R2010-085 - 2010-06-28RESOLUTI�N 'NO. R201 �-85
Section 1. T�iat cerkain traffic engineering contract for traffic signalization
services, a copy of whdch is a�tached hereto as Exhibit `°A" and made a part hereaf for all
purpeases, is hereby aut�rarized �nd approved.
Section 2. Tl�at the City Manager or his designee is hereby au�horizec� to execute
and the City Secretary to �ttest an engin�ering confract for traffic signali�ation services.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADC)�'TED this the 28 �ay of June, A.D., 2�1�.
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TI-IIS C{�NTR�CT is ent�i•ed into on June 2 8 .?O I C� b� a�ld vet�a�eer� tl�e
Cit�� c�i�Peap�la�ld ("��TY'"'} and F�;'ilb�n Smith .�.ssoei�tes. �nc. ("CC��SL�LT.��T").
The C"IZ�1' enyra��es the CU�;SULTf�NT to per�orm prafc:ssic�nal ser��ices for a��roj�ct �:31c���i� alte{
descrik��el as Cii�� af Pearlanci T�DQT Traftic Si�ri�al Ta�eo���r ("�'R�.iL-CT'").
Tl» �'�\SL1L`I��'1NT �kl�lf perf�rnro the i�ollo«�i�l�,� �z�c�lessic�i�a1 s�r��ie�s tc� CITY` stari�iar�is and i��
accordance �1 tlie de�,�ree of care aryd skill that ���rotession3l in Te�:as «�ould elerci5e tine�er
t�ze s��Y1e �r sii�lilar circuinst�itce�:
A. The CC)NSULT_yNT sh�ll �ras�icie prot�ssie�nal set•��ie�s i°elat�d tca th�
�-�cl��ir�ment f��r the Cit�' to lak� c���er tr�f`tic si����als cu��rentl�. �t�ai�tt��ined and
�peratcci b� `l �L�C�'I'. `I�his i�oi•l� «ill ialcl�lde � tielci i�i��entor� �nci assess�3ient of
T1D�T ri•�ftic si��ri�ls: �t� estii�late of st�fti�i�� aild cnsts foi the i7��i��tenanc:� of
i�per�itiar�s c7f� sa��nals �ai��i hit�h r��ast li�rhtir7�.?: ��et�eQ taf cosk vlsis far
TxDC)�I reiinl�u�•sein�nt of si����al maiiltGna9ic� cc�sts: pr�pai°ation c�i�
doctime�ltatic�n f��• a Ty��� R a��?1•��t�lejit: ��Zd �ai•e��ar�itio�l of z3n implernen��tion
�lan �c�r si�t�a! opea ztnd i���inter�ar�ce. See E�hibit ='�. attachcd_ for a d�taiL�cl
SiCCPE OF ��'C7#�I� and PRC)TECT scheeiu�e. The PR[)JE�T s�h�cliile shall be
s��bmiited in diti�it�l �nd harcl co�ti° f���•n� in th�e Nlicrc�s�ft Pr�ject tor ��'indo«.�s
B. The C0�ISLTL7�A�'T stl�ll pre�ar� �ncl su�n�it �� cieCa�led apinion �t estii��ate� cast
�f the PROJE�'T.
C. �I�he C�i�]5UL"E�����I�;�1' aekno���eclf��s �hat tt2e CI (thra�t�fh i�s eni�lo�
h�ndhc�e�k) cc��lsiciers the fc�1La��ifl�� to be niiscoi�rd�set nki�t is Rrotul�5 terr
tern�in�tion �f` � CIT�' em�lo� �1�1�� fi��trd, lor�e� r�lE����l�rc�priati�ri of fii���l�s.
rec:ei� in{� p3� izlent for se�-� ices not p�rfca� or fc�r �lolla�s nc�t ��or�ec�.
mish�l�sc�lii��= �r tiintruthf�Gl reportii��� of mc�r�e�� t1 clesiru�tic��7 of ���sets.
