R76-03 02-16-76• RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDERING THE HOLDING OF A REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY ELECTION ON THE THIRD DAY OF APRIL, 1976, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF ELECTING THREE CITY COUNCILMEN IN AND FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS; AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SAID CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, provide that on the 1st Saturday in April and Regular and/or General Election shall be held within the City; and WHEREAS, Gene E. Sanders, Councilman Position._ Three (3) has heretofore submitted his formal resignation from the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, effective January 31st, 1976; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland has accepted the resignation of Councilman Sanders and thereafter had declared an official vacancy in the office of Councilman Position Three (3); and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and Article 4.09 of the Texas Election Code provide that a special election shall be ordered by the City Council to fill the unexpired term of a vacated elected civil office; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland, desires to proceed with the ordering of the Special Election for the purpose of filling the heretofore described vacancy; and WHEREAS, Article 2.01 (b) of the Texas Election Code directs that said special election shall be called and/or held on the same date specified for the holding of general election within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and the laws of the State of Texas provide that the Election Code of the State of Texas is applicable to said regular and special elections, and in order to comply with said Code, an Order and/or Resolution should be passed ordering the call of. the .regular and special elections; establishing the procedure to be followed in said elections and to designate the voting places of said elections: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: 1. That the Regular Election of the City of Pearland, Texas, shall be held in said City on the third day of April, 1976, for the purpose of electing the following Officials for said City to -wit: City Councilman Position 2 for a three year term City Councilman Position 4 for a three year term That a Special Election shall be held in the City of Pearland, Texas, on the third day of April, 1976, for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City to -wit: City Councilman Position 3, unexpired term for two years. That said Regular and Special Elections shall be held jointly at the following place in the City of Pearland, and the following named persons are hereby appointed Officers for said Elections to -wit: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harris County Election Precinct Number 417, said elections shall be held at the Pearland High School Building, 2337 North Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. Jack Farmer is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as alternate Presiding Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed five (5) clerks. Dorothy L. Cook is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Dorothy S. Thompson and Mabel Salyer are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated elections shall be held at the following place, to -wit: Pearland City Hall, 2335 North Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, P. 0. Box 1157 (Zip Code 77581) The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a. m. to 7:00 o'clock p. m. The poll or place of absentee voting, above designated, shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting 2. which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said elections. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a. m. and 5:00 o'clock p. m. on each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. In accordance with the Texas Election Code and a previous resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, wherein it was determined that electronic voting systemsshall be used in the above mentioned elections for all voting, including absentee voting by personal appearance and by mail, and in accord- ance with the Texas Election Code, Jack Farmer, as Presiding Judge, Ruby Bozka and Carmon Lopez , as Clerks, are hereby appointed as a Special Canvassing Board for said elections. The above called elections shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the State of