R89-27 08-12-89 iiltt.u,j arrlland of Respect NO, R89-27 WHEREAS, on the 29th day of December, 1988, death brought to a close the active life of Aaron Pasternak; and WHEREAS, Aaron Pastemob, being a gentleman and friend to all he came ~n contact with has, through his foresight and' zeal for th~s community, earned the affection of the people in the C~ty of Pearland, Texas; and WHEREAS, h~s ,~nselfish eontribu~ons, consideration, support and empathy for the for citizens of Pearland~ BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVEO, that the Mayor and Cit~ eo~nei~ of the City of Pearland, Texas, do, by this Resolution and public record, reeoOnize the profound influence of Aaron Pasterna~ upon the development of Pearland, Texas recognizing that h~ death is a distinct loss to the City in which he BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that duplicate originals of this ReSolution be made thereof, with one copy being presented to the Pa~ternak Family, in recognition of Mr. Pasternak's respected place in this community. Adopted this 12th day of August, A. D ~989.