emhezzle�iz�ent. acce��tin;� rtletteri�ils �f ���ilu� ti�on� ��endors. or ce�ns�llt�nts. ancl!or
caLlectin�� t•ei�n���n•sel��ei�� of �sp��lse5 an�de fo�• �I�e ���neti� ot tk7e CITY. �he
CO\SULT��T ��r�zs th�t it ���ill not. ciirectl�� c�a� i��di��ectl�: ��lc�ru��a��c �� CIT�"
emplc��ee to en�,�a���: in sucfl itlisci7ilci�ict, �
D. The C'ONSL�LT' �.i�IT shall sub�nit Eill i inal dc�cuments iil t���th fiard c.op�� aci�
eLectronie fori�l�at. Plai�s s�1aIl be �ltitoCAD camp�til�le and all o�he� doc�»nents
shall be �.��(i�:rc�sc�t't C)tti�;e ���1��?ati��le. Th� softk���r� �.�ersir��� a��ec� sf�all bc
compatihle ta curr�.nt CI�I��' staiui����cis. C�tl��f� su��pc�rt c�acu�l�ents. fc�r e�;ampY�.
structural calculatic�itis. ch�aina�re rep+.�rts and ��eot�chni�ca� re���rts. �E7all be
si�bmitt�ci in klard cap�� �nl� All Recc��•d Dra�tiin��s electr��rzic l�iles shr411 b�
subi�litt�d tc� tk�e ('11�Y in �I�1F faranat.
-�- lU. I:c� i;��1 ] 1 l� �!7
E. Tkle C�7��Sl�LT.�1NT rec���nizes th�i all ��rt�« s�eci�l 1�����-isio�7s. fielc� saii•��e��
n��tes. re��i efitQ�i7ates ��nd at��� ��id all otEler clac�utl�n�s or• ���ork p��d�dtict
�}c�iera�ed br� th� CONSL�L�I�,r��T t�s�dez tl�� �'C�\�TI��,�C'�1� shall �e deli�cr�c� to tlie
CITY u�c�n r�quest. shall bec�me s��t�ject tc� the O�et� R�ec�i�cls La�� ofthis State.
�. �I kIC CC�NSL'L�I��=1� l sl���ll Eac°c�c��k�e ���ld mG�iultain ti�r t�1� duration esf this
���•ee�neilt. ins�iracic� a��'�i�ist c[aiins t��r injtu�i�.s to �erson�. dan�a��es to �rop�rt��.
O1' c�I11' �1'L'Qt'S �tCl� OT711SS1pI'1$ 1'�l�itlil�? t4� t�l� �)�I'fC)1'lll�lll��� Ot `c1TtV' ��"C)I'� �t' �E1�
CONSLI�,T�Ai�T'. its a;�er�t�. emp1��,-�es �r �«��c��itr�t�ctars �ulci�r tklis �!s.�rr��rn�nt.
as tollc��;G-s:
(1) ��'orl��:cs� C�oiiiptns�tinn as recltaire�l 1��� lai��.
(2) Profession�il Li���ilit�� It�:�ur��n�� i�1 t�n �m�i�nz not less than �51.�1��.000 in
the �a<�t�re��att.
(a) Ccaa7lpri:l�er�si�e C3�:��ea I_i�bi�it�� a»�i Pr�pertr� I�a�71a��re Insti���a��ce ��.�itl7
I111111It1L1i11 Il[lllt5 C4t ��.���.�Q'� t01' Q11�L11'1 OI' C���7��7 O$ �i115" Oile �7�1'SCrI7.
�1.�00.0C)[� €or each �c�.t�a anc� �1,0�0,f�0a f�r eaeh occ�9rr�t�c� c�f
ci�m�;�c t� c�i eiestructi�n oi pr�pert� _
(�F) Cc�mprel�e�ls���e Auto»�cabile anci Truek Liabilit�� In�ur�K1�:e ca�-eri�lg
��« r�ed. hirccl. �n� nc�i�-o« n�d ti-ellicN �l It�l 1111I11IlIllI11 liiliits c�f
�l,[lC��},00� for i�lj«r� �r cl��tll of �n1 c�ne E�ersc�n, $1,OQf�,f}�l0 i ���c:11
oe:etu�r�nce. a��cl 51.O{�O.C)�)Cl t�r �rape�-t�° da�l��a��e.
