Ord. 0058 1963-04-18ORDINANCE NO. 58
A. In order to promote orderly deveLopment of the area and to secure
adequate provision for transportation, drainage, water, sewer and other sanitary
facilities, the City of PearLand hereby adopts the following rules, regulations and
requirements for the subdivision or resubdivision of Land Lying within the corporate
limits of the City of PearLand or within five (5) miles of said corporate Limits.
B. Before any plan, pLat or re -plat of a subdivision or addition of Land in
the City of Pearland or within five (5) miles of the City of PearLand shall be re-
corded with the County Clerk of Brazoria County, it shalt first be approved by the
City Council of the City of PearLand,
C. These rules, regulations and requirements and any future additions
thereto and changes thereof will be binding on aLL new subdivisions within the
jurisdiction of the City of PearLand and must be complied with before approval or
acceptance of the streets, utility easements, sanitary sewers, storm sewers,
drainage ditches and water distribution systems by the City.
For the purpose of these regulations, which shall be known as and may be
cited as "PearLand Subdivision Regulations", certain words used herein are defined
as follows:
A. Subdivision: The term "subdivision" means the division of any lot,
tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts, Lots or sites, for the purpose,
whether immediate or future, of saLe or division of ownership. This definition
also incLudes the re -subdivision of Land or Lots which are part of a previously
recorded subdivision. Divisions of Land for agricultural. purposes, and where no
building construction is involved, in parcels of five acres or more, shall not be
included within this definition of subdivision, unless any such subdivision of five
acres or more includes the planning or development of a new street or access ease-
ment. An addition is a subdivision as defined herein. The term "subdivision"
includes the division of Land whether by plat or by metes and bounds description,
and when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or
to the land subdivided.
B. Streets and Alleys: The term "streets" means a way for vehicular
traffic, whether designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, freeway, parkway,
throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place or however other designated.
1. Major Thoroughfares or Arterial Streets are principal traffic
arteries more or Less continuous across the city which are intended to connect
remote parts of the city and which are used primarily for fast or heavy volume
traffic and shall include, but not be limited to, each street designated as a major
street on the Major Street Plan.
2. Collector Streets are those which carry traffic from minor streets
to the major system of arterial streets and highways., including the principal
entrance streets of a residential development and streets for circulation within
such a development.
3. Minor Streets are those which are used primarily for access to
the abutting residential properties and which are intended to serve traffic within
a Limited residential district.
4. Marginal Access Streets are minor streets which are parallel
to and adjacent to arterial streets and highways , and which provide access to
abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
5. Alleys are minor ways which are used primarily for vehicular
service access to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a
C. Subdivider and/or Developer: The terms "subdivider" and developer"
are synonymous and are used interchangeably, and shall include any person,
partnership, firm, association, corporation, and/or any officer, agent, employee,
servant, and trustee thereof, who does, or participates in the doing of, any act
toward the subdivision of Land within the intent, scope, and purview of these
Regulations. The singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include
the singular.
D. City: The term "City" means the City Council, Board of Aldermen,
City Planning Commission, City Engineer or Director of Public Works, or the
Superintendant of Utilities, as the case may be.
E. Shall and May: As used herein, the word "shall" is mandatory,
the word "may" is permissive.
F. Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be determined in
accordance with customary usage in municipal pLanning and engineering practices.
A. Pre -application Procedure:
1. Prior to the submission of the preliminary plat the subdivider
shall confer with the City on an informal basis to discuss the proposed plat and
its conformity with the comprehensive plan, its relationship to surrounding pro-
perty, availability to utilities, drainage, street pattern, etc.
2, In order to secure review and approval of the City of a proposed
subdivision, the prospective subdivider shall, prior to the makin _of-anystreet
improvements or installations of utility submit to the City a preliminary (plan)
plat as provided in Paragraph C below. On approval of said preliminary (plan)
plat he may proceed with the preparation of the final plat and other documents
required in connection therewith as specified in Paragraph D and the improve-
ments set forth in Section V,
B. Schedule of Fees. Subdivision plats submitted to the City for
approval must be accompanied by a check made payable to the City of PearLand
for the amount specified in the following schedule of fees:
1. Preliminary Plat
$10 plus 70 cents per Lot, plus $2 per acre for **other uses.
2. Final Plat
$5 plus 30 cents per Lot, plus $2 per acre for ** other uses.
** any Land within the boundaries of a plat that is not divided into normal residential
tots, but is intended for apartments, commercial, industriaL, parks, cemeteries,
C. Preliminary Plat (Plan Plat)
1. Following the pre -application conference all persons desiring
to subdivide a tract of Land within the area above described shall first prepare
or cause to be prepared a preliminary pLat which shall be filed with the City,
together with other suppLementary information as specified below:
2. The Preliminary PLat shall be at a minimum scaLe of 100' to
the inch and shall show the following:
a. Title of the Plat should show:
(1) The proposed name of the subdivision (check for
Legal description of location of subdivision.
(3) Total acreage and total number of Lots and blocks.
(4) Name of owner ( and address unLess given in Letter of
transmittal). If owner is a company or corporation, name of responsibLe indi-
vidual such as president or vice president must be given.
(5) The name of the registered professional -engineer or
registered public surveyor responsible for the survey and design. If different
from the surveyor of the boundary, so indicate.
(6) Scale: 1" equals 100' minimum (show graphic scale.)
(7) North, point, (True or Magnetic), north to be at top
of sheet, if possible, or at left side.
(8) Date; each revision to bear new date.
b. A Location sketch, preferably in upper right corner of the
map, to show relation of subdivision to well-known streets, railroads, and
water courses in aLL directions to a distance of at least one mite. Suggested
scaLe 1 inch equals one mile.
c. Boundaries of ownership with bearings and overall
(1) Area to be subdivided drawn in heavy lines with over-
all dimensions and bearings.
(2) Lines outside of boundaries to be dashed.
