R2010-120 - 2010-09-13RESOLUTION NO. R2010 -120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AWARDING A BID FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERIM TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOCATED AT MYKAWA ROAD AND BROOKSIDE ROAD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City opened bids for construction services associated with an interim traffic signal, and such bids have been reviewed and tabulated.. Section 2. That the City Council hereby awards the bid to Statewide Traffic Signal Company, in the amount of $84,783.03. Section 3. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute a contract for construction services associated with an interim traffic signal. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 13 day of September, A.D., 2010. TOM REID MAYOR (2L, 1 _1�� DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: TBPE FIRM NO. F-11000 @G.] EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP Engineering . Planning . Infrastructure . Construction 5207 Fountainbrook Lane, Sugar Land, TX 77479 September 1, 2010 Mr. Cuong Le, CAPM Project Coordinator- Projects Department 3519 Liberty Drive, Suite 300 City of Pearland, TX 77581 Tel. 281-652-1682 Fax. 281-652-1706 Engineer's Recommendation to Award Contract Interim Traffic Signal Installation- Mykawa Road at Brookside Road Pearland, Texas City of Pearland project No.: TR1001 Bid No.: 0610-44 Dear Le: EPIC Transportation Group, LP is pleased to notify City of Pearland of the following for the above referenced project: • Five bids were received, opened, and read aloud at the bid opening on August 26, 2010 at 2 PM at the Pearland City Hall. • All bidders have deposited 5% bid security as required and have acknowledged receipt of Addendum No. 1. • Following were the bidders and their bid amounts (low to high), the average, and the Engineer's estimate. Please see attached bid tabulation for details: Statewide Traffic Signal Co. $ 84,783.03 Reliable Signal & Lighting Solutions, LLC $ 93,833.00 Traf-Tex $ 98,364.64 Southwest Signal Supply, Inc. $ 105,570.50 Pfeiffer& Son $ 108,003.63 Average $ 98,110.96 Engineers Estimate $ 80,000.00 • The bids were reviewed and were found to have no changes, errors or omissions that would alter the order of bidders listed above. • The lowest bidder, Statewide Traffic Signal Company's total bid at $84,783.03 (Base Bid - $83,995.053 and Extra Items - $787.50), is 13.6% less than the average bid of $98,110.96 and is 5.97% more than the Engineers estimate of$80,000.00. Tel: 713-609-9416 . Fax: 713-609-9806 . Email: mail@epicgrouplp.com . www.epicgrouplp.com Mr. Cuong Le, CAPM Project Coordinator- Projects Department Page 2 of 2 • The slight increase in the lowest bidder's bid over the Engineer's estimate can be attributed to the bidder having access to the latest rates based on local market conditions for signal related products. Whereas, the Engineer's estimate is based on average Statewide and/or the six-county Houston region rates found on the TxDOT website, which may not reflect the latest local data. • All references provided by the lowest bidder, Statewide Traffic Signal Company, were verified and were found to be reliable. Therefore, it is our recommendation that the City of Pearland accept the bid from Statewide Traffic Signal Company in the amount of $84,783.03 (Base Bid - $83,995.053 and Extra Items - $787.50). Please email or call me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP p •OF.