�1�1i� CC}�SUI.TANT slaall inclibd� tkle CI�`�' a� �n adcditic�nal i�7s�ra•ed u���der tllc
��licies_ �� ith tlie e�ce�ti�t7 of thc. ['rot�essic�nal �.i�lbilit� lnsuranc� at�d ����rk�rs'
Coi�lpeils�tic�n. �'ertit7c�tes of I��ls«rance �nd �ncio��seti�eilts sh�ill be fu��lislled tc�
thc �I7��' i��tor� ��o►•k �:�mil�e�lces. Fach ia�stu�ance polic� sl�al] �z e�7dorsed tc�
st�te t�1�1t co��era��e shall c�ot be susp�:ncleel. ����icled. car�ce���i. anel.'or rec�uced in
cc����era��re c�r in Limii� ( in C'orei exce��t ��,�ith p� �.ti�i c����ez7t �f
tlle C I�I �' ��ncl onlv zttcr the CI T"�' has been ��ro� ic�cc� �� ith «ritten notice �f such
Ch�si��e irl Cc?��er��e. �L�ch ����tice t�� �i� se�lt to t11e �C ITZ' �itl�er b�� h�llcl d�li�,����r� t�
tl�e Cit�� i�-I�na�r�r �i� b�� c�:rtiii�� �71z�i1. �•et����n ►•�c�ei�t � ai��l r�zcei��d l��
the Cit�• no fe�zer thaii tllirt� (�(�) ela� ��r•ior t� tlze �:ftect�� e datc at such C'h��i���
in Cc���era�e. P��€or t� comm»�i�ci�lt� ser��ice� u�id�r this Cf���TR.�CT'.
�C'{�NSULTA�T sh��61 l�tbr��ish CIT'�' �r itl� Czrtiticate� of� Insur�u�ce. or fonnal
ed7cio� as reqt�ire�i b� t�lis �'(��;7 isstEeci l�� �"�)V�SULTANT S
i�is�u�ei as ���i�lence �k7�it ��7licies pr«��ic�ir���� tlle d•ec�ui�•�cl c����et•���-�e. c����di�ioi�s.
a�1d liiui[s r�qtiire� 1,� this ��'�ITR.�"1C'�[ are ir� tiill �orce a»d ett���t.
? i c�. r.�, �;�,i 3 i�� s>�
G. �l lle CONSULT�1i�TT shail incl�il�n���:� ai�d l��ld tl�e C[T�', its otti�ers. ��r�etlt�. tirl��
�mpYo��ecs. harinlcss ti�c�i�a ciit�� cl�ii�». lc�ss. c3ai��ay7e. stiit. and ]iabilat`� c�f e� er�
�i�id i�r�i• ���llict� CO`�,rSULT�hy`�1T is le��tVl�� liable. iizcleGClin�= ��11 el�e��5es af
liti��atic���. �ouz�t ec�sts. ancj attc�i fees�. for in,jur� to c�r death c�f an�� ����•soil, fcri•
d�t�1a��� to aul�' pi•up�t�t��, or ei in ciesi�n. an4� c�f n�1ich ar� catised b� tt�e
ne��l��setlt ac� or �tlussion of tll� COitiTSt.iI.TAi�'T. Ili� c�fticers. e11���1��e�:s_ a`�ents.
Qr S���co6�U �i��c�er this C[)NTI�'1C�I .
H. All �a�rtizs insencl tl�at d�e CO'_�1SLiLT.�1\TT, i❑ }��z�f'�rn7i���� sei•��i�:es pu�•su�«t to �his
C�C}\TRACT_ sl�all act as an ir�c��penc��nt �c�ntF z���ti shall }�a�•� cot�trt�l ui�� its
o��n «ork ��Zd th� n����ln�r �a� ���hicll it is p���forr�le�i. Th� C"C7`�ISLTLT,�NT' is l�ot te�
be ce���si���rec� �IZ a��ent or empCc�� �:e o f tli� C iTS�'.
S�CT�Oi� II - P�RI[)D ()F SER`'IC.E
This C(���I�I�1�T �� �I1 be �inclinG�� �i�o�l ��ecuti�n �iYd eit�c�
.�.. Tlle ineth�c� c�f pa� fc�r tl�is CC)�TRACT is lic�ur���� nat ta e�e�eed. - l�c�tal
cc�k�tpeit�atic��1 t�>>° t13� se�°��ices �erforialed sf�all �lc�t elcee��i `�111,-460.
Ii. Tl1e CIT�' shall pa� the CDi�'S�iI,TANT i�l il�stallm�nts }��sc�� upon inc�i�tl����
pi•o�re�s ����c���ts ��1d detailed irti� c�ices subinittcr� b�� the CO�NS'L1L�C.�.i�'T s�tbject
tc� the tol�o���i�1�� li�nit��tic���s:
1'z�ior te� ;u��mittal oi* dzli� erable for Tas� I.?: T'�el�j Irl��entc�r� ��nd
�ssesstlletit of 1�DO�I �i�id Cit�� Tra9�tic Si�J�lal [nti��lstructtlrc. pa� i7lents tc�
tl�e CO� sh�ll nat e�c�e�d GQ%r c�i' i�le tc�t�l CC�N�R���T
?. Pric�r tc� submittal of tlle c�eli�,erable �o� '[�as�: 1.�: Pi Pr���isioals anc�
t'�tt�chin�ilts ��e:�:�ssar�� J��r 1i1� Cit�� �o E�ec�ite � ��Z t'���re�ment for
T��ke-c�ti�ei of T:�L)(�T Si�nal I�ifi���tE��i�ettu•e. p���tl�etY�� tc� t�7�
COiti��S��LTA�ITS sh�ll � e�ceec�'��7'%� of th� total CONTR�CT a��lo��nt.
