R88-14 05-23-88 ~/HERE.~:5, the hcrcinaftcr named has unselfishly contributed time, talents and energies to serve thc people of the C~ity of Pearland; and WHERE/IS, such contribution has become a part of the foundation upon which this City stands; and WHERE,5, the members of the Cfty Council of the City of Pearland, Brazoria and Harris Counties, 5tare of Texas dccm it fitting and proper to recognize the service and contribution of DENNIS FRAUENBERGER COUNCILMEMBER - 1977-80 1982~88 MAYOR PRO TEM - 1979, 1984, 1986 NOW ~HEREFORE, bc it resolved and signatures hereunto affixed attest and bear wimcss that the hcrcundcr s~gncd and the people of this City, do gratefully acknowledge that service and contribution. Passed oh this 23 day of MAY ,itt. D. 19 88 /s/ KAY KROUSE NO R88-14 /S/ TOM REID Idmyor /s/ STELLA ROBERTS C~ounci|mm /s/ JAMES BDST ~ounci|mmm /s/RICHARD TETENS /s/ DAVID SMITH ·/s/ WILLIAM WOLFF