(3) An accurate location of the subdivision in reference to
the real estate records of Brazoria County, showing a tie to a well -established
point for plats inside the City Limits or to a survey corner if outside city limits.
c. Contours with intervals of 5/10 (0.5) foot, referred to sea -
level (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) datum, as required to show at Least
two contours within the subdivision in addition to those necessary to clearly show
outfall drainage. Identify basis of control and temporary bench mark set within
the subdivision.
e. The names of adjacent subdivisions or the names of record-
ed owners of adjoining parcels of Land which is unsubdivided Land.
f. The Location, widths, and names of all existing or platted
streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent
buildings, railroad right-of-ways, easements and other important features,
such as section Lines, political subdivision or corporation Lines and school
district boundaries, on aLL sides for a distance of not Less than two hundred
(200) feet.
g. Existing sewers, watermains, culverts, pipelines or
other underground structures and other public utilities within the tract and
immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades and Locations indicated.
h. ALL parceLs of Land intended to be dedicated for public
use or reserved in deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed
subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or Limitations of such
reservation, if any.
i, The proposed plan of subdivision, showing streets, blocks,
Lots, aLLeys, easements, building lines, parks, etc, with principal dimensions.
The preliminary plat shall cover all of the tract intended to be developed, at
any time, even though it is intended by the developer or developers to fife plats
and install. improvements for parts of said tract by sections or units.
3. Submittal
a. This preliminary plat shall have the approval of Brazoria
County Drainage District Number 4 prior to submittal to the City.
b. Eight (8) prints of plat shall be submitted at Least seven
days prior to a meeting of the City, without exception: for example, if a meeting
is to be held on Thursday, plats would have to be filed with the City by 5 p. m.
Wednesday of the week prior to the meeting to receive consideration.
c. Prints shall be accompanied by the completed form, in
triplicate, entitled "Application for Preliminary Approval of Subdivision Plat".
(These forms may be obtained from the City upon request),
d. The owner shall, along with the preliminary plat, submit
a certificate or Letter from a title guaranty company or a title attorney indicating
a current search and certifying to at Least the following concerning the title to
the Land: a statement of records examined and date of examination; description
of the property in question, including a metes and bounds description of the
tract; name of the fee owner as of the date of examination and the date, file
number, date of filing, and volume and page of any Lienhotders; and a general
description of any easement or fee strips granted, along with the file number,
date of filing, and volume and page of recording.
e. The draft of any protective covenants whereby the sub-
divider proposes to regulate the use of the Land in the subdivision shall be sub-
mitted; provided, however, that such restrictive covenants, conditions or
Limitations shall never be Less than the minimum requirements of the City under
the terms of these Regulations.
4. On receipt of the preliminary plat and other information, the
City shall render a decision thereon within twenty-one (21) days. Such decision
may consist of approval, disapproval, or conditional approval. Conditional
approval shall be considered to be the approval of a plat or re -plat subject to
conformity with prescribed conditions , but shalt be deemed to be a disapproval
of such plat or re -plat until such conditions are complied with. Alt objections
made to the preliminary plat, or conditions imposed, shall be furnished to the
subdivider in writing.
5. Preliminary approval wilt expire six months after the approval
by the City of the preliminary plat or of final sections of a preliminary general
plan, except that if the subdivider shalt apply in writing prior to the end of such
six- month period, stating reasons for needing the extension, this period may
be extended for another six months but not beyond a total of one year.
D. Final PLat (Subdivision Plat)
1. No final plat shall be considered unless a preLiminary plat has
been submitted.
2. After the foregoing procedure has been complied with and a
preLiminary plat approved or conditionally approved by the City, the subdivider
shall prepare or cause to be prepared a finaL plat, or plats, together with other
supplementary information as specified herein. The final plat shall conform
substantially to the preLiminary plat as approved.
3. The subdivider may at his discretion, after approval or con-
ditional approval of a preLiminary plat, file a final plat or pLats covering a
portion of the preLiminary plat, the remainder of the preLiminary plat shalt
be deemed as approved or conditionally approved as in Section III, C, 4&5,
hereof; provided,however, that such approval or conditional. approval of the
remainder of the preliminary plat shaLL be limited to a two (2) year period;
provided further, however, that the City may, at its discretion, extend such
period of vaLidity.
4. The Final PLat (subdivision plat) shall be drawn on tracing
Linen in India ink (or to be a photographic reproduction on lines which is of
equaL or greater durability), and shalt be one of the following sizes: 12"x18",
18"x24", 18"x36", 18"x48" or 24"x36". This original tracing is to be filed
in the office of the County CLerk of Brazoria County as a permanent record.
A duplicate ink on Linen shall be furnished the City of Pearland for their re-
cords. This plat shaLL be a minimum scale of 1" equals 100' and shall show
the following:
a. Title of the PLat should show:
(1) The name of the subdivision.
(2) Legal description and identification of the subdivision
including the names of the surveys, with abstract numbers, in which it is
situated, which description shall. be sufficient for the requirements of title
examination. The plat shaLL be a descriptive diagram drawn to scale, and
shall show by reference that the subdivision is a particular portion or part of
a perviously filed plat or recognized grant or partition, which diagram and des-
cription shall. show as being incLuded in the subdivision, at least aLL of the
smaLlest unit of the Last filed subdivision, plat, or grant, out of which the
instant subdivision is divided, or so much thereof as is owned by the subdivider.
(3) Total acreage and total number of Lots and blocks.
(4) Name of owner (and address unless given in Letter of trans-
mittaL). If owner is a company or corporation, name of responsible individual
such as president or vice president shall be given.
(5) The name of the registered professional engineer or
registered public surveyor responsible for the pLat.
(6) Scale: 1" equals 100' minimum (show graphic scale).
(7) North point, (True or Magnetic), north to be at top of
sheet, if possible, or at Left side.
(8) Date; each revision to bear new date.
b. A Location sketch to show relation of subdivision to well-known
streets, railroads, and water courses in aLL directions to a distance of at least
one mile, preferably drawn in upper right hand corner of sheet. Suggested
scale, 1" equals 1 mile.
c. The boundaries of subdivision
(1) Ownership drawn in very heavy Lines, with over-aLL
dimensions and bearings.
(2) Linesoutside of boundaries to be dashed.
Provide a tie to a well established point for plats inside
city or to a survey corner if outside the city.
d. Name and adjacent boundary Location of subdivision, streets,
easements, pipelines, water courses, railroad right-of-ways, easements
and other important features, such as section Lines, political subdivision or
corporations Lines and school district boundaries, on all sides for a distance
of not Less than two hundred (200) feet; if acreage, show as such.
e. Show all streets and alleys with street names, widths measured
at right angles or radially (where curved), complete curve data (R, L, P.C.,
P.R.C. & P,T.), Length and bearing of aLL tangents between curves.