�. Pi�ior to sub�Ilitt�l �f tlle deli�er�ble i«r "l�ask �.�: Ir����lei�lerltation Plaa1.
pa}�ments to the CD\S�_�LT��1T� sh�1l �lot e�cc��i 1O0°!� �k' tllt tutal
C():�TR�C ai�lc�uiqt.
C. Z C1 rY �h�ill mak� ���r me�lt5 to tlte C{�i�rSLIL1:��(i �� itl�in tl�irt�� (��) �ia��s
�fter r�e�i��t ancl �i}���rc�� al c�f � cl�tailecl �il� oice. Iyl�oie�� sQiGtVI be subn�iiteci oil �
Ii1C�[7t�11�' �3�3515.
- �- �i�. [t���.�.� � i �; o�
A. Th� CI"TY s11391 d�si�'nate ��raje�t �nana��er dt�rin« tk�e terYll of tlais CU�ITI��ICT.
Tll� �rajeet r��a�7���ei has �lte attth��i•it�� tc� �tc��ninistcr tlais C0;�ITRACT �nci s17�11
ii7u�7it�r� c�n���lial7ce �<<ith a➢1 teri7�s at�d c�r�c�iti�ils s�at�e�l llct�ei��. ��l] t����uests ts��C�
irif�oi7natio�l li or a ciecisic�i� bs tl�i�. Ci�I c��� an� �1����ct c,f tl�� titi shall t�e
direeter� t� th� pi•c?j�ct ans�rla���r.
�3. Thc C IT`�' ;h��ll r�� ie�� subt7iittals b� th� CQ�TSLTLT�a�'T a�Id pi�t�� idc prc�mpt
i to q���cstio�is �ar�d e�end�riil�� of cieei�io�ls pei•�4�inir�� t�ler�tt�_ to nlinirl�ize
�iela�� in t17e 17ro�ress of tl�e CONSUI.T�i'�TT'S w�-ork. TIY� CIT��` �� il6 keep Che
CC)\SL�LT�NT ttti�•i�ed cc�nceri�in<� th� l�rc���ress o(' t�l� CIT�"S re��ie« of t17e
���o�•k. Tiie C[�\'SL!LT�-1i'�TT a<=rees tllat the C[�I��"S ii�spectie�ti. re��ie�.z�.
acce}�ta�zce oT ap��rat��tl of Cf,�� ti4 sl�all not reliet�e
C'C7NSULT�NT'S respc�nsiE�ilit�� �or �r�•ors or omissic�z�s c�fthe COi` or
dts sub-cc�ns�il��nt(s) oi• in aqlv ��� �ffect the �C�J�iSUTANT's status as an
�r�ci�per�del7t csar�tr•�ct��r ��f tll� Ci�I��" '
SECTION ti' - T�R��i1�ATI0\'
�_'�. Tli� CIT4'. at i�s sole discr�Tion, ma�' ter•minate this t:C�N1RAC�T fc�r �ia��� reason -
-�� itk'1 Qr ���itlla��t e��lse -- ��� ci�l�� ei +.��� alotiee tc� C=C7ti1�ULT�i`�TT
pe1•son�ll� c�r k�� cert��iecl n7�i1 �t 9800 Richinor�d �=1� �i�ue. S��ite 40�J. �loeiston.
TX 770-4?. Itl��llediatelti a��er rece�� in� s�lch �ti nc�tice. th� Cf�\TSULT.��rT
sk�aql clisc�t��ii��ie �ai�c?��idii�� the s�r� ices�tinder �13is C(7�vrT1�ACT.
