R2010-105 - 2010-08-09RESOLUTIOlV NQ. R2Q10-'105
�ection 1. That certain Actio� Plan for the Cc�mmunity Development'Bl�c� Grant
Program, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby auti�orized and approved.
PASSED, APPR(]VEQ and AD4PTED �his the 9' d�ay of August, A.D., 201�.
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Exhibit "A"
Resolution No. R2010-105
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Ci�y of Pearland, Texas
4" Year Annual Action Plan
for the City's
Community Development Block Grant Program
PY 2Q1�
�UNS Number: 1320796397
Tom Reid, Mayor
Woody Owens, Councilmember, Position 1
Scott Sherman, Councilmember, Position 2, Mayor Pro-Tem
Steve Saboe, Councilmember, Pasitian 3
Felic�a Kyle, Cauncilmember, Position 4
Ed Thompson, Councilmember, Positian S
Bill Eisen, +City Manager
Prepared for
U.S, t?epartment of Hausin� and Urt�an L?evelopment
Hauston Field Offiee
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Fourth Prc�gram `�ear
,�ct�on Plar�
�`he CPMP Fourth Annual Action Plan includes the SF 424 and �larrative E�espa�nses to
Action Plan t�uestions tYtat CDBG, HOME, HQFWA, and ESG grantees must respond to
each year in arder to be compliant with the Cansa�idated PlannEng ftegulations. The
Executive Surnmary narratives are optionai.
�l� rr�tive R�spons�e�
�x�cutive S�mmary
Th� Executive Summary is required. Iraclude tFse abjectives and o�a#cornes
identified in the plan and an evaluation of past gerforman�e.
The City of Pearland has idenrified 8 major projects, including program
administration, for funding in PY Z01b. It has allocated 15% of the $3�6,087 for
public services by selectir�g 4 projects; 20% for program adrrainistration and the
remaining 65°/a percent for 3 pra}ects inc]uding sidewalk installatiar�s and
improverr3ent5 to 2 service agencies' facilities. TF�e sidewalk installativns �r� ane
project ineluding 4 segments in the Ofd Townsite area. The City soli�ited applucations
from alf nonprofits ��d City departments serving Pearland resid�nts arad received 6
applications for public serviees, 2 for facility improuements and 1 f�r sidewalks;
funding 4 public seruices, both facility impro�em�nts and the sidewalk pr�ject. The
Parks a�d itecreation Department withdrew its request as insufficient General Funds
were available to comple'te th� project given the kimits to CDBG funds.
Fourth Program Year Actoon Plan
Gity af Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Table 1— Comm�nity De+�elo�ament Block Gran# Program,
Pro'ected Use of Funcis PY 20�0
Units of mDUnt
Pra'ects Nfeasurement ll�cated
Public Services 15% max = 48 913
�5H Adult Reading Cenker Workforce O1-People: 5t1 �16,49�
Deve�o mentf�Qb Trainin
�75Q Pearfand Communiky Christian Church 01-People: 7 $�,4�3
Emer enc Assistance for the Elderi
fl5D Pearland Cammunity Christian Church Youth 01-People: 25 �15,400
05Q Pearland Nei�hborhood Centers' Emergency 07�-People: 50 $15,0{10
ubtatal 01-,Peo le: 132 $48,913
Public Infrastructure & Facilities
03L City of Pearlan� Installation of sidewal9cs 01-People: 1,$41 $175,707
W. Plum (Austin to N, Washington}
W, Jas�nine (N. Austin to N. Texas)
S. Houstan (E. Walnut to 518}
N, Texas (Pearland Neighborhood Center to
Facility Improvements
03 Aduft Reading Center replacernent of 01-People: 250 $1,Z5fl
wheelchair rarn into facilit
Q3B Fargotten Angels L7ay Habitatian Center OY-People: 45 $35,000
bathroom facilities for disabled
' ubtotal 2136 $21I,95
t�rninistration 20% max = 6 s 217
21A Contract managers/administrators & In-house N/ $65,217
staff & ex enses
ubtota! $G5.Z1
Total PY 2UI0 CDBG OI-Peo le: 2 268 $326,08
Below is a list of percentages allacated far each program category:
Table z— Percent of A4lpcatian far Each Cate a
Ca#e or Maximum Aliowed ActuaE
Public Services 15% 1��.0°/d
InfrastruetureJPublic Facilities N/A 6�.0%
Adm�nistration 20°fo 20.0%
Thus Annual Action R1an outliraes the citizer� inWOlvement in the planning process, the
need for the services, facifity impravements and in€rastructure installations to be
accomplished and �he proposed outcomes for eaeh projeck. The narrative, in
conjunction with t�e CPMP's Projects Exc�l file, explains the projects for PY 2010. AII
�ourkh Pr�gram Year Actian Plan 2
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2410
projects are within the priarities of the S-Year �pnsaaidat�d Plan, adopted in PY
Past performance with CDBG funds has been limited. This will be the fou�rth year far
the City of Pearland to be a CDBG Entitlement Jurisdiction. Prior to 2007, the City
recei+red CDBG funds as a subrecipient from Brazaria County. �he latesk construction
project using Brazaria County CDBG funds was underv,ray wher� the City became an
�ntit�ement Jur�sdictian. F'o�lowing 24 CFFt 'S74.510, �razoria Cour�ty and the City af
Pe�rland entered into an Interlocal Agreement and funds that were previously
reallocated by 8razoria County �o the City as a subrecipient, were tcansferred ko the
City oF Pearland as a new Entitlerment Jurisdiction. The City began spending it� PY
2D07 funds as c�uickly as possible whi9e also spend�ng its RY 20Q$ funds. Below is a
summary of proje�ts funded and �heir sratus:
PY 20Q7-PY 2QQ8 CDBG & CDBG-R Accampl�shments
Activities Completed (RY 2007-PY 2D08} Accom lishr�ents
Pro osed Actual
infrastrwet�re and Facilities
Fite Road Sidewalk/C�BG 90 90
Adult Reading Center Improvements/CDBG & 190 441
For otten An els Da Hab Im rovements/CDBG 45 43
Fence around Fiis'toric Cemeter /CDBG 937 937
Old Alvin Ftd. & Walnut St. Sidewalks/CDBG & 1,�737 1,437
Walnut St. Sid�walk throu h CDBG-R
Forgotten Angels Day Hab Engineering/CC�BG & �45 45
PuF�lic Services
Pearland EVeighborhaad Center Emergency iQ0 152
Pearland Nei hba�hood Center ESL/CDBG 40 52
Adult Readin Center ESL/CDBG 25 155
Forgotten Angels Transportation foc 18 15
Fourth Program Year AckEpn Plan 3
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2Qlp
General Questions
1. Des�ribe #he geagraphi� areas o# the jearisd�ction {including ar+eas of low
incorne families and/or racial/minority cor�cen#ra#ion) in whictt
assistance wi11 be directed c�urir�g the next year. Where appropriate, the
jurisdiction shoulci estimate tine pereentage of funds the jurisd�etion
plans to dedicate to target areas.
The City of Pearland is loca�ed primarily in Brazoria County, Texas with a portion of
its western edge in Fort Ben�' Gounty, Texas arad a portio� of its northwest ar�d
norltheast edges in �iarris County, Texas. A14 three ea�nties are CDBG Entitl�rraenk
Jurisdictians and HOME Participating J�risdictions. It a9so abuts Galveston County,
which is nat an Entitlement Jurisdiction. The �wo maps below illustrat� the iocation
of the City, its corporate limits and the location of its low- to �
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 4
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Most entitlement jurisdictions thraugho�t the United States are required to ha�re a
concentration of low-mod papuiation ofi more than 51 percent for target areas.
However, the City of �earland is an exeeption and its accepfed minienum is 45.6
percent. Thus, the map above illustrates the areas with 45.6 percen� or more iow-
to moderate-income �persons, as defined by HUD. The target area boundaries have
been revised since the installation of the new version of IDIS-Online. Previously, nat
or�ly were the b1ock group parts within the City considered, but those parts within the
City that were urban or rural, as designated by the Census Bureau and p�rt of HIJD's
Low-Mod Income database, were also considered. As a result, several partial blocic
groups were included in the target area boundao�ies. However, wjth the installation
of the new IDIS-�nline, the system does nc�t delin�ate between urban and rural
parks and d��s noC ali�w these partial block groups ta be cansider�d wh�n
calcukating the percent af lovu- to rraaderate-incame. Therefore, thase partial block
groups have been rernoved from khe target areas.