I. ALL Lot, block and street boundary Lines, with blocks and Lots
numbered consecutively. Building Lines and easenle:ats shall be shown and
shall be defined by dimension. Alt principal lines shall have the bearing given
and deviation from the norm indicated. The Plat must provide a note stating
that aLt existing pipelines or pipeline easements through the subdivision have
been shown or that there are no existing pipeline easements within the Limits
of the subdivision,
g. Accurate dimensions, both linear and angular, of aLl items
on the plat, the boundary survey on the side shall close within one in ten
thousand (1:10, 000). Linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and deci-
mals of a foot; angular dimensions may be shown by bearings. Curved boun-
daries shall be fully described and all essential information given; circular
curves shall be defined by actual Length of radius and not by degree of curve.
Complete dimensional date shall be given on fractional Lots.
h. The description and Location of all Lot and block corner and
permanent survey reference monuments shall be shown.
i. Designate any sites for schools, churches, parks, sewage
disposal plants, water plants, business, industry, or other special land uses.
If proposed use is unknown, designate as unrestricted. Tracts for non-
residential use should be Labeled A, B, C etc. , rather than numbered as
blocks and Lots.
j, Water courses and ravines, showing high bank and width of
existing or proposed easements.
k. A certificate of ownership in fee of all Land embraced in the
subdivision, and of the authenticity of the pLat and dedication, signed and acknow-
ledged by aL1 owners of any interest in said Land. The acknowledgment shall
be in the form required in the conveyance of real estate. Approval and accept-
ance of all Lien hoLders shall be included.
L. A certificate by the registered professional engineer or
registered public surveyor in charge, duly authenticated, that the plat is true
and correct and in accordance with the determination of surveys actually made
on the ground. If the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat did not make
the original boundary survey, this fact shouLd be noted in the certificate. Also
the certificate should show whether or not the tract is within five (5) miles of
the city Limits of the City of PearLand, Texas , measured in a straight line from
the nearest points on the city limits, unless the information is shown in suitable
manner elsewhere on the face of the plat.
m. The final plat submitted to the City Council and to be filed for
record with the County Clerk of Brazoria County shall not show the construction
features such as curb lines or public utility Lines or other structures not in-
volved in the title covenant.
5. Submittal of Final Plat
a. Four (4) prints of final plat and original tracing shall be sub-
mitted with written application for approval at Least seven days prior to a
meeting without exception.
b. Upon request and immediately prior to filing of the final plat,
the Letter or title certificate required in Section III, C, 3, d, shall be brought
up to current date by a supplementary report from the title guaranty company
or title attorney.
c. A copy of the final restrictive covenants to govern the nature
of the use of the property shall be submitted. The City may, in the public
interest, require that said restrictive covenants be filed simultaneously with
the plat.
6. Upon the filing of the final plat and suppLementary material, the
City shall render a decision within thirty (30) days or receipt thereof. Said
decision may consist of approval, disapproval or conditional approval as de-
fined in Section III, C, 4 & 5, hereof.
7. Final approval will expire one year after city action granting
approval of any plat unLess the plat has been filed for record, except that if
the subdivider shall apply in writing prior to the end of such one-year period
stating reasons for needing the extension, this period may at the discretion of
the City be extended for another year but not beyond that period.
A. Streets and Alleys
1. General: The street pattern of a neighborhood should provide ade-
quate circulation within the subdivision and yet discourage excessive through
traffic on the Local streets. This may be accomplished by providing adequate
major thoroughfares spaced at apprixmately one -mile intervaLs in accordance
with the generaL plan for the City and secondary through streets within the
neighborhood spaced at about haLf-mile intervals to provide reasonable access
to all points in the neighborhood.
2. Major street Location, alignment, width, and cross-section shall
be determined by the City.
3. Streets
a. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and lo-
cation of aLL streets shalt conform to the general plan for the city and shaLL
be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical
conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation
to the proposed uses of the Land to be served by such streets.
b. Where such is not shown in the general pLan for the City,
the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either:
(1) Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of
existing principal streets in surrounding areas, or
(2) Conform to a pLan for the neighborhood approved or
adopted by the City to meet a particular situation where topographical or
other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets im-
c. Curves in major streets are to have a center line radius of
2000 feet or more with exceptions to this standard granted only by the City.
d. Where a subdivision abutts or contains an existing or
proposed arterial street, the City may require marginal access streets, reverse
frontage with screen planting contained in a non -access reservation along the
rear property line, deep lots with rear service alleys, or such other treat-
ment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties
and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
e. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right
of way or limited access highway right of way, the City may require a street
approximately parallel to and on each side of such right of way at a distance
suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park purposes
in residential districts, or for commercial or industrial purposes in appro-
priate locations. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for
the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations.
f. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be pro-
hibited except where their control is definitely placed in the city under
conditions approved by the City.
g. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred
and twenty-five (125) feet shall be avoided.
h. A tangent at Least one hundred (100) feet Long shalt be intro-
duced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
i. Streets shalt be Laid out so as to intersect as nearly as
possible at right angles, variation of 10 degrees on minor streets and 5 degrees
on major or secondary (collector) streets subject to approval of the City.
Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with
a radius of twenty (20) feet or of a greater radius where the City may deem it
k. Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown in the general
plan for the city and where not shown therein shall be not less than as follows:
Major Thoroughfare
Minor, for Apartments
Marginal Access
Minimum open ditch section
Minor, for other residences if curb & gutter
Right -of -Way Width
Minor, for other residences with open ditch 60'
(1) Permitted only in Zone Two.
(2) Additional street right-of-way width may be required as
provided for in Section V, B, 5, a.
