R78-05 02-13-78RESOLUTION NO. R78-5 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDERING THE HOLDING OF A REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY ELECTION ON THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 1978, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND TWO COUNCILMEN IN AND FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS; AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SAID CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, provide that on the first Saturday in April, a Regular and/or General Election shall be held within the City; and WHEREAS, Tom Reid, Councilman Position Four (4) has heretofore sub- mitted his formal resignation from the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, effective February 1, 1978; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland has accepted the resignation of Councilman Reid and thereafter had declared an official vacancy in the office of Councilman Position Four (4); and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and Article 4.09 of the Texas Election Code provide that a special election shall be ordered by the City Council to fill the unexpired term of a vacated elected civil office; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pearland, desires to proceed with the ordering of the Special Election for the purpose of filling the here- to fore described vacancy; and WHEREAS, Article 2.01 (b) of the Texas Election Code directs that said special election shall be called and/or held on the same date specified for the holding of general election within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Pearland and the laws of the State of Texas provide that the Election Code of the State of Texas is applicable to said regular and special elections, and in order to comply with said Code, an Order and/or Resolution should be passed ordering the call of the regular and special elections, establishing the procedures to be followed in said elections and to designate the voting places of said elections: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: That the Regular Election of the City of Pearland, Texas, shall be held in said City on the first day of April, 1978, for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City to -wit: Mayor for a three year term City Councilman Position 3 for a three year term That a Special Election shall be held in the City of Pearland, Texas, on the first day of April, 1978, for the purpose of electing the following official for said City to -wit: City Councilman Position 4 unexpired term for one year That said Regular and Special Elections shall be held jointly at the following place in the City of Pearland, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said Elections to -wit: In Brazoria County Election Precinct Numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harris County Election Precinct Number 475, said elections shall be held at the Pearland High School Building, 2337 North Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. Jack Farmer is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge, and Ruby Bozka as alternate Presiding Judge. The said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed five (5) clerks. Dorothy L. Cook is hereby appointed Clerk for absentee voting, and Dorothy S. Thompson, Mabel Salyer, and Barbara Lenamon are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated elections shall be held at the following place, to -wit: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, P. 0. Box 1157 (Zip Code 77581) The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. The poll or place of absentee voting, above designated, shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State Holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said elections. Said place of eo.ting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 5:00 o'clock p.m. on each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Absentee voting by sick or disabled voters after close of regular absentee voting period shall be in accordance with subdivision 3 (e) of Article 5.05 of the Texas Election Code. In accordance with the Texas Election Code and a previous resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, it is hereby determined that electronic voting systems shall be used in the above mentioned elections for all voting, including absentee voting by personal appearance and by mail, and in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Elaine Grundy as Presiding Judge, Lavonne Nestvold and Mildred Loggins as clerks, are hereby appointed as a Special Canvassing Board for said elections. The above called elections shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the State of Texas and only resident qualified voters of the City of Pearland shall be eligible to vote at said elections. Notice of the above ordered elections shall be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Election Code and Article 29 (e) of the Texas Civil Statutes, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to have said notice posted and/or published in accordance with said Article 4.05 and 29 (e). • " • • That immediately after said elections are held, the officer holding the same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code of this State. That all independent candidates at the Regular Election to be held on the first day of April, 1978, for Mayor and City Councilman Position 3, shall file their applications to become candidates for said positions with the Mayor of this City at the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on or ,before 30 days before the date of said election. That all independent candidates at the Special Election to be held on the first day of April, 1978, for City Councilman Position 4 (Unexpired Term) , shall file their applications to become candidates for said position with the City Secretary of the City of Pearland at the City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on or before 5:00 o'clock p.,m. on the 31st day before the date of said Special Election. That all candidates for the Regular or Special Elections shall file with said applications the loyalty affidavit required by Article 6.02 of the Texas Election Code. That the City Secretary of the City shall, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 13.32 of the Texas Election Code, post in her office the names of all independent candidates who have filed their applications in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Resolution and Order, and said names shall be posted at a conspicious place in said office for at least 10 days before said Secretary orders the same to be printed on the Official Ballot for said elections. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary as provided by Article 6.05 C, Subdivision 3 Of the Texas Election Code. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct said elections. A copy of this Resolution and Order shall serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge for said elections. PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED this the /3 day of , A. D. , 1978. 6914 if Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas ATTEST: fa--771 ity Secretary • RESOLUCION NUMERO R78-5 UNA RESOLUCION Y UN MANDATO DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD,DE PEARLAND . TEXAS, ORDENANDO QUE UNA ELECCION REGULAR Y ESPECIAL DE LA CIUDAD SE LLVARA A CABO EL DIA 1 DE ABRIL, DE 1978 , CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR UN ALCALDE Y DOS CONSEJALES PARA LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, ,TEXAS , Y ESTABLECIENDO LOS PROCESOS PARA DICHA ELECCION. SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , y las leyes del estado de Texas , proveen que el primer sabado de abril , una eleccion regular o especial se llevara a cabo adentro de la ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, El Senor Tom Reid, Consejal de Posicion Numero Cuatro (4) ya ha dado su resignacion formal del Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, efectivo el dia 1 de febrero , de 1978 ; y SIENDO ASI QUE, el Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland ha aceptado la resignacion del Consejal Reid y ha declarado que la oficina del Consejal de Posicion Numero Cuatro (4) ya esta desocupada; y SIENDO ASI QUE , La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y el Articulo Numero 4 .09 del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , proveen que una eleccion se ordenara por el Concilio de la Ciudad para llenar la posicion por el_>uno ano no concluido del plazo; y SIENDO ASI QUE, segun el Articulo 2 . 