According to th� Texas State Data Center (the ofificial Bureau of the Census state
data eenter), fhe January, 20(}7 population of the City of Pearlan� was 83,594, up
from 37,540 in 2000, Some growth has been due to annexatian, but the majority of
the population incre�se can be attributed ta new subdivisions within the City Limits.
Based or� the data pravided by the U.S. Depao of Housing and Urban
Development, in 2(?Op there were ap�r`oximately 4,850 �eople 9i�ing within the CDBG
Target Areas delineated in Figure 2 abnve. No ppst-2000 population data are
availablQ at the census tract or block group level as of yet. Accarc4ing tt� the Census
Bureau's 2006-2D08 American Camrr�uniky Survey for the C�ty of Pearland, 6,�45 of
the households were low- to mocferate-incame {80%0 of the Area Media� Ineome of
$62,569) out of a totaE estimated household count of 26,347. This represents more
than a 29% increase in low- to moderate-income households since 24Q0.
Faurth Program Year Action Plan
Figure 2— Low- Mod Enco�tte Areas in City of Pearland
Ciky of Pe�rland, Texas PY �010
2. Describe the basis for a�loca�ing investments c�eographica�ly urrithin tF�e
jurisdiction (�ar wit�ain the �MSA for HCIPWA) (91.235(a)(1)) during �he
next year ar�d t�te rationale for assigning the priorities.
�'he City will be installing sidewalks withir� t�e TargeY Areas to facilitate safe
pedestrian tr�ffie through the 04d Townsite area, an older rrrixed-use area of
Pearl�nd. The sidewalks in Old Townsite will be connecting existing and proposed
sidewalks installed tfarough General Fund/Bonds.
The City of Pearland reviewed several potential infrastructure projects wikhin the
CpBG Target Areas and prioritized them based on a number of criteria. �he first
criterion uvas the level of improved saEety and welV�being that would be achieved.
Second, the City determined the urgency of the projeet. Third, the City reviewed the
cur�rent Capital I�n�ro�ement Pro�rarn and capital improvemen� bond plans to
determir�e which projects had adequate funding and which did not, As a result, the
City ranlced Eour sidewalks as having the highest priority for �'Y 2fl1a. Finally, the
City saw tuva additianal urgent nee�s: (1) to re�lace the aging whee�chair ramp into
the Adult Reading Center, located in '�he Dld Townsite area within a Target Area; and
{2) to add an addikional bathroo�n for disabled adults at the Forgotten Angels Day
Habitation Center, Even though the Day Hab Center is nat in a CDBG Target Area, it
serves a�aresumed beneFit limified clientele exclusiv�iy. The facility is for those
adults who are mentaily di�abled and may additionally be physically disabled.
Approximately three-fourths �f the regular clients live in group homes ruithin
PearEand owned and operated by Forgotten Angels. Anather 15% live with caregivers
i� Pearland and approximately 10% live outsi�e of Pearland.
Fourth Program Year Actian Plan 6
City af Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Figure 3- Location of PY 2010 Area-�enefit
Fourth Program Year Actior� Plan
Infrastructure & Facility Projects
City of Pearland, Texas
Tabie 3-- Area Benefit Activities By Census Tract Blo+elc Group
PY 2410
Project Cerasus Total Law-Mod °/a Low-
Tract/ Papulatian Income Mod
Bfo�k Grou Po ulation Income
Sidewalks (53.9°!0 of total
W. Plum {Aus�in kQ 66050C} BG 3 8$1 49Q 55.6°l0
N. Washin kon
W. JaSmine (N. 660500 BG 3
Austin to N. Texas
N, Texas (Pearland 66050D BG 3
Center to Jasmine
S. Houston (�. �i60300 BG 1 964 552 57.5°fo
Walnut to 518 _
Adult Reading Cenker* 66D5003 BG 1 $81* 490* 55.6%*
C3.4% of total a[IQCation
Total 1841 1042 5b.6%
* Adult Reading Center is located in the same Cer�sus Tract/Block Group as 3 af the
sidewalks, therefare the populatinn assoGrai�ed with rt has not 6een counfed in the
total populat to be served. Additionafly, the facNity project wifl serve only the
esCimated ZSO participan�s rn th� Adult Read'ing Center progra,ms.
The improvements to the Forgotten Angels Day Habit�tian Center will �benefit
appraximately �F5 Pearland reside�ts, 5Q tatal residents, wha are mentally disabled
and often physically disabled as we�l. The $35,000 �or facility irr�provements
represents 10.7% af Pearland's total allocatian.
Fourth Program Year Action Rlan 8
�igure 4- Location of Forgatten Angels aay Habitatian Center
for LimiYEd Clientele/Presumed Benefit Population
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2�}10
3. Describe activns that will take place dur�r�g the n�xt y�ar to address
obstacles to me�tir�� carad�rserved needs.
The overarchin� Qbstacle to meeting underserved needs is money. The City is
committed to usi�ng the CDBG funds to effici�ntly address khe most urgent neetis of
the greatest number of underserved pea�le and areas. The r�eeds far outweigh the
availabfe CDBG allocation. While resaurces have always been a limitation ta all
municipalities, the current economic recession has rendered Pearland with �ewer
available resources.
A�ecorad obstacle Es Capacity, The City of Pearland is committing administrakive
resources to providing tecfi�nical assistance ko nonprofits Cn areas of fund
proc�rement, fund managernent, Board develQpment and strategic planning. This
will not only ensure that rroore agerucies have the capaeity to apply for and manage
CDBG funds, but that agencies will be able to secure funds frorn other federal and
state programs and foundations, Currently, there are very few nanprofits ser�ing
Pearland that have the eapacity and eligible attivities to receive snd manage federal
dollar�. The City is funding a new agency for the first time and will devate significant
time to nurt�uring their programs and their adrninistratiue capac�ty to ensure that the
programs are a s�ccess and that more un�derserved in Pearland receive needed
The Cdty of Pearland is a relatively new Entitlement Juris�'iction, having previously
been under the umbrella of the Br�zoria County Urban County Program. Though the
City is anly eligible for CDBG funds, HUD regulateons da not aalow the use of Urban
County NOME fur�ds within Entitlement Cities. Therefore, Pearland a�esidents and
nonprofits cannot access Brazcsria County HOME �unt�s. However, during PY 2010,
Petra, a nonprofit ir, Pearland serving all of Brazoria and Harris Counkies will apply for
State of Texas Nf]ME funds to provide housing assistante ta the disabled in Pearla�nd.
4. Identify the federal, state, and IQCaI resaurces ex�sected to be made
a�aifable to address the needs identi�ied in tfie plan. Federal reso�rces
should incl�de Sect�on S f�nds made available to the jurisd�ction, Low-
I�carne Housing Tax Credits, and campetitiue McKinn�y-Ver�ta Haraieless
Assistanee Act funds expected ta he avaiiable to address priority needs
and specific objectives iden#ifierl �n the s#ra#egic plar�.
The City �s committed to worlcing uvith subrecipients of State of Texas HOME, ESG,
I�ow Income Housing Tax Credit and Housing Trust Fund projects to ensure that the
City is respernsive to the possibiloty af accessing such funds now t�at ik is an
Entitlement ]urisdiction, no longer eligible to access �razoria Co�anty programs. In
addition, Brazoria Caunty Housrng Authority (BCHA) has 560 Section 8 Housing
Cl�oice VoUChers for th� entire county. The City of Pearland wi11 refer low-income
residents to the BCHA for enrollrraent into the Section 8 program.
Currently, there is only one Law Income Housing Tax Credit property in Pearland.
The C�ty will carefully assess the opportunoty tca wark with any organization that
intends to devefop additianal LTHTC praperties within the City and will institute the
praper due diligence where its effdrts Co meet the low-income housing needs af the
community are concerned.
Fourth Program Year Action PEan 9
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2Of {
At this time, however, there is a moratoruum on LIHTC that will prevent new
applicatians ta the State. Howe�er, as stated abave, cluring PY ��la, Petra, a
nonprofit in Pearland serving all �f Brazori� and Harris Counties will apply far State
of Texas HOME funds and HUi� Section 811 fu�nds to provide housing assistance ta
the disabled. The nor�profit, aiigned wi��r Forgott�n Angel$ will provide mare group
homes for the ttisabled in Pearland and intends to develop multi-family properties
�djacent to Pearland far high-functFOnong disabled to live independently with on-site
services available.