Texas and only resident qualified voters of the City of Peariand shall be eligible to vote at said elections. Notice of the above ordered elections shall be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Election Code and Article 29e of the Texas Civil Statutes, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to have said noticesposted and/or published in accordance with said Articles 4.05 and 29e. That immediately after said elections are held, the officer holding the same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code of this State. That all independent candidates at the Regular Election to be held on the 3rd day of April, 1976, for City Councilman Position 2 and City Councilman Position 4, shall file their applications to become candidates for said positions with the Mayor of this City at the City Hall, 2335 North Texas Avenue, Peariand, Texas, on or before 30 days bbfore the date of said election, That all independent candidates at the Special Election to be held on the 3rd day of April 1976, for City Councilman 3. • Position• 3 (Unexpired Term) , shall file their applications to become candidates for said position with the City Secretary of the City of Pearland. at the City Hall , 2335 North Texas Avenue, Pearland, 9 Texas , on or before 5 : 00 o ' clock p. m, on the 31st day before the date of said Special Election. •That all candidates for the Regular or Special Elections shall file with said applications the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6. 0'2 of the Texas Election Code. That the City Secretary of the City shall , in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 13 . 32 of the Texas Election Code, post in her office the names of all independent candidates who have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Resolution and Order , and said names shall be posted at a conspicious place in said office for at least 10 days before said Secretary orders the same to be printed. on the Official Ballot -for said elections . The Order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary as provided by Article 6 , 05 C. Subdivision 3 of the Texas Election Code . The City Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct said elections . A copy of this Resolution and Order shall .,-se-rve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge for said elections : PASSED , APPROVED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED this the /f day of , A. D. 1976 . CITY OF /�EAR AN , TEXAS By : �: L/ '�'rLA= Carlton McComb Mayor ATTES City Secret 4. • 1 e ;�� • .' o` 4 RESOLUCION NUMERO 76-3 UNA RESOLUCION Y UN MANDATO - _ - DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD' DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDENANDO QUE UNA ELECCION REGULAR Y ESPECIAL . DE LA CIUDAD SE LLEVARA A CABO EL DIA 3 DE ABRIL; 'DE 1976 , CON_'EL PRO- POSITO DE ELEGIR TRES CONSEJALES PARA LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, Y ESTABLECIENDO LOS PROCESOS PARA DICHA ELECCION. SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, y las leyes del estado de Texas, proveen que el pri- mer sabado de abril, una eleccion regular o especial se llevara a ca- bo adentro de la ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, El Senor Gene E. Sanders, Consejal de Pos 'cion Numero Tres (3) ya ha dado su resignacion formal del Concilio de 1 I Ciudad de Pearland, efectivo el dia 31 de enero, de 1976; y SIENDO ASI QUE, el Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland ha acep- tado la resignacion del Consejal Sanders y ha declarado que la oficina del Consejal de Posici6n Numero Tres (3) ya esta desocupada; y SIENDO ASI QUE; La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y el Articulo Numero 4 . 09 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas, proveen que una eleccion se ordenara por. el Concilio de la Ciudad para llenar la posicion por los dos anos no concluido del plazo; y SIENDO ASf QUE, segun el Articulo 2. 