B. If this CC}NZRI�CT is termi�lat�:ci. C�3`���JL�'4NT shall �ie�i���r tc7 the CIT�' all
cle•��.ti �l��eci�il ��►�c���isi�,�7s, tielcl stilrti nc�tes. repc�rt�. �sti�laate� �t�c3 �d1�� �n� all
other c�ocu�neizts or ��c�i•1: pra�duet ;s=ener�ted b� th� C�J��SU�.T���rT' �u1d�r th�
CC�NTR:�CT. ei�t�i'�1�� c��� parti�all�,� con1� ta��t��er 1ti ith all tanus�:d iiiak�:rials
suE�pli�cl b�� tl�e CI1�1' an or �i�fc?i•e tl�� 1�'� da�� f'��plo�.��i��� ter�l�i�iation of t�le
CC��.iTRACT. - �
C. Ii� t11� e����1t of s�ich te��mi►���Cic�r�. i3Ye CO���SL�L.TA�1T sklall be ��ici fc?r• �se�•��ices
perfc�r�r��c9 ��r'ic�r t�� �'ece�pt o�r tl�e « itotice �if [eE �l�he �I�I�Y �h��ll
i�lake final �����i��ent �tiitlai�� sixt�� (fiCl�) c9a��s afte�• tlle CE��ISL:��LT�i�T l�a� deli�erecl
ta t41� CIT`r` � c3et�il��l iiz��oic�: g'or s�r�ices rei�ld�r�c� �nc� tll� dc�cuments c,r r����•1�
p� ���nea�f�te�d [��� the CON�ULT.1���1� uulcler th� CONTRACT.
D. If t�7e r�e��7�in�r��tio�i �ckiec�tal�.�i t�nc�e�� this cc�►�tr��ct i� b�s�d 4�p�n �i I�tie�i 1`�� c�r
��leti�lit�l�` ��sceetaii�al�C�e sum. tlle porti�ai� uf sue�� s�u3i pa� shall be
�1•c�pc�i�ticjY��te to the ptrcei�t��e afi sef�� iczs ec�inpletcd b� tl�e CONSLLT,�i�1T
t��ised t���an tlte sc����e ��f «
-=�- �u. i��� ����� ��� t� i7;
E. I�l khe e� ent this �'�(���1�I�'�(�' is tc� the �'IT�' s���11 h�r�e tk7� o�.�tion ��f
a:c�t711�leting tl7e ���c�a�k, c��� e�Iteriil� intc� a CO`��rR,�C'T �z itE7 ai�c�tkiei� part�;' 1��r• tlle
corllpletion c�f thc �ic�r�:. �
F. I� t17e C���' ter this C4��'TR�yCT fc�r cat�se ��7c�r'�r it� tl�� C(J�1TR�CTlJR
bi�eaciles an� prc�ti ision c�f tltys CC)NTR:�C'T. thetl tlte C'I1��� shall �Iati-c ��ll ri;rhts
ai�d a�ein�c3i�s in 1��.� arzd'crr �quit� �i�'�lllnsi C(7�1Si 1�.T.�,�1T. Vetlti� foi• a�i�� actir�n
or clis����t� arisin�� out of or o��l��in�� t�� this CC)NTIi�"�CT shall �e in Brazori�
Cou�ltt . 'I�k�e �a�� s nf� the St�te c�f T��as sh�ll {�o��er�n tl�e terins c�f tllis
CQNTRI�CT. Tl�e pre��aTlij�� ���-t� ia� t}le actio�l �laall h� enti�lec�l to r��c��•er it�
�tctual c�az�������s �ti1h interest, attorne�'s fces. costs �nc� e�}�e��ses incura�ecl in
c��n�ction �k�ith thc c�i;pute az�d!or �cti�n. Cp��SLiL��I�vrT ��i1d CI�I�Y desirc an
ey}�ee�itic�us me�ns to resal��e an� ci6sptirtes that ��lay� arise b�t�� u�zd�r this
CO�T�I���.CT. Ta� accae7lE��ish this. tkie }�arties 1<�t��e to t7iecii��Ci��z� �s t�oll����s: I1� a
ciis��tlte arises out of r�r relates tc� this C��\'TRAC'T, or the }�t•e�s�:h there��f. and if
t��� di���it� �a1�r����t be settled t�irou��h �le�otis�ti€�n. khe�� t1�e ���rties a�ree first to �rti�
in �ood t��ith. ane� bet�ore �tirslain<r �n�� le�al remeclies. to s�ttle the c{isE3t�te ���
»Yediatic�n of a thil part` l� �1r� r� ill be seleeteci b�' ���1'eemeilt c�f t�le parti�:s.