Managing the Process
1. Identify the lead agency, entity, and agencies responsible fc�r
administering programs covered by the �v�salidated �lar�.
The City of Pearland is the lead agency for the CDBG {�rogram. The City's Finance
pepartrr�ent wilE continue to oversee the pianning and implementation of all �D�3G-
funded projects. Commun�ty development projects, such as par�CS acquisitian/
e�hancemeRt, infrastructWre and facility improvements, will 6e managed in-house by
the appropriate City department, while publBc service projects will be managed by
r�onprofit subrecipient agerucies. AI'I projects will be maraitored by �he Finance
Department and the contract management consultant.
2. Identify the significant aspects of th� grt�c�ss by whicia the plan was
developed, and the agencies, groups, organiza�it�ns, and others who
part�cipated in the process,
The City of Pear�and has hired a cansultant who is expert in the development af
required FiUD reports and plans and in the management of CDBG programs. Prior to
PY ZQ07, the consultant me� with City staff to determine the needs that they
perceived in Pearla�d. Ma�agement staff from the Planning, Public Worlcs and Parks
Deparkments as weil as City Manager's offi�e were included in the meetings. Eaeh
department was charged with the task vf identifying gaps in services and costs to fill
those gaps. The consultan� also rnet with a numf�er af pub�lic service and 'hous�ng
agencies and hasted Cwo public hearings in the development of the Consolidated
Plan. The �n�ormation gathered in meetings wikh City staff, community stakehold�ers
and residents at pubfic h�arengs was coupled with quantitative data from federal,
state and Iocal sources �c� determine prograrn priorities for the S years covered by
the Consolidated Plan.
For PY 2Q10 the City used the Corasolidated Plan's needs and pnorities to se� its
current year f�eus. �he City sent letters to pu�lie service and 'housing agencies in
kt�e area, explaining the CDBG program, inviting thern to apply for subrecipient funds
and pro�ading a copy of the grant application. Ai'so incl�c�ed was an invitation to the
first publec hearing and pre-application workshap. The public hearing focused on the
CDBG process and asked the attendees for thei� determinatian of priority �needs in
the areas af housing, special needs populations (including hc�meless}, puf�fic services
and community developmerat. Tfie pr�-applicatiQn wor6cshop, which immediately
�ourth Program Year Actio� Plan 10
Ciky of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
followed the public hearing, included an explanation of the application, round-table
discussion of agencies' proposed projects, and answers to questions regardi�g
project scope, beneficiaries and �unding availability. The second public hearing
fo�used can �he r�sul€s af the planning process, giving attendees the opportunity to
comment on the priorities developed and the proposed allacation of funds. �'his
seconci public hearing accurred durung the 30-day pu6lic comment period far the
Annual Actian plan. Bo�h public hearings included a section on the Fair Housing Act
�nd fair hous�ng issues. Both public hearings were advertised in the first section of
the general Circulation newspaper �or Rearland. A copy af each ad is i�cluded �n the
attachments. The City staf� made two presentations to City Council - one to apprave
the �riorities and Funding recommendatians and one to approve the Annual Actio�
Plan. The City Councif agenda is posted for public review faefore each rraeeting and
there is a time for cokizen comments at each m�eting. At that time residents were
affarded the opportu�ity to speak regarding the plans.
3. �es�rihe actians t�afi va�ill take place d�rang the next year to enhance
coordinatien between public and p��vate housing, hea�th, and social
service agencieso
The major issues facing the City with regae to coordination between the City and
other age�cies �re agency awareness and capacity. Therefore, the City will continue
to provide free technical assistance to sacial service and hausing agencies to increase
their awareness of the availability of federal and �tate funding and to assist them in
building ca�aacity ta adequately apply for and secure funding. AdditionalVy, the City
will work with Brazoria County to enhance coardinatian for affordable h4usi�g
through the SectiQn 8 Hausing Choice Voucher program.
The City"s consultant has been working with a Pearland no�pro�it to assist it in
becoming a Co�nmunity Housing b�v�lopment Qrganization (CHDO) and expanding
9ts scope of services ko i�clude the construction of Sections 242 and 811 hous[ng,
This technical assistance was provided free of c�arge. Currently, the nonprofit i�
applying for CHDO status with Brazoria Caunty, Harris Cour�ty and the Skate of Texas
to be able ko serue residents in and near Pearland, The agency is also developir�g a
Section 811 application to submit ta HUD far Funding housing for the mentafly
During the PY 2D10 planning process a new nonprofit applied for and will recei�re
CDBG funds. The �ity"s consultant and grants coordinakor wi41 work closely with this
ageney to assist in building capacity and seeuring additional fu�ds.
Citizen Participataon
1. Provide a summary of the citizen participatyar� process.
The Citizen Participation process wifl continve to be an on�going element of �he
CDBG program. Fn 20fl6 when the City of Pearland first cansidered receiuing CDBG
fu�ds, a City Council workshop was held, open ta al1 �Pearlar�d residents. Once the
City became an Entitlement J�risdiction, it began a concerted effort to inuolve the
Fourtrh Program Year Acti�n Plan il
City oF Pearl�nd, Texas PY 2D14
residents in all of its plannic�g activities. During PY �007 throUg'� PY 2�09, the City
provided informatian about the program to a nurnber of agencies and individua6s. In
preparation for PY ZO10, the City hosted two public hearings antl a pre-appli�ation
workshop. Both public hearings and the workshop were atJvertised i� the Frant
secti�n af the general circulation newspaper. Th� two �u61ic hearings were
eonducted at 6:Ofl PM to allow the greatest participation by residents. The public
hearings includec� an overview a�f the CDBG process with t�me given to receive the
comments of eve�y attendee regarding housing, special populatian, community
developmen� and fair ho�sing issues in Pearland. Tttere wa� an oppartun�ty for
t�iscussion on better ways to callaborate anci ceach mare residents with serv�ces and
apportuniti�s to become involved ir� CDBG planr�ing.
The first public hearing was in conjunctic�n with the pre-application warksho9� for
interested potential subrecipients. The second public hearing was conducted to
an�ourtce the preliminary priorities and fur�ding recamrnendations and ta give
another opporf�umity for residents to participate in the planning process. This second
p�blic hearir�g was held during the 30-day public cornment period for the Annua�
Action Pfan and a capy of the plan was available for review and comment at the
hearing. A copy of the nfltices ancf �he Power Point presentations are included in the
attach mee�ts.
In addition to the �autalic hearings, the City staff presented the fur�ding
recommendations and, later the Action Plan, to �ity Co�r�eil for review, eornrnent and
approval. �he City Council agenda is �vailable ta the public and anyone wishEng to
speak on a topic is welcome. This afforded two more opportunities for residents and
s�rvice providers to sp�ak publicly about khe needs in Pearland. The Action Plan was
approved by City Counci6
The City has attended various meetings of public service agenci�es and prr�vided
informat�ar� and contacts for them to share with th�ir staff, volu�teers and pr�gram
participants regarding the CDBG pragram, The City is comm�t�ed to uvorking tirrith
public service agencies in identifying needs, priorities, funding opportunities and
opportunities tc� collabarate. One of the most effeckbve avenues to involving
residents in the planning prmcess is through the agen�ees that directly serve them.
lhe City is working to ensure that all agencies and residents understand tF�at
Pearland is an independent Entitlement Juo'isdiction for CDBG, no longer under the
umbrella of Brazoria County's Urban County program. This wil6 aid in generating
mare interest for the City's prograrns and funding.
Pearland will continue ta encourage citizen participation, writh particular emphasis an
participation by persons of very-low, low, and moderate income and thase who are
residents of target areas in which funds are alVocated or propased to be allocated.
z. Prpvide a summary of citize� comments or views on the plan.
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Fourth Prograrr� Year Actian Plan 1Z
City qf Pearland, i�exas RY 201Q
3. Pro�ide a summary of efforts made to broaden public participation i� #he
developmertt o� the consolidated plan, including autrea�h #o minorities
and nan-English speaking persons, as well as persans wi#h disabilities.
The City of PearEand has been involved in the pubfic participatian process and has
refied oro the social service agencies to assist in outreach to the community,
�articularly minorities, non-English speakers, elderly and persons with disabilities.