L. Half streets shall be prohibited, except where essentiaL to
the reasonabLe development of the subdivision in conformity with the other
requirements of these regulations and where the City finds it wilt be practicable
to require the dedication of the other haLd when the adjoining property is sub-
divided, the other remaining half of the street shall be platted within such
subdivision, in accordance with Section VI, of these Regulations. Inside the
city Limits, the partiaL street may be dedicated, with a one -foot reserve in
fee along the property line. Outside the city limits, the following note shall be
used on such partial streets:
"This 1 foot strip is dedicated as an easement for aLL utility purposes
including storm and sanitary sewers and shalt automatically become dedicated
for street purposes when and in so far as a 1 foot strip adjacent to it is so
dedicated." Provisional one -foot reserve to be used along the side or end of
streets that abutt acreage tracts, as follows:
"One -foot reserve dedicated to the public in fee as a buffer separation between
the side or end of streets in subdivision plats where such streets abutt adjacent
acreage tracts, the condition of such dedication being that when the adjacent
property is subdivided in a recorded plat, the one -foot reserve shall there-
upon become vested in the pubLic for street right-of-way purposes
and the
fee title thereto shaft revert to and revest in the dedicator, his heirs, assigns
or successors)".
m. Dead-end streets
(1) Culs-de-sac (dead end streets with turn around) shalt
not be Longer than six hundred (600) feet and shall be provided at the closed
end with a turn -around having an outside roadway diameter of at Least eighty
(80) feet, and a street property line diameter of at least one hundred (100)
feet, except where other than curb and gutter development is used the street
property Line diameter shall be at Least one hundred twenty (120) feet.
(2) Temporary turn-arounds are to be used where curb
and gutter is not installed at the end of a street more than 400 feet tong that
will be extended in the future and noted thus: "Cross -hatched area is tem-
porary easement for turn -around until street is extended (direction) in a
recorded plat".
n. Street grades shall be approved by the City.
o. Trees and shrubs cannot be planted in the street right-
of-ways except that on residential streets where the distance between the
curb and the sidewalk is a minimum of seven (7) feet, trees may be planted
provided the Lower Limbs are trimmed to a height of seven (7) feet.
4. Alleys
a. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial
districts , except that the City may waive this requirement where other de-
finite and assured provision is made for service access , such as off-street
Loading, unloading and parking consistent with and adequate for the uses
b. The minimum width of an alley shall be twenty (20) feet.
c. ALLey intersections and sharp changes in alignment shalt
be avoided but where necessary, corners shall be cut off sufficiently to permit
safe vehicular movement.
d. Dead-end alleys shaLL be avoided where possibLe, but if
unavoidabLe, shall be provided with adequate turn -around facilities at the
dead-end, as determined by the City.
B. BLocks
1. The Lengths, widths, and shapes of bLocks shall be determined
with due regard to:
a. Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the speciaL
needs of the type of use contempLated.
b. Requirements as to Lot sizes and dimensions.
c. Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and
safety of street traffic.
d. Limitations and opportunities of topography.
2. BLock Lengths
a. Minimum block length shaLL be not Less than three hundred
(300) feet.
b. Maximum bLock length for residential, 1200 feet, measured
along the center of the block.
c. Maximum block Length along a major thoroughfare, 1600
feet, except under speciaL conditions and upon approval by the City.
3. Pedestrian walkways across bLocks, not Less than ten (10) feet
in width may be required where deemed essential to provide circulation, or
access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, and other
community faciLities.
C. Lot
1. The lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation, and the
minimum buiLding setback lines shaLL be appropriate for the Location of the
subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated.
2. Lot dimensions shaLL be as folLows:
a. Residential Lots where served by public sewer shall be not
less than sixty (60) feet in width at the building Line nor less than six thousand
b. Residential Lots where not served by public sewer shalt be
not Less than sixty (60) feet in width at the building Line nor have an area Less
than 15,000 square feet for health and sanitation purposes. Such Lots shall be
Laid out keeping in mind the possibiLity of resubdivision at such time as sani-
tary sewers become available.
c. Depth and width of properties reserved or Laid out for
church, cLub or other semi-public use or for business or industrial purposes
shalt be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities
required by the type of use and development contemplated.
3. Corner Lots for residential use shaLL have extra width to permit
appropriate buiLding setback from and orientation to both streets. When such
tots side upon a major thoroughfare or coLLector street, no driveway or
garage entrance shalt enter on said thoroughfare or coLlector street: a note
to this effect shalt be properLy entered on the plat to be recorded.
4. The subdividing of the Land shaft be such as to provide, by means
of a public street, each Lot with satisfactory access to an existing public street.
5. Double frontage, and reverse frontage lots, shouLd be avoided
except where essential to provide separation of residential deveLopement from
traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages to topography and
orientation. A pLanting screen easement of at least ten (10) feet, and across
which there shall be no right of access, shall be provided along the line of tots
abutting such a traffic artery or other disadvantageous use.
6. Side lot Lines shall be substantially at right angLes or radial to
street Lines.
D. Building Set -Back Lines
1, Residential
a. Minimum 25 feet on front of aLL Lots and 10 feet on side of
corner tots; 10 feet between houses at sides, 5 feet off each lot of interior
b. Lots adjacent to major thoroughfares, minimum 35-foot front
building Line when lots are facing or minimum 20-foot rear building Line when
Lots are backing and minimum 20-foot building Line on side when Lots are siding.
c. Front building tines may be reduced 20 feet in special cases
where Lot depths are Less than 105 feet.
2. Apartments
Minimum 20 feet on front of all Lots and 10 feet on side of all
corner Lots.
3. Commercial, industrial, or other special uses other than
a. When adjacent property has residential Lots facing, a
minimum 25-foot building Line is required.
b. Minimum 10-foot building Line on the front of aLl Lots and
10 feet on the side of corner Lots.
4. Transition building tines having a minimum angle of 45 degrees
are to be provided where an offset in building Lines is greater than 5 feet.
E. Public Use and Service Ar eas
Due consideration shall be given to the allocation of areas suitabLy
Located and of adequate size for playgrounds and parks for Local or neighbor-
hood use as weLL as pubLic service areas.
1. Public Open Spaces: Where a school, neighborhood park or
recreation area or public access to water frontage, shown on an official map
or in a plan made and adopted by the City, is located in whole or in part in the
applicant's subdivision, the City may require the dedication or reservation of
such open space within the subdivision up to a total of ten (10) percent of the
gross area or water frontage of the plot, for park, school or recreation
2. Easements for Utilities: Except where alleys are permitted for
the purpose, the City may require easements at Least ten (10) feet, for poles,
wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas and water or other utility
lines, along all rear Lots Lines, along side lot lines if necessary, or if, in the
opinion of the City advisable. Easements of the same or greater widths may
be required along the Lines of or across Lots, where necessary for the exten-
sion of existing or planned utilities.