01 (b) del Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , la eleccion especial debe de llevarse a cabo el mismo dia de la eleccion general de la Ciudad; y SIENDO ASI QUE, La Carta de Incorporacion de la Ciudad de Pearland, y las leyes del estado de Texas proveen que el Codigo Electoral de Texas se aplica a las elecciones regulares y especiales , y de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones del dicho Codigo , es necesario hacer un mandato o una resolucion ordenando que una eleccion regular y especial se llevara a cabo , estableciendo el proceso para sequir en la eleccion y para designar los lugares de i votacion de las dichas elecciones : POR LO TANTO, YA ESTA RESUELTO Y ORDENADO POR EL ALCALDE Y EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND; TEXAS : • Que la Eleccion Regular de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , se llevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril , de 1978 , con el prop5sito de elegir los siguientes funcionarios de la ciudad dicha :. Alcalde por el plazo de tres afios Consejal de Posicion Numero tres (3) por el plazo de tres anos Que una Elecci6n Especial se llevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril , de 1978, con el prop6sito de elegir el siguiente funcionario de la ciudad: Consejal de Posici6n Numero Cuatro (4) por el plazo no concluido de uno aflo Que las Elecciones Regulares y Especiales se llevaran a cabo al mismo tiempo en el siguiente lugar en la Ciudad de Pearland, y que las personas despues mencionadas ya son oficiales de la elecci6n dicha: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, nume-ros 12, 16 , 26 , 28 , 29 , y 43, y el distrito electoral del condado de Harris , numero 475, las elecciones se llevaran a cabo en el edificio de Pearland High School , 2337 N. Galveston Ave . , Pearland, Texas . El Senor Jack:Rarme.r ya esta nombrado el Juez Directivo y la Senora Ruby Bozka esta nombrado la Juez alternativa. El Juez Directivo tiene el poder de nombrar los oficiales necesarios para ayudarle, pero no mas que cinco ayudantes . La Senora Dorothy L. Cook ya esta nombrada la Secretaria para dirigir la votacion de los ausentados , y las Senoras Dorothy S. Thompson, Mabel Salyer, y Barbara Lenamon ya estan nombradas ayudantes para asistir con la votacion de los ausentados . La Votacion para los ausentados para las elecciones ya mencionadas se llevara a cabo al siguiente lugar: Pearland City Hall , 2335 N. Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas , P. 0. Box 1157 (77581) El lugar de votacion para los ausentados ya mencionado se mantendra abierto por no menos que ocho horas para la votacion de los ausentados cada dia menos los sabados , domingos o dias festivos oficiales del estado , empezando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuatro (4) dia antes de la fecha de las elecciones . El dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto entre las horas de las 8 : 00 de la mafiana hasta las cinco de la tarde cada dia para la votacion . de los ausentados . El lugar ya mencionado para la votacion de los. I ausentados tambien es la direccion postal del secretario de votacion para los ausentados a la cual se podran enviar por correo solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos . La votacion para los ausentados para votantes enfermos o incapacitados despues de terminar la votacion para los ausentados regulares seran en comformida con subdivision 3 (e) del articulo 5 . 05 del Codigo Electoral' del estado de Texas . Segfin el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas y una resolution ya hecha del Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , en cual fue determinado que los sistemas electronicos de votar se usan en las elecciones ya mencionadas por todas las balotas incluyendo las boletas de los ausentados , y segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , La Senora Elaine Grund y, como el Juez Directivo de la election, y Las Senoras Lavonne Nestvold y Mildred Loggins, _como:_ ayudantes de el, ya estan nombrados una Junta de Solicitudes Especiales para las elecciones ya mencionadas . Las elecciones ya mencionadas se llevaran a cabo segun el Codigo Electoral del estado de Texas , y nadie mess que los votantes cualificados de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas , tienen el derecho de votar en dicha eleccion. Un aviso de las elecciones ya ordenadas se dares segun los provisiones del Articulo 4 . 05 del Codigo Electoral de Texas y el Articulo 29 (e) de las leyes civiles de Texas , y el Secretario de la Ciudad ya esta notificado a publicar el aviso segun los dichos Articulos 4. 05 y 29 (e) . Que imediatamente despues las elecciones , el oficial dirigiendo la eleccion, tiene que hater un reporte del resultado al Alcalde de la Ciudad como requiere el Codigo Electoral del estado . Que todos los candidatos independientes de la Election Regular que se llevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril, de 1978 , por Alcalde y Consejal de Position -Numero 3 , tienen que registrar las aplicaciones para ser candidato para las dichas posiciones con e1 . Alcalde de la Ciudad en el City Hall , 2335 N. Texas Ave . :,_ Pearland, Texas , en o antes de los treinta dias antes de la fecha de la dicha eleccion. I . M ' 1 Que todos los candidatos independientes de la Eleccion Especial que se llevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril , de 1978 , por Consejal de PosiciOn Numero 4 (por el plazo no concluido) , tienen Que registrar la aplicacion para ser candidato de la dicha posiciOn con el Secretario de la Ciudad de Pearland en el City Hall , 2335 N. Texas Ave. , Pearland, Texas , en o antes de las 5 :.00 de la tarde. por el treinta y un dia antes de la Elecci6n Especial . Que todos los candidatos de la Elecciones Regulares o Especiales tengan que registrar con dichas aplicaciones la Declaraci6n de Fidelidad, que se requiere por el Articulo 6 . 02 del C6digo Electoral de Texas . Que el Secretario de la Ciudad, segun las provisiones del Articulo 13 . 32 del C6digo Electoral de Texas , de aviso publico en su oficina los nombres de todos los candidatos independientes , quienes han registrado las aplicaciones en acuerdo con las provisiones de esta Resoluci6n y Mandato, y los dichos nombres se exiban en un lugar aparente en la oficina por no menos que diez dias antes de que el dicho Secretario ordene que los nombres se escriban en la Balota Oficial de las Elecciones . El Orden numerico en cual los nombres de los candidatos aparecen en la balota se determina por un sorteo dirigido por el Secretario de la Ciudad, segun el Articulo 6. 05 (c) , Parte 3 del C6digo Electoral del estado de Texas . El Secretario de la Ciudad ya esta autorizado y dirigido a proveer todas las materias necesarias para arreglar las dichas - elecciones . Una copia de esta resoluci6n y mandato se servira como un acto juridico de elecci6n, que se debe enviar al Juez Directivo para las elecciones . PASADO, APROVADO, ADOPTADO Y ORDENADO el dia /3 de (—) 1„741,.._ , de 1978 . ) 64) Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas DANDO FE.: (1-,>4 _., Secretario de a Ciudad NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that a Regular and Special City Officers' Election will be held on the first day of April, 1978, in the above named City. The Regular City Officers' Election shall be held on the first day of April, 1978, for the purpose of electing the following officials for said • City, to-wit: Mayor for a three year term . ' . City Councilman Position 3 for a three year term A Special City Officers' Election shall be held on the first day of April, 1978, for the purpose of electing the following official for said City, to-wit: City Councilman Position 4, unexpired term for one year. Said Regular and Special Election will be held jointly at the following polling place in the said City:. In Brazoria County Election Precinct numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harris County Election Precinct number 475, said elections shall be held at the Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. The absentee voting for the above designated elections shall be held . at the following place: Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, P. 0. Box 1157. (Zip Code 77581) Said place of absentee voting shall remian open for at least eight hours on each day of absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or on an Official State Holiday, beginning on the twentieth day and continuing through the fourth day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 5:00 o'clock p.m. Dated this /3 ' .day of February, 1978. • • i" C cL Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas AVISO DE ELECCION DE FUNCIONARIOS DE LA CIUDAD. CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS Se da aviso por la presente que se llevara a cabo una elecciOn regular y especial de funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 1 de abril , de 1978, en la Ciudad ya mencionada. La Elecci6n Regular se llevar. d a cabo el 1 de abril, de 1978, con: el prop6sito de elegir a los siguiente funcionarios Para dicha ciudad: Alcalde por el plazo de tres aiios Consejal de Posici6n Numero Tres por el plazo tres aflos Una Elecci6n Especial se llevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril , de 1978 , con el prop6sito de elegir el siguiente funcionario : Consejal de Posici6n Numero Cuatro, . por el plazo no concluido por uno ano Las elecciones ya mencionadas se Ilevaran a cabo al mismo tiempo e los siguientes lugares de votacion en dicha ciudad: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, .16, 26, 28 , 29 , y 43, y en el distrito electoral del , condado de Harris , numero 475 , las dichas elecciones se llevaran a cabo en Pearland High School , 2337 N. Galveston Ave. , Pearland, Texas . El lugar de votacion para dicha election se mantendra abierto el dia ya mencionado de elecciones de las 7N00 de la manana a las 7: 00 de la tarde . La votacion para los ausentados para la elecci6n ya designada se llevara a cabo en el City Hall de Pearland, 2335 N. Texas Ave. , en dicha ciudad, P. 0. Box 1157 , Pearland, Texas , 77581. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados se mantendrd abierto no menos que ocho horas de cada dia menos los sabados , domingos , y dias .festivos oficiales del estado, principando veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuarto dia antes de la fecha de dicha election. Dicho lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto de las 8 : 00 de la manana hasta las 5 : 00 de la tarde. Fechado el dia /.5 de febrero , de 1978 . (ii06111,1 Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Texas 1 _ HANIAGID fir TELEPHONE (713) 485-2411 POST OFFICE BOX 1157 PEARLAND, TEXAS 77581 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Came in hand this 3rd day of March, A. D . 1978 , at 10 : 00 A. M. copies of Notice of Election for City Officers ' Regular and Special Election and Special Election on Charter Amendments of_ the City of Pearland, Texas to be held on April 1 , 1978, and- executed by posting a true and correct copy of said Notices at the following places to-wit : ,1•-• ,zkri.Ai,•D •i„ 1 . In Precinct No . 28 - Kroger' g Bulletin Board . . ,, ,-1 2 . In Precinct No . 475 (Harris C6uaty) —Go-lfcrest Country Club ' Bulletin Board. 1 - CITY OF PEARLAND ) TEXAS ,.• i ,-, • By e--47(--- E1-r1-1-611-ei, 4tr arshal 1 , , q 7 \ ,• , i : \ -.,-' ,---,-- g ,;" ,, ' - ' i .../ , , t ,-- . , ..."' „ .' , f , V ' i I .4 I , • - . i7 i ,,i,J7 ,-- N° ,...001111111111°// '.- . 0 , . - lit ,'- razoria County Election Precinct No . 29 - E/S of 1128 E . M. on pole between C . R. 101 and C. R. 100 E/S . In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . 43 - At intersection of CR 48 and •CR 58 on pole . In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . 26 - Woody Road at Comal on a utility pole. , . Dorothy L. ok ,-,44, 0,--.1-ptary c J eft). (Am) I , Dorothy L. Cook, City Secretary of the City of Pearland, Texas , on this day, March 7, 1978 posted notices of City. Officers ' Regular and Special Election and' Charter Election at the following locations : In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . 16 - Pearland Sites Road on pole next to driveway of House located near the city limits line . In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . -29 - E/S of 1128 E .- M. on pole between C . R. 101 and C. R. 100 E/S . In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . 43 - At intersection of CR 48 and CR 58 on pole. • In Brazoria County Election Precinct No . 26 - Woody Road at Comal on a utility pole . (75 (.°61r ‘b< • Dorothy L. ok City Secretary TELEPHONE (713) 485-2411 POST OFFICE BOX 1157 PEARLAND, TEXAS 77581 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING : Came in hand this 14th day of February, A. D . 1978, at 8 : 00 A. M. copies of Notice of Election for City Officers ' Regular and Special Election and Special Election on Charter Amendment of the City of Pearland, Texas , to be held on April 1 , 1978 , and executed by posting a true and correct copy of said Notices at the following places to-wit : 1 . Inside bulletin board of the City Hall . 2 . Outside bulletin board of the City Hall . • Dorothy L. Co. City Secretary mo• - - /"- 0-.--,,,,-•. g- _e,- _r_ _„ari... 5 ,1r ,e,A) — . ,N.Iii.,., -.0G• LE/4p ::..,..r, . . . 1 , ._: . lk • . • t - -.1..g , ('5 . . ; , J r a iC rum X 81 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 ) 482-2222 1I `11 I ' �;: • THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF 4 � � 1�� i, .„i. Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for °; said State and County, on this day'personally appeared �-'�l� 7 , -.- ---X--e.__ , being known to me, and being by me --, first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says that he is the editor/ I ; P publisher of The Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published ' " in County, Texas; and that a copy of the attached notice ' was published in said newspaper on the following dates: , , 19 \ 19 •'` , 19 19 1, 1 A copy of such notice is attached hereto and expressly made a Hart 11,!' of this affidavit of publisher or other duly authorized person. By r I . . r :SWORN T0:AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said rM f}R i E YY1 0 0 ,Q,t , ;' -=" v editor/publisher of The Journal, on this the fY day of ` A evt-c- ) ';: - 19.'1 --• to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. }t� 4 _ �(i 9;3 � i 4 ,-. 4y.k oyct4.. , , f' `a' - 44 3 4 � p 2A" y >.,�t *;` h: il s y fi{ �n i 7'4 .� x tt. r .'' xf K r ',.r 4-fdi t *u ^ ., ! A# 'A ! pR } 1s Lt•_ 3 i ' 11 i t FF a.. ��1I x,ryY.lI i t a 11 � 1 .� I a • II R mil.it I: ;x I. i� ., I i. '7 ,J i > s !l. DES 'r. 1 9t t -& lF • '' b•j• y% S: • if 4 s'ry 3 Ir e Is e is le e e e 10 e: of fig id id le Ds ;ir es a le :ty LS, de do ho sb as N. ion !bic ald one ncil e (3) tok tary 5:00 iled 546, Auld igan tiger .Il,lp,aa ull N.Wv U. I a,vuuaw ) l.I1ISIIUU JJUI ulia U1plULULIVI1 UC tltllibdt, UtitUils.dUd t7r7•'Ct Estado de Texas y establecida de acuerdo con los requisitos del Articulo 5160, Estatutos Civiles Revisados de Texas, 1925, segun enmendados. De conformidad con la ley aplicable, se tian acertado los salarios generates prevalecientes en la localidad del trabajo a ser ejecutai' 'los salarios seran lo minimo pagado a la mano de obra empleada para trabajar en este J. Se espera que los postores den una in, cion del lugar del trabajo y se informen por si mismos sobre las condiciones locales. Copias de los documentos del contrato, planos y especificaciones se encuentran archivadas en la oficina del Gerente Municipal en el Municipio de la Ciudad, y se puede hacer un reconocimiento gratis en esta oficina, o los postores o suministradores podran comprar copias de los documentos por Diez Dolares ($10) por cada juego de documentos, los cheques se haran pagaderos a la orden de la Ciudad. Dichos pagos seran reembolsados a postores actuates al retorno de dichos materiales en buenas condiciones dentro de cinco (5) dias despues de la apertura de las propuestas. Este Aviso sera y constituira parte de dichos documentos de contrato, planos y especi- ficaciones. No se retiraran dichas propuestas despues de la consumacion del tiempo asignado para recibir propuestas y hasta por treinta (30) dias despues de dicha consumacion de tiempo. La Ciudad se reserva el derecho de aceptar la propuesta que juzgue mas ventajosa para la Ciudad, incluyendo alternativos, asi como rechazar cualquier propuesta, y renunciar cualquier informalidad. En caso de ambiguedad o de falta de claridad en las declaraciones de precios en cada propuesta, la Ciudad se reserva el derecho de adoptar los precios escritos en palabras, o de rechazar la propuesta. La Ciudad propone pagar toda o cualquier parte de cualquier obligacion contractual contraida en dicha construccion y equipamiento, incluyendo obligaciones contractuales por servicios profesionales con respecto a lo mismo, por medio de la emision de Certificados de Obligacion de la Ciudad, pagados de impuestos al valor de la Ciudad, en la maxima cantidad principal agregada de $450,000 a un tipo de interes a no exceder lo prescrito por el Articulo 717k-2, V.T.C.S., segun enmendados, y de vencimiento sobre un periodo de anos a no exceder 20 anos a partir de la fecha del mismo, para el fin de comprobar la deuda de la Ciudad por todo o cualquier parte del costo de dicha construccion y equipamiento, incluyendo el costo de servicios profesionales contraidos con respecto a lo mismo; y el postor favorito sera requerido a aceptar dichos Certificados como pago de todo o una parte del precio o precios del contrato. El Consejo Municipal ha hecho provisiones para que cada contratista (postor favorito) venda y ceda a la par, a otros, dichos Certificados de Obligation, sin descuento y sin cobrar cargos de carnbio o de recaudacion a dicho contrista y (al recibir el Consejo Municipal las propuestas) cada postor debera elegir si acepta o no dichos Certificados como pago de todo o una parte del precio o precios del contrato, o ceder dichos Certificados de acuerdo con dichos conciertos. En fe de lo cual firmo y pongo el sello oficial de la Ciudad este dia 27 de febrero de 1978. /fdo/ Dorothy L. Cook (SELLO) Secretaria de la Ciudad Ciudad de Pearland, Texas NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF PEARLAND TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held on the 1st day of April, 1978, in the City of Pearland, Texas, at the place, in the manner, and for the proposed Charter amendment set forth in the attached copy of Ordinance No. 371, duly passed by the City Council of the City of Pearland on the 13 day of February, 1978. Said attached Ordinance is made a part of this no,**e for all intents and purposes. Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary City of Pearland, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 371 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF APRIL, 1978, DESIGNATING THE HOURS AND PLACE FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS OF CERTAIN PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDM ENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: That the following proposed amendments to the Home Rule Charter of the City of Pearland, Texas, shall be submitted to the vote of the duly qualified electors of the City of Pearland, Texas, at the Regular City Election to be held on April 1, 1978, pursuant to applicable provisions of the Home Rule Charter and applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, and that the following portions of the Charter of the City of Pearland are proposed to be amended to read as follows: For or Against the following proposed amendments. ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3.01 [e] — NUMBER, SELECTION AND TERM. (e) There shall be no limitation on the number of elected terms for the office of Mayor or Councilman. ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3.10- PROCEDURE FOR PASSING ORDINANCES: Every ordinance shall be il/,luduced in written or printed form and, upon passage, shall take effect at the time indio ted therein, provided that any ordinance imposing a penalty, fine or forfeiture for a violation of its provisions shall become effective not less than ten days from its publication in the official city newspaper of the City of Pearland. The City Secretary shall give notice of the passage of every ordinance imposing a penalty, fine or forfeiture for a violation of the provisions thereof, by causing the caption or title, including the penalty, of any such ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Pearland at least once within ten (10) days after the passage of said ordinance. He shall note on every ordinance the caption of which is hereby required to be published and on the record thereof, the fact that the same has been published as required by this Charter and date of such publication, which shall be prima facie evidence of the legal publication and promulgation of such ordinance, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the correction, amendment, revision and modification of the ordinances of the City for publication in book or pamphlet form. Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, it shall be necessary to the validity of any ordinance that it shall be read and considered at two regular sessions of the City Council. The reading aloud of the title and caption of the ordinance shall suffice as a reading, provided printed copies of the ordinance, in the form required for adoption, are available to all members of the City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies are available to all interested citizens present at the session. Ordinances may be read in their entirety at the discretion of a majority of the City Council. • DANDO FE: Dorothy L. Cook La Secretaria de la Ciudad Pearland, sean sonctidas a ins votantcs cualificados do la ' tudea-4 Fartanrl,_ exa , en la eleccion regular que se llevare acabo el primer dia de abril de 1978, segun los provisos aplicables de la Carta (Horne Rule Charter) de la Ciudad y las leyes aplicables del estado de Texas, y que las pn. ; sigiuentes de Ie Carta de la Ciudad de Pearland sean cdmikdoa asi: Para o Contra lentes enmiendas. `' TICULO 3, SECCION 3.01 [e] — NUMEROS, SELECCION Y EL PLAZO: (e) Que no haya limitacion de las veces que el alcalde o los consejales pueden ser elegidos para servir in esas posiciones. ARTICULO 3, SECCION 3.10 - PROCESS POR PASAR ORDENANZAS: Se introduce cada ordenanza en una forma escrita o imprese y, cuando se pasa, se efectua a la Nora indicada en la ordenanza, pero si una ordenanza provea una multa, castigo o una confiscacion por Ia violacion, no se efectua por menos de diez dias despues de se publique en el periodico oficial de la Ciudad de Pearland. La Secretaria de la Ciudad tiene que dar noticia de la adopcion de cada ordenanza que impone una multa, castigo o confiscacion por la violacion, por la publicacion, en el periodico oficial de la ciudad, del titulo de la ordenanza y la multa, no menos de una vez despues de la adopcion de tal ordenanza. La Secretaria tiene que notar en cada ordenanza el titulo que es necesario publicar y tambien tiene que notar que fue publicado como reauiee la Carta de Incorporacion, y la fecha de la publicacion, y tales notas seran evidencia prima facie de la publicacion legal y la adopcion propio de la ordenanza, pero es proveido que los provisos de esta seccion no se aplican a la correccion, enmienda, revision y modificacion de las ordenanzas de la Ciudad que van a ser publicados en un folleto. A excepcion de otros provisos de la Carta, es necesario para la validez de qualquiera ordenanza, que se lea y se considere en dos sesiones regulares del Concilio de la Ciudad. La lectura del titulo de la ordenanza en una voz alta, estara suficiente pars la lectura del projecto de la ley completa, si hay copias de la ordenanza en la forma correcta y completa, para todos los miembros del Concilio y si hay tambien un numero razonable de otras copias para todas los interesados ciudadanos presentes en la sesion del Concilio. Si una mayoria de los Consejales quieren que se lea la ordenanza completa, que sea asi Sera necesario autenticar cada ordenanza por los firmes del Alcalde y la Secretaria de la Ciudad, y se registrars la ordenanza y se pondra en un indite en un libro de ordenanzas en una manera que el Concilio la apruebe. Sera necesario registrar nada mas que el titulo de la ordenanza en el libro de minutas o el diario de las reuniones del Concilio. El Concilio de la Ciudad tendra el poder de efectuar la correccion, revision y modificacion y el impreso en la forma de un codigo tantas veces que el Concilio crea propio, y tal codigo impreso, cuando se adopte por el Concilio, sea efectivo y en fuerza. Tal codigo impreso se servira como evidencia legal in todas las tortes y otras partes sin mas pruebas.' ARTICULO 4, SECCION 4.11 - DEPARTAMIENTO DE LA SEGURIDAD DEL PUBLICO: El Concilio de la Ciudad nombrara un departamiento de seguridad que sera un comite para aconsejar en asuntos de la seguridad del publico. El departamiento conststira de los jefes de los policias y los bomberos, el official de sanidad, el superintendente de las escuelas, el jefe de la Defensa Civil, un representante industrial, un miembro del departamiento de trabajos publicos y seis otros para coordinar toda la seguridad de la ciudad, y de las industries, y tambien el trafico de los pedestres y el trafico alrededor de las escuelas. ARTICULO 4, SECCION 4.12 — DEPARTAMIENTO DE PARQUES, RECREO Y HERMOSURA: El Concilio de la Ciudad nombrara una junta de parques, recreo y hermosura para aconsejar. La junta estudiara los programas de las facilidades de los parques y de recreo y la acciones de hermosear de la ciudad y consultara con el Administrador de la Ciudad y aconsejarle al respeto del desarollo de los parques de la ciudad y los program as de recreo y hermosura. Esta junta de parques, recreo y hermosura recomendara al Concilio de la ciudad unas reglas para el use de los parques y las tierras publicas y facilidades de recreo que conforman a las ordenanzas de la Ciudad y a las leyes del estado de Texas y tambien recomendara programas propios para la hermosear de la ciudad. ARTICULO 7, SECCION 7.03 - DISPONIENDO UNOS TERRENOS PARA USOS PARTICULARES (a) En el futuro, cada dueno de cualquiera terreno o propiedad