The social service agencies were asked ta provide to their program p�rticCpants
information about C�BG and contact information and natices of public hearings.
Information about CDB� and inWitations for public invol�ement will be p�laced in the
City's quarterly newsletter, '�Pearland In Mation", which is provided an-line on the
Cifiy's website and is delivered to households in Pearland.
The City will coratinue ta atterr�pt to host public hearings in different locations a�round
the City, particularly in CDBG Target Areas and/or buildings housing subrecipients or
havi�g been funded by C�BG dollars. The City will make in€ormation available at khe
public ve�u�s and will provide meeting and public hearing notiees to ager�cias ko pcast
far their cansumers. The Mayor and Caty Cauncil are a�so amba�sadors into t�e
community to garner more pu6lic participation.
4. Provide a written explanation of ccrrnanen#s not accepted and the reasons
why these camments were not atce�ted.
*Please r�ote that Citizen Comments and Respr�nses may be included as additional file� within
the CPMP Toa1.
The City's popicy is to accept all commer�ts and tonsider them in deveio�ing the
Annual Action Plan �r otY�er CDBG plans and activitees.
Z�15tItU�l011�� S�TUGtUYe
1. Describe acti�►ns that will take place during the next year to de�elop
institutic�nal strutture.
The City of Pearland initially assigned the CDBG program to the City Manager"s
office. An Assistant City Manager was in charge of the pragram until it becar�e
operational. CJnce the program was in plate, it was assigned to a grants and budget
speciaYist in the Finance �ffice. To ensure that the HUD regulatQOns ar� fallowed and
that the program runs smoothly, the City has cantracteci 'with a consultant who has
more than a detad@ of CDBG experience, The consultant works closely with the cuty
staf�. In additian, a City Grants Accountant in the Finanee Department is handBing
the accou�ting� processes. This individual has warked v+rith CDBG accounting and
IDIS in other Eratitlement Jurisdictians.
During the first year of funding, the City's consultant dev�laped a policies and
procedures manual for tne CDBG p�rogram and mek with all invol�ed staff inembers
to train k�ern on in-house pro�esses and HUD regulations. Particular attentian was
gi�en to fabor relations anc� envpronmental regufatians.
Fourth Prograrn Year Actian Plan 13
Ci�y of Pearland, Texas pY 2Q1Q
With the avai[able funding opportunities as a result of Hurricane Ike and the
American Reinvestrnent and Recovery Aet, the City h�s recognized a need for a full-
time professianal who can focus solely on grants managerr�ent. During PY 2(}09, th�
City will hire a Grants S�ecialist who will focus on writing and managing federal and
state grants, including the CDBG and CDBG-R programs,
3.. Describe ac#ions that vrriil ta�Ce plaee c4uring the next year t� monitor its
housing and cora�muni#y development projec#s and ensure long-term
ccsmpCiance with program requirements and �omprehensive plar�ning
The City of Pearlant�'s rnanitoring strategy is designed to assist staff in fulfilling its
regulatory obfigation in monitoring subrecipients, intluding City departments, as well
as assist subrecipients ir� best serving their consurrters. The primary purpase for this
monitoring strategy �s to ensure proper program perfcarrnance, financial performar�ce
and regulatory compliance in accordance with HUD Regulations. Tt�e secondary
p�rpose is to ensure that the funded agencies are providing the bes� and most cost
effective services possible and that they are positior�ed to sceess additional funding
from r�on-HUD sources.
Sta�f will tonti�nue to have ti�e responsibilfty to ensure that each subrecipient,
including each recipient City department, is adhering to its approved scope o�
s�rvECe, budget and sehedule of serviee. Each subrecipient or City dep�artment must
also abide by the reg�uiatory guid�lirres set forth by HUD on providing benefi�s to low-
moderate ineome �rerso�ns andlor elirninating a slum or blighted condition.
The City and �ts consultant will meet with each subrecipient priac� to the release of
CQE3G Funds to fin�lize its scope af services aead cor�tr�et. The City stafF and
consultant will review each aspett of the contract to ensure tf�at the subrecipient
understands the requirera�ents, ineludi�ng the reporting requirements, and that the
agency is willing to perform as required by HU� and the Gity. Eacfi� subrecipient will
sign a contract outlining the scape of services and eli�ible line items in the budget,
The City and its consultant will conduct a workshop with all subrecipients that will
include a general group session on the necessary reponting forms and th� rnonitoring
process. One-on-one meetings to discuss the individual needs and cflncerns of each
subrecipient will follow the general group session.
The monitoring process is a� on-go�ng ane of planning, implementation,
communicatian and follow-up. Subrecipients are requ6red to submit reEmb�ursement
�equests at least quarterly, and preferably monthly. The reimbursement requests
include required forms with informatic�n about the expenditures, beneficiaries and
their elig�bility. The Gity staff will scrutinize eaeh request for fiscal accountabality and
beneficiary eligibifiky as well as general record-keeping as its desE� monitoring Qf all
subrecipients. Under normal circumstances, on-site monitoring wiU be conducted
twice. hiowever, for activities that are showing a potential fpr beeoming a high-risk
of non-compliance ar actiWities conducted by fi�rs�-time subrecipients, a more
Fourth Program Year ,Action Pian 14
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
freguent monitoring schedule �s deueloped base�f an agency capacity ar�d th� nature
of the activity being perfarmed.
Befare st�ff and/ar consultants conduct the actual monitoring visit, a pre-r�onitoring
contact +nrill be made with the designated person(s) of the subrecipient agency ar
Ci�y departmer�t to discuss the overall exp�ctations, information to be viewed and
site vi�its. This wil9 allow staff and cansultants Qppartunity to discuss soEutions to
possible problems that may have occurred from past experiences with a particular
subrecipient ar City department. The on-site ma�nitoring process will consist of the
monitors examining time records, dient files, �inancial records, eq�ipment and
maehinery. The monitors will discuss securiky measures that a subrecipier�t or City
department has in place to awoid theft of federally-funded purchases, if apploca6le.
The monitors will examine a91 equipment or machinery for the City's identificatian
number. Thas is done to ensure that any equipment or maGhinery purchased with
CDBG funds is being used to meet a national objective and also to ensure that any
equipment purchased with CDBG funds through a subreeipient will be used to meet
said objective.
Monitoring prcavides a basis for assessing a prt�gram's operations and identifying
problems. Another' g4al of monitor�ing is to abtain ongoing data for use in
deteramining program achievement. �valuatiar�s wiil summarize monitoring findings
and pragram ge�als and measure pa�ogress toward those goaEs during the pravision af
services. Benefieiary data will be entered into I�IS througho�ut the year.
The infrastructure and pu�lic facif'ities project will be monitored for Davis-�aco�
'Wage Rate compliance as wel[ as quality of work and compliance with state law. For
�he infrastructure project, the City will issue a Request far Bids for the project that
will inelude all of the pertiroent scope of services ar�d Davis-Bacon informatian. T1�e
Fin�nce Department, eon5ultant and Public Works staff wil] conduct a pre-contract a
meeting with the eonstructian contractors, providing them with all pavis-Baco¢� ar�d
HUD-reporting requirements and forms. The staff will then ensure that the proper
notices regarding Equal Em�ployment Oppartunity and Davis-Bacon are posted at the
job site. Depending on the length of the contract, the staff will conduck at least one
interview of each of the contractor's employees to deter�nine if they are being paid
wages at th� prevailing rates. The Public Works staff will be resporasible for
inspeeting the actual construction activities.
The City and cansult�nt will work closely with Forgotten Angels to ensure that the
waker and sewer line extensians from their Day Fiab Center to Ci�y 6ines cornply with
all labor regulations,
The City of Pearland's CDBG Program must meet a61 requirements set forth� by the
U.S. Department of Housin� and U� Devel�pment and the Office of Management
and Budget. The City conducts an independ�nt audit annually to ensure that CDBG
funds are used in accordance with program requirements.
In add�tion to monito�ring the activities of each s�brecipient, the City will enter
accamplishmenfs inta IDIS and monitor �he progress regularly. The City is
developing a camprehensive perforrnance measurement process ta track the
perfarmance of each subrecipient and the averall CQ�G prQgram, The results of the
performance measurement process will be reparted each year in the CAPEFt.
