R67-30 A RESOLUTION IN MF~qORY OF HENRY OLIVER W~DELL, JR. AND OF CONDOLENCE TO HIS F~iLY We, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Pearland, take sorrowful note of the departure of one of our conscientious and dutiful police officers, the late Henry Oliver Wendell, Jr., who was fatally injured in the performance of his duties on Friday, October Sixth, A.D. One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Seven. We are fully aware of the benefits which the City of Pearland has derived from the valuable services of this police officer and are appreciative of his inspir- ing example of physical courage and brave action in the performance of his duties. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Pearland, and each member thereof, and the Mayor of the City of Pearland inscribe upon the records of our City this memorial to our departed friend and fellow worker, so that his bereaved wife and children may be comforted through this public recognition of his faithful service and his final brave deed; and we further express the respect and esteem in which he was held, and extend to his loved ones our heartfelt syrapathy and warmest condolences; and BE IT ~3RTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this reso- lution be transmitted to the beloved wife, Mrs. Joyce Wen- dell and his children, Karla, Kristine, Henry Oliver, ii!, Karl and Kerrie ~d the i~ediate f~ity of our late de- ceased associate. May our Heavenly Father console them in their pre- sent sorrow and may these words of appreciation, affection and high regard be a solace to them in the ysar~s to come. _~ ."." ~ ' .-~ ! I ~ /" / +:"- ~}-"/'~/W ~ ~ /'. Mayor Lloya C. Hawkins ,.~nci lm~n Gen~-~nder s Councilman Dale Watson ~ouncilman E. A. Wasek Councilman Audrey G. Ellis ATTEST: City Secretary