R2010-100 - 2010-07-26RESOLUTI�N NO. R2�10-900 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, A►UTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF AN ENGINEERING C4NTRACT WITH JOHN HARGROVE FOR ENGINEER[NG SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CiTY COUNC[L OF THE CfTY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That c�rtain cor�tract by and betwe�n the Ci#y of Pearlanc� and John Hargrove a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhi�it AA@ ancf made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby aut�tor�zed and appro�ed. Section 2. That the C�fy Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary ta attesf a contract with John Hargro�e, for engineering services. PA�SED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 26 day July, A.D., 2010. ��� TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: / f _� /�.t�/ - � ��11. 'r.I! / * s �/ J � � ,�� r � ' �� � � I� • � �� APPROVED AS T� FORM: .� DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY Exhibit "A" Resolution No. R2010-1 d0 CITY �F PEARLAND STANDARD i4C�RIEEMENT �OI� EfVCa�NEE�IRICa SER!/ICE� This C�nfra�t (Contracf} is made between the City of Pearland, Texas (hereinafter "Ci�y"), a�d John W. Hargro�e, P.E. (herei�after "�ngineer") �s fol�ows: 1. Summarv o� Contrac� Terms. The following information and referenced doc�aments shali be a parE of thi� Contract: De�cription of Senrices: On-call and specified engineering consuEting �enrice� En i�teer �ee Basis of Compensation John W. Ha� P.E. $2,10Q monthly +�um� Sum plus ex ense� ex enses a� co�t Addi�ional Services $60 per hour Houri Es�imat�d Annual Amoun� $25,200 + expenses Attachments: Sco�e of Services — Exhfbit A Basis of Compensa�ior�— Exhibit B 2. �enrice� and Payment. The standard o� care for alE profe�sional sen�ices provided by Engineer under #his Agreement wil� be the �kiil and carre used �y mern�ers of tF�e engineering profession practicing under simi{ar circumstances a# the same time and �n the same fcaca�ity. Engineer shali perform services within the Star�d�rd of Care a�F the Er�gineering profession as fallor�vs: A. Engine�r wil! �urnish �ervices fo the City ir� accordance wifih the t�rm� �nd conditions s�ecifiec� ir� tl�is Cor��ract_ Paymer�t for the service� of Engineer sl�a�l be d�ae and payable upon �ubmi�sion and appro�al of a st�t�m�nt for services to �i�y. Stat�men�s fior services si�all not �e submitted more �requentfy thart monthly. After consuita�ian with the City, fhe Engir�eer shal[ specify the basis of compensation in fihe scop� of work for the project. The Engine�r shal[ pro�ide adequa#e detail of the basis of compensation so that fhe City can determine the reasonabieness of the fee� and have the ability #a make reasonable progress payment� to fhe Engineer based upon work comple�ed a� the payment infi�rvals. If City fails to make any paymenfi due Engineer for services and expenses within thirty (30} days after receip� and appro�al of Engineer's st�#ement for services there�ore, the amounts due Engineer wilE be incre�sec� af the rate of ane �ercenf (1%) per m�nth� frnrn said thirtieth (30 day, and, in addition, Engineer may, after gi�ing se�en (7) days' written no#ice to City, suspend services urtder this Contract un#il En�ineer has been paid in full, all amounts due for services, exper��es, and charge�. B. All the Engin�er's working drawin�s, plan�, and �pecifications, if required under t�is Contract, shall be sufficiently �ccurafe, detailed, and complete so fihat competitiVe �ids for the work can be obtained and �he impro�ements construc#ed. C. Appro�al of the Er�gir�eer's work by th� City s�aEl not r��ease #he Engin�er, it� employees, agent�, or cor��ultants, from the responsibility and liaE�ility for the accuracy and compefiency of fheir designs, working d�°awings, and specifica�ions, ar at#��r dvcuments and se�vices. D_ Subject to Article S herein or as otherwise agreed, th� EngEneer shall promptly correct e�rors in fihe Engineer's work, incfuding errors disco�ered after final payment, without recei�ing additional compensation. 