Ffl�rth Program Year Aetion Plan 15
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Lead-based Paint
1. �iescribe the actions that will take place d�aring the next year ta evaluate
and reduc�e the nvmber of housing units enntaining lead-base�i pain#
hazards in order to increase the inventory of lead-safe hausing available
to extremely low-incQme, law-income, and moderate fami�ies,
and how the pla� for the red�ction af lead-based hazards is related ta
the extent of lead poisonir�c� and hazards.
The City of Pearl�rtd is not proposing any housing rehabilitation projects that will le�d
to the evaluatic�� or red�ction of the number of ho�sing units car�tairaing lead-based
paint hazards. The City will prpvide ir�formation on lead poisaning to all social
serviee agencies. The City will encourage the agencies to use the informakion to
educate their clients and program participants.
�ourth Program Year Action Plan 16
C;ky of Pearland, Texas PY 2[�10
Specific Housing Ob3ectives
*Please also refer ta khe Housing Needs Tahle in the Needs.xls workbook.
i. Gescribe the priorities and specific objectives the jurisdiction hopes to
ac�ieve during the next year.
iV4 nonprofit agencies providing housing rehabilitation or new affordable housing
appfied for fundi�g. While housing rehabilitation is a high priority fo� the S-year
plan, due to the limited allocatior�, the City is not including a City-managed
rehabilitation praject in this year's Action Plan, Hawever, as part of the
administrative process, the City hapes �a work with Brazaria County �Cousio�g
Authority to ensure access by 'Pearlanc� residents to the Section 8�program.
Additionally, the City consultant +rvill cantinue tv rrmeet with a nonpro�it interested in
becoming a CHDO and developing a number of affordable housi�g projects,
particularly Sectian 242 housing for the e9derly an�J Section 811 housing For the
agency`s me�tally disabled clientele.
Another priority is the furtherance of fair housing. The City, using Administrative
funds cond�cted an Analysis of Impedime�ts ta Fair Housing Choice and a Faur
Housing Plan in PY 2(}�38. Each y�ar, the City will review and make any needed
amendments to the p9an.
2. Deseribe how Federal, State, and loca9 pu�lic antk �rivate sector
resources that are reasonably expec'ked to b� available wi�l be used to
address identif�ed needs for the period co�ered by #his Ae#ion Rlan.
The City of Pearland is withen the Brazoria County �lousing Auth4rity jurisdictir�n ar�d
the City will encourage more City residents to apply for Section $ vouchers.
Additionally, since the City is no lon�er under the jurisdictian of the County's HOME
program, the City is encouraging a local housing nonprofik to become a State af
Texas CH�O to expand its inventory of housing for the dqsabled.
Fourth Program Year Action P{an 17
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2�10
Needs of Publie Housing
1. L)escribe the manner in which the �Slan af the jurisdic'kion will help
address #he needs of public laousing and aetiviti�es it wil! undertake
durirag the next year to encourage public housing resicients to beco�e
rr�ore invo�ved in mar�agemer�t ar�d participate in homeownership.
There is no public housing in Pearland and �he only Public Hausing Authority that
serves the Pearland area, is the Brazoria County Housing Autho�rity, which prervides
Section $ Housing Chaice Vouchers anly. As part of the atlrninistrative process, khe
City wil! continue to vuor�C with Brazoria Cour+ty Ftausing Authority to ensure acce5s
by Pearland residents to the Section $ program. Currenkly, only one apartment
camplex accepts Section 8 vouchers and the City hapes to �ssist '�CHA in edueating
other apartment managers about the program and encouTage ther� tc� accept the
housing chaiee voueners.
2. If the public housing agency is designated as "trorabled" by HUD or
oth�rwise �s p�erforming poorly, the jur�sdiction shalt des�ribe the
mann�r in which it will provide financial or other assistance in �mp�aving
its operations to remove such designatic�n during the next year.
Not Applica6le — Brazoria Caunfy Housirrg Authority is nat trou6fed
Sarriers to Affordable Housing
1. Descr�be the actians tha# wili take place during the next year to remo�e
barriers to affordable hoe�sing.
Using the Admenistrative funds, the City d�veloped its Analysis of Impediments to
Fair Housing Choice and Fair Housing Plan, which included a section on barriers to
affordable Y�ousing. Each year, the City reviews the dacument and any net+v City
regulatior+s to determine if t�ere are any new b�rriers ta affordahle housing. If
barriers are determined, the City wil9 wark ta provide relief for low- to moderate-
income homeowners and the deveEapers of affc�rdable housing units. Additi�nally,
the City will work with the area non�rofits in establishing State of Texas CHDOs for
the develapment of new affa�cfable housing in ar near Pearland.
Fourt� Pragram Year Action Plan 1$
City pf Pearland, Texas PY �Q10
HOME/ American Dream �awn payment Initiati�►e (ADDI}
1, Describe other farms of investment not descr�bed in � 92,2U5(b).
2. If the participating juris�iction (P7) wil� use HOME or ADDI funds for
homeb�ayers, �t must state the gu�delines for resale or recapture, as
required in § 92.254 0# the HOME ruae.
3. If the �J will use HQME funds ta refinance existing debt secured by
rnwltifarr�iiy housing t�at is that is being retaabilitated with HOME
funds, it must s#ate i�s �efinancing guidetines required under §
92.2U6(b). The guidelines shall siescribe the conditions under which
t�e PJ will re€inance existing debt. A� a minirt�um the5e guidelines
m ust:
a. Dernonstrate tha� rehabilitation i� tl�e primary e�igible actiwity and
ensus�e that this requirement is me# by estabiishing a minira�um
level of rehabilitation per unit or a required ratio between
rehabilitation and refinanc�ng.
b. Req�ire a review af management prac'�ices ta demonstrate t�at
disinvestments in the property has not oecurred; t�aat the losag-
term needs of the project can be rnet; and that the feasibility of
servir�g the targeted populatior� over an extended affordability
period ta� b�e demonstrated.
c. State whether t3�e new investment is being rnac�e ta maintain
curr�nt affordable units, create additional affordable units, ar
ci. Spec�fy #he required periad af affardability, vvhether it is the
minimum 15 years or longer,
e. 5pec�fy whether the investrnent of HOME fa�nds may be
jurisdietion-wide or limited to a specific geogra;phic area, such as a
neig'�horhood �c1enti#ied in a neighborh�ood rev�tafization strategy
untJer 24 C�R 91.21�(e)(2} or a Federally designa#ed
Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community.
f. State that HOME funds cannot be used '�o refinance multifamiiy
loans made €�r insuret! by any federal program, inc�utling CDBG.
4, If the P] is gaing ta receive Am�rican Drearn Dawn payment Initiative
(ADDI) funds, please camplete the fo�lawing narrati+�es:
a. Descri�e the planned use of t�e A�DI funds.
�. �escri�e the �J's p1an for conciuc#ing targeted autr�ach to
residents and tenar�ts of public housing and manufacttired hc�using
and to other families assisted by public housi�sg agencies, for #he
purposes esf ensuriny that the ADU� funds are used to provide
dow� payment assistance for suct� res�dents, tersants, and
c. Describe #he a�ction5 to �e taken to ensure the sustab�lity of
families receiving ADDI funds to t�ndertake and maintain
homeovtirnership, s�ch as �rovision of housing counse�ing to
Not Applicabl'� - City af Fearland is not a HOME Par't►cipating Jurisdfctfon
Fourth Program Year Aetioo� Plan 19
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2p10
Specific Womeless Prevention Elements
*P{ease also refer to #he Homeless Nee[is TaBte in the Ne�eds.xls workbook.