3. Drainage Easements:
a. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course,
drainage way, bayou, channel, or stream, there shall be provided a storm
water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the
Lines of such water course, and such further width or construction, or both,
as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel streets or parkways may be
required in connection therewith. Location and width of easements to be
determined by Brazoria County Drainage District Number 4.
b. Easements for drainage adjacent to Lots, tracts, or
reserves shadL be noted: "This easement shall. be kept clear of fences,
buildings, planting, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance
of the drainage facility, and abutting property shall not be permitted to drain
into this easement except by means of an approved drainage structure."
4. Platting of public streets or easements across private ease -
meats fee strips.
a. A copy of the instrument establishing any private easement
shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
b. Easement boundaries must be tied by dimensions to all
adjacent lot and tract corners. Where the private easements has no defined
location or width, an effort shalt be made to reach agreement on a defined
easement. Where no agreement can be reached, then pipelines shall be
accurately Located and tied to Lot Lines, and building setback Lines shall be
shown at a distance of ten feet from and paralLeL to the center line of the pipe-
c. Prior to approval of the final plat, the developer or dedica-
tor of any subdivision plat wherein public streets or easements are shown
crossing private easements or fee strips shall, by Letter to the City, assume
responsibility for seeing that any adjustments and protection of existing pipe-
lines, electrical transmission Lines, or other facilities shall be planned and
provided for to the satisfaction of the holder of the private easements or fee
strips and the City prior to the filing of the plat for record.
d. Prior to filing of the final plat for record, the following
requirements shall be met:
(1) The developer or dedicator of any plat shall obtain
from the holder of any private easement or fee strip within the plat crossed
by proposed streets or other public easements an instrument granting to the
public the use of said public streets or easements over and across said
private easements or fee strips for construction, operation and maintenance
of those public facilities normally using the type of public streets and ease-
ments indicated. This instrument shall be delivered to the City to be filed for
record along with the plat.
(2) The developer shall furnish the City with a letter from
the holder of the private easements or fee strips in question stating that
arrangements for any required adjustments in pipelines, electric transmission
Lines, or other similar facilities have been made to the satisfaction of the
holder of the easement.
5. Community Assets: In all subdivisions due regard shall be
shown for all natural features such as large trees, water courses, historical
spots, and similar community assets which, if preserved, will add attractive-
ness and value to the property.
A. General
1. When a preliminary plat of a subdivision has been approved, the
developer shall submit to the City, plans and specifications for all improvements
pertinent to said subdivision. The City shall within thirty (30) days of receipt
of said plans and specifications approve same if they conform to the require-
ments of these Regulations, or disapprove same giving its reasons therefor
in writing to the subdivider. Thereafter, when the subdivider has met the
objections, if any, the City shall approve the plans and specifications and
forthwith deliver. same to the subdivider, his agent or his engineer. Any plans
and specifications submitted in connection with a preliminary plat which may
have been conditionally approved in Section III, C, are subject to the final
determination of the conditions of such approval.
2. Before beginning any construction of the improvements outlined
in this section on proposed roadways or public utilities pertaining to any
subdivision coming under the provisions of these Regulations, three (3) com-
plete sets of pLans, specifications and contracts including performance,
payment and maintenance bonds covering said construction, in the form of
plats , sketches, or other satisfactory written descriptions shalt be filed with
the City. These shall show such features as roadways, cross -sections, and
Longitudinal sLope for drainage, full description of proposed pavement or
street improvement, its grade and slope, dimensions and specifications
concerning public utiLities to be installed showing proposed position on the
ground, specifications of materials and construction, and profile maps of all
sanitary and storm sewers showing both ground surface and flow Line, and
any other pertinent information of similar nature.
3. Improvements shall be installed within ail of the area of any
subdivision or portion thereof given final approval and filed or to be filed for
4. Alt improvements shall be designed and constructed in conformity
with the provisions of these Regulations and no construction shall be commenced
until these regulations are complied with. It shall be the duty of the subdivider
or his engineer to see that this provision is complied with in its entirety.
B. Minimum Standards:
The following minimum standards for improvements shalt betagreed
to and complied with in each subdivision before final approval of a plat by the
1. Monuments
a. 3/4" round: steel reinforcing bars 3 feet Long shall be set at
all street intersections (block corners), angle points and points of curve on aLt
streetlines and on the outside boundaries of the subdivision.
b. Lot Markers: Lot markers shall be 1/2 inch reinforcing
bar, 24 inches Long, or approved equal, which shall be placed at all Lot corners,
flush with the ground.
2. Storm Drainage
a. Storm sewers
(1) Design Discharge
(a) For areas inside the subdivision a minimum discharge
factor of 1.0 cis per acre shall be used.
(b) For discharge originating outside the subdivision, .a
minimum discharge factor of 0.6 cfs per acre or such factor of run-off as may
be determined by study of the drainage area shalt be used.
(2) Sewers shaLL be designed to carry the discharges derived
from the factors Listed above, but must have a design velocity of not less than
3.0 feet per second.
Manholespacing and Location
(a) At aLl sewer intersections
(b) At all street intersections
(c) At a maximum of 600 feet on straight Lines
(d) If monolithic concrete sewer Lines are used a
manhole is not required where leads from gutter inlets intersect the main
(4) Types of Construction
(a) Reinforced precast concrete pipe (A.S.T. M. C-76)
shall be used as specified by the manufacturer as to depth of fill, etc.
(b) Monolithic, reinforced concrete sewers may be used
for all storm sewers.
(5) Design of sewers and manholes shaLL foLLow acceptable
engineering practice.
b. Streets with Curb and Gutter Section
(1) Curb and Gutter
(a) Combined curb and gutters shalt be constructed on
each side of each street within the boundaries of each subdivision within the
city limits of PearLand and within the five (5) mite radius thereof, excepting
however, that any subdivision the greater portion cf which is in Zone Two (2)
of the City's street zone map on file at the City HaLL, PearLand, Texas , may
have side ditches with side slopes not steeper than one on five (1 to 5). Where
side ditches are elected, the minimum right-of-way for minor residential
streets shall be increased to a minimum of sixty (60) feet. The City may re-
quire a greater width of right-of-way on any street where the depth and width
of said ditches require such greater width.
(b) For residential deveLopement the curb and gutters
shall be the Pearland standard.