situado adentro de los limites de incorporation de la Ciudad de Pearland o en sus Zonas extraterritoriales, quien divida el terreno en dos partes o mas para crear una subdivision o una adicion de Ia Ciudad, tiene que obedecer todos los provisos aplicables en el codigo de ordinanzas de la Ciudad, que ya son adoptados o en el futuro son enmendidas. Las enmiendas propuestas arriba mencionadas someteran a los electores cualificados de la Ciudad de Pearland a la hora y en la manera requerida por la ley y segun el proceso propie para elegir a los oficiales de la Ciudad. El Juez Directivo nombrara a dos mas ayudantes para asistir en la votacion para las emniendas propuestas de la Carta. Se dirigira la Secretaria de la Ciudad a hacer que la noticia de la eleccion sea publicado en el periodico oficial de la ciudad por dos semanas sucesivas, con la fecha de la primera publicacion no menos de catorce dias antes de la eleccion Para facilitar la preparacion de la balota y para reducir los gastos, se dirija que se aparezan las enmiendas en la balota asi: PARA o CONTRA las sigiuentes enmiendas propuestas de la Carta de la Ciudad: La enmienda del Articulo 3, Seccion 3.01 (e) — El numero, la Seleccion y el plazo, que provee que se remueva el limite del numero de los plazos elejidos del alcalde o los consejales. La Enmienda del Articulo 3, Seccion 3.10 — El proceso de pasar las ordenanzas, que provee la adicion.del proviso que dice que es suficiente leer en una voz alta el titulo de una ordenanza, si haya copias escritas para todas las personas interesadas. La Enmienda del Articulo 4, Seccion 4.11 — El Departamiento de la Seguridad del Publico, que provee que el Concilio en vez del administrador, de is Ciudad nombrara los miembros del departamiento de la Seguridad del Publico. La Enmienda del Articulo 4, Seccion 4.12 — El Departamiento de Parques y Recreo, que provee la adicion de la palabra "Hermosura" al nombre del Departamiento de Parques Y Recreo que despues se llamara el Departamiento de Parques y Recreo y Hermosura, y mas que el concilio de la Ciudad en vez del administrador nombrara los miembros del Departamiento de Parques, Recreo y Hermosura. La Enmienda del Articulo 7, Seccion 7.03 — Disponiendo unos Terrenos para usos particulares, que provee que la division de terrenos adentro de los limites de la Ciudad estara en sumision a todos los provisos aplicables del Codigo de ordenanzas de la Ciudad en vez de no mas de los provisos de la ordenanza numero 58. Inmediatamente despues de la eleccion, los oficiales que estan arreglandolo, tienen que dar el resultado al Alcalde de la ciudad como requiere el Codigo de Elecciones. Una copia de esta ordenanza se sirvira tambien como un acto juridico de eleccion, que se debe enviara al Juez Directivo para la election. Pasado y aprovado la primers lectura el 23 dia de Enero de 1978. Carlton McComb El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas DANDO FE: Dorothy L. Cook La Secretaria de la Ciudad Pasado y aprovado en la segunda y ultima lectura el 13 dia de Febrero de 1978. Carlton McComb El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas 1 s a 9 to al at P; • • •,,........-._ - - yD alna awo1l et11D nl ap satsandord sepua!wua saluani2rs set anll medals at Woo, Alexandra Gikalov, Tom- my Stus, Stacey Roberts, Steve Ryan and Carrie Koos participated in a Champion- ship A swim meet at the Woodlands last weekend. This meet was to prepare the swimmers for the Texas Age Group meet to be held Easter week in Dallas. The same format was used with preliminaries in the morn- ings and finals at night. Stus brought home a silver medal in the 50=yard butter- fly, placed fourth in the 50- yard breast stroke and 200- yard freestyle and sixth in the 100-yard free. Ryan earned three silver medals - in the 500-yard freestyle, the 200-yard indi- vidual medley and the 100- yard breast stroke. He won a bronze medal in the 200-yard freestyle and placed fifth in the 100-yard freestyle. Stacey Roberts° free relay won a gold medal and her medley relay earned a silver. ands At the reserve meet in Lake Jackson the previous weekend Matt Zimmerman placed second in the 8 and under 25-yard butterfly, Michael Buckner swam into Championship B time in the 10 and under 50-yard butter- fly, and Kelly Brewton placed sixth in the 10 and under 50-yard freestyle. Deidre Lockhart placed fifth in the 11-12's 100-yard breast stroke. In the 13-14 age group, Jim Lockhart placed third in the 100-yard breast stroke and swam into B time, David Buckner came in sixth in the 100-yard back stroke, Tracey Myers placed fourth in the 100-yard breast stroke and fifth in the 100-yard freestyle and butterfly. Tracy Reel brought home second in the 50-yard butter- fly, fourth in the 100-yard freestyle, fifth in the 50-yard freestyle and sixth in the 100- yard breast stroke. Osbon and Benson place Prissy Osbon and Diane Benson of the Texas Win - devils placed in Class II events in the Houston area city gymnastics champion- ship meet. Osbon took fifth places in bars, beam, floor exercise and vault and sixth place in all-around among 10 and 11- year-olds. Benson took sixth in bars, floor exercise and all-around in the 12-14 age group. Earlier the Windevils Class III team participated in a regional meet at Houston in which Mindy Fritsch and Laura Cox qualified for a state competition to be held later this month. Legal Notices Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Friendswood will hold a public hearing at which all interested persons shall have the right and opportunity to appear and be heard upon the proposal to revise the Zoning Ordinance relative to regulations on signs, which hearing shall be held in the City Council Chamber of the City of Friendswood, City Hall, 109 Willowick Avenue, Friendswood, Texas, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the 3rd day of April, 1978. Bobbie C. Henry City Secretary City of Friendswood, Texas NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids, in duplicate, addressed to the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, will be received at the Friendswood City Hall until 7:30 P.M., April 17, 1978 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools and superintendence for Street Improvement Project II for said City, to -wit: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 11 INCLUDING STORM & RELOCATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be secured from the office of COENCO, Inc., Consulting Engineers, P.O. Box 1388, 221 S. Gordon St., Alvin, Texas, on deposit of fifty ($50.00) dollars. Plans and specifications will be available for inspection at the City Hall, Friendswood, Texas. Bid Bond, Cashier's or Certified check upon some responsible bank of the State of Texas in the amount of five (5) percent of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the City of Friendswood, Texas, must accompany each proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids as the best interests of the City dictate and to award the Contract to the lowest qualified responsible bidder submitting the best bid in the interest of the public. Dated: March 6, 1978 Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor City of Friendswood, Texas despachar unas cedulas de tiempo para pagar a to por unas servicios personales hechos en mejorar el Plan Principal de la Ciudad de Pearland Tales cedulas van a tener el valor de $21,500, para ganar el interes de 6.5% por ciento p ano, y que vence enn o antes de tres an a la fecha de las cedulas, que van a ser el 27 Marzo de 1978, a no ser que antes el :ha, diez por ciento de los votantes cualificad de la Ciudad, cuyos nombres apart_ n la lista mas corriente de contribuyentec impucstos de la Ciudad, supliquen por escrito que someta el asunto de despachar las cedul de tiempo o no a los votantes de la Ciudad. Por el mandato de Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas. DANDO FE: Dorothy L. Cook La Secretaria de la Ciudad NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS'ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that a Regular and Special City Officers' Election will be held on II first day of April, 1978, in the above named City. The Regular City Officers' Election shall be held on the first day of April, 1978, for t purpose of electing the following officials for said City, to wit: Mayor for a three year term City Councilman Position 3 for a three year term A Special City Officers' Election shall be held on the first day of April, 1978, for ti purpose of electing the following official for said City, to -wit: City Councilman Position 4, unexpired term for one year Said Regular and Special Election will be held jointly at the following polling place in t said City: In Brazoria County Election Precinct numbers 12, 16, 26, 28, 29, and 43, and Harr County Election Precinct number 475, said elections shall be held at the Pearland Hi School, 2337 N. Galveston Avenue, Pearland, Texas. The polls at the above designated polling place shall on said election day be open from 7 o'clock a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. The absentee voting for the above designated elections shall be held at the following plac Pearland City Hall, 2335 N. Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas P.O. Box 1157. (Zip Code 77581) Said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or on an Official State Holiday, beginnii on the twentieth day and continuing through the fourth day preceding the date of sa election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.rn. a 5:00 o'clock p.m. Dated this 13 day of February, 1978. Carlton M cCon El Alcal Carlton McCo Mavar, City of Pearland, Tex AVISO DE ELECCION DE FUNCIONARIOS DE LA CIUDAD CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS Se da aviso por la presente que se Ilevara a cabo una eleccion regular y especial funcionarios de la Ciudad el dia 1 de abril, de 1978, en la Ciudad ya mencionada. La Eleccion Regular se Ilevara a cabo el 1 de abril, de 1978, con el proposito de elegir a siguiente funcionarios para dicha ciudad: Alcalde por el plazo de tres anos Consejal de Posicion Numero Tres por el plazo de tree anos Una Eleccion Especial se Ilevara a cabo el dia 1 de abril, de 1978, con el proposito de ele el siguiente funcionario: Consejal de Posicion Numero Cuatro, por el plazo no concluido por uno ano Las elecciones ya mencionadas se Ilevaran a cabo al mismo tiempo e los siguient lugares de votacion en dicha ciudad: En los distritos electorales del condado de Brazoria, numeros 12, 16, 26, 28, 29 y 43, y el distrito electoral del condado de Harris, numero 475, las dichas elecciones se Ilevaran cabo en Pearland High School, 2337 N. Galveston Ave., Pearland, Texas. El lugar de votacion para dicha eleccion se mantendra abierto el dia ya mencionado elecciones de las 7:00 de la manana a las 7:00 de la tarde. La votacion para los ausentados para la eleccion ya designada se Ilevara a cabo en el C Hall de Pearland, 2335 N. Texas Ave., en dicha ciudad, P.O. Box 1157, Pearland, Tex 77581. El lugar de votacion para los ausentados se mantendra abierto no menos que ocho horas cada dia menos los sabados, domingos, y dias festivos oficiales del estado, principal' veinte (20) dias y continuando hasta el cuarto dia antes de la fecha de dicha eleccion. Di( lugar de votacion se mantendra abierto de las 8 00 de la manana hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. Fechado el dia 13 de febrero, de 1978. Carlton McCoi Alcalde, Ciudad de Pearland, Tel NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS BID NO. B78-4 Sealed bids will be received in the office of the City Secretary at the City Hall, 2335 Texas Avenue, Pearland, Texas, on or before 12:00 Noon, March 27, 1978, for the excava of one sanitary landfill pit which will involve the excavation of approximately 25,000 c yards of material. Detailed specifications for the pit excavation may be obtained by contacting Mr. Ro Wicker at the City Service Center, 3501 Orange Street, Pearland, Texas 77581, Teleph 485-8396. Bids will be opened at 7:30 PM, March 27, 1978, by the City Council in the Cou Chambers of the City Hall, Pearland, Texas. Successful bidder must be able to begin work within 30 days after award of bid. Successful bidder will be required to post a performance bond or Cashier's Check in amount of 10% of the total bid prior to beginning work. Bidder will state the type and capacity of the equipment to be used and list three references from past projects involving similar excavations. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Dorothy L. City Secre NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Agent, City of Friendswood, Texas, until p.m., Monday, March 20, 1978, for the purchase of a Type I Modular Ambulance. Det specifications may be obtained at the City Hall, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, 77 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bid envelopes sh be marked "BID ON TYPE I MODULAR AMBULANCE." /s/ James C. Mo City Man Page 12 The Journal March 9, 1978 Dribblers scoreboard BOYS 9-10 Sonics 30 (Pryor 17, Mi- keska 7, Beckman 2, White 2, Wolverton 2), Nets 21 (Smajstrla 10, Vance 4, Fan - nett 4, Orsak 2, Williamson 1). Celtics 55 (Nussman 16, Hohensee 16, Barrett 10, Madison 4, Bells 4, Davis 2, Arbaugh 2, Poston 1), Knicks 12 (Eller 7, Dukes 3, Nail 2). 76ers 20 (Salter 8, Merrill 4, Andrus 4, Scheffler 2, Hunt 2), Braves 18 (Burkett 12, Gee 2, Keller 2, Wilson 2). Game was double over- time. BOYS 11-12 Cosmics 18 (B. Orsak 6, Pargac 5, Adams 3, Mars 2, Kubesik 2), Rockets 13 (Mitchell 7, Mail 4, Sanchez 1, Moore 1). Lakers 20 (Mendoza 7, Coker 7, King 4, Price 2), Hawks 3 (Bridges 2, Laird 1). Royals 33 (Bell 14, Moore 10, Kerchner 2, Koza 2, Mc- Kaughan 2, Richardson 2, Whitten 1), Falcons 14 (Clements 11, Coulter 2, Zuniga 1). Spurs 28 (Loessin 22, Phil- lips 6), Warriors 19 (Gee 7, Bowe 5, Morris 3, Cue 2, T. Merrill 2). Suns 30 (J. Hunt 12, Clark 4, Montemayer 4, Brown 4, Morgan 2, Davis 2, Carter 2), Jazz 9 (Scranton 4, Cogbill 3, Long 2). Blazers 45 (McNamara 14, Marquis 10, McGee 7, Shep- herd 4, Evans 4, Callaway 3, White 2 Krchnak 1), Cats 4 (Sanders 2, McDevitt 2). BOYS 13-14 Cougars 30 (Hall 12, Wil- son 8, Martinez 6, Holl 2, Yeo 2), Pistons 20 (Hogg 9, Worley 5, Bordelon 2, Bell 2, Matchett 2). Bucks 26 (Cherry 5, Eldred 5, Collier 4, Atkinson 4, Mize 4, McKee 2, Orsak 2), Pacers 19 (Shannon 6, Huber 6, Coffman 4, Baker 2, Duke 1). Nuggets 35 (Drake 12, Dockery 6, Vrazel 6, Hurt 4, Uresti 3, Vance 2, Bell 2), Kings 24 (Krchnak 16, Lo- cher 7, Shields 1). Oilers 34 (DeWillis 16, Riggs 10, Whitt 4, White 2, Williamson2), Bulls 18 (Rowell 8, Dean Merritt 4, Anderson 2, Bailey 2, Danny Merritt 2). BOYS 15-16 Eagles 53 (Curry 36, Mills 14, Klubnik 2, Reeder 1), Cowboys 41 (Moore 17, O'Malley 12, Riley 8, D. Shanahan 2, McGee 2). Apollos 40 (Scranton 14, Mack 9, Elliot 7, Far- rar 6, Robertson 4), Mus- tangs 26 (Holl 12, Callaway 6, Courtin 3, Birdsong 3, Sor- ia 2). Apollos 53 (Mack 14, Robertson 14, Farrar 12, Scranton 7, Elliott 6), Cow- boys 19 (O'Malley 7, Moore 6, Riley 4, Shanahan 2). Eagles 45 (Mills 22, Curby 17, Reeder 3, Klubnik 2, Bush 1), Mustangs 25 (Berg- strom 10, Callaway 6, Soria 5, Holl 2, Birdsong 2). GIRLS 11-12 Ugga Bugga 26 (Janak 24, Marla 2), Jammers 10 (El- liott 8, Laura 2). Stingers 28 (Debra 18, Angle 8, Susan 2), Rebels 6 (JoAnn 4, Kim 2). Stingers 12 (Debra 12), Bombers 9 (Laura 7, Cindy 2). Ugga Bugga 40 (Terri 34, Marla 4, Jackie 2), Rebels 6 (JoAnn 4, Kim 2). • GIRLS 13-14 Hot Shots 23 (Nussman 11, Courtin 6, Mulligan 4, Schields 2), Ramrods 9 (Gleason 5, Barcello 3, Stiff- lemire 1). Rockettes 16 (Anderson 8, Cunningham 4, Smajstrla 4), Rollers 14 (Evans 7, Petrash 4, Thornhill 3). Local swummerwun Legal Notices Legal Notices NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT An election will be held within legal hours on April 1, 1978, at 5006 Pennyston, Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of electing two directors for the Clear Improvement District. The following persons have been appointed as election officials: Wayne Reeves, Pr( Judge; Barbara Trahan, Assistant Judge; Patsy Johnson, Clerk; Georgia Young, Diane Wilchek & Helen Guerrero, Absentee Clerks. Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. an P.M. on March 22, 23, 24, 27 and 28, 1978, at 5335 Royal Parkway, Harris County, Tex Only qualified resident voters of the district will be entitled to vote. Mickey Foret, Pr( (SEAL) M. Greg McCaffrey, Se, AVISO DE ELECCION A LOS CALIFICADOS VOTANTES DE CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRI( Una eleccion sera llevada a cabo dentro de las horas legales el dia 1 de abril de 197 5006 Pennystone Way, Harris Condado, Texas, para el fin de elegir dos directores part Woods Improvement District. Las siguientes personas han sido nombradas como oficiales de eleccion: Wayne R Juez que Preside; Brabara Trahan, Juez Ayudante; Patsy Johnson, Empleado; G Young, Empleado; Diane Wilchek & Helen Guerrero, Empleados en Ausencia. El voto en ausencia apareciendo en persona, sera llevado a cabo entre las 9:00 A.M 5:00 P.M. los dias 22, 23, 24, 27 y 28 de marzo de 1978, en 5335 Royal Parkway, Condado, Texas. Solamente los debidamente calificados votantes del distrito tendran derecho a votar, •Mickey Foret, Presid (SELLO) M. Greg McCaffrey, Secret NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 108: An election will be held within legal hours on April 1, 1978, at Forest Bend Fire Slat 4302 Laura Leigh Lane, Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of electing two director Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 108 The following persons have been appointed as election officials: Dolores Mathis, Pre Judge; Pat Aubry, Assistant Judge; Norma Chioma, Clerk; Connie Seeley, Clerk; ( Seeley, Absentee Clerk. Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. and P.M. on March 22, 23, 24, 27 and 28, 1978, at 16910 Tibet, Forest Bend Subdivision, County, Texas. Only qualified resident voters of the district will be entitled to vote. John Chioma, Pre (SEAL) Margaret K. George, Sec AVISO DE ELECCION A LOS CALIFICADOS VOTANTES DE HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 108: Una eleccion sera Ilevada a cabo dentro de las horas legales el dia 1 de abril de 1978 Forest Bend Fire Station, 4302 Laura Leigh Lane, Harris Condado, Texas, para el fin elegir dos directores para Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 108 Las siguientes personas han sido nombradas como oficiales de eleccion: Dolores Mat Juez que Preside; Pat Aubry, Juez Ayudante; Norma Chioma, Empleado; Connie See Empleado; Connie Seeley, Empleado en Ausencia. El voto en ausencia apareciendo en persona, sera llevado a cabo entre las 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. los dias 22, 23, 24, 27 y 28 de marzo de 1978, en 16910 Tibet, Forest Subdivision, Harris Condado, Texas. Solamente los debidamente calificados votantes del distrito tendran derecho a votar. John Chioma, Presi (SELLO) Margaret K. George, Seca 3I NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DIRECTORS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS TO ALL QUALIFIED VOTERS OF AND WITHIN THE CLEAR CREEK BASIN AUTHORITY: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held within and for the Clear Creek Basin Aut on Saturday, the first day of April, 1978, for the purpose of electing Directors o Authority for Position 13, to fill an unexpired term ending on April 21, 1979, and fo purpose of electing Directors for Positions 1 through 8 for a regular two-year term begin on April 19, 1978 and ending on April 18, 1978, all in obedience to an ordinance dul unanimously passed by those Directors in attendance at a Board of Directors meeting, r ordinance was passed and approved on January 18, 1978. Michael Seer NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TIME WARRANTS BY THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Notice is hereby given by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, of its intentioal issue Time Warrants for the purpose of paying Marmon, Mok and Green, Inc. for persol services involved in the updating of the Master Plan of the City of Pearland. Such Warrants shall be in the total amount of $21,500, such sum to bear interest at the r� of 6.5% per annum, to be payable on or before three (3) years from the date thereof and sill be issued on or after the 27th day of March, 1978, unless prior to the said date ten (10It percent of the qualified voters of the City of Pearland, whose names appear on the left' approved tax rolls as property taxpayers, petition the City Council in writing to submit referendum vote the question as to the issuance of said Warrants for such purposes. By Order of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas. ATTEST: Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary Carlton McC LA NOTICIA DE iiTENTO DE DESPACHAR UNAS CEDULAS DE TIEMPO POR LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND 1, Notices Legal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals (hereinafter sometimes called 1 addressed to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas (the ) will be received at a meeting of the City Council in the City Hall, City of Pearland, and Harris Counties, Texas, until 7:30 PM, March 27, 1978, at which time and place ill opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, be publicly fiery, equ meaiPnient, insurance, tools and superintendence for constructing and equipping Works for the City, to -wit: (1) swimming pools and appurtenances, and (2) a municipal t maintenance and storage building, sometimes called a "City Service Center", e City Council tentativley proposes to let a contract,or contracts, for such construction ant, and to authorize issuance of Certificates of Obligation, in accordance with rrns g d provisions of this Notice at such meeting or at a subsequent meeting of the rms an di in said City Hall. ceived after said closing time will be returned unopened. A cashier's check or red cl1eck, drawn on a bank acceptable to the City and made payable to the City, or a errs bond issued by a surety company duly licensed in the State of Texas, in an amount -trio not less than five per -cent (5%) of the largest possible total of the bids submitted, ding alternates, must accompany each bid, as a guaranty that the successful bidder will r into a contract and execute bonds and guaranties on the terms provided herein, and in ctntract documents, plans and specifications, within ten (10) days after notice of award of tract. Such checks or bidder's bonds will be returned to bidders within five (5) days after ping of bids, except that such checks or bidder's bonds of the acceptable bidders ;flitting the three lowest bids will be returned to said bidders within twenty-four (24) r after final execution of contract. The successful bidder must furnish performance bond and payment bond on the forms fished with such contract documents, each in the full amount of the contract price and red by a surety company authorized to do business in this State in accordance with the °visions of Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended. conformity with applicable law, the general prevailing wage rates in the locality in ich the work is to e performed have been empl employed on this project.ascertained and such rates shall be the inimum paid for labor Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding all cal condi►ions. Copies of contract documents, plans and specifications are on file at the office of the City 'Hager in the City Hall of the City and may be examined there without charge, or may be tained there be prospective bidders or suppliers upon payment of Ten Dollars (810.00) for ch set thereof, checks to be made payable to the City Such payments will be refunded to ctual bidders upon the return of such materials in good condition within five (5) days after ening of bids. This Notice shall be and constitute a part of the said contract documents, plans and ecifications. No such bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids and for hirty (30) days thereafter. The City reserves the right to accept any bid deemed most dvantageous to it, including alternates, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in the statement of prices in each proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt prices written in words, or to reject the proposal. It is the intention of the City to pay all or any part of any contractual obligation to be incurred for such construction and equipment, including contractual obligations for professional services in connection therewith, by the issuance of Certificates of Obligation of the City, payable from City ad valorem taxes, in the maximum aggregate principal amount of 1465,000, bearing interest at a rate not in excess of that prescribed by Article 717k-2, V.T.C.S., as amended, and maturing over a period of years not to exceed 20 years from the date thereof, for the purpose of evidencing the indebtedness of the City for all or any part of the cost of such construction and equipment, including the cost of professional services incurred in connection therewith; and the successful bidder or bidders will be required to accept such Certificates in payment of all or any portion of the contract price, or prices. The City Council has made provision for each contractor (successful bidder) to sell and assign such Certificates of Obligation to another at par and without discount, and with no exchange or collection charges to such contractor, and each bidder is required (at the time of the receipt of bids by the City Council) to elect whether he will accept such Certificates in payment of all or a part of the contract price, or prices, or assign such Certificates in accordance with such arrangements. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE CITY, this 27th day of February, 1978. 