R87-27 11-09-87of Respect
WHEREAS, on the 1st day og NoVember, 1987, death b~ought to a close the act~ue
£1~e 0g Chanles R. M~ch, and
earned the ag~ec~io~ o~ the peopte Zn the C~t9 o~ Pea~eand, Texas~ and
WHEREAS, he ansee{ishly contnlbated his llme, ta/ents and energies to the people
o4 Peanland, sequin9 ks a membe~ o4 the PlannZng and Zonln9 Commission,
as a City Couneiemembe~ and ~ M~o~ P~o Tem.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVEO, that the Mayor and Cj;ey Counci~ o4 ~he City o4 Pearland,
Texas, do, by th~s r~solatlon and pab£1c record, ~ccog~Lze the pro~oa.d
in~taencc o~ Cha,~s R. M~ck ~pon the development o~ Peanland, Tex~s,
~ecog~zlng ~a~he~ ~ha~ hZ~ death ~ a di~nc~ lo~s ~o the Clt~ in
· hich he ~orked and won deep le~pect and ag{ectio~
BE IT FURTHER ~ESOLVE~, that thi~ re~o~on be ~pread ~pon the min~e~ of/he
eoune~ and duplicate o~5~n~ be made th~eo~, m~h one eop~ be~n~
p~e~ented to the Mack F~ and one eop~ b~ng d~pL~ed ~n the Coun~
Chambers, ~n ~eeo~on o~ M~. gaek'~ ~upeeted place ~n th~ eomm~n~.
Adopted this 9th day of ~ouember, A. ~., 1987.
Reso£ution No. ~87-27