lr epteoad(I) t[lr;I '8L 1o;aafoad aq;aoj(s)pasa;0oa ooparagmoa t opal aqua;oa maw;j •f. •aninos aag;oas •papatu;s00o ' w°1J viol awns asp aoj paetaaal guauaq gratldnp hut rum esodand asp JoJ L;!l!a0J nu Jo wamraa;anw pus uoquado ao ;oat swop Japunalaq pa;anbaa n aaans!sry NaW3 4a!4* aapaaJla aansst a; papa[dwoa a aoponaptaoo uagr op:pu!:ow eq aoj pequaap ara1aq; ;mom Ja!Iaa )anon!; 10 Aouellatue au •8L !pm Taw;va!a(JJn5 •gaafoad 0opanrpsaoa an;;son aq;Jo an4s haapa3-non aq; ham 01 algtlli/t*Pan;;aapuJJns aesq II!r ;I •£ 'nfo°gp0t33 semi;i;algto!Iddn Pm '90Z Ind b0optlnaal! IutPa3 Jo aP00 Ob III pemrl003 • •tpuspajd;o aopaaload o;Supra.' swp!a sq.; Rpm ao0rpaoaas tit a14!S!la a papstnbaa s1 aounsh `088Ti 11P3Q sepnaafij pat;aatoa3vurpj u!a!dpoo13 0;SurpslaJ +s fr!autur3 10tPa3 43c4r aoj uo!;sat!ddy ;aafoid (VIVA) '998 II Japr)eapnaazg :Jo mo!s!euad;q; gpPIJ Aplwoo Ma;I 'I SawEy ;wmaSnnJ+j Aaua&amg !uapa3 tees no pequotaP • Mimi jt!fu lolls!;a4;(Ja!laq Put ejPal1►oulf 1!4 Jo;saq vq;01) 'LI •paa!nbaa eq Aim ea vo!;twao;al irao!p!ppa trans apuotd g pun uo!pra!ldda aq;. •quatuUJaeo8!roof usua flopatuvoa m he 01 putar!ddt e4;Jo aagnuaaldaa hra3Jo pin a;ng jo aeLoldtua vamping praopsonpa pus [q!dsoq a4;n pau!;vtpl uosaad alp Smzuog;nt pas Soc1al!p pus'uiaaaus sop Alddt Aaq;n tray spaspusng Jogr•J ils3 hasped asp Jo mo!neoad pou!n0oa aaaa1nna pun du!punatapun go So!pnp0!'oo!;to![dds sanoq wnuan:ma pis e2sr wnanum tip q;Im Aldwoo RW II '9i a4;Jo Su!pJ tun Smzuoq;tit 'Apoq Supuaeo8 s,;urogdds alp Jo nag h!a(Jo us ins parsed ao papdops Alnp uaeq nq aopas te[!ums •aaAofdmw Jo L;µpos!sopllod ag; Jo uopoca'vopn[osat a;top:ar;!I!aIJ pasodoad a4;iarusraoa pun ;turn 4a!4su;3y Rang;a4;Jo mo!suoad alp qpw Aldasoa(51a ;I 'ST aausotj a;pus';utaa aqp JoJ Aldds 01 A;uoq;ns!1Bal santassod;I •1 :;etp p0sa9 alp 10;aop!paoa s in pus op;oedsat 4;!m aypaaa pas aautrrott aim;¢°a!lddy agp'orly yaafoJd paps!sn •Allsrapa3'pp aoj spun)puapa3 jo am put aauandexw'uopvogdda aq;01 aloha Aaq;n'P-PL ONl3 Pug'ZOI•V Pug 96•1/'014 10403.!3 t.1NIO Jl0!pnpv[quawatcnbar pus•saa!Iappt3'ea!a?lod'swops r ah yIV'33 aqp gnat.ldwoo m t eq 1Ptp ra1Jplao pat waning Agatag;trrarlddy till, j\—/ S3ONVtlf5SV 1NV3IlddV • - - e MS) • • ,uVt, LLPEIIHXH TO: RON WICKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: GARY JACKSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 SUBJECT: FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM This is to request the City Council ' s authorization in designating an Agent to act in behalf of the City of Pearland for the purpose of obtaining Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) for damages resulting from Hurricane Alicia. I would request to be designated as Agent in this matter, being familiar with the guidelines, policies and procedures in this matter, and having already met with representatives of the Federal and State government in assessing public damages. Attach-d is the Resolution of Designation of Applicant' s Agent. To this point the representatives of the U.S. Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal High- way Administration, the Texas Department of Water Resources, the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, and the Texas Purchasing and General Services Administration have estimated that damages suffered by the City will total $247,137.00, and the Federal Government will reimburse 75% of the actual eligible expenditures that the City incurs in the cleanup and repairs that are. necessary. Having approved the above mentioned Resolution, the City would then be in a position to make formal application for Federal Assis- tance, and to submit an application for advance of funds. Federal and State officials have stated that an advance of 75% of the total 75% assistance can be requested. This advance would equal 56% of the total , or $138,356.72. cc: Mayor and City Council