(c) ALong the side of any street abutting business,
park, or school property, it shall be mandatory on the business, park, or
school side of the street that curb and gutter be of City of Pearland standard
L-type with a minimum height of six (6) inches, and that driveways be de-
signed as "Lay down" curb and gutter on a straight driveway section. The
width of all driveways shall be approved by the City.
(a) Minimum gradient on gutters - 0.25%
(b) Minimum drop around curb return 0.10 feet
(c) Maximum drop of grade tangents from opposite
directions to a common inlet - 1.5 feet.
(d) When a curb and gutter section intersects a drain-
age ditch, the grade of the gutter shall be above the design water surface of
the ditch.
1,0 cfs/acre.
(3) Inlets spaced to serve runoffs from the area at rate of
(a) Inlets shalt be spaced so that maximun travel
distance of water in gutter will not exceed 600 feet.
(b) Inlets at all low points on gutter gradient.
(4) Inlet size and allowable design discharge
(a) Throat 5" x2"-6" capacity-2.5 to 3 cfs, minimum
Lead 15" pipe.
(b) Throat 5" x 5' - 0" capacity - 5.0 cfs. minimum
Lead 18" pipe.
(5) Leads from inlets to be of such size as to be able to
carry the design discharge of the inlet served.
(6) Valley Gutters not permitted.
c. Road Section with Open Ditches
(1) Minimum grade 0.10 %
(2) Ditch section to handle design discharge as derived by
requirements of 1.0 cfs per acre (minimum).
Side slopes of ditch not steeper than 1-1/2:1
(4) Culverts
(a) Designed to carry ditch discharge and not Less than
1- 3/4 square foot drainage opening (18 inch diameter pipe).
(b) All driveways to have culverts; no paved dips for
d. Outfalls from sewers and ditches into natural drainage
ways shaLL enter at the grade of the natural drainage channel. If necessary,
drop -type outfaLt structures shall be used to prevent erosion.
e. Major drainage ways through a subdivision shall be worked
in the manner prescribed by the Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4.
3. Street Pavement
a, The City of Pearland has prepared a Master Street Plan,
This plan has been divided into three zones, Zone No. 1, Zone No. 2
(Buffer Zone) and Zone No. 3, which may be changed from time to time at
the City's discretion. In Zone No. 1 only Class A and approved Class B
pavement with curb and gutter shall be permitted. In Zone No. 2 (Buffer
Zone) the City Council shall have the power to decide each subdivision on
its own merits as to whether CLass A or Class B pavement will be required,
Zone No. 3 includes all other Land under the jurisdiction of the City of Pearland
and Class B pavement shall be required, except in extreme hardship cases.
Class C pavement may be permitted but only with the written approval of the
City of Pearland,
(1) Class A - Concrete Pavement:
ALL concrete pavement is to conform to specifications
"Concrete Pavement" for Subdivisions, approved by the Commissioners'
Court of Harris County on August 21st, 1943, with the subsequent revisions:
ALL gravel or shell concrete is to be of 6" uniform thickness, Portland
Cement Pavement, reinforced with 3/8" steel reinforcing, which is to con-
form to Harris County Specifications "Item 86" and is to be spaced 24" center
to center each way and curbs are to be constructed monolithic with the pave-
ment. Minimum width, back to back of curb to be not less than 28'; in
developments where no curbs are to be used, a thickened edge pavement
is required. The thickened edge to be 8" thick decreasing to 6" at a point
4' from the edge of pavement. Minimum width of Pavement wilL be 20 feet.
The engineer empLoyed by the subdivider will be required to furnish a com-
petent engineer and inspector or a combination engineer -inspector on the
project continuaLLy as the work is in progress. He wiLL establish blue tops
and tack points on offsets of approximateLy 4' on each side of pavement at
intervals not exceeding 100' on tangents and 25' on aLl vertical and horizontal
curves to which the pavement is to be Laid, set radius points, and wiLl be re-
quited to continuaLLy check the subgrade, form Lines and grades white the pave-
ment is being laid in order to attain both a true Line, a uniform thickness, and
a smooth -riding surface. No concrete shalt be laid at any time unless both
the engineer or engineer -inspector and the Laboratory inspector is present
while the pavement is being placed. Expansion joints with standard Load
transmission device, or equal., are to be placed a maximum of 100' with
dummy joints spaced 25' center -to center. ALL joints are to be poured with
an asphaltic compound as quickly as possibLe after the concrete has been Laid.
In the event that shell concrete is to be used in Lieu of gravel concrete, ex-
pansion and dummy joints may be omitted; however , in the eve nt that shell
concrete is used, the surface must be covered with 1-1/2" cold mix or 1-1/2"
of Hot Mix -Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete.
ALL Concrete pavement is to be laboratory controlled by some recognized
One beam, two breaks or two cylinders shall be made for each 1000 square
yards of pavement, or part thereof for each day's pour. One beam break
shalt be made at 7 days and one at 28 days. The cyLinder shall be tested at
7 and 28 days. Concrete Cores: One core shaLL be taken for each 1000
Lineal feet of pavement, except that no Less than one core shall be taken for
each 2500 square yards of pavement. Each core shall be checked for thick-
ness and compressive strength. Complete reports shall be furnished otratl
tests, a copy of which shall be submitted to the City of Pearland Engineer,
(2) Class B- Flexible Base Pavement:
(a) Flexible base with one and one haLf inches of cold
mix, or 1-1/2" of Hot Mixed, Hot -Laid, asphaltic concrete or not Less than
a double Bituminous Surface Treatment on one of the following bases:
(i) Seven inches of compacted cement stabilized
pug mill shell using one and one haLf sacks of Portland Cement per Ton.
(ii) Eight inches of compacted sand stabilized
shell, road gravel, or crushed Limestone.
