R77-08 04-02-77NOTICE OF ELECTION AVISO DE ELECCION CITY To the Registered Voters of theme* of PEARLAND Texas: A los Votantes registrados de! itialliadCde Ciudad Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from Notifiquese por la presence que los sitios de votaci6n indicados abajo se abriron desde 7:00 am to 7:00 pm pasta las APRIL 2, 1977 a ii (date-fechal REGULAR (Regular funcionarios de Ciudad) for voting in the CITY OFFICERS' Election for the purpose of: para voter en la (type -chase) election con el proposito de: ELECTING THE FOLLOWING OFFICIALS FOR SAID CITY, TO -WIT: Elegir a los siguiente funcionarios para dicha ciudad: CITY COUNCILMAN -, PO§ITION 1 Consejal de Posicion Numero Uno CITY COUNCILMAN POSITION 5 Consejal de Posici6n Numero Cinco By: LOCATION, .1OF POLLING PLACE Direcciones de los sitios de notation Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26 and Harris County Election Precinct Number 417 En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria wn 26, 28, 29, y 43, y en el distrito electoral del condado numero 417 , 28, 29 $ 43 eros 12, 16, de Harris, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas (PEARLAND HIGH, SCHOOL BUILDING.) FORM 6151 MIKRO, FREEPORT (5.0.5. 763 Art. 4.05 VTEC) L ELECTION ORDER & NOTICE RESOLUTION R77- 8 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA $ HARRIS On this the 14 day of February 1977 the irboi iccouncil, etc.) City Council UOSIttcx, city, etc.) City of Pearland, Texas convened in Regular open to the public, with the following present: Mayor Carlton McComb Councilman Cecil W. Griffin Councilman Harry Farley and the following absent: none , of session, Councilman Terry Gray Councilman Benny J. Frank Councilman Tom Reid City Secretary Dorothy L. Cook constituting a quorum, and among other proceedings of the meeting was the following: WHEREAS, the term of office of Councilman Position 1 and Councilman Position 5 alrelearttsxuyf)C> Ma'r8xerdi. i{W?F will expire on the first Saturday in April 1977 , and said first Saturday being April 2 1977, and on said date a Regular City Officers' election will be held; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for this thsxaatxanmosi ) City Council to pass an order establishing the procedure for conducting said election; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PhtoxadumxxxitxW8.) City Council of (place) Pearland, Texas 1. That an election be held on April 2 19 77 for the purpose of electingCouncilman Position 1 and 5 2. That all requests by candidates to have their names placed upon the ballot for the above mentioned election shall be in writing and signed by the candidate and filed with the Si e>lwteeiat (place)2335 N. Texas Ave.. Pearland TX. (City Hall) not later than 30 days prior to the date of said election. An candidates shall file said application with the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6.02 of the Election Code.. 3. The Secretary shall post on the bulletin board in the building where the meeting is held, the names of all candidates that have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Order, and said secretary shall otherwise comply with the terms and provisions of Article 13.32 of the Election Code. 4. Said election shall be held at the following place,, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said election: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, $ 43, and Harris County Election Precinct Number 417 the polling place shall be: 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. (PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING) Jack E. Farmer is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as Alternate Presiding Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed five (5) clerks. The polls at the above designated place shall on election day be open from7: O@'clock a.m. to7 : 00o'clock p.m. 5. Dorothy L. Cook is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Dorothy S . Thompson and Mabel Salyer are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at City Hall , 2335 N. Texas Ave. , Pearland, TX. within the boundaries of the above named liSK*151106tyxtrttx City and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, Sunday or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of the election. Place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8 : 00 a and 5 :00 Pon each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail shall be sent. Form 9100 Micro, Inc.,.Freeoort, Tx (SA 2/77) Spanish on reverse side i RESOLUCION R77-8 ORDEN Y AVISO DE ELECCION ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADODE BRAZORIA Y HARRIS En este d(a 14 de febrero , de 19 77 el (JaMtecconsejo, etc.) de consi o de ciudad de titxociuded) Ciudad de Pearland. Texas serennet) ensesion regular abierto al pdblico, con los siguientes miembros presentes: Carlton McComb, Al cal de Atitiratdauta Consejal Cecil W. Griffin Consejal Terry Gray Consejal Benny J. Frank Consejal Harry Farley Consejal Tom Reid Secretaria de la ciudad Dorothy L. Cook y los siguientes menses; constituyendo un quorum y entre otras actas de la reunion se encuentra la siguknse: En Vista de que el termino del puest oficial de Conseial de Posicion Numero Un4. y Consejal de Posicion Numero Cinco ii El6iii(dlfl A€lfi€ expire el primer sabado de abrll de 1922, dicho primer sdbado siendo el 2 de abrll de 19 77, en dicha fecha se llevard a cabo una election de regular funcionario s de ciudad En Vista de que es necesarlo que este WNtur xconsejo, etc.) conse j o de cipaitina Orden estableciendo el procedi- miento para dkho election; PORLOTANTO,SEORDENAPOR Consejo de Ciudad DE (lager) Pearland, Texas 7 1. Quese!leveacabounaeleccloneld(a 2 deabril,de19 77,pantelpropositodeelegir.unoeyacincoposicion 2. Que Codas las solicitudes de candldatos a que se incluyan sus nombres en la boleto de la arriba menclonada election se haran por escrfo y firmadas por los candidatos y registradas con ei?islatg'g en (higar) 2335 N. Texas Ave.. Pearland. Texas antes de los 30 Bias anteriores a la fecha de dkho election. Todos los candidatos deben agregar parr que la sollcltud sea registrada el acts notarial de leaked tomo to requlere el Artfcujo 6.02 del Codigo Electoral. 