�5��'T�IC}i� �'I — E�ITII�� �GItEE�IE�'��
�ll�is C(�\TR.�CT re�re;ents tkie entir�e a�reement bef��zei� th� C'IT�' �nd ih�: C:ONSLILTANT
and su�ersedcs all ��e�ior ne�=c�t`rati�c�s. represent�tions. �r eonti-acts. eit3ter �t ritten c�r �r�l. Th�s
CC��1TR,aC'T tn�� be tim�:t7��cci onl� b�� « ins�r �il�ned b� L�oth parties.
SECTI(7�v `'lI — �i��v'ENA�rT AG�I\ST COi�TI�r`G�"�TT �k:ES
T11� CO�1SLlL�I����T af1i��1�7s that he has r elalplo�,�ed or ret��ined s3n�� eon�����1�� c��r persc��l, otl�el•
than a l��na fi�le emplc���ce ����ot�l:in�t [or th� CC)�?5LILTANT to solicit or se��sa�e tltiis
C'(}iti�l�i�<1CT. ��lcl th�t he h�s �lc�t �3icl c�t� a��i•e�d to ��a�� ���x�� co�lap�t�l�� ac persc�n_ atl�er t�lan a
be�til� fid� ��nplr���ee. aat�� F��. �:t��Y�€filissic��l, t�ercenta��e brokera�e tee. gii't. or �a�l�� r�ther
eo��sicler��tion. cc7l�tin;s�:t�t upan c�r rc�ulti��ti i'a�c�il� ihe a����a��ci or i�l�kiilR Qf the C�V�I�(Z�Z��1�. For
bre�ell o► 1-i�l�r�ia�� �f ���is clalis�, tt7� C'IT�' rlla�� tcri��itl�t� tl�is CO��TRAC�' ���ithout li�k7ilit�
anci i�l its cliscretio�l. m�a� dee��ict f�rc��z� tl�� C�i\iTRACT pric�� or oansiciei•atiof�. o�� otklee�ti�ise
rec��� er. t��e l�ull ai7i�unt of s�icl� fee. c�cllrali5sion. percenta��e hi•c�ker��re fze. <�itt. or cc�iltiil��ent
fee �hat has bec►� paid. � � �
->- � Ii. l�rt i;etl I 1 I�(17
This CO]`tiTTR.�CT sh�ll not E�e assi;�nal�le eleept upc�n the i� ec�a�sea�Q c�1�t�le pfirties h���eta,
Th� p�rtics E�at e execttte�i tllas CO\rTRt1CT tl�is 2$th�c3a�,' of ,7un� .?010.
CIT ' ARLA� L7. 'l ��;;.��5
Bi11 Eisen, Caty Manager
1 "' � ��`'4'``c � -
CC��,�SULT,a�T - �� ILBi iR \-1�T =�SSUCIATES
Rc,he��t F. B�'�ineau�. Jr.. �'E
Vice 6'r�eside�zt
-�- ]C>. Rc�i��i1 i 1 l� Ci7
TASK 1— Tx�OT S�gnai Tak�-vver
3ask � .1 Task Managernent
Task 1.1.� Cqordination with City
The cansultant project manager and task leader will coordinate cl��ePy
with the �ity pro�ect manager for all s�b-tasks r�lated to the TxaOT signal
take-over including fhe schedulic�g of ineetings and discussions with
TxDflT and others.
Task 1.1.2 Coordina�ion wit� TxQOT
The consultant wili Eden#ify and establish cantact with appr�priate TxD�T
Houston District repres��tat�v�s concerning #he pracess for the City's
tak�-over �af TxaQT signafized iratersectior� operation and rr�ainte�anc�.
The consultant wil9 t4etermine �xDOT policies ar�d proc�dures �or use in
the proposed ta�ce�ouer process as weil as issues of the process (tirne-
frarne, etc.).
Task 1.1.3 Re�or#ing
The c4nsultar,t will provide periodic progress rep�ets arrd other writt�n
communicatio�s 3o the �City project rnanag�:r concerning activit�es, issues
arod resotution af issues ra�ated to the TxDOT sigr�af take-aver activities.
Tas�C 1.1 Delivera�les
F Memorandurn of TxDQT r€:quiremen�s, policies, pracedures and issues
concerning take-ove�' �f signals �y th� City.
� Memorandum to report ager�cy car�tacts, representation and 9ssues
involved in �he sic�na� take-over, inve�tary and assessment.