(b) ShouLder widths shall be a minimum of 10 feet
wider than roadway slab (five feet on each side), with side and back slopes
not steeper than one and one half to one from edge of shoulder to bottom of
roadway ditch,
(c) Ditch sections and grades will follow requirements
given under drainage,
(3) Class C - Brazoria County Minimum Specifications:
b, Widths of paving for the various types of streets shall not
be Less than the following, face to face of curb:
Street Type Minimum Pavement Width
Major Thoroughfares 56 feet
Collector 36 feet
Minor, for Apartments 36 feet
Minor, for other Residences 28 feet
MarginaL Access 28 feet
c. Pavement widths for business or industrial developments
shall be established by the City on the basis of the extent and character of
the proposed development,
4. Sidewalks: Sidewalks may be required when in the judgment
of the City the safety of pedestrians requires such sidewalks. When side-
walks are required they shaLL have a width of not Less than four (4) feet and
a thickness of not Less than four (4) inches, and shaLL be pLaced a minimum
distance of one (1) foot from the property line within the street right-of-way
and shall extend along aLL street frontage in single-family residentiaL areas.
In muttiple-famiLy or group housing developements sidewalks shalt be five
(5) feet wide and ten (10) feet wide in commercial areas.
5, AlLey Pavement: AlLey pavements shall be minimum of
twelve feet (12') in width, of flexible base sic inches (6") thick, and a singLe
course inverted penetration topping.
6. Street Markers: Two street markers of a design approved
by the City shall be erected at all street intersections of such subdivision.
7. Sanitary Sewers:
a. Alt subdivisions coming under the provisions of these
Regulations and reasonably accessible to a public sanitary sewer shall pro-
vide each lot within said subdivision with access to such sanitary sewer.
The design of such sanitary sewer shall be in accordance with the City's
Sanitary Sewer Plan. The minimum size of mains shaft be eight (8) inches.
b. When any proposed subdivision is not reasonably accessible
to a public sanitary sewer, provision shalt be made for the use of either
septic tanks or an individual sewage treatment plant as follows:
(1) Septic Tanks: In aLt subdivisions planned for septic
tank use, the minimum Lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square
feet per single family dwelling. Septic tanks shalt be installed on each Lot
concurrent with any development thereon, and the design of such system
and the method of installation shall conform in all respects to the require-
ments of the City of Pear land.
(2) Individual Sewage Treatment Plant: In all subdivisions
pLanned to be serviced by an individual sewage treatment plant, lots may be
of standard area and sewers shall be installed to serve each lot. The plant
providing such sewage disposal facilities shall be constructed in accordance
with the regulations of the Sate Board of Health and with the approval under
the supervision of the City of Peartand and at a Location determined by the
8. Water Lines: Where an approved public water supply is
reasonably accessible or procurable, each Lot within the subdividedarea
shall be provided with access to such water supply. The Layout of the
system shall be designed to form a Loop. No main shall be smaller than six
(6") inches and the minimum size service Lines of 2 inches will be permitted,
provided it is Looped and the maximum Length is approved by the City,
A. Where any street forms any part of the boundaries of a subdivision
and some part of the width of said street has been dedicated or committed to
improvement, then the subdivider shaLl be required to dedicate and/or
improve the baLance of the width of any such street, but otherwise no im-
provements shall be required as a pre -requisite to the approvaL of the plat
for any existing dedicated street forming a boundary of a subdivision.
B. Large Tract Division: Where a parceL is divided into Larger
tracts than standard building Lots, such parceLs shalL be so divided as to
attow for the opening of major thoroughfares and the uLtimate extension of
adjacent minor streets. The City may vary the other requirements of
these Regulations in such a manner as the general welfare of such area
may require to permit such Large tracts. Where such division is on the
basis of Lots two and one-haLf (2.5) acres or larger, curbs , gutters and
sidewalks are not required, provided a sixty (60) foot street right-of-way
is provided. Deed Restrictions shalt be filed as provided in Section III,
B, 5, c.
If any portion, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shalL be held to
be illegal or unconstitutional then such holding shall in no wise affect the
remainder of such Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and
effect as if such portion so heLd to be unconstitutionaL had never been
The further fact that the City of Peartand, Texas now has no adequate
subdivision ordinance or regulation and because of the rapidly growing
area and infLux of people and the need for suitable regulations constitutes
an imperative public necessity and the requirement that such Ordinance
be read on three separate occasions be, and the same is hereby sus-
pended and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after
its passage and approval and it is so ordered.
PASSED AND APPROVED this the /$ day of 46,4,4 i , A. D.
Ci y Secretary
E. T. Gibbons, Mayor
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this the 18 day of April , A. D.
1963, the City Council of the City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas, convened
in its Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Pearland, Texas , with the
following members present:
Mayor E. T. Gibbons
Alderman V. A. Nolen
Alderman Tom Alexander
Alderman Gene E. Sanders
Alderman David Smith
Alderman John G. Kegley
With thefollowing members absent:
constituting a quorum, at which meeting the following proceedings were had and held:.
Davib Smith introduced an Ordinance and moved
the Chairmanthat it be passed. The Motion was seconded by Councilman
Eictor Nolen . The said Ordinance was read in full.
The Motion was carried by the following vote:
AYES: 4-.
NOES: 1 xbigat@cx
The Mayor announced that the Ordinance was passed:
The ORDINANCE passed .is as follows:
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Excerpt from Minutes September 9, 1965.
'A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded.
by Councilman Nolen that the Subdivision Ordinance •
be amended to require all new developments to
install clay pipe or equivalent that.no concrete
sanitary sewage pipe be used. WHEREUPON, THE
. question was asked and the motion carried.
February 6, 1964 -
Lot size minimum requirement changed to 70 X 120 feet or
equivalent square footage where water and sewer ;.facilities
are available.
June 11, 1964
Street Paving Item ii, Page 27, Item 2 - Class B - Flexible
Base Pavement:
Omit (ii) Eightinches of compacted and stablized
shell, road gravel, .or crushed limestone.`
Substitute (iit) Six inches compacted crushed graded
June 1, 1964
Subdivision ordinance be amended to require one year maintenance
bond on streets rather than a surety bond.
September 9, 1965
Any new subdivision development subject to council action,
where water and sewage service is available, be classified
as a First Class Subdidision'and the rules pertaining to
a first class subdivision are to be followed. (concrete
streets, curbs, gutters and storm sewers, etc. Zone 1 with
Class A specifications.)
(As Revised by Commissioner's Court on October 10, 1969)
A. Subgrade preparation for concrete or flexible base pavement
1. In cut areas, the subgrade shall be scarified to a .depth of 6 inches and compacted to a density
of not less than 95% Standard Proctor by Standard AASHO methods. In fill areas, the fill
shall be placed in layers not exceeding 8 inches in depth and each layer compacted to not less
than 95% of Standard Proctor density. In place densities shall be made on each 300 linear
feet, or less as conditions may require of prepared subgrade of each lift in fill areas. A mini-
mum of 95% Standard Proctor density shall be uniformly achieved before commencing pave-
ment construction.