3. El secretarlo debe colocar en la tablilla de avisos en el edificio donde se reune, los nombres de todos los candldatos que hayan registrado sus solicitudes de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de este Orden, y dicho secretario deberi en toda forma campllr con los tirminos y provisions del Art. 13.32 del Codlgo Electoral. 4. Que dicha election se llevard a cabo en los siguientes lugares, y las personas nombradas a continuation se les nombra por presente como oficiales de dicha election: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, y 43, y en el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, nwnero 417. 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. (Pearland High. School Building) El Sefior Jack Farmer ya este nombrado el Juez Directivo y la Senora Ruby Bozka este nombrado la Juez alternativa. El Juez Directivo tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mos que cinco ayudantes. Los sitlos de votacion arrlba designados se mantendran abiertos el d(a de election de las 7 : 00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. 5. A Senora Dorothy L. Cook selenombra secretariovotacionausente y Senora Dorothy S. Thompson Senora Mabel Salyer selesnombra por este como secretarlos diputado dos para votacion ausente. La votacion ausente pare la election arsine deslgnada se Heron' a cabo en City Hall. 2335 N. Texas Ave.. Pearland. Texas dentro de los limites del ciudad arsine nombrado y dkho Lugar de votacion ausente se mantendra abierto por lo menos ocho horas coda d(a de votacion ausente no siendo sdbado, domingo o d(a festivo aflcieJ del Estado, principiando 20 dias y continuando hasta el cuarto die anterior a la fecha de dicha election. Dicho sitio de votacion se mantendrd ablerto de las 8:00 a las 5:00 horns coda dia de votacion ausente. El Lugar arriba descrito pato votacion ausentes es tambkn la direction postal del secretalo de votacion ausente a la cull se podia; envier por coned solicitudes de boletas y tambiin las boletus con votos 6. By resolution orxonatie 'e heretofore adopted, this obwriaafixge City Council determined that the electronic voting system shall be used and the above mentioned election for absentee voting by personal appearance; and in accord- ance with said resolution and the Election Code, Dudley Hunt Mildred Loggins and LaVonne Nestvold as Clerks, are hereby appointed the Special Canvass Board for said election. 7. Immediately after the votes have been canvassed, the officers holding said election shall make and deliver the returns of said election and perform all other duties as provided by the Election Code. 8. The Secretary shall give notice of said election, and is hereby authorized and instructed to post or cause to be posted said Election Order and Notice at three public places where notices are customarily posted, and said posting shall be made at least 20 days before the date of said election. the official the The secretary shall also cause a copy of the Election Order and Notice to be published one time inks newspaper of g ascot ' la ripagragebtlidgablarliexand Said publication shall be not more than 30 days nor less than 10 days before the date of said election. It is further found and determined that in accordance with an order of the (I51xmazpcf, City Council, the secretary posted written notice of the date, place and subject of this meeting on the bulletin board located in the City Hall Pearland, Texas a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public, and said notice, having been so posted, remained posted for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. Mi X411-11110 6iirYdt ddl6kIfydE#iiF l €XI a t; xatic6414d4Sidia'ax(1§6 g?cA WartiMxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrs64kicewrwRgxeiscariwwwwxtfegavgawauxliviipgweivrenrwmfounicxpfecing.weggermixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnwefic as Presiding Judge, Mac The above order being read, it was moved and seconded that the same pass, and thereupon, the question being called for, the following members voted AYE: Councilmen Griffin, Farley, Gray, Reid and Frank. and the following voted NO: NONE Mayor,A- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF ELECTION Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: that I am the (title) of the (name of newspaper) a newspaper of general curculation published in County, Texas, and that 1 published a true copy of the Notice of Election shown herein, in said paper one time in its issue of 19 the date of said publication being not more than 30 days nor Tess than 10 days before the date of the said election mentioned in said notice. Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ day of 19 Notary Public, County, Texas AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING SNERUMWSINKNIRN Came to hand on the 17 day of February 1977 at 1:00 o clockP • m copies of Notice of Election for City Officers' Election of Pearland, Brazorj.aurris on y, exas, shown on t e reverse side hereof, and executed on the 17 day of February19 77 t toi owingg by posting a true air coma copy of said Notice at8 Matt ttftonksg places, to -wit: Prec ncc�� tilt oar �.x xat City Hall (Inside $ Outside Bulletin. Ounne at yt Precinct #28, Krogers Bulletin Boardand 3. One at Harris County Precinct 417, 6olfcreSWito iheboundLiesofsaid City and said posting was done not less than 20 days before the date of the election described in said noticeCinct 26 - On pole 4. Brazoria Co. Precinct 16 - On pole on ear an sites on Woody Road at intersection with Comal Sha*ic CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS 3;ReaxxxiRet.mx 6. Brazoria Co. Precinct 43, on W/S of County Rd 48 south of intersection of C. R. 58 on pole. 7. Brazoria Co. Precinct 29, E/S of Hwy 1128 between County Rd 101 and 100 on pole. SPanishon reverse side 6. !br resoluclon previamente adconseoptada, este al de determine que se hard use del sistema electronico de ciudad votacien en la mencionada eleccion de votacion ausente en persona; y de acuerdo con dicha resolution y el Codtgo Electoral Dudley Hunt ,como Juez Presidente, Mildred Loggins y LaVonne Nestvold como secretaries, son nombrodos por la presente como el Consejo Especial de Escrutinio para dicha eleccion. gAp ttion muenteceauezoneaptaoxemaenXtcreraoscwtadsOpromavxrePcxspxaittbt satuM lyexxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxdym xJwNpCpgifdbilifecxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNx maw amowp ax. g ntwortawy 1116114 %YrR 7. Inmediatomente despues de haberse contado los votos, los ojiciales a cargo de dicha eleccion deberdn completer y entregar los resultados de dicha eleccion y *cuter todos los deberes como esta provisto por el Codigo Electoral. 8. El secretario decd aviso de dicha eleccion y se le autoriza y ordena por la presente a colocar o causer que se cologne :fiche combinacten de Orden de Election y Aviso en tres lugares publtcos en donde se acostumbra colocar avisos en este distrito, llevandose a cabo dicha colocacion por lo menos 20 dins anteriores ala fecha de dicha eleccion. El secretario tambidn caused aue una copia de esta Orden de Election y Aviso sea publicada el pe t , la Ciud d e r an Tex s. una vez en sFlc rtodlco/� nett xa x � #nc�mca�atRatrodiut1llR• Dlcha publication se hari no etas 30 dias nt mens de 10 dins anteriores ala (eche de dicha eleccion. Ademds se encuentra y detennina que de acuerdo con una Orden del Consejo, el secretario casco aviso escrito de la fecha, Lugar y proposito de este junta en la tabling de avisos situada en consejo de ciudad un lugar conveniente y facilmente accesible al publico en general, y dicho aviso, habiendose colocado en esta forma, permaneciO colocado por to menet 72 horns anteriores ala hora programeda para dicha junta. AtlersitelieoNeitaiiitit3ecdeileitaiiiekiwdexeftiftWSWPWritWiticiliPtidigieficxelnicathiliPpitidrdieM444WdecTo fethadregernititpdeibudexestadmliacatelegaattimettendadaxiewthibudexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxatensxk Ilabiendose dado lecture a lo anterior, se hizo to motion y fue secundada para ser adoptada. Despues al llamado sabre este pregunta, los siguientes miembros votaron AFIRMATIVAMENTE: Cons ejalos Griffin, Farley, Gray, Reid, y Frank. y los siguientes votaron NEGATIVAMENTE: Alcalde dkaisk cls Declaracton de Publicacion de Aviso de Election Ante mi, la autoridad que subscribe, en este die se presento personalmente quids: despues de haber dada juramento ante ml, indica y dicei soy (tank) del periodica (nombre del periodreo) un periodico de circulactbn general, publlcado en de Texas, y que publiqui copia fiel del Aviso de Election Texas, demostrado al reverso de esta, en dicho periodico un vez en la edition de de 19_, siendo la fecha de dicha publication no mus de 30 dias ni menos de 10 dims anteriores ala fecha de la eleccion meneionada en dicho aviso. Firma Jurado y suscrito ante mi este die_ de de 19 . Notario Publico, Condado de , Texas DECLARACION DE COLOCAR ate arta c wydc Se recibleron este dtr 17 de febrero , de 19 77 a las 1: Mp copias del Aviso de Election de -regular funcionarios de Ciudad de Pearland Texas, presentedoalreversodeeste, y ejecuredo el d(a 17 de febrero de 1977 al colocar copia diel y correcta de dicho Aviso en tres lugares publicos dtferentes,asaber: 1. Unoen distrito electoral nt'rmero 12 Palacio Municipal de Pearland 2. Unoen distrito electoral n mera 28 Kroger 3. Unoen distrito electoral numero 417, Condado de Harris, Golfcrest Country Glut dentro de los "mites de dicho dtstrito, y habiendose hecho dicha colocacton no menos de 20 dies anteriores a la fecha de eleccion descrita en dicho aviso. i 4. Distritpp electoral numero 16, en el ppste en Pear1aSite Rd. 5. Distrito electoral numero 29, en el lado este de la carreterda 1128 en g pqs e �ege 6. Distrito electoral m.6nero L6, en el poste en s. 1 . d „tics camino 1 y �SO c coar Woody Rd. y Comal St. - a 0;a Penrlavd Texas 7. Distrito electoral nulrnero 43, en el lado oesttpor: Al del camino 48 del condado en el poste al sur de Secretario %:e Ciudad