R86-13 04-07-86NO. R86-I3 . /~ ' WHERERIt, the hcrcinaftcr named has unselfishly contributed time, talcnts and energies to serve the people of the C;ity of Pearland; and ~' ~ '::~'~:WHE~ERB, the members of the ~ity qouncil of the qity of ~carl~d,. 8raZoH~' '~.::;NOW ~H~RE~ORE,' bc i~ rcsolwdand siVatares hereunto affixed a~cs~ and bear wimc~s ~h,~ tic hcrcundcr si~cd and ~h~ people or ~his qi~y, do ~ra~cru!ly ~c~nowlcd~c [h~[ scrvjcc a~d con~jbudon. Passed oh this day of pri| Mayor Councilman C;ouncilma~