2. On major thoroughfares the plasticity index of the subgrade soil shall be determined by the
. AASHO method of testing. Where the P. I. exceeds 20, subgrade will be lime stabilized to a
depth of 6" in accordance with City of Houston specifications. Subgrade shall be tested in the
sane manner as specified above. ,
3. A recognized laboratory shall conduct all testing and certify that subgrade is of uniform den- •
city. A copy of all testing results shall be sent to the County Engineer of Harris County.
E. Concrete Pavement
All concrete pavement is to conform to specifications "Concrete Pavement for Subdivisions", ap-
-proved by the Commissioners' Court on August 21, 1943 and all subsequent revisions.
1. Residential Subdivision Streets -
4 All gravel concrete is to be of 6" uniform thickness, 4.5 sacks of Portland Cement, reinforced
with #3 (./a") steeI reinforcing and is to be spaced 24" center to center each way. Minimum
width, hack to back of curb to be 28'. In developments where no curbs are to be used, a thick-
ened edge pavement is required. The thickened edge to be 8" thick decreasing to 6" at a point
4' from the edge of pavement. Minimum width of pavement will be 20'.
2. Major Thoroughfare Streets •
All gravel concrete is to be of 7" uniform thickness, 5.0 sacks of Portland Cement, reinforced
with44 ('/h") steel reinforcing and is to be spaced 24" center to center each way. MinL'num
width for a one-half roadway section to be 25' back to. back of curb. In developments where
no curbs are to be used, a thickened edge pavement is required, 'The thickened edge to be 9"
jhick decreasing to 7" at a point 4' from the edge of pavement. Minimum width of pavement
.. will be 20' for each one-half roadway section. -
3. All reinforcing steel is to conform to Harris County Specifications "Item 86".
4. The engineer employed by the subdivider will be required to furnish a competent engineer and
inspector or a combination engineer -inspector on the project continually as the work is in
progress. He will establish blue tops and tack points oh offsets at intervals not exceeding 50'
on tangents and 25' on all vertical and horizontal curves to which the pavement is to be laid,
set radius points, and will berequired to 'continually check the . subgrade, form lines and
i grades while the pavement is being laid in order to attain both a .true Iine, a uniform thick- .
ness, and a smooth riding surface. No concrete shall be laid ''at any time unless both the en-
gineer or =engineer -inspector and the laboratory inspector is present while the pavement is
Toeing placed. Expansion joints with standard load •-:ansmission device. or equal, are to be
'placed a maximum of 80' center to center. All joints are to be poured with an asphaltic com-
pound as quickly as possible after the concrete has been laid. In the event that shell concrete
Is to be used in lieu of gravel concrete, the surface must- be covered with 11/2" Cold Mix or
PA" of Hot Mix Hot Laid Alphaltic Concrete.
b. All concrete pavement is to be laboratory controlled by a recognized Iaboratory. The labora-
1 tory shall inspect and test concrete batch design at the plant site before beginning each days
A beam shall be made for each 1000 square yards of pavement, or part thereof for each days
• pour and/or one beam on each street. The beam shall be tested at 7 days minimum flexural
strength shall be 450 psi and 500 psi respectively on 4.5 sack and 5.0 sack concrete.
rOnee shall be taken for each 1000 lineal feet of pavement, except that not less than one
all be taken for each 2500 square yards of pavement and/or one core on each street.
re shall be checked for thickness.Minimum compressive strength -shall be 2800 psi and
respectively for 4.5 and 5.0 sack concrete. Cores shall not be tested until concrete is a
m of 28 days old. Complete reports shall be furnished on all tests, a copy of which submitted to the County Engineer of Harris County.
r paving construction details shall conform to "Subdivision Pavement Details, Draw-
ings S/•1 and S/D-3".
7. A minimum of 84 hours shall elapse from the time the pavement is finished and a beam
break testing at least 400 pounds flecarai strength shall be obtained before placing or run;
Wing any vehicle or construction equipment on the pavement.
C. Flexible Base Pavement
1. Flexible base with one and one-half inches of cold mix, or one and one-half inches of Hot Mix-
ed Hot Laid Asphalt Concrete. or not less than a double bituminous surface treatment on
one of the following bases: . •
(a) Eight inches of compacted sand stabilized shell, road gravel, or crushed limestone, or
approved equal.
2." Shoulder widtlis shall be a minimum of 10 feet wider than roadway slab (five feet on each.
side), with side and back slopes not steeper than one and one-half to one from edge of shoul-
der to bottom of roadway ditch. .
3. Ditch sections and grades will follow requirements given under drainage..
4. In place field densities shall be made on flexible base for every 300 lineal feetof base and/or
as conditions may require. Said densities shall indicate that uniform 954b of Standard Proctor
density, based on the AASHO method of testing, has been achieved before. commencing sur-
facing. Soundings or depth tests shall be alternatingly taken right, left and centerline of base
at 500 lineal feet intervals. Copies of all testing shall be sent to the County Engineer's office.
5. Roadway Section shall conform to Harris County Engineering Department Drawing No. S/D-1. .
D. Construction Plans
1. Major thoroughfares shall be drawn on a horizontal scale of 1" = 20' and a vertical scale of
1" = 2'. Residential streets shall be drawn on a horizontal scale of 1" = 50' and vertical
scale of 1" = 5'.
2. All underground utilities within the street right of way 'shall be shown on the plan - profile
3. An overall drainage plan showing contours, drainage afess:and storm sewer system shall be
made a part of the plans.
4. .A bench mark based on USC and GS datum shall be shown on the. plans.
5. Road alignment data shall be shown on plans.
S. Plan - profile sheets shall be indexed on cover sheet.
7. Majon thoroughfares shall be super elevated in accordance with highway practice whenever
the centerline radius is less than 2000 feet.
E. Street signs at all intersections, shall be furnished by the developer. •
Street signs shall be of the standard City of Houston type.
F. Sidewalk construction shall conform to Harris County Engineering Department S/D-1.
G. Driveway construction shall conform to Harris County Engineering Department S/D-1.