R75-10 03-10-75RESOLUTION NO. 75-10
WHEREAS, on November 26, 1973 the City Council of
the City of Pearland, Texas adopted the necessary Resolutions
to bring all property within the City of Pearland under the
provisions of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and
WHEREAS, at the present time, the City is complying
with the emergency provisions of said Act pending the establishment
of the 100 Year Flood Elevations in our community by the Federal
Flood Insurance Agency; and
WHEREAS, projected elevations recently supplied our
City by the Federal Flood Insurance Agency are inconsistent
with both land topography and record high water marks established
by long time residents of our community; and
WHEREAS, House Concurrent Resolution No. 34 filed on
February 5, 1975 by Representative Joe A. Hubenak in the Texas
Legislature enumerates various inequities in the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968 and its effect on all cities in the Gulf
Coast area, and seeks relief from these inequities through the
United States Congress.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council
of the City of Pearland, Texas acting through its Mayor, concurs
with all of the provisions of House Concurrent Resolution No. 34
and urges its hasty adoption by the Texas Legislature.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS /0 day of %77zz-2-r=,-/ 1975.
Carl on McComb
Mayor of Pearland, Texas
E1B T Offt SA_1 P.5.1...Z' n inc, .64111_1..cis
By: Hubenak H .C .R. No . 34'
( In the House--Filed February 5, 1975 ; February 6, 1975 ,
read first time and referred to Committee on State Affairs . )
1 WHEREAS, The National Flood Insurance Act of 1955 made
2 available to residents of flood—prone areas federally subsidized
3 flood insurance and required local Jurisdictions to enact certain
4 land use and control measures to quality that area for the program,
5 .which is operated by the Federal Insurance Administration; and
6 WHEREAS, The Federal Insurance Administration subsequently •
7 adopted .the 100—year flood plain, the level that on the average
8 will have a one percent chance of being equalled or exceeded in •
9 any given year by flood waters, as the standard for identification
10 of special flood hazard areas and as the base flood elevation for
11 adoption of local land use controls ; and
12 WHEREAS, Despite the good .intentions, the 100—year flood -
13 plain is too inflexible and entirely unrealistic for much of the
14 coastal prairie along the Gulf of Mexico; and
15 WHEREAS, The problem has been further compounded by a
16 provision of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 , which
17 requires the purchase of flood insurance for construction and
10 acquisition in the 100—year flood plain receiving any form of
• 19 federally—backed financial assistance or aid from local financial
20 institutions , This severely penalizes communities and
21 Jurisdictions which believe the program to be unnecessary in their
22 area by inhibiting growth and economic development ; and
23 WHEREAS, This sanction for nonparticipation in the flood
24 insurance program also places an economic burden on the already
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H.C .R. No. 34
1 depressed home building industry and drastically reduces the tax
2 base for all units of government in those counties on the Gulf
3 of Mexico; now, therefore, be it •
4 RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of -
5 Texas , the Senate concurring, That the 64th Legislature hereby
6 respectfully memorialize the United States Congress to instruct
7 the Federal Insurance Administration to reduce substantially the
8 100—year flood plain to a level which reasonably reflects the
9 needs of the coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico; and, be it
10 further ' •
11 RESOLVED, That the United States Congress be requested to
12 consider moderating the sanctions imposed on communities and
13 jurisdictions which choose not to participate in the federal flood
14 insurance program; and, be it further
15 RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
16 and forwarded to the President of the United States , to the
17 President of the Senate and the Speaker of the 'House of
18 .Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all members
19 of the Texas .delegation to the Congress with the request that
20 this resolution be entered officially in the Congressional Record
21 as a memorial to the Congress of the United States .
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