Sourtes of Fur�ds--Identify the private and pubtic resour�ces that the
juristiiction ex�ects ta receive dur�ng the next year to address homeless
needs and ta prevent hom�less�ess. These inc[ude the McKinney-Venta
Homeless Assistance Act pragrams, other specia! �ederal, state and lacai
and private fu�ds targeted to homeless ia�dividuals and families with
children, especial�y the chronically home�ess, the HUD �ormula prograrns,
and any publicty-owned land or property. Please describe, briefly, the
juristiiction's plan for the inves'tment and use of funds dire�ted tQward
�he City o� Pearland is not an ESG Participating Jurisdiction and no agency i�n
�earVand is receiving State of Texas ESG funds. The City is within tt�e seruice area of
the Gulf Coast Homeless Caalition but na ho�neless agenties s�rving Pearland are
funded through Supportive Housing, Shelter Plus Care or SRC} Moderate
Rehabilitation. The Ciky of Pearland has no shelter or transitional living beds,
Bay Area Turnis�g Point, located in League City, 7exas, does provide crisis
intervention, hameless prevention and shelter to v�ctims of dnmestic violence and
sexual assault living in Pearland. bt is estimated that approximateiy 100 Pearland
residents will access services �t Bay Area Turning Point during the next year. This
translates info at least $20,040 in ser✓ices. Bay Area �'urning Poir�t has beera
contacted annually regarding its eligib�lity to apply �c�r C�B� funds to serve Pearland
residents, but to date has not submitted an applieatian.
l"here are 64 shelter beds in Brazoria County, wikh only 16 in the narthem half near
Pearland, all fc+r fernale victims of damestic �iolence and their chiGdren. �he
Salvation Army in Freeport, approximately 5� miles from Pearland, is the only shelter
within Brazoria County for men. There are only 5 transitian�l living beds in Brazoria
County. Funding for these projects come from a variety c�f non-HUb sources, It ca�
be expected that approximately 4 of these northern �Srazoria County beds will serve
Pearland residenks providing a total of $8,000 a month or $96,Q00 a y�ar in
h+�meless services ta the residents af Pearland.
Gulf Coast Ce�ter, the area's N�HMR agency does receive McKinney-Vee�to funds for
permanent housing for the chronically mentally ill homeless but neither praject is
located in or neaar Pearla�nd. The Gulf Coast Center has 15 perman�nt supportive
housing beds thraugh the Continuum ofi Care funding process and Pearland residents
are eligible far the p�ogram. �lowever, it is anticipated that nQ Pearland resident will
enroll in the program.
Fargotten Angels provides nir�e single family group homes for adults wtith mental
disabilities to prevent them from becoming homeless. �ach home hoe�ses three ta
six individ�als ant6 is supported through a �ariety of privat� funciing sourees. The
agency is investigating 'the potentia1 of accessing other state and federal �unds ta
Fovrth Program Year Action Plan 20
City of Pearland, Texas PY ZOlfl
construct a rtZUlti-family supportive housing project for this clientele as w�ll as to
construct a transitional living center for ad3udica�ed youth and those aging out of the
foster car@ system. The development of these twa projects well involue several years
and several sources of funding.
The Pearland Neighbc�rhood Centers pravides approximately �2�0 per household to
250 Pearlanr� households each year for emergency assistance in an a�tempt to help
prevent homelessness. This translakes into $5Q,040 per year in homeless
2. Horneiessness—In a narra'tive, describe how the action pl�� will adciress
the specific objet#i�es o# the Strat�gic �lan and, ultimately, tMe prio�ity
needs identifi�d. Please also iden#ify potentiat obstacles ta com,pleting
these action ste�s.
The City of Pearland receives no McKinney-Venta Horr�eless Assistance Act funds and
no Cf]BG funds are allocated d�ring this year for services directly to the homeless.
However, the City is providing $15,D00 in CDBG funds to Pearland Neighbarhood
Centers and $2,423 to Pearland �omre�unity Christian �hurch for emergency rental,
utility and prescriptian assistance that is a form of homeGess �reuer�tion. Pearland
Neighborhood Centers will be providing an additional $40,fl00 in emergency
assistanee for homeless prevention to residents of Pearfand.
3. Chranic homelessness—The j�risdictian must descril�e the specific
plannred action steps it wil� take ouer the next year aimed at eliminating
chronic hom�fes�ness by 2U12. Again, please i€ferstify barriers to
achieaing this.
According to the Gulf Caast Homeless Coalitiora, there have �een no identified
chranically homeless in the City of Pearlancf. However, the City is committed to
assisting fi�ousing and service providers in addressing the issue shou{d it aruse. Qne
of the causes of chronic homelessnes5 is disability and the City of Pearlar�d i�
providin� CDBG funding ta Fprgatter� Angels, Inc., an agency that provid�s group
homes for mentally and physicalfy disabled adults. By providing permaraent
supportive housing in a group home environment, Forgotten Angels helps i�
preventing chronic homelessness. Their nine homes provide supportive housing for
approximately 36 disabled ad�lts. The ageracy has a day center for its residents and
non-resident disableck. The City has used CDBG funds to prc�vrde transporkation ro
supportive services, medical appointmen�s and other necessary ap�ointments to
thase living in thTee of the group homes. �or PY ZO10, the City wilf c�ntinue to fund
improvements to the Day Habitation Center. In the past, the City �as fund�d
improwements to a bathraom, including an adult changing table; and the installatiar�
water and sewer lir�es to cannect to existing City lines. In PY �010 the City will fund
a new bathroom that is possible now that the aging well and septic systems have
been abandoned and the faei[ity has been c�nnecCe� to the City's in�rastruc�ure with
the capacity to support an additional bathroam.
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 21
City �f Pearland', Texas PY 201(}
The City recei�es no ESG funds and no Pea�land agency receives ESG, SHP, S+C or
SRO Mod Rehoab funding. Without being ar� ESG Participating Jurisdiction and
uvithout a local homefess coaliCion, the City and its agencies have na real access to
any McKinney-Vento fund�ng and witfaout being a HOME Participating Jurisdiction or a
local Nousing Authority, the City has na access to providing subsidies or other
options to make housing affordable to the homeless.
4. Hort�elessness Prever�#ion—The �urisdictivn must describe its ;planr�ed
action steps over the next year to address the indivitlual and families
with children at i�nrninent r�sk of becomin� harneless.
During PY 201Q, fhe City will fund Pearland f�eighbarhood Centers and Pearland
Crammu�tity Cnristian C�urci� to provide emergency assistance to those in danger of
homefessness. The a�sistance wiQl pay r�nt for those facing evaction, utilities for
those faci�g utility cut-offs, medicatians far thase wha musk choose bekweer� paying
far housing or prescriptian drugs. This will help to prevent h�melessness, at least osn
a short-term basis.
The City wifl also be working w�th agencies to educate them on ESG f�nding and to
encourage them ta apply fflr State af �exas ESG funds.
5. Disc�arge Caard�nation Policy—Expiain piar�ned activities to implemen# a
eohesi+✓�, eomrr�unity-wide Discharge Coordinatian Poliey, aa�d how, in
the caming year, the corramunity will move toward such a paCicy.
�he City af Pearland does not receive ESG, SHP, S+C or Secticsn S SRQ funds and
does not have a discharge coordi�ation policy. Hawever, the City fafls within the
jurisdiction of the Gulf Coast Homeless Caa[ition which does have a diseharge
coordination policy as outlined in the Exhcb�t 1 of their annual CofC applicatian and in
khe City's 5-Year Gonsalidated Plan. However, none c�f the CofC funds are expended
in Pearland.
�mergency Sheiter Grants (�SG)
{States only} Describe khe process for a�nrarding grants to Stat� reci�ients,
end � description af how the all+ocation wiil be made availabl� ta� units of
Eacal government.
Not appliea6fe
Fourth Pragram Year Action Pfan 2z
City of Peariand, Texas PY 2010
Community Development
*Please also refer to the Carnmunity Development Table in the Needs.xls workhook.
1. Identify the jurisdicti�n's priority non-hcsusing eommunity development
needs eligible for assistar�ce by CDBG eli+gibility category specified in the
Commu�tity D�evelo,�ment Needs Table (formerly Table 2B), pubtic
fac'lities, public improwements, public services and eeon�m�e
The City of Pearland has two primary goals in acidressir�g the community
development needs of the eomr�unity. The first goal is to provid� funding to public
service projects in order better serve the underser�ed population throughout the
entire city. Vu'ith this goal, the City expects to prowide the extra funds necessary far
agencies to better rneet the ne�ds of the special papulatians and low- to mo�erate-
ancort�e residents �in Pearland. 7hough the funds are lirnited, these dollars wili allow
the public senrice agencies �o {�rovide exkra services to expand their continuity of
care or to pravide existing services to additional residerots of Pearland.
Throug� pubiic participatian, rneeting with service providers and reWiewing Census
and ather data, the City has determined which e�igible serv�ces have a hig�, medium
or law priority. The table belmw, extracted from �he CPMP �eeds kable, lists the
activities and their priorities. Not all af t�e serviees, even with a high priority, will be
funded usi�g CDBG dollars, but t�e City is eommitted to funding a5 many eligible
projects that apply through the competi�ive gr�ant prpcess as passible. Those ar�as
shaded in green indieate the City's intention to pravide some CDBG Eunding,
assuming that service providers will apply for tFae funds and have th�e capaeity to
carry out the activities. As more p�blic service agencies build capacity, more
services rt�ay be �unded through CDBG.