•..... •9i Harish Narayanappa, P.E., PTOE :s 11 President HARISH NARAYANAPPA 3 Enclosure: as stated . 9• 82041 •G�.1" t�0 1r� . y• `10l Tel: 713-609-9416 . Fax: 713-609-9806 . Email: mail@epicgrouplp.com . www.epicgrouplp.com woa elano06sida✓t9Pew lrel t 908E-609E lL di'Mem eelPYoda..11 0Id3 9196-609S.1L 00"961$ 00'9614 00'S9ZS 00'SYZ$ '00Sb74 00"100 0 h0005Z4 00'OSZS 00'09Z4 00090$ 00'597.4 00-SOZ4 0D'�Z_.6 L V3 (M21V N219)031(NI 111 03S OIS H3A 199 EL'S1 91 „�' .;.+>w V3 SO21V1109 ONLLSIX33AOW34 l V3 109-E2111AEXAEI'UN/1139n 3NV1.'N01S . L V3 (ZIOLtIX0EX.I1)'.11V9 N33210 NO OI31A N3E111131.'NOIS . Z V3 (.BLXALI'.ON e1.44oa9..'NOIS I V3 (..9LX.99)'.099Ma9AW..'NOIS Z V3 SdH OSZ'3NRlNIWOI . E V3 WHY 38IVNIWII1 AL . t V3 S1M10 ONIINOOW A(IO NM00IM 5310d 000M AS . L V3 11N0 213110H1NO3(,04 X,.9IS)ON00M9'OO8 . ( 0 V3 (.9 94.919 10N0009'0021 v L V3 A1dd0S M3MOd . I V3 (101S 9)M3942102163 NO133130 . I V3 ON11211N0 OIS 4VM1 . 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S.)133N19N3 30V21308 '01l'NOS 9 M34i133d X31-39111 319V03M 153MH1009 ' - l NOLL910991018 1111-01.90IL COB'L00L2110133E01dd ONV121V3d 0V09 3015)10099 IV OV021 VMVMAW•NOLLV11VISNI IVNOIS 01iiVNl W9131NI INTERIM TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION-MYKAWA ROAD AT BROOKSIDE ROAD PEARLAND PROJECT 6 TR7001,BID 00610.44 BID TABULATION 'ST' rig''•; SOUTHWEST RELIABLE TRAP-TEX PFEIFFER 850N,LTD. AVERAGE ENGINEER'S TRAFFIC SIGNAL C'F' SIGNAL SUPPLY,INC. SIGNAL 6 LIGHTING ESTIMATE SOLUTIONS,LLC 713-680-0127 713-946-5606 281-997-1111 713-643-5599 281-471-4222 713409-9416 NO. ITEM NO. SECTION NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY HATE COST�L. RATE COST RATE COST RATE COST RATE COST RATE COST RATE COST 29 TS.14 682 VEH SIG SEC(12 IN)LED(GRN) EA 6 522500 $1,f t0� $265.00 $1,590.00 $240.00 SI 440.00 $25000 $1,50000 5245,00 $1470.00 $245.00 $1,470.00 $196.00 $1,178.00 30 TS.15 682 VEH SIG SEC(12 IN)LED(YEL ARW) EA 1 $.25.00 $2 .1" $265.00 $255,00 $240.00 $240.00 S250.00 $250.01 $245.00 $245,00 $245.00 $245.00 $190.00 $190.00 31 10,16 682 VEH SIG SEC(12 IN)LED(YEL) EA 6 $225 00 $13,74 $265.00 $1,590.00 $240.00 $1,440.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 $245.00 $1,470.00 $245.00 $1,470.00 $19800 $1,188.00 32 TS.17 682 VEH SIG SEC(12 IN)LED(RED) EA 6 $226 00 51 i 0 5265.00 S1,590.00 $240.00 $1,440.00 $250.00 $1 500.0U $245.00 51470.00 S245.00 $1,470.00 $173.00 81,038.00 33 TS.18 882 BACK PLATE(12 IN)(3 SEC) EA 5 b5000 $110.00 $550.00 $70.00 $350.00 $4500 $225.00 $3600 $180.00 $62.20 8311.00 $50.00 5250.00 34 TS.19 682 BACK PLATE(12 IN)(5 SEC) EA 1 $10009 H $240.00 $240.00 $180.00 S180.00 $65.00 $65.00 $155.00 $155.00 $160.00 $160.00 $72.00 $72.00 3$ TS.20 684 TRAF SIG CBL(TY A)(12AWG)(7 CONDR) LF 750 $1.60 -4 $4.10 $3,07500 $2,00 $1,500.00 $2,40 $1,800.00 $4.30 $3,225.00 $2.92 $2.190.00 $1.75 $1,312.50 38 TS.21 6266 VIVDS PROCESSOR SYSTEM EA 1 1:19,700.00 1,. $11,500.00 011,500.00 510,500.00 $10500.00 $12,000.00 512000.00 510,54000 $10,540.00 $10848.00 $10.848.00 S7,065.00 $7,065.00 37 TS.22 6266 VIVDS CAMERA ASSEMBLY EA 3 .'31.'20000 $r'..fir,. $1,500.00 $4,50000 $1,250.00 $3,750.00 $1,500.00 $4.500.00 $1.230.00 $3,690.00 $1.336.00 54,008.00 51,340.00 $4,020,00 38 TS.23 6286 VIVDS SET UP SYSTEM EA 1 55000U $9r' 31.000.00 f1,000.00 5700.00 5700.00 f700.00 $700.00 $71000 $710.00 S722.00 $722.00 $440.00 $440.00 39 TS.24 8266 VIVDS COMMUNICATION CABLE(COAXIAL) LF 550 51.50 $5;, , 12.00 $1,100.00 $2.50 $1,375.00 $2.00 51,100.00 $320 $1,760,00 $2.24 $1,232.00 $1.45 5797.50 CABLE,3/C 016 SHIELDED LF 550 - -!: 40 TS.25 16724 '•'OPTICOM DETECTOR(EMERGENCY RESPONSE DETECTORS) EA 3 -`'A1.500.00 $4,5+:i $168500 $5,055.00 $1,450.00 $4350.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $146500 $4,395.00 $1,520.00 $4,560.00 $1,350.00 $4,050.00 CABLE.3/C 920 SHIELDED LF 535 PHASE SELECTOR EA 2 41 TS.26 3006 •11••FIXED BOLLARDS EA 6 $7000t $650.00 $3,900.00 $1,000 00 $6,000.00 5535.00 13,210.00 0540.00 53,240.00 $685.00 $4,110.00 $300.00 $1,800.00 Total(excluding Mobilization) $79," $101,568.00 $84,843.00 $90,58954 $98,774.88 $91,154.21 $66,710.55 Contingency(10Y.of Total) _ 56,671.06 Grand Total leaclu 9din Mobilization) S101,568.00 $84,843.00 $90.589.64 $98,774.88 $91,154.21 $73,381.61 Grand Total(Rounded)(excluding Mobilization) - - $74.000.00 Grand Total(wlth Mobilization) Ir $104,369.00 $92,843.00 $97,589.64 $106,774.88 $97,114.21 379,000.00 EXTRA ITEMS NO. ITEM NO.1 SECTION NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY ,i TRAFFIC SIGNAL 42 TS.04 620 ELEC CONDUCTOR(NO.B)BARE LF 50 $0'oIl $2 45 S122.50 S1.00 $50.00 $1.00 $50.00 $0.05 $47.50 $1.26 $63.00 $1.00 $50.00 43 TS.06 621 TRAY CABLE(4 CONDR)(12 AWG) LF 50 Si 45 $71, $1.65 $82.50 $1.40 $70.00 $1,90 $95.00 $4.35 $217.50 $2.14 $107.00 $1.75 $87.50 44 TS.08 825 ZINC-COAT STLIMRE STRAND(5/16 IN) LF 50 $2..00 $10:, . $235 $117.50 $2.90 $145.00 $160 $8000 $1.95 $97.50 $2.16 $108.00 $1.55 $77.50 45 TS.09 625 ZINC-COAT STLWRE STRAND(1/4 IN) LF 75 $15U $13/5 $2,30 $172.50 $200 $150.00 $1.40 $1050U $1.80 $135.0D. $1.80 $135 00 $1.25 $93.75 46 TS.1$ 825 ZINC-COAT STL HARE STRAND(3/8IN) LF 100 1. $150 $2 $3.00 $300.00 $3.00 $300.00 $165 $165.00 $2.00 $200.00 $2.43 $243.00 $1.50 5150.00 47 TS.20 684 TRAF SIG CBL(TY A)(12 AM)(7 CONDR) LF 75 $1 80 $13?'" $4.10 8307.50 $2.00 $150.00 $240 $180.00 $4.75 $356.25 S3.01 $225.75 $2.50 $187.50 48 TS.24 6266 VIVDS COMMUNICATION CABLE(COAXIAL) LF 50 $1.50 $'a1' $2.00 $100.00 $2,50 $125.00 S200 $100.00 $3.50 $175.00 $2.30 $11500 $1,75 $87.50 CABLE,3/C 416 SHIELDED LF 50 't1' _ _ _ $1,202.50 5990.00 5775.00 $1,228.75 $996.75 5733.75 Total Total(Rounded) $1,000.00 _Grand Total(Base+Extra Items) $105,570.50 $93,833.00 $98,364.64 