1 1 (SEAL] AVISO A POSTORES Y AVISO DE INTENCION DE EMITIR CERTIFICADOS DE OBLIGACION SE AVISA POR LA PRESENTE que propuestas selladas (de aqui en adelante propuestas") dirigidas al Alcalde y al Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Pearland, Texas (la "Ciudad"), se recibiran en una reunion del Consejo Municipal en el Municipio (City Hall), Ciudad de Pearland, Condados de Brazoria y Harris, Texas, hasta las 7:30 p.m., el dia 27 de marzo de 1978, siendo la hora y el lugar en que las propuestas se abriran al publico y se leeran en voz alta, para el suministro de toda mano de obra, materiales, provisiones, maquinaria, equipamiento, seguros, herramientas y superintendencia pars construir y equipar edificios publicos para la Ciudad, a saber: (1) albercas y accesorios, y (2) un edificio municipal de mantenimiento y almacenamiento, a veces conocido como el "Centro Municipal de Servicio"; y el Consejo Municipal tentativamente propone asignar un contrato, o contratos, para dicha construction y equipamiento, y para autorizar la emision de Certifi- cados de Obligation conforme a los terminos y requisitos de este Aviso en dicha reunion o en una reunion subsecuente del Consejo Municipal en dicho Municipio. Se devolveran sin abrir propuestas recibidas despues de la consumacion del tiempo asiRnado. Un cheque de caja o cheque certifzcado, girado a cargo de un banco aceptable a la Ciudad Y Pagadero a la orden de la Ciudad, o un bono de postor emitido por una institution de fl°azas debidamente licensiada en el Estado de 1'exas, en una cantidad zgual a no menos del cinco porciento (5%) del total mas grande posible de las propuestas sometidas, ncluyendo alternativos, debe acompanar cada propuesta, como garantia de que el postor levorito se comprometera por contrato, y cumplira con los bonos y las garantias de acuerdo 0° los terminos expuestos en este, y en los documentos del contrato, planos y especifi- caciones, dentro de diez (10) dias despuec de darse el aviso de asignacion de contrato. Se dev°Iveran los cheques o bonos del posh la apertura de las propuestas, con la e:1 (24) horns despues de la ejecucion definf los postores aceptables que hayan sometido las tres propuestas mas bajas. f°El Postor favorito debe proporcionar fianza de cumlimiento y fianza de pago en los mularias nr.... .....:nna,ina rnn riirt>nn Ann.,mPT1tfS de.1 (`nntrntn nnrin unn on to rnntirlarl Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary City of Pearland, Texas postores dentro de cinco (5) dias despues de 2 que se devolveran dentro de veinticuatro ¶el contrato los cheques o bonus de postores de Legal Notices Legal Notices Every ordinance shall be authenticated by the signature of the Mayor and City Secretary and shall be systematically recorded and indexed in an ordinance book in a manner approved by the Council. It shall only be necessary to record the caption or title of ordinances in the minutes or journal of Council meetings. The City Council shall have power to cause the ordinances of the City to be corrected, amended, revised, modified and printed in code form as often as the Council deems advisable, and such printed code, when adopted by the Council, shall be in full force and effect. Such printed code shall be admitted in evidence in all courts and places without further proof. ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4.11- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: The .City Council shall appoint a Safety Department which shall be an advisory coordin- ating committee in the matter of public safety. The Safety Department shall consist of the Chiefs of Police and Fire, City Health Officer, the Superintendent of Schools, the Head of Civil Defense, an industrial representative, a member of the Public Works Department and six laymen to coordinate all City safety, industrial, vehicular and school Redestr:an traffic. ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4.12 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION, AND BEAUTIFICATION: The City Council shall appoint an advisory park, recreation and beautification board. The advisory park, recreation, and beautification board shall study the recreation, park facilities and beautification programs of the City and shall confer with the City Manager and advise him with respect to the development and use of the City's parks, the recreation programs and City beautification. The advisory park, recreation, and beautification board shall recommend to the City Council rules for the use of parks, public grounds, and recreation facilities consistent with the ordinances of the City and the statutes of the State of Texas and appropriate programs for the beautification of the City. ARTICLE 7 SECTION 7.03- PLATTING OF PROPERTY: (a) Hereafter, every owner of any tract of land situated within the corporate limits of the City of Pearland or its extraterritorial zones, who may divide the same in two or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision or any addition to the City shall comply with all applicable provisions contained in the Code of Ordinances of the City, as adopted or hereafter amended. The above proposed Charter amendments shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Pearland at the time and in the manner required by law and in accordance with the procedure otherwise employed in connection with the election of City officers. The Presiding Judge shall appoint two additional Clerks to assist in the voting on the above proposed Charter amendments. The City Secretary is hereby directed to cause notice of the submission of said Charter amendments to be published in the official city newspaper on two successive weeks, with the date of the first publication to be not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the election, together with the complete text of each proposed amendment. In consideration of expense, brevity, and simplicity of ballot, it is directed that the proposed Charter Amendments shall appear and read of the ballot as follows: FOR or AGAINST the following proposed Charter Amendments: Amendment of Article 3, Section 3.01 (e) - Number, Selection and Term, by removing the limitation on the number of elected terms for office of Mayor or Councilman. Amendment of Article 3, Section 3.10 - Procedure for Passing Ordinances, by adding a provision that the reading aloud of the title and caption of an ordinance will suffice as a reading, provided printed copies are available to interested citizens. Amendment of Article 4, Section 4.11 — Procedure for Passing Ordinances, by adding a Safety department shall be appointed by the City Council instead of the City Manager. Amendment of Article 4, Section 4.12 - Department of Parks and Recreation, by adding the word Beautification to the Department of Parks and Recreation so as to read Department of Parks, Recreation and Beautification; and further providing that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board shall be appointed by the City Council instead of the City Manager. Amendment of Article 7, Section 7.03 - Platting of Property, whereby the division of property within the City shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions contained in the Code of Ordinances of the City, instead of only the provisions of Ordinance No. 58. That immediately after said election is held, the officers holding same shall make returns of the results thereof to the Mayor of this City as required by the Election Code. A copy of this ordinance shall also serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the duly appointed Presiding Judge for said election. Passed and approved on First reading this 23 day of January, A.D. 1978. Carlton McComb Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas ATTEST: Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary Passed and approved on Second and Final reading this 13 day of February, A.D. 1978. Carlton McComb Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas ATTEST: Dorothy L. Cook City Secretary AVISO DE UNA ELECCION DE LA CIUDAD EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CIUDAD DE PEARLAND A LOS VOTANTES CUALIFICADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS: Se da aviso que se llevara a cabo una election el primer dia de abril de 1978, en la ciudad de Pearland, Texas en el lugar, en la manera y para la enmienda propuesta que aparece en la copia connectada de le ordenanza numero 371, pasada por el Concilio de la Ciudad de Pearland el 13 de febrero de 1978. Se hace la ordenanza mencionada y connectada una parte de este aviso. Dorothy L. Cook La Secretaria de la Ciudad La Ciudad de Pearland, Texas LA ORDENANZA NUMERO 371 UNA ORDENANZA DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND, TEXAS, MANDANDO QU1 SE LLEVE ACABO UNA ELECCION EL PRIMER DIA DC ABRIL Dike 1978, DANDO L: !RAS Y EL LUGAR PARA LA ELECCION Y PROVEYENDO POR LA SUMISION A L( ANTES CIERT�S EANMV.aIENOAS PROPUESTAS DE LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD. 4 QUE SEA ORDENADO POR EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PEARLAND: onmianilnc nrnn,,natac rig) to rnrtn (l4mme Ridie flatlet') de In Ciikind de