Task '�.2 Field Inventary and Ass+essmen� of TxDOT and City T�affic Signal
Task 1.2.1 Preparatian of Field I�ventory Ta�ls
Th� consultant will p�epare tools necessary to accomplish a detailed
inventory of existing TxE?QT and Ci�y traffic sig�al ir�frastr�c�ure incfuding
field dafa s'�ieets, computer file struct�r�:, ftp sit� access, etc. The
consultant will also compi{e �urrent TxD(�T desigr�, operation and
maintenance standarc�s with w�ich to assess curren# signal infrastructure
Task 1.2.2 F�eld Invent�ry and Assessment
The consuftant will conduct field inventory o� the existing TxDOT
operatedlmainta9neci intersectian traffic signals and the �xisting City nf
City of IPearland 2 Traffic E�gineering Consultant
June 4, 201fl 5cflpe aT Services
Pearland traff�c sig�als to determine the �ype, quanfity and condifion of
specific signa:l infrastructure elemen#s. Inventory items will be compil�d on
ind�v4dual intersection dat� sheets. Personnel conduGting these field
in�entories will include staff with experienc� in the ciesign, operatior� anci
maintenance af traffic sig�als. Assessment of fhe elemer�ts will be made
and noted in regard fo appficability to �curre�t standar�ls anc� conc�i�ian of
the eiements and further refined in subsequent office r�vi�w.
Inuentory wifl be limifed to obseruatior� and r�cordation af the cand�tion of
major items inciuding surface graund box, signaf poles, tra#fic signal
heads, span wire and conr�ections, down and back-guy wires„ applicable
signing, pouver source, visible foundations an� bolt connections, control`er
exterior and controller interior components. Cantroller companer�ts to be
ch�cked wikl be controller display, Ioop detector ampiifiers, VIVDS
actuatio�s to the cantrol�er, conflict rr�onitor presence, anc� genera�
condition of wirkng and cabinet layou#. A sarr�pfing af uRderground
camponents including ground boxes and hancS-holes will be made to view
the condit�on of splices, conduit location and sealing, grau�ciing and
ground box int�egrity. Digital photographs will be cnade for each approach
Qf the int�rsection and �ignificant discrepancoes that ar� n�ted,
�ask 1.2.3 Coraclusions and Recommendations
Basea on the inven#c�ries, resulfing tabulations anc� professional a�i�rion of
the c�ansultant, concl�sions regarding acc�ptance �nd required upgrade to
exssti�g TxD�T rnaintained signal infr�structure will be rievelopec�.
Recc�mmendations wi[I be �ormulated for the City to formaf9y presen� to
TxQOT for �reparation and execution of an agreement for Gity tafce-over
af these facilities.
l��sk 1.2 Delaver�bles
� �ist of signal infrastructure inven#ory i�ems for �he City's rev�ew and
co�rrment, a table of current TxDOT des9gn. opera�ion and main#enance
standards a�d comrnerr� �nd access to the project �tp s�te for file sl�arinc�.
� A cQmpiled s�t of i�ventary of all intersectic�ns and a summary tabulation of aCl
devi�tions in design, materials and condit�an of the irnver�toried intersectior�
c A technical memorand�m in a forrnat sufFicien# for presentatior� to TxDOT 'by
t�he City af Pe�rland in preparafii4n of a Type R agreement far signal take-
�'ask 1.3 Staffin� and Costs for aperatian and Maintenance of Traffi� 5ignals
and High Mast Lrg'��i�g
T�sk 1.3.1 Pearland Urganizational Structure
City of Pearland 3 Traf�ic Engineering Consultar�t
Jun� 4, 2010 Scope of Services
ir� cooperation with the Pear€ar�d City staff, the consultant will reuiew
current City budgEt and arganizational struCture ta determ�ne vvhere #raffic
signal engineerin�, operation a�d mainter�ance acfivities couYd be situated
€rc�m a rr��nagement perspective.
Task 1.3.2 Operation and Maintenance �iiternatives
The consult will compile requirements for operation and maintenance
(O&M) flf �ra#fic signal infrastructure and deve��p �Ifernatives of sta�fing,
training and budgetary �equirements for incorpc�ratic�n c�f the activity.
Task 1.3 De9iver�bles
� A merr�aranciurr� presenting afternafives and recommendatians fQr the
managem�nt structur� of tra�Fic signal O&Ni ac#ivi#ies.
Task 1.4 Determine Cc�st Bas9s for Tx�Q� Reimburserroent of Costs of
T�sk 1.4.1 TxDOT Traffic Signal Mai�atenance Hi�tc�ry
The ct�nsu�tant will c4ordinate with TxDOT to obtaEn �urrent mair�tenance
history of th� traffic signal is�frastructur� to c4etermine }�ast emergency and
preventative maintenance requiremen�s.