3. Term and Termination. This Cantrac� term wiil begin upon the �ffective dat� ofi �r�gir��er's r�tir�m�nt from fihe City for a term of 92 mont��, ��wever, thi� Gonfrac� may b� renewed annually for a� additional 12 months by mutual agr�emertt of City and Er�gineer. The C�ty c�r Engineer may terminate �I�is Contract, with 3D days notice, at any fiime during i�s term by giving wri�ten notice t� fihe other par[y. The City �hall pay the Engineer for al[ sen�ices rendered t� the date of termination. 4. Modifica#ions. City withou# in�afidating the Confrac#, may order changes within t�e general scope of the work requir�d by the Gontract by altering, adding to andlor deducfiing from the work fo be p�rformed. If any change under this �la�se cau�e� an increase or decrease in �ngineer's cost of, or the time required for, �he performance of any part of th� �ervices und�r the Contract, an equitable adjustment wi[I be made by mutu�l agreemenf and the C�ntract modified in writing accordingly. 5, Subcontracts, lf, #or any rea�on, at a�y tim� d�ring the progress of pr�uiding ��nric.e�, City d�termin�� that any subcontractor for Engineer is incompetent or undesirable, City will notify �r�gineer accordingfy �nd Engir�eer shall take immediate correctir�e action, which may include cancel�ation of such subcontracf. Sublet�ing by �ubcontractors shall be s�bject to the same regulation�. Nofihing contained in the Contract shall create any eontractual re[atian betuve�n ar�y su�contractor ar�d City. 6. Qwnership o� Documents. All drawi�gs, rep�rt data, and other projecfi inforrr�ation d�veloped in the execution of the services provided under this Contract shall be the property of the City �pon paymenfi of Engineer's fees for services. Engineer may �etain copies for record purposes. Dwn�r agr�e� such docurr���ts are no# infended or r�preser�ted to be suitable for reuse by C��y or ot�ers. Any re�se by City or by those who ob�ained �aid documen�s from City without written �erification or adaptat�on by Engirteer will be at City's sole risk and witi�out lia�ility or legal exposure to Er�gineer, or to Engineer's independent assaciates or consultants, antf City sha[I indemnify and hold harmless Engineer ancf Engineer's independer�t associates ane� consulfan�s from afl cfaims, damages, fosses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulti�g fh�refr�m. Any such ��rification or adaptation will enti�le Er�gineer to fur�her reasanable comp�nsa�ion. Engineer may reus� al! drawings, repork data, and other project informat[an in the execu�ion af the �enri�es provided under thi� Contract ir� Engineer's other actiVities. Any reu�� by Engin��r will be at Engineer'� sol� risk and withou� liability or legal exposure ta City, and Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless City from al[ cla�m�, damages, �o��e�, and expen�e� including attorney�' fees arising ouf of or resulting therefrom. 7. In�urance. A. The Engineer shall procure a�d maintain for the duration of �his Agreement, insurance against cl�ims fior injuries fio persor�s, darr��ges to prop�rty, or any errors and omissions relating to the �erformance of any work �y fhe Engineer, its agents, employees or subcontrac#ors under this Agreement, as folfows: ('I) Work�rs' Compen�ation as req�aired by law. (2} Profes�ional Liability Insurance in an amDUnt not less than �1,000,000 ir� the aggr�ga�e, (3) C�r�preh�ra�iv� Ger��ral Li�bility �nd Property Darnage [nsur�n�� v��th rnir�irn�m lim��,s of �7,000,000 for injury or death of �ny one per�or�, �°I,QQO,OOO #or e�ch occu�r�nce, and �'[,000,000 for e�ch occurre�ce o# d�m�ge to or des#ruc�ion of property. (4) �atnpreh�n�ive A�atomobile �nd Truc� Liability Insurance coVerir�g o�ned, �ireci, and non-owr�ed r►ehi�les, rnrith rr9inim�art� I�r�nifis o# ��I,OOO,000 for ir�jury o� d�a#h of any one per�o►a, �9,AOO,O00 f�� �ach occu�rence, and $1,000,000 f�r property damage. B. The Engineer �hall include the City as an additEOnal insured ur�der the poficies, with the �xception of t}�e Professional Liability Insurance and W�rk�rs' Compen�at�on. Cert�ficate� of tnsurance and endorsements shal! �e furr�ished ta �he City befor� work commences. Each insurance p�licy shall �e endorsed to state fihat co�erage shali nofi be suspended, voided, ca�celed, reduced in co�erage or in limifis except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified maii, return receipt requestec�, has been gi�en to th� City. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to fhe City. 8. Indemnitv- Engineer shall indemnify and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any claim, lo��, damage, �uit, and liability of e�ery kind for whic� Engineer is legally liable, including all expenses of li�iga�ion, co�rf casts, and attorney's fees, for injury fio or death of any person, �or damage to any proper�y, or errors �n design, any of which are caused by the negligent act ar omission of the Engineer, his ofFicers, employees, agents, or subcontractor� under this Contract. 9. As��qnment. Engineer s�al� not a�sign th�s Contract without the prior written consent of the City. 10. Law Governing and Venue. This Contract shall be governe� by the law of the State of Texas and no lawsuit sha(I be prosecuted on fhis Contract except in a court of competent jurisdiction located in �razaria County, Texas. 11. En�ire Can�ract. Th�s Contract represenf� the entire Contract �etween the City ar�d the Engineer ar�tf supersedes all prior negotiation�, representafion�, or contracts, either wri�ten or or��. This Contract may be amended or�[y by written instr�menfi signed by bofih parties. Purchase order� issued und�r thi� Agreement shall contain a s�atemen� nullifying additional terms and cor�ditior�s on the re�erse side of the purchase arder and referencing this Agreement. ��. Conf�icts in Contract Documents_ The abo�e provisions shall go�ern over any conflicting pro�i�ion conta�ned in any re#erencec4 contract document spec�fied aboVe. 13. Dispute Reso[utian _ Procedures. Th� Engineer and City desire an expeditious means to r�soiue any dis�utes fihat may arise bei�veer� fihem rega�dir�g this Contract. To accomplish this, the parkies agr�e fio mediatiar� as follows: If a dispute ari�es out of or r�lates fio this Contract, or the breach thereof, and if th� di�pute canno� be setti�d fihrough negofia�ion, then the parties agree first to try in good faith, and befare bringing any legal action, to settle �he dispute by mediation of a third party who will be seiected by agreement of the parties. EX�CUTED and EFFECTIV� a� of fhe � day o� ) v�, , 20�b - CITY 4F PEARLAND , Bill Eisen , City Manager John By:� Print� Title: Hargrove, P.E., Engineer STAT� OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF § c� o �A �a.�c,�o V � BEFORE ME, th� und�rsigned N��ary Public, on thi� day per�onalEy appeared B�N�Eis�`n, lcnown #o me to be �he pers�r� whose nam� is �ubscribed to the foregoir�g instrument �r�d acknowledged ta me that he/she executed the �arrie for the purposes and consideration therein �xpressed. GI EN UND�R MY HAND �f , A. D. , 24�_, „,,,���,.. ` ,o��!;rpbe�., ��.1ZH�i�TH AYALA ==r' '�°= NnrzryFur�i�c,StsteofTexas _,� :*,�c P.�y Cumrr��ssion Expires ��'�rF6Piti; •'` MC1fCh � 8, 2013 „����,,, _ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ��Cl��''� � AND SEAL OF OFFICE THI� � DAY . A Y PUBLlC IN AN OR THE STATE OF TEXAS Printed Narne: `�'= Z�,�a�► � � L4 My Commission Expire�: 11'��i� (X 2Ol � § § § Q:1) �t:sr� BE�ORE ME, fihe undersigned No�ary Public, on this clay personally appear�d �#ef�rr� ��erre, known �o rne to be the person whose name is subscribed to th� foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe ex�cuted the same far #he purpa�es and cor��ideration th�rein expre�s�d. �. C�IVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS ����'� DAY OF L,l �•.f , A.D., 20�. �+�pYP4l�4 KATkkERlNE E, BIii1CK =,�`.°•'' "• � EJOteTI+ PUbIiC� 5tate v# Texas � �/ly Commisslon Expir •�� � ��� I i� ',,,'+� ��:.' peC6lTlb@C OQ C 1 � � N�TARY PU�LIC IN A FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS Printed Narne: '�l Gt-� f�'� ��'.. ����"��� C_[� My Commissian Expire�:_ � z. C� l� . 1 I EXH��IT A SGOPE OF �ERVICE� Engir�eer shali repott d�recfly ta the Gity Engineer an� shalf receive such a�signmen#s 'from the City Engineer as helshe deems advi�abie and in the best intere�t� of the City. En��neer shall commit the t�me and effort r�ecessary �o prudently satisfy the duties assigned in this Contract. Ti�e sen►ices to k�e performed under �his Contra�t �re: Quality Con�rol ReV�ew: Engineer �hall p�ouide quafify control review of a��igned construct�on relatecf documents and pl�t�. Engineer shal! assimi[ate and confirm the re�iew comments made by ofher reviewers for interim and fina[ construc#ion documents. Upor� tY�e receipt of final satisfactory documents, Engineer �ha[I note an the document that it is "Recommended far Ap}�ro�aP' by �he approprEat� City emp[oyee. The car�struction plans and specifications to be re�iewed by Engi�eer shall normally include City capital improvem�nt program projects, public works depa�tment formal bid projects, and private subdi�ision infras�ructure project�, but may inc9ude other types of pralects upon mu�ual consent. Engineer shall confer wi�h appropriate Cify employee� or t�ird party design engineers as necessary to properly per�orm thi� function. Cify sF�all inform Engineer of the priority and prefer�ec� due date� f�r each submittal. 2. Pr�j��t �r��ineer: Engineer shall �erve as the Gity's designat�d I�ad consultant on mutualiy agreed upon proj�cts, which may be added, def�ted, or am�nded from time �o time, !n perFarmEr�g #his function, Engineer shall frequent[y cor�fer and update the assigr��d City empioyee ofi i�sues pertinent to tha# project such as schedule and budget impacts. City shall designate a City employee as the assigned point of contact for each assigned project. The assigned projects and points of contact are: 9. JHEC (aka SWEC) detentian facility City Engineer 2. Stream Gage Calibration Consultation City Engi�eer 3. Update COP Masfer Drainage P�an (Cont.) City Engineer 4. . Engineering Design Criteria Manual City �ngineer 3. Consulting ��gine�re Respond ta alf teEephone, fax, email, and maif requests for professior�al apinions related to Cify apera#ions, projects, or historicaE recollection. Authorized City employees to initiate �uch requests are: City Manager, Deputy City Manager, City Engineer, P�ablic Works Director, anc� Projects Manager. Upon the writ�en approval of the City Engineer, other aufhorized employee� may be adde� or deleted from t�me to �ime. 4. �ther Du�i��; Other Duties may be added from time to time upon mutual consent of the Engineer and City Engineer. �x�i��� � ��srs oF com��nrs�►�r�oN e Engineer �hall �ubmit to fhe City Engineer by the '� O of each month a de#ailed billing and progress repar� for fil�e pre�ious month's activities. • Comper�satian to Engineer shall be a minimum of $2,'I 00 per month, which shall be compensatEOn fior up to 26 hours of work pertormed. • Engineer may bill time incurred to satis�jr the duties of thES Contrac� in excess of 26 hours per month to City afi the rate of $60 per ho�r. �ngineer shall nofiify the Ci�y Engineer prior to �xceeding 2� bilfable haur� ir� any month. • Engineer shall also be entifiled fio reimbur�ement for reasonable expens�� incurred such as mileag�, �ravel, reproduction, and long distance charges. flllileage shall be bifl�d at �he then-currenf IRS rate a�d �xp�ns�� sh�ll be billed at-cos# w�th no ma�k u�. • Engineer sh�ll isolate and summ�riz� in each monthly billing the number of hours charged on Update of M�ster Drainage Pian. These hours, as i� the case with any hour�, will be charged additiona[ly at $601hr. �n[y to tl�e difference t�a# total monthly bilEing hours �xceeds base hours (26/month).