01 (b) del Codigo Electoral-- _ del estado de Texas, la eleccion especial debe de l-levarsera Cabo el mis- mo dia de la eleccion general de la Ciudad; y SIENDO ASf QUE, la Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y las leyes del estado de Texas proveen que el Codigo Electoral de Texas se aplica a las elecciones regulares y especiales, y.. de acuerdo . con los terminos y provisiones del dicho-Codigo, es necesario hacer un mandato or una resolucion ordenando que una eleccion regular y es- pecial se llevara a cabo; estableciendo el proceso para seguir en la . . eleccion y para designar los lugares de votacion de las dichas elecciones: POR LO TANTO, YA ESTA RESUELTO Y ORDENADO POR EL ALCALDE Y EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Que la Eleccion Regular de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, se llevara a cabo el dia 3-de abril, de 1976, con el proposito de elegir • los siguientes funcionarios de la ciudad dicha: Consejal de Posicion Numero Dos (2) por el plazo de tres anos; Consejal de Posicion Numero Cuatro (4) por el plazo de tres anos. Que una Eleccion Especial se llevara _a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1976, con el proposito de elegir el siguiente funcionario de la ciu- dad: i Consejal de Posici6h Numero Tres, (3) por el plazo no. .concluido de dos anos. Que las Elecciones Regulares y Especiales se llevaran a cabo al mismo tiempo en el siguiente lugar en la Ciudad. de Pearland, -y que las .personas despues mencionadas ya son oficiales de la eleccion dicha: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 y 43 , y el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, numero 417 , las eleccionesse_-llevaran a cabo en el edificio de Pearland High School, 2337 North Galveston Ave. , Pearland, Texas. El Senor Jack. Farmer ya esta nombrado el Juez Directivo y la Senora Ruby Bozka ester nombrado la Juez alternativa. El Juez Directivo tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mas que cinco ayudantes. • La Senora Dorothy L. Cook ya ester nombrada la Secretaria para dirigir la votacion de los ausentados, y las Senoras Dorothy Thompson y • Mabel Salyer ya estan nombradas ayudantes para asistir con la votacion de los ausentados. La votacion para los ausentados para las elecciones ya mencionadas se llevara a cabo al siguiente' lugar: Pearland City Hall, 2335 North Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas, P. O. Box 1157 (77581) . El lugar de votacion para los ausentados ya mencionado se man- tendra abierto por no menos que ocho horas. para la votaci6n de los ausen- tados cada dia meno.s:.,.los sabados, domingos o dias festivos oficiales del estado, empezando veinte (20) dias y :continuando hasta el cuarto dia antes de la fecha de las elecciones. El dicho lugar de votacion se man- tendra abierto entre las horas de las 8:00 de la manana hasta. las cinco de la tarde cada dia para la votacion de los ausentados. El lugar ya mencionado Para la votacion de los ausentados tambien es la direccion postal del secretario de votaci6n para los ausentados a la cual se podran enviar por correo solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos. .Segun el Codigo Electoral .del. estado de .Texas y una resolucion ya hecha del Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, en cual fue de- • terminado que los sistemas. electronicos de votar se usan en las elecciones ya mencionadas por todas las .balotas incluyendo .las boletas de los ausen- /tados, y segun el Codigo. Electoral del estado de Texas, El Senor Jack Farmer, como el Juez `Directivo de la eleccion, y Las Senoras Ruby Bozka y Carmon Lopez, como ayudantes, de el, ya estan nombrados una Junta .de Solicitudes Es.peciales para las elecciones ya mencionadas.. Las elecciones ya mencionadas .se. 11evaran a cabo segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas,. _y nadie mas que los .votantes cualificados de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas, tienen el derecho de votar en dicha eleccion. Un aviso de las elecciones ya ordenadas se dara segun los pro- visiones del Arti to 4. 05 del Co/ digo Electoral de Texas .y el Artfculo 29e de las leyes civiles de Texas, y el Secretario de la Ciudad ya esta notificado a publicar el aviso segun los dichos Articulos .4. 05 y •2.9e. Qu inme..'.diatamente despues las elecciones,el of.icial dirigiendo la eleccion, tiene que hacer un reporte del resultado al Alcalde de la Ciudad como requiere el Codigo Electoral del estado. Que todos los candidatos• independientes de la Eleccion Regular que se llevara a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1976, por Consejales de Posiciones Numero 2 y Numero 4 , tienen que registrar las _aplicacio es para ser ca didato para las dichas posiciones con el Alcalde de la Ciudad en ei City Hall, 2335 North Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas, en o antes de los treinta dias antes de la fecha de la dicha eleccion. Qu todos los candidatos independientes de la Eleccion Especial que se llevara a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1976, por Consejal