4108,003.63 $98,110.96 $60,000.00 COMMENT 1 2ND HIGHEST BID 2ND LOWEST BID 3RD LOWEST BID HIGHEST BID AVERAGE OF 5 BIDS COMMENT 2 Lowest Bid Is 13.6%less than the average bid and 5.97%more than the Engineer's estimate.1 713-609-9416 EPIC TranepmtYun Group.LP 7136609-9606(Far) maI/8egc9rouplp.com TBPE FIRM NO. F-11000 ETG EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP Engineering . Planning . Infrastructure . Construction -- 5207 Fountainbrook Lane, Sugar Land, TX 77479 September 1, 2010 Mr. Cuong Le, CAPM Project Coordinator- Projects Department 3519 Liberty Drive, Suite 300 City of Pearland, TX 77581 Tel. 281-652-1682 Fax. 281-652-1706 Contractor Referrals Interim Traffic Signal Installation - Mykawa Road at Brookside Road Pearland, Texas City of Pearland project No.: TR1001 Bid No.: 0610-44 Dear Le: References provided by Statewide Traffic Signal Company were contacted by EPIC Transportation Group, LP (ETG) by telephone on August 31, 2010 and September 1, 2010. The following is summary of this activity: • Mr. Joe Hanak, P.E., City of Houston, TX (8/31) Mr. Hanak indicated that Statewide currently has one on-call contract and two construction contracts with the City of Houston. Statewide is working on all three contacts and installing traffic signals in Downtown and throughout the City. Mr. Hanak stated he is quite satisfied with their performance and they are pro-active in identifying construction issues well ahead. • Mr. Rick Goodman, Harris County, TX (8/31) Mr. Goodman indicated that Harris County has worked with Statewide for over 35 years and that he hadn't had any problems with their performance. Statewide currently has a 2-year on-call contract with Harris County. Mr. Goodman was satisfied with their quality, timeliness and the experience they bring to traffic signal projects. • Mr. Dock Gee, P.E., TxDOT Houston, TX (8/31) Mr. Gee indicated that he has worked with Statewide on many TxDOT signal and illumination projects over the past several years in the Houston District. He said Statewide is capable and one of the better contractors that are out there, and he would gladly work with them in the future. Mr. Gee also added that Statewide currently has a 2-year on-call contract with TxDOT for traffic signal installation and related projects. Tel: 713-609-9416 . Fax: 713-609-9806 . Email: mail@epicgrouplp.com . www.epicgrouplp.com Mr. Cuong Le, CAPM Project Coordinator- Projects Department Page 2 of 2 • Mr. Joe Keen, City of Bellaire, TX (9/1) Mr. Keen indicated that he has worked with Statewide on several City of Bellaire signal projects throughout the years. Currently Statewide is working on one site-specific signal installation in Bellaire. In his opinion Statewide is experienced, timely and do quality work. Mr. Keen also added that Statewide is careful about not generating too many change orders. Please email or call me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP Harish Narayanappa, P.E., PTOE President Tel: 713-609-9416 . Fax: 713-609-9806 . Email: mail@epicgrouplp.com . www.epicgrouplp.com