The table below Qutlines the public service programs eli�if�le under CDBG, the ones
the City intec�d� to fund during ��he next five years and the ones that the City will
fund in PY �008. The City ls prouiding funding to Forgotten Angels for transportation
services; to Pearlancf Neigh�orhood Centers and Adult Reading �enter for literacy
educatio� and related job skills assistance, leading to improved employment
opportunities; to Pearland �eig8�barhood Centers �or Subsistence Paym�nts.
Fourth Program Year Aetior� Plan Z3
City of Peariand, Texas PY 2Q10
lVote: those items in light green are expected ta be funded durrng the 5-year period.
Thase in dark green are being funded this year (as per table below).
Table 5- Publ�e 5erv�ce Funclin tor PY ZUl[1
l'Jnits of mount
Pro'ects Measurement fiocated
Public Services 15% max =$48 913
C15Fi Adult Reading Center Workfarce C11-People: 50 $16,490
Qevelo ment/Job TraEnin
OSQ Pearland Community Christian Church O1-People: 7 $2,423'
Erner enc Assistance for the Elderl
05D Pearland Comra�unity Christian Church Youth 01-People: �5 $15,OOQ
05Q Pea�land �leighborhood Centers' Emergency 01-People: 50 $15,000
u6total 01-Peo le: 132 �48,9i3
The table below ouClines the priorit�es for capitaf projects and adrx�idnistrat�ve tasks
under the Non-Housing Community De�elopment determinatian. As with the
previaus tabfe, the light green rows are areas that the City expects to fund o�
provide a certificate of consistency for othef fed�ral �unding for, while khe dark green
rows are the areas to be funded with PY 2Q10 CDBG funds.
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 24
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2040
Note: those items rrr light green are �xpected to b� funded during the 5-year period.
Those in dark green are being funded thrs year {as per table 6elaw).
Fourth Program Year Actian Plan 25
City of Pearland, Texas PY 201{�
Figwre 5- Lo�ation of PY 2010 Infrastructure & Facility Projects
Projec# Census Tota[ Law-Mod % Low-
Tract/ Population Income t�[ard
Block Grou Po ulation ' Income
Sidewaiks (53,9% a� kotal
a I location
W. Plum {�ustin to 6605Q0 BG 3 881 49� 55.6%
N. Washin ton
W. Jasmine (N. 660500 BG 3
Austin to N. Texas
N. Texa� (Pearland F605D� BG 3
Center to ]asmine
5. Haustor� (E. 660300 BG 1 960 S52 57.5%
Walnut to 518
Adult Reading Center* 6605003 BG 1 881* 490* 55.6'%*
0.�°fo of total a�location
To#al 18�31 104� 56.6�/a
* Adult Read+ng Center is focated in the same C�nsus Tract/Block Group as 3 of the
sidewalks, Cherefore the ,population associated with it has not been counted in the
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 26
Table 7- Area Benefit Acti�ities By Census Tract Black Group
City +�f �earland, Texas PY 2010
tota! population to be s�rved. Additionally, the faer'lity ,project wifl serve only the
estimated 250 participants �n the Adult Readrng Genter programs.
The improvements to the Forgo�ten Ang�ls Day Habitation Center will f�enefit
approximat�ly 45 P�arCar�d residents, 5a total residents, wha are mentally disabled
and often physically disabled as well. The $35,OOQ for facility improvemer�ts
represents 10J°Iv of Pearland's tatal a9location.
Faurth Prdgram Year Aetion Plan 27
Figure 6- Location af Forgotten Angels Day Habttation Center
for Limited Clie�nteEe/P�resumed Benef�t Population
City of Peae�and, Texas PY 2dJ.0
2. Ydentify specif�c long-term and shart-term comm€�nity develapment
objectiwes (includ�ng econornic develo{�ment a+ctivities that create jobs),
developed in accordance wi#h the statutory goals described in seCtion 24
CFR 91,1 and the pTimary objectAVe c�f �he CDBG program to pravide
decent housing and a suitable I�ving environmer�t and expand econornic
opportuni�ies, pri��ipalty for low- and rnoderate-income persons.
'�NoYe: €ach specific objective developed to addre�s a priority need, must be identified by
number and contain proposed aceomp�ishments, the t�me period (i.e., arte, two, three, or
mare years), and anne�al pragram year nvmeric goals the jurisditiio� hopes ta aehieve in
quantitative terrr�s, or �n other measurable terms as identified a�d defined f�y the
The lang-terrn ar�d short-term objectives for the City of Pearland include objectives
to be funded by CDBG and those to be carried out through other fundang
mechanisms, such as the City's 4B Eeo�omic Develcapment Corparation and various
regior�al Cornmunity Housing Development Organizations (CHD�s). The City`s
prirr�ary objectives are;
• Create jo�s
• Increase education to qualify for jobs
• Enhance infrastructure (drainage, sidewalks, streets, park spac�) to
ent�ance st�itable living environment
• Prov�de supportive services to disabled, homeless, elderly and low-income
• P� an er�vironment to support CHDO activities �nd Low Income
Housing Tax Credit Properties
During PY 2i31D, the City will be funding projects that increase enhanee
in�rastructure, and provid� suppor�ive serwices {job training, emergency assistance
and yauth services).
Fourth Program Year Action Flan 28
City of Pea�land, Texas PY 2{710
Table 8— Pro"ects b Natior�al 4b"ecti�e� an� �utcome Cafe ories
National National Outcome Categories N�ambers ro
Objectives be Served
Outcorne 1: Outcorne 2: ()utcome 3�
Avai�ability/ Affordability Sustainability
O�jective 1: Infrastructure Providing mekhod 1,841 pe�ple
5uitahle Li�ing Improvements to of pedestrian
En��ronment install sidewalks transportatinn
along new
Repla�e Providing safety 250 people
deteriorating and ADR
' wheelchair ramp accessibility for
into Adult consumers af
Reading Center Adult Re�ding
Funding of Public Funding of Public 57 �eaple
S�CVIC�25 t4 521VIC�5 t0
imprs�ve impro�e
availability & aEfordability of
accessibility to utilities, a�erot and
needed prescriptic�ns
Funding of Public �5 people
Service ta provide
program for at-
risk outh
Objecti�e �:
Decent Housing
Objecti�� 3: Funding of Public Funding of Public Funding of Public 5� people
Economic Service to pro�ide Service to Service ta pravide
Opportunity available, prpvide job training
accessible jab afFardable jab leading to
training training employr�ent to
inde endence
The Table belaw, extracted from the CPMP Needs `�ai�le, outlines the specific
objectives by matrix code.
Fourth Progracn Year Actian Plan 29
City of Pearland, Texas PY Z�10
Table 10- 5-Year and Current Year �bjectives for Anticipated Commur�ity
Develo ment ACtivtties
Attivit Accom lishment Units Goa1s
�-Year Current
Y+ea r
05A Senior Services O1-Peo le 100
OSB Handica ed Services 01-P�o le 45
p5D Youth Services 01-Peo le 450 25
05E Trans ortation 01-Peo le 50
05G Battered & Abused �i-People 45
S ouses
OSH Employment Training/ESL 01-People �.SD 50
Educ�tion/Literac Education
D5N Abused & Neglected O1-People �5
05 Su�sistence Pa menks 41-Peo le Z00 �7
Cl3A Se�ior Centers 01-People 5��1
11-Publi�c FacilitEes 1 facilit
(}3B Handicapped Centers D1-People 50 45
il-Public FaGilities lfacilit 1 facilit
Q3F Pa�ks, Recreational 01-People 5�10
� Facilities
1].-Public Facilities 1 fatilit
03I Flood/Drainage O1-Reople 1,50Q
11-Public Facilities (Linear Z,fl04'
03K Skreet Improvements 01-People 1,550
ii-Public Facilities {Lin�ar 1,QOQ'
03L Sidewa9ks 41-People 3,500 1,841
11-Public Facilities (Linear 5,000' 4,05Q'
Antipoverty Strategy
1. Des�ribe tF�e actio�s that will �ake place �iurir�g the next year to reduce
the number Qf poverty �evel €amilies.