de Posicion • Numero 3 (p7 r el •plazo no concluido) , tienen que registrar. la aplicacion para ser candidato de la dicha .posicion con el Secretario de la Ciudad de Pearland en el City Hall, 2335 North Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas, en o antes de las 5 :00 de. la tarde por el treinta y un dia antes de la Eleccion Especial. Que todos los candidatos de las Elecciones Regulares o Es.peciales tengan que registrar con dichas aplicaciones la Declaracion de Fidelidad, que se requiere por el Artfculo 6.02 del Codigo Electoral de Texas. _ ediu""S _ • NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS ' ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that a Regular and Special City Officers ' Election will be held on the third day of April , 1976 , in the above named City. The Regular City Officers ' Election shall be held on the third day of April , 1976 , for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City, to-wit : City Councilman Position 2 for a three-year term. City Councilman Position 4 for a three-year term. A Special City Officers ' Election shall be held on the third day of April , 1976 , for the purpose of electing the following official for said City , to-wit: City Councilman Position 3 , unexpired term for two years . Said Regular and Special Election will be held jointly at the following pollingplace in- the: said City : In Brazoria County Election Precinct numbers 12 , 16 , 26 , 28 , 29 , and 43 , and Harris County Election Precinct number 417 , said elections shall be held at the Pearland High School , 2337 North Galveston Avenue , Pearland, Texas. The polls at the above designated polling place shall ' on said election day be open from 7: 00 o' clock A. M. to 7 :00 o' clock P. M. The absentee voting for the above designated elections shall be held at the following place : Pearland City Hall , 2335 North Texas Avenue , Pearland, Texas , P. 0. Box 1157. (Zip Code 77581) Said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday -or on an Official State Holiday , beginning on the twentieth day and continuing through the fourth day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8: 00 o ' clock A. M. and 5 : 00 o' clock P . M. Dated this day of February , 1976 f r Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas F • • AVISO DE ELECCION DE FUNCIONARIOS DE LA CIUDAD - CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS S.e da :aViso por la presente que se llevara a cabo una eleccion regular y especial de funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 3 de abril, de 1976, en la Ciudad ya mencionada. La Eleccion Regular se llevara a cabo el 3 de abril, de 1976, con el propdsito de elegir a los siguiente funcionarios para dicha ciudad: Consejal de Posicion Numero Dos por el plazo de tres alms Consejal de Posicion Numero Cuatro por el plazo de tres anos. Una Eleccion Especial se llevara a cabo el dia 3 de abril, de 1976, con el propdsito de elegir el siguiente±funcionario: Consejal de Posicion Numero Tres, por el plazo no concluido por dos anos. Las elecciones ya mencionadas se llevaran a cabo al mismo tiempo e los siguientes lugares de votacion en dicha ciudad: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, • 28, 29 y 43, y en el distrito electoral del condado de Har- ris, numero 417 , las dichas elecciones se llevaran a cabo en Pearland High School, 2337 North Galveston Ave. , Pearland, Texas. El lugar de votacion para dicha eleccion se mantendra abierto el dia ya mencionado de elecciones de las 7 : 00 de la manana a las 7 : 00 de la tarde. La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya designada se llevara a cabo en el City Hall de Pearland, 2335 .N. Texas Ave. , en dicha ciudad, P. 0. Box 1157, Pearland, Texas, 77581. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados se mantendra abierto no menos que ocho horas de cada dia menos los sabados, domingos, y dias festivos oficiales del estado, principando veinte (20) dias y:continuando hasta el cuarto dia antes de la fecha de dicha eleccion. Dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto de las 8 : 00 de la manana. hasta las 5: 00 de la tarde. Fechado el dia 16 de febrero, de 1976 . ;WW I' L Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , . "4.111 . 1/114) • _ • -,..............., ,..• ._ . . . AFFIDAVIT OF- PUBLICATION - . . . -.- .. 'OFFICERS ELECTION — - I '1 • _ . -- - _ , CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS I:1; .