Task '�.4.2 Forecast City Costs of Main#enan�� Aetivi#ies
Based or� fhe res�rlts of task 1.3 and the maintenance history of existing
TxDQT signals, the consultant wiil calculate forec�s# annual total costs anc�
unit costs (in terms of `traffic signa� eq�ivai�n#s') for pot�ntial reimbursemen#
of costs by TxDQT per �xDOT policies.
Task 1.4 Deiiv�rab4e
� A technical memarandu� summarizing maintenance histary af TxDCC:�T signal
�nfrastructure and forecast �nnual tota[ costs and un�t cos�s that would be
rec���red for Co#y O&M of these signals; to include TxD�T bac}cup data .
Task 1.5 Prepare Provisions and Attachmer�ts �lecessary for the City to
Execute a Type R Agreem�nt for Take-over of TxRC)T Signal
Task � .5.1 N�gotiati4ns with TxDOT
The cansultant will assis� the City in discussions with `fxD07 concerning
�rov�sions necessary for the City to assurrre operational and maintenance
jur�sdiction over existing TxDQT signals within �he City of Pearland
Task 1.5.2 Ordinance Qr Resolution Provisions
Gity of pearland 4 Traffic Engin2ering Consultant
June 4. 2�1fl Scope of Services
The consultar�t will pre��are �xh�bitslattachrnents and aduise C�ty staff af
provisians necessary to subrnit an ordinance or res�lutian to City Council €r�r
Task 1.5 Deliverabl�
� A memarandum af recommended ordinar�c�l�'esafution provisions and required
exh�bitslattachments to a TxD�T Typ� R agreement for take-over of TxQOT
signal infrast�ucture by the City c�# Pearfar�d.
Task 1.6 ImplementatiQn Plan
T�sk 1.E.1 Irr�plernentation Pkan
Th�e consultar�t will prepare and subrnit a plan for implementation of traffic
signal in�rastructure operatir�n an� mair�tenance. �he p�an will inciude, at a
mir�imum, staffing, equiprr�ent ar�d material requirements, emerger�cy
maintenance procedur�s, preventative maintenance schedules and
proced�res and mai�tenar�ce documentation requirements.
Recommenda#ions for update or equipment and traffic sigr�al ope�
par�meters (timing� and schedules) wilf be made..
Task 1.6 Deliverable
� A� report detailtng alternatives and recomm�ndations for implementatio� �f tr�ffic
signai O&M activities.
City of Pe�rland 5 7raffic �ngt��erirsg Corasult�nt
Ju�e 4, 201Q Sco�e of Services
WORKEftCA7EGORY �� ti.i 72
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Principal �250.0�
PrQ�ect Mana er �a220.0�
Technical Mana �r $210.Ofl
Senior ITSFTraffic �n ineer � �170.00
Senior �raffic �n ineerlTransportation Planner $140.00
�TS En ineerl�enior ITS Technician �140.Ofl
Traffie En ineerl"�rans artatio� Planner �110.00
Graduate ITS En ine�r 59�.00
Seniar CADD Tech �1t�0.00
Graduate Traff�c En ir�eerfT�an� o�tatifln Pkanner �8Q.00
CAQE? Technician � $65.00
ClericallAdministrakive � �66.C�0
� f'ro�ect Mana er �220.Ofl
Technical M�na �r ; $210.00
Senior ITSITraffic �n ineer $1$0.00
Senior Technician �140.00
1.7. Task NPana gement
21.1 Coordina[ian with City
I.1.Z Coc�rdination with Txf�07
1.1.3 Repartin�,
Field Inventory/Assessment
1.�.1 Prepration forrri Inv�rltc�ry
1Z,2 �ie4d Inventay and /lssessrzient
1.2.3 Conclusian�/Retommendation
Staffing�Costs for 4&M
1.3.1 C)i�aniz�tional SCr�ocfur'e
i.�.z a�n� n�ti��n�c�vPs
Basis for TxDOfi Reimburseme Cos
1.A.1 Evaluate Mainteti�n[e I�istpry
1.4.Z fOt'eCaSC CVty �osLs
Provisions/Attachments for Ag reement
1.5.1 NegotfaCions with 7xDDT
1.5.2 Ordininte/Resolution F'ro v i slons
lmplementatian Ptan
1.b.1 F'repare Implementaton Plan
Majar �ask
Sub Task