The City of Pearland's anti-paverty strategy is not only air�ed at lifting existing
resider�ts out of poverty but al5o preventing athers fram fa�ling �nto poverty, �'overty
is a two-edged sword - lack of incorrie and high costs c�f living. Therefore, the 5-
Faurth Program Year Action Plan 30
Ciky oF Pearland, Texas PY 2010
year strategy is aimed at helping residents increase their ineflmes and reduce their
costs og living. During PY 2410, the strakegies will be,
Incame Strategies: �ducation is the key to increasir�g incomes. The City
w�ll fund Adult Reading Center to implement a pragram in job training fc�r
weatherization specialists. This program will provide training necessary for
graduates to seeure employmenk at a li�abl�e wage. 'Fhe agency is also
warking with �onprofits that pravide weatherization services as an acce5s far
�heir graduates to gainful emplayment.
Though not receiving �r�y CDBG funds, the Pearland �conomie l]evelopment
Corporation, a 4E3 Carporation, will conti�ue to provide grants to eligible
companies that are increasir�g their employment base and infusir�g new
capital inta the community. The City oF Pear{and and BrazQria County also
give tax abatemer�ts ta bus�r�esses that retain or create at least ten jobs
through capital �nvestments of at least $5Q0,00� for City abatements ar�d
$1,0(}0,000 far County abatements. In addi�ion, the Pearland Eeanomic
Develapment Corporation participates in the 5tate af Texas Skills
Development Fund to ass�st the eommunity and tec�nica� colleges finance
customized job training far locaa businesses. Income is finlced to employment
appartunities. The major employers in Pearland are: Pearland Independent
School distriet (PISE�) Wal-Mart, H-�-B Corporation, City of Pearland,
Kemlon, Weatherford, TurboCare, Tele-Flaw and �owe's. NASA employees and
residents that work in the �exas Medical Cenrer make up a�ignificant portion
of PeaTland's populace.
Durirog PY ZOD7, the City af Pearland entered into an agreement with
Uniwersity af Houston for the school to construct a camp�s within the City.
Th�s campUS is substantia{ly complete and will be occupiee� and open for
classes in August 201d. It will provide upper division and gcaduate classes in
the curricula most applicable for the employment base in the area,
L�ving Costs: 7he City of Pearlan� is cornmitted to working wi�h the Brazoria
Cau�ty Hausing Authority �n its Section 8 Housing Choiee Voucher Program.
By ed�ucating Pearland residents and apartment complexes about khe
program, rno� Pearland eitizens wil� be able to take advantage of Sectian 8
withouC havir�g to relocate to other areas af the county,
The City of Pearland will fund Pearlan�i Neighborhaad Centers to provide
emergency assistance and homeless preventian activities in Pearland through
their emergeney rental, utility and pcescription assista�ce program.
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 31
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Nor�-homeless Special Needs (91.220 {c) arod (e))
*Alease also refer t4 the Non-hameless Special Needs �able in the Needs.xls workt�ook.
1. Describe the priorities artd specific objectives the jurisdiction hopes to
achieve for th� period covered by the Act�on Plan.
The City is not in a finaneial position, given the limited CDBG funds, to support
housing options for any of the special needs papulations. Howewer, it places a k�igh
priority an svpportive service5 to these po�ulations.
Forgotten Angels, a nonprofit that provides group homes and a Day Habitation
Center for mentafly disabled adults in Pearland will receive $35,000 necessary to
construct an additional bakhroom once the CDBG-funded conversion of its Center
from well/septic tank to City utilities is comp[ete.
F€�rgotten Ange�s is currently inuestigating the feasibility of 6ecaming a CHDO andfor
applying �or Sectian 811 �unds for the construc�ion of housing for thear mentally
disa�led clients,
�. Des�ribe how Federal, State, and l�cal public and privat� sector
resQ�rces that are reasanab�y exp�ected to be avai[abt� will be used #o
address id�nti#ied needs fe+r the period covered by this Action P1an.
The City of �earland manages the Knapp Senior Center. During PY 2005/6, the
GenKer �eceived over $1,700,000 in signifieant improvements resulting in a
renovated and expanded center valued a� more than $2,500,Oa0 to serve the elde�ly
af Pearla�d.
Forgokte� Angels houses 45 to 50 disabled adults in iks
Pearland. They con�ribuke approximately $1,344
Pearland adults with in�ellectual disabiliti�s, many o
disabilities. The agency also provides a c�ay center
$440,500 budget funded thro�gh private donations.
CDBG funds to construct an additional bathroom once t
is completed and the new capacity is available.
nine group homes located �n
in housing and services to
wfiom also have physieal
�or their residents, with a
This day cenker will receive
�e conversion to City utilities
In addition to khe nine group hames of Forgotten Angels that are located �n Pearland,
there are a number of Narris Caunty and Brazoria County agencies that serve
Pearland, irucluding Texas Reha�ilitatimn Cent�r {physical disabilities}, The Gulf Coast
Center (mental il9ness), Pearlan� Meals on Whee9s (elderly and homebound
disat�led), ARC of the Gulf Coast {mentally disabled), Bay Area Council or� Drug
Abuse (substanee use}, Brazoria Cau�ty C�nter for independen� Living (all types of
disability). These agencies do nat rnaintain records on the resources devored strictly
to the City of Pearland.
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 32
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2�10
�lousing Oppor�unities for �eaple with AIDS
*Flease also refer to the NOPWA Tahle in #he IVeetls.xls w[arkbook.
1. Prouide a Brief descrip#ion af #he orc�anizatiar�, t�e area of service, the
�same of the pragram contacts, ar�d a braad overView of the ranye/ type
of hot�sing aetivities to be done duriny �the next year.
2. Report o� the actions taken d�ring the year that addressed t�e special
r�eeds of persons rnrho are not hameiess but require sup,�ortive housing,
and assistanee for persans wMo are homeless.
3. Evaluate the pragr�s5 in meeting i�ts specifvc objec#ive of pro�uiding
afforda'�le housing, including a comparaso€� of actual outputs and
out�arnes to proposed goals and progress made an the other plan�ed
actions i�tlicated in th2 str�tegic and action plans. 7'he evaluation can
address any related program adjustmen#s or �"uture plans.
4. Report an annual HOPWA output goa�s for the numb�r af hosasehnlds
assisted during the year in: (1) short-term rer�t, mortgage and utility
payments to avoid hameless�ess; (�) renta� assistance programs; and
(3) in housin� facilities, such as community residences and SRO
dwellings, where funds are used to deWelo� and/or operate these
faeil�ties. Ynclude any assessment of client au�comes for achie�ing
housar�g stability, red�uced risks of ho�nelessness and improved access tfl
5. R�po� an the t�se of tommitted leveraging from ath�er public ant� private
resources that helped to at�dress needs identified in #he pl�n.
6. �rovide an analysis of the extent to which HOPWA funds were
distributed among different categories o^F hausing needs cansistent with
the geogra�hic tlistribution �lans identified '€n its approved Consolida#et!
7. Describe any barriers (including non-regulatory} encountered, actions in
response to barriers, and recommendations for program impror►ement.
8. Please des�ri�i� tF�e ex�ected trends facing t�e community �n meeting the
needs af p�rsans living wi#h HIV/AIDS and Rravide additional
information regarding the administration of serviCes to people with
9. Please a�ote any evalua#ions, studies or o#her assessmen#s #F�at will be
conducted on the lacal H�PWA pragrat�n during the next year.
Not Applicable — City af Pearland receives no HOPWA funding
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 33
City af Pearland, 7'exas PY 2010
Specific HOPWA Objectives
E]escribe how�t Federal, State, and laca� public and private sector resources
that are reasonably expect�d ta be availabte will be used to address
ide�tified nee�s for the period �ov�red by the Action Plan.
IYot Applicable - Cfty of P�earland reGeives r�o HQPWA fundirtg
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 34
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
Includ� a�ay Action Rian irtf��rnatior� t�h�t w�s not tovered by a narrative in
any oth�r section.
Fourth Program Year Action Plan 35
City of Pearland, Texas PY 2010
PY 2Q10 Projects frorn CPNVP Ex�el �ile
Copies of Publie Ncatices
Power Roint Presentations
Puf�fic Services Subrecipient Application packet
�ourth Program Year Act�or� P[an 36