(I Notice is hereby given THE STATE OF TEXAS ) , that ai I Regular and •Sbecial CitY1 j Officers' Election will be heldj COUNTY OF BRA ZORIA ) Ion the third day of,April, 1976l in the above named'City. &71- The Regular City Officers!,I Election shall. be held on trrei BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in-and _ 1 third day of April, 1976,for tt ! purpose of electing the' - for said State and County, on this day personally appeared 1 following official for said Cityl • to•wit: .- i '- ' City Councilman Position I/ E. F. FRANKLIN being - , known [for. a three-year term. '. I City, Councilrnan Position .q 'for,a three-year term. ' ;j to me, and being by me first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: A Special City Officers,'1 that he is the edifampublisher of Legals for the SUN PROGRESS, Election shall be held•on thej , third day of April, 1976,. for the; • 1 a newspaper of general circulation published'in BRAZORIA !.purpose' of electing th,e/ following official for said City,4 - County, Texas': that a copy of- the attached notice was published in the ;to-wit: City Councilman Position B, English language in said newspaper on the following dates: i ,unexpired term for two years. i - / Said Regular and Special March 11 19 76 i Election will be held jointly, at i the following polling place 1 the said City: - ,. 1 4 1 - , 19 . , i In Brazoria County Election . !Precinct numbers 12,16,26,28, ' 29;and 43, and Harris Coun:ty: 19 1 Election Precinct number 417.' • . said elections shall be helclat,1 - 19 , - the Pearland High School, 2437 ..... - , I North Galveston Avenue, I 'Pearland, Texas. 19 abate'- / --The polls at the ;- designated polling place sh;a11; • , 1 on said election day be open j - , 19 ,from 7:00 o'clock A.M. to 7 1:1(11 . . o'clocc P.N1-:' ...;The absentee.voting.:fpr the! 1 above designated elections! I shall be held at the following A copy of such notice being attached hereto and expressly made a place art lace: L. 1 part of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. - , ti" Pearland City Hall, '2.5.15. ' j North Texas. Avenue,/ I Pearland, Texas, . ,. . , - P. O. Box 1157 (Zip Codel 71581) .; • • E. F. FRANKLIN - j Said place of abser1tee vofing.1 1shall remain open for at l 'ast, ,,eight hours on each day', of; ;absentee voting Which is not ( ' --;7( U:1-1"—'• Saturday, a Sunday or•ori ar , By: , /Official State Holiday,4 i beginning on the twentieth:day - and continuing. through',theJ fourth day.preceding the date) lof said election. Said place oil : SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said g voting 'shall remain 'open, ;between the hours of 8:0C 1 , o'clock A:M. and 5:00 o'clock E • F• FRANKLIN: , publisher of ,Dated this 16 _ day,; off February,-"1976 - • /s/Carlton McComb .-) . „-•. .t. .,..,0-,. .-..,f' Legals for theciSUN PROGRESS 12th, on this the -, - -":.,...:-.--•:,(;:.,, - :if,r'st r. ,., - day of March , 19 76 , to certify which , _ witness my hand and seal of office. - 1 L. s L7?;? 1 g,„,z..„.. L . • . . _ __ Notary in and for BRAZORIA - ! ,42/61: Etorvint4-4i t_ xite.e, /o-- C 79 - . ,, . -.- . ' - - Printer's Fee: $15.60 - . . - - 7: . . , . l' • • • a • - • • • • • • • • • • • t • • 0 2 gy z .� o � • • • • • • • • • r e • f$ r8 • o A�:. _ ... _ .... ... - • t `~ - • ' -! k . ter? . • • • • • F T . • • • • • - - .. .__ - o .mot . • ' g F-Y- • • • • �.� T F ter^ • • £� • • r. • o sa ;_:. — O • fr416q/) • , - , t AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION i ,Published March 11 AVISO DE ELECCION 1 DE FUNCIONARIOS i DE LA CUIDAD CIUDAD DE PEARLAND‘ 1 TEXAS Se,da aviso por la presente' que se Ilevara a cabo una elecciok-regular y especial de THE STATE OF TEXAS ) funcionarios de la Diudad el dia 3 de abril, de/1976, en la COUNTY OF BRAZORIA ) Ciudad ya mencioriada. La Eleccion Regular •se . Ilevara a cabo el 3 de abril,de 1976,el proposito de elegir a los BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and siguiente funcionarios para dicha,cuidad: . .• for said State and County, on this day personally appeared Consejal de Posicion Numero Dos por el plazo de tres anos. ' E. F. FRANKLIN - , being known Consejal de Posicion Numero Cpatro por el plazo de tres anos. , to me, and being by me first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: Una Eleccion Especial,,se that he is the -publisherzdttrat of Legals for the SUN PROGRESS, Ilevara a cabo el dia,3 de abril, de 1976, con el proposito-de a newspaper of general circulation published in BRAZORIA . elegir el siguiente funcionario: ConseIal de. Posicion" County, Texas: that a copy of the attached notice was published_in the Numero Tres, por el plazo no concluido por dos anos. . •-„ English language in said newspaper on the following dates: - Las -elecciones ye men _ 'cionadas se Ilevaran a cabo at mismo tiempo e los siguiektes 19 1 March 11 6 . .. .._ lugares de votacion en dicha cuidad: • ..-' 19 En los distritos electorales , del condado de Brazeria, numeros 12,16,26,28,29 y 43,y` , 19 en el distrito electoral' del , condado de Harris, numero 19 - 417, las dichas elecciones se 1 `Ilevaran a cabo en Pearland , High School, 2337 North l Galveston Ave., Pearland, 19 Texas. . El lugar de votacion.,Para , 19 Idicha eleccion se mantendra -,abierto el dia ya mencionado de elecciones de las 7:00 de la manana a las 7:00 de la tarde. . La votacion para los • A copy of such notice being attached hereto and expressly made a -, ausentados para la eleccion ya designada se Ilevara a cabo eh part of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. el City Hall de Pearland, 233 N. Texas Ave:, -en dicha cuidad, P. a: Box - 1157, ' ,Pearland, Texas 77581. E. F. FRANKLIN El lugar devotacion pare los •ausentados se• mantendra aiberto no mends que Ocho , I horas de cada dia menosIos By: A- „3-----7(4.,,,,a,„-• ,sabados,. domingos, y dias I festivoi oficiales del estado, I principando veinte (20) dies y continuando hasta el cuarto dia antes de la fecha de dicha eleccion. Dicho lugar de SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said votacion se mantendra abierto, de las 8:00 de la manana hastal I- las 5:00 de la tarde. I . E. F. FRANKLIN , publisher of 1 de 1976 Fechado el'die 16 de febrerol . 1 . - , • 1 . . -.'...WZ:'. legals for the SUN PROGRESS, on this the lith *, _, "., -::,... ,.- ,eA;,-,./.4,,,_:,„:, day of March , 19 76 . , to certify which , witness my hand and seal of office. L. S. (-12.' -- Notaxy Public in and for BRAZORIA , ... „-6.• 2 -.. 43 --471..--ivx-ea4e-4,7-7( e< .7--, , . - - I Printer's Fee: $16.65 - . .... .+.s ..�-:ti..c7e".A.-.w..,,..+raw -� ,s ., s • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION •='IN ACCORDANCE WITH • �USc,IVISION- 120 SUBSJEC'jRlfO}N (Its OF THE. �,___ �EXA'S EL�ECsTIOf '_ CO4LE4 `FitIS IS TO ADVISE THAT; Fi E AUTOMATIC, +y " THE STATE OF TEXAS > COUNTY OF BRAZORIA �} BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and ftpsciAL Ei c of for said State and County, on this day personally appeared HELD oN APRI�3 19`Ta, , !A ML BE TESTED AT i SAy IN THEIDCO'UNTRlL 2 1976;,' E. F. FRANKLIN , beingknown. ,missioNERs cOM:',• 3RD FLOOR COURTROOM^:, to me, and being by me first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: COURTHOUSE,OF COUNTY Legals for SUN PROGRESS TEXAS ANGLETON that he is the publisher of � a newspaper of general circulation published in BRAZORIA '`�r County, Texas: that a copy of the attached notice was published in the English language in said newspaper on the following dates: March 25 , 19 76 , 19 . . 19 19 , 19 19 A copy of such notice being attached hereto and expressly made a _ part of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. E. F. FRANKLIN • By: SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said E. F. FRANKLIN publisher of Legals for SUN PROGRESS , on this the 25th day of March , 19 76 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.. /4001,2z4 eL. S.._ Notary b c in and for BRAZORIA 6)91-7,,77. 4/'/C /6'-6 �? $k.00 Printer's -Fee: . oo•olis • • #�'\tom§/ '` . « >« _. . . . . :\! . \ < y« > - \\ `^ . , . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I De acuerdo con el A t cui!i_ .7.15, Seccion 20, Subdivision.f, ;del Codigo Electoral de Texas,' Ise da aviso que se va 'ex.aninar el equ po' THE STATE OF TEXAS ) qutomatico para contar tos rvotos de las elecciones COUNTY OF BRAZORIA regulares yespeciales de los' ) ;consejales de la- Ciudad de; P:earland que seJlevo a.cabo elf `3de abril de 1976, y se va`al goner a prueba este equipo,el, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and v+ernes, el 2 de abril de 1976 a! for said State and County, on this daypersonally appeared i s l0:3o de la rnanana la' Y Ecnrt`e de los Comisionados del'• 1Condado, en el terser piso_del; Edificio Publico `de las` E. F. FRANKLIN , being known ,Tfrtiunales Judiciales del. C-ondado (County Courthouse) to me, and being by-me first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: len.;:•ta ciudad de Angleton,' that he is thee-publisher of Legals for SUN PROGRESS T , -exas. S Dorothy Got a newspaper of general circulation published in BRAZORIA # `� ` Y County, Texas: that a copy of the attached notice was published in the . F English language in said newspaper on the following dates: March 25 , 19 -76 , 19 , 19 19 , 19 19 A copy of such notice being attached hereto and expressly made a part of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. E. F. FRANKLIN . By: SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said E. F. FRANKLIN , publisher of Lega].s for SW PROGRESS , on this the 25th • day of March , 19 76 , to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. L. S. Notary Pods in and for BRAZORIA Printer's Fee: t S. qS 16-2423—Notice of Special or Regular Meeting of Governing Body of City or Town and Returns—Class 3 (975)Q Hart Graphics, Austin, Texas ,.,u '`':.r, r:;svnrr.. .,•-•:::e,r.r' ^, •,�.,v... _`= HART )I .�.uit.usu NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE -. GOVERNING BODY OF � CITY OF PEARLAND., TEXAS 1 • (Name of City or Town)• ' Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the governing body of the above (Special or Regular) i. named City or Town will be held on the • 16 day of February 19 76 , at 7:30 P'. M., in the City Hall at 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas , Texas, at which time the following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SU A l AITACIRM AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 16, 1976, -AT 7:30 P: M. IN THE CITY HALL; 2335 N. TEXAS AVENUE, PEARLAND, TEXAS. • I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. .PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: • 1. BID OPENINGS - BID NO. 76-2, WATER PIPE FOR EAST END EXTENSION • BID NO. 76-3, TWO PICKUP TRUCKS FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BID NO. 76-4, ECONOMY CAR FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 2. RESOLUTION NO. 76-2 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE . 7:15 OF TEXAS ELECTION CODE. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 - A RESOLUTION AND ORDER FOR CALL OF REGULAR AND SPECIAL. CITYOFFICERS' ELECTION ON.APRIL 3, 1976. 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - AWARD OF BIDS 76-2, 76-3, • AND 76-4. • IV. ADJOURN • A WORKSHOP MEETING BETWEEN THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD FOLLOWING THE SPECIAL MEETING TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT: • EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE • ..1. y ramir rnrr r. `= HART = r -ilu�.ti i�8i�saSSti - . 16-2423 1j i I • 0 33 `I NOTICE OF SPECIAL _ . OR REGULAR MEETING • OF GOVERNING BODY OF - ' CITY OR TOWN . • x . . 1 L/ . • 1, k s 1. C a . k1 • 0HART GRAPHICS, AUSTIN,TEXAS , -- - o-4_-rr...---name-e1-- aror-x mar-mrec Nam" E9 mg-DrL/wermrg cony-or-tau mrn-aoa KrLI11'jj$--tJdSS J lY/77 r73rt (irapRtC$, AnSL iR, I?X35—'--^- • '—�T--1�-r'-"'xuiGL'EiV�<�,6:,:eil aa.�id'e:tt`'n.r''S�Z-\[i•L•`....sa wi�•eu-"'Si t��^,LCk1V•��.q� tl J;NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE rn GOVERNING BODY OF CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS (Name of City or Town) • i . �J Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the governing body of the above !", (Special or Regular) ell named City or Town will be held on the 16 day of February I9 76 at 7:30 P. �,i 4 !`9 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas •�i in the City Hall at , Texas, at which time the following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA ATTACHED PI AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 16, 1976, AT 7:30 P. M. IN THE CITY HALL; 2335 N. TEXAS AVENUE, PEARLAND, TEXAS. I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: • 1. BID OPENINGS - BID NO. 76-2, WATER PIPE FOR EAST END EXTENSION BID NO. 76-3, TWO PICKUP TRUCKS FOR PUBLIC WORK'S DEPT. BID NO. 76.-4, ECONOMY CAR FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 2. RESOLUTION NO. 76-2 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 7:15 OF TEXAS ELECTION CODE. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 - A RESOLUTION AND ORDER FOR CALL OF REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION ONAPRIL 3, 1976. 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - AWARD OF BIDS 76-2, 76-3, ' • AND 76-4. I, IV. -ADJOURN • A WORKSHOP MEETING BETWEEN THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS AND THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD FOLLOWING THE